[ US /ˈkəntɹimən/ ]
[ UK /kˈʌntɹɪmən/ ]
  1. a man from your own country
  2. a man who lives in the country and has country ways

How To Use countryman In A Sentence

  • The programme, Clarissa and the Countryman, paid homage to the land and its food producers.
  • I will not have this regiment torn asunder by such cowardly prattle. Somewhere in the Province of Massachusetts Bay there is a loyal countryman in whose farmhouse we can tarry for a night.
  • The successor of your countryman was a Russian nobleman, succeeded in his turn by a Polish Jew, who was ruined and discarded within three months. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • ROME—Italy's government has asked Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Italian member of the European Central Bank's executive board, to step down nearly two years before his term ends in order to facilitate the ascension of countryman Mario Draghi as the bank's president. Italy Tries to Tweak Europe Central Bank Board
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
  • They would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who'd discovered their hidden lair.
  • And if Läckberg and her supporters have their way, she'll soon be as well known as her countryman, Stieg Larsson. Jesse Kornbluth: Sweden's Population: 9 Million. Camilla Lackberg's Swedish Book Sales: 3 Million. Camilla Who? (VIDEO)
  • In an uncanny way, he could manage to portray the deeply spiritual side of the symphonist with the craggy, almost brusque facet of the countryman.
  • Here, the exiled speaker asks a fellow countryman if the same pleasant breeze blows across the borders.
  • They were such as he had an intimate acquaintance with, being not only their countryman, but their companion in tribulation; they and he were fellow-sufferers, and had lately been fellow-travellers, in very melancholy circumstances, from Judea to Babylon, and had often mingled their tears, which could not but knit their affections to each other. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
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