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How To Use Counselor In A Sentence

  • [42] Of such ministers and counselors, the holy king said that they who were confounded and ashamed should remove themselves far from him: _Avertantur statim erubescentes, qui dicunt mihi, "Euge, euge! The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Once upon a time, I was a camp counselor in scenic New Hampshire, where I taught swimming. 'America's Next Top Model' recap: Commercial success |
  • He also worked as a counselor at a juvenile correctional detention centre.
  • Dara, a counselor, is convinced that everyone is inescapably marked by childhood; she throws herself into romantic relationships with frightening intensity. The House on Fortune Street: Summary and book reviews of The House on Fortune Street by Margot Livesey.
  • Many counselors who come to camporees are not really ready for the experience.
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  • A counselor tries not to be faultfinding.
  • Counselors in this area report that the most successful groups are the ones in which the men come to challenge one another about their abusiveness.
  • Our statute provides that no person shall be permitted to practice as an attorney or counselor-at-law, without having previously obtained a license for that purpose from two of the justices of the Supreme Court. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • To provide genetic testing and interpretation of test results at the request of physicians or genetic counselors for the purpose of disease diagnosis, carrier status determination, risk assessment, prenatal testing, or presymptomatic testing Laboratory Rotation
  • Ronna Herman is a spiritual astrologer, counselor, new age practioner and teacher.
  • What does the child gain from these experiences with the counselor?
  • The term therapist can refer to a psychiatrist, psycholo­gist, social worker, nurse, or pastoral counselor. NPR Topics: News
  • Counselor Stephen D. McCullough said the calls were at four times their normal volume, and ranged from people still in shock to a woman who has just one set of clothes that now are mud-caked and studded with glass and debris. Demand for Counseling Surges in Joplin
  • Impressive. And what sort of case was that?" asked the investment counselor.
  • It was the counselor's role to help the youths clarify and reframe belief constructs while helping to identify and translate the subconscious into the conscious.
  • The Chinese foreign ministry on Friday lodged a formal protest with Russia's minister counselor to China, Morgulov Igor.
  • Prison officials then instituted an hour a day of "psycho-educational teaching" for the prisoners, who were placed in cage-like outdoor cells arranged in a semicircle and facing a counselor.
  • She is a marriage guidance counselor.
  • Not only do you have to be a teacher, you must be a parent figure, confessor, psychologist, counselor, public relations expert, and a role model for the community.
  • In either case, the counselor will have in hand one or more classroom assignments to be completed by the student.
  • In the old ideal, lawyers were independent counselors to whom clients turned for sage advice and highly specialized talents.
  • The Fords are a close-knit, loving family, but the counselors who saw Greg said he was exhibiting classic signs of sex abuse, which naturally put the parents under suspicion. Unholy Communion
  • Guerrieri is a defense counselor in Bari, Italy, and he's asked to work on the appeal of a man named Fabio Paolicelli, accused of drug smuggling. Reasonable Doubts -- Gianrico Carofiglio (Trans. Howard Curtis)
  • The investment counselor bilked his clients of $ 1.5 million.
  • That question is what your Majesty might call foxy," said one of the counselors, an old grey fox. Love Letters
  • We later had a behavioral health counselor talk to him, but Jeremy said he didn't want help - he could handle things on his own.
  • In contrast, at DuSable, a high school in Chicago, each guidance counselor advises 420 students.
  • She sits across from Roger Ellert, who, like all the other counselors, is a volunteer for SCORE, an organization run through the Small Business Administration that offers free counseling to business owners throughout the country. Need Advice? We'll Give You 30 Minutes
  • It may be a guidance counselor who is interested in getting the school to develop strategies to help work-inhibited students.
  • He always referred to her lovingly and with tears in his eyes when he spoke in the chapel in his role as a counselor to his fellow inmates. The Christmas Thief
  • The premarital counselor or educator can use various strategies to aid couples in the development of and progression towards the shared vision for the marriage.
  • Lena took the binder from the counselor with pale, cold hands. 365 tomorrows » J. Loseth : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • After all, back in the 70's it was illegal to put benzoic acid in soda pop, with vitamin C because of the chemical reaction turning it into the toxic benzene, but now products routinely have the two mixed .... under the guise, of course, that you will automatically want the "healthy" drink because of the vitamin C. by karmacounselor Karma Counselor: Toxic Lubricants Cause HIV Symptoms
  • Eric Van Kooij Counselor for Science & Technology, Royal Netherlands Embassy.
  • Counselors say the program has pushed some success-driven students, egged on by their parents, to prepare earlier for college admissions.
  • Lay people comprise a competent team of premarital counselors. Christianity Today
  • Specifically, it examines their role as counselors and confessors to married and unmarried women who sought to unburden their hearts and describe in detail the contours of their emotional and erotic lives.
  • A counselor or school psychologist can help identify practical solutions that make it easier for the child and family to cope day by day.
  • You need to find a Christian counselor to talk with on a regular basis. With their help and God's help, you can quit being a victim and become an overcomer.
  • Many international counselors are accustomed to the fresh, unprocessed foods that are the norm in many countries.
  • My mother was a schoolteacher, and my father was a minister and a high school guidance counselor.
  • The counselor has maneuvered her into a situation where she can no longer act sensibly and decently.
  • I went to a counselor for guidance on my career.
  • a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor
  • Pain rehabilitation programs often employ a multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, psychologists, counselors and physical therapists.
  • You are an employee assistance counselor.
  • To show that he was an evenhanded admonisher, Pyrrpallinda also turned his ire on the second counselor. Running From The Deity
  • “He knows the mindset, the policies, how a Scientologist is conditioned to think and act, and he knows what helped to disillusion him,” says Steven Hassan, a Massachusetts-based cult “exit counselor” who has recruited Gorman to help him with Scientology cases. Anonymous gears up for more Scientology protests
  • He was a counselor, court-appointed or self-appointed, I don't know which, for Jason Bierman. HOPE TO DIE
  • Counselors should be watching for changes in behavior or increased irritability.
  • Alternatively, the counselor may request that the teacher provide specific assignments for the child to bring to the counseling session.
  • Similarly, though I will probably never fully leave it, I have a hard time giving myself over fully to my “ROO” religion of origin–a little play on a term counselors use for one’s family of origin. What is Religion? | Mind on Fire
  • NME would pay "bounties" to high school guidance counselors and others who worked with youth to identify those with parental insurance who might "need" treatment. Maia Szalavitz: Parity for Effective Addiction and Mental Health Care: Not Just Treatment as Usual
  • Kids think they're invincible," said the school's drug counselor.
  • I have wanted to work as a counselor from my home or teach private piano lessons.
  • By now, with the help of various counselors, I'd navel-gazed a giant gaping hole in my bellybutton, dissecting my own personal history the way a Proust scholar had Remembrance of Things Past.
  • Secondly, I reject the notion that the counselor is “doing her job” by preventing men from expressing their pain AS AN INTEGRAL PART of an anger management course. Subverting Patriarchy: Not just for chicks anymore. « A Bird’s Nest
  • I called a counselor who works with teens and made an appointment for a family meeting tomorrow at five-thirty. The Blessing of a B Minus
  • Monk and mystic, monastic theologian and papal counselor, hagiographer and polemicist, a renowned preacher in the cloister and beyond it, Bernard was the single most important impetus for the spread of the Cistercians.
  • You asked a question, Counselor, and I answered it, Chakotay replied tonelessly. Star Trek: Voyager®: Full Circle
  • Many mental health counselors point out that the proliferation of analeptics on college campuses is partly a matter of demographics.
  • At a time when there were far fewer social workers, guidance counselors, and psychologists, parishioners flocked to their priest in times of trouble.
  • Nathaniel Martin was a teacher and guidance counselor in Claiborne County for 11 years.
  • After so many other thrills, another counselor says she will take the kids for a walk in the forest.
  • As the camp counselor, you can help children recognize how words can hurt as much as a tumble or a well-aimed punch.
  • Spider was a big brother, a mentor, a guidance counselor that put the whole world in his hands.
  • The program had no credentialed counselors, no chemical dependency services, failed to inform clients of their rights, and was found to be illegally handling medications.
  • Based on your income and debt, certified credit counselors will contact and negotiate with all your creditors to agree on a consolidated monthly payment amount.
  • I, Bryndal M. Ellison, officer of the Caledonian Court and Counselor of Law, do certify that the above and forgoing is a true, correct and entire copy of the Decree of Court, re: Adoption of Lady Tempyst Lane Wormser, a minor doll, file number 1023; so full and entire as the same remains of record and on file in said office. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Ministers do more marriage counseling than all the marriage counselors put together. Christianity Today
  • Counselors described career planning as a low priority and admitted that they had minimal training in labor-market analyses or career guidance.
  • The counselors on the other end of the line didn't take her seriously.
  • Redirecting our focus to encompass both the camper and counselor enhances the camp experience for all involved.
  • If he keeps pestering you, talk to a school guidance counselor or other adult you trust to intervene.
  • Those making the allegations include a priest, guidance counselor, professor, engineer and lawyer.
  • If she keeps skipping meals, confide in your mom or a school counselor.
  • The claim of the plaintiff, who is a married woman, to be admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law, is based upon the supposed right of every person, man or woman, to engage in any lawful employment for a livelihood. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • This tragedy has provided the impetus to hire more school counselors, psychologists, and social workers.
  • He is the press counselor at the Chinese embassy in Washington.
  • Find a counselor or therapist who specializes in social skills to help you develop the abilities you seek.
  • Thus an Ohio guidance counselor was disciplined for telling a school secretary that two of the students she was counseling were homosexual.
  • If she doesn't budge an inch, it may be time to call in the reinforcements (that means ask your parents or school counselors to step in).
  • If an alteration in one of two RET gene copies is identified, the genetic counselor can next examine whether the alteration has been previously reported in other individuals with MEN2. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
  • That’s it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a counselor or an engineer or a bodybuilder.
  • NIV the captain of fifty and man of rank , the counselor , skilled craftsman and clever enchanter.
  • A typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor.
  • The process of client-centered therapy is to regenerate the self and reintegrate the personality penetrating unconditional positive regard in counselor and client's relationship.
  • If you're struggling with debt and unsure about your options, talk to a reputable credit counselor before filing for bankruptcy.
  • Share this report with your merit badge counselor.
  • Ignore all the usual advice about careful writing and proofreading given by every job counselor you know.
  • I talked to the counselor and she told me other ways to get rid of my anger and pain. She also had to tell my parents I was cutting.
  • But when an adult supervisor and other counselors organized a tug-of-war, Allan's instincts told him to refuse to join in.
  • Money was tight; he couldn't afford the trips on his salary as a counselor at St. Petersburg College.
  • The counseling department also provided counselors for kibbutzim, and later to moshavim, to help with growing vegetables. WIZO: Women's International Zionist Organization (1920-1970).
  • Those with interpersonal intelligence are sensitive to others; think of diplomats and counselors as examples.
  • Mary and the agency counselor meet each week to discuss the progress of his groups.
  • Counselors need to understand that the sound of sirens may signal danger to them.
  • When I served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legal Counsel and Counselor for International Affairs at the Meese Justice Department, I was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury investigating misdoing by an associate of then Attorney General Edwin Meese with regard to kickbacks on a pipeline that was to have been built from Baghdad to Aqaba. Allan Gerson: Giving Libby the Benefit of the Doubt
  • We heard of the struggle of the pastoral counselor, poorly equipped for the task at hand, and yet pushed to provide more pastoral care.
  • For the one principal and one guidance counselor to have constant contact with all our kids would be an impossibility.
  • On the whole, the meeting has the backslapping atmosphere of counselors returning to camp.
  • One family counselor suggested that Sophie be emancipated from her family at 16 years of age.
  • Instead, the screenwriters should have devoted more time to developing the relationship between Kat and her clergyman counselor and to providing us with a better understanding of both the friendly dockland security manager, who may have something to hide, and the lowbred Jim, the former fiancé of Kat's sister.
  • A job search is always a mind game," says independent career counselor Cathy Severson of Santa Barbara, California.
  • P.S. And I also noted that new Governor Jan Brewer (Napolitano's replacement, also negligently responsible for much of what has occurred during her six years of "nonaction" on behalf of Arizonans) also simply has a "beware" message on her website for some of these counselors that were the new "jobs" created by this manipulated crisis apparently Congress and Obama were speaking of. State Politicos Capitalizing On Mortgage Crisis For Career Development
  • Find a counselor or therapist who specializes in social skills to help you develop the abilities you seek.
  • Alternatively, the counselor may request that the teacher provide specific assignments for the child to bring to the counseling session.
  • I could scarcely compose myself, and must have betrayed indignation in my mien to the stranger, who was a counselor-at-law in the neighborhood, a man of engaging aspect and polite address. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • Lay people comprise a competent team of premarital counselors. Christianity Today
  • And what sort of case was that?" asked the investment counselor.
  • Ministers do more marriage counseling than all the marriage counselors put together. Christianity Today
  • No person shall be permitted to practice as an attorney or counselor-at-law, or to commence, conduct, or defend any action, suit, or plaint, in which he is not a party concerned, in any court of record within this State, either by using or subscribing his own name or the name of any other person without having previously obtained a license for that purpose from some two of the Justices of the History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Counselors within school systems and psychotherapist5 in the community possess the knowledge and skills to assist students, parents, and teachers.
  • The counselor to the president's accusing the network of what it calls deceitful editing, twisting the president's words. CNN Transcript May 20, 2008
  • He was on the cusp of becoming a delinquent teenager when a Christian camp counselor asked if he was going to heaven or hell: He decided at that moment to dedicate his life to Christ.
  • Fortunately, the counselors reacted quickly and performed a reach assist while the camper was still under water.
  • She fought often with bunkmates and counselors and was hard to control.
  • I must follow up problem students with the deans or the guidance counselors.
  • He had seen a summer camp counselor demonstrating hypnosis using mesmeric passes and postural sway tests and was intrigued by what he saw.
  • And here is your lanyard, I replied, which I made with a little help from a counselor.
  • Haste is a poor counselor. Alexandre Dumas 
  • I didn't exercise that option, because I didn't want to alienate my fellow directors and counselors by appearing insubordinate.
  • After so many other thrills, another counselor says she will take the kids for a walk in the forest.
  • But once the ominous earmarks of the addictive process begin to appear, a trained counselor can identify the condition years before the final accelerating deteriorative spiral. Celebrity Online News - Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Information and Celebrity Reports. Celebrity RSS Feed Available
  • You may be assigned a wait - list counselor who will keep tabs on your progress.
  • Based on your income and debt, certified credit counselors will contact and negotiate with all your creditors to agree on a consolidated monthly payment amount.
  • Once a counselor has regressed, there is a loss of perspective and sense of consequences that may result in unsound judgment calls.
  • Eddie Kekea, an AIDS counselor at the Anglican Church division of Education, based in the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby, says a challenge is changing male behavior to curb domestic violence and promote safe sex. Papua New Guinea Makes Gains in AIDS Battle but Faces Challenges
  • Should counselors violate privileged communication by reporting suspected cases of abuse or neglect?
  • A rapid series of phone calls ensued, with the U.S. playing the role of marriage counselor by talking to Turks and Israelis, who weren't talking to each other. U.S. Plays Therapist With Turkey, Israel
  • He was a good guy who kept me informed of what was going on with the other counselors.
  • The pressure on our counselors is pretty much uniformly going up," says Rowe. Entrepreneurs turn to small business centers for free help
  • A series of meetings were held where the principal, counselor, school psychologist, and teachers met with the parents.
  • At their best, people of faith minister to others in sick rooms, act as counselors, as empathic fellow-sufferers, and as institutors of healing agencies.
  • The condemned inmate's attorney is often forced to play the role of counselor.
  • Like the time she told my guidance counselor that I had to miss school for exploratory surgery, when she really needed me to babysit.
  • We can read the books children are reading, find out what happens in class, ask what the guidance counselor said.
  • When answering the counselor's question, "Where are you?" the counselee must have the freedom to correct any misapprehensions by saying, "No, not there; I am over here. Leading with our ears
  • There were coffee houses which offered fortune tellers, palmists, physiognomists, job counselors and origami instructors.
  • Meanwhile on the churchly front, he served as canonical counselor and defender of the first Episcopal women priests irregularly ordained.
  • Does it work when a staff is comprised of counselors ages fifteen through fifty?
  • The teaching faculty of TPT includes senior English-Chinese interpreters , English professors from best universities, foreign experts, educational theorist and senior translation counselors.
  • Now this is what we call cooking with gas! by karmacounselor on Thursday, Dec 24, 2009 at 7: 51: 30 AM Jane Hamsher, Grover Norquist Call for Rahm Emanuel's Resignation
  • From time to time, the counselor might reflect back to the child what is happening.
  • Carrie Bloxson, a New York City-based nutritional health counselor who is unaffiliated with the study, says that eating whole foods is the way to go.
  • The school counselor, as follows, informs the counselee of the purposes, goals, techniques and rules of procedure under which she/he may receive counseling assistance at or before the time when the counseling relationship is entered. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • Counselors try to analyze me but can't give my parents an explanation.
  • Brigham Young became governor of the territory with his two counselors serving as secretary and chief justice.
  • As bishop of Sykeon, Theodore used his capacities as a marriage counselor.
  • So why do you make as much as a guidance counselor?
  • You are the campers' counselor and friend, not their contemporary or peer.
  • At a time when there were far fewer social workers, guidance counselors, and psychologists, parishioners flocked to their priest in times of trouble.
  • After a year of sessions and tests, the counselor reached his conclusion.
  • My favorite part of my favorite job (camp counselor) was singing in chapel with my cabin of little girls, always a blast. Tadpolecast – maya l’abeille
  • In 1270, against the advice of counselors and family, Louis again fielded an army and headed east.
  • One of the descendants is an investment counselor and another a Ph.D. Mrs. [Megan] Smolenyak Smolenyak described them as “poster children” for immigrant America, with Irish, Jewish, Italian and Scandinavian surnames. Start Spreading the News
  • The counselor would then electronically graze the 70 categorical pots of money.
  • We had an excellent arts and crafts counselor who knew a great deal about pattern making and sewing.
  • He handled his responsibilities as a counselor in an intelligent and caring fashion.
  • Together with the genetic counselor, analyze the pedigree to obtain pertinent past medical records from appropriate “affected” members Clinical Genetics Service
  • If the children are lucky, a white-coated ermine may dart across their snowshoe path, and a counselor can point out that four months earlier, that fur coat was mostly chocolate-brown.
  • This is a heartfelt and very practical book, which includes chapters with advice for pregnancy center counselors.
  • If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius. Joseph Addison 
  • The counselor will also want to look over your medical records, including any ultrasounds, prenatal test results, past pregnancies, and medications you may have taken before or during pregnancy.
  • See a counselor once you have restored some of your relationship and feel that you can talk about your feelings in a more balanced and open frame of mind.
  • It may be helpful to discuss misbehavior with a family counselor.
  • One recent arrival is Ife Oyedokun, 26, who this month moved to the Austin area from Philadelphia, where he worked as a high school counselor, to be closer to his family. Texas bucks national unemployment trend
  • a sensitive and empathetic school counselor
  • The suggestion in the counselor's reference is that it must be the procurer's purpose to produce the actus reus.
  • As a camp counselor working with inner-city children, I tried to imagine the life these campers live.
  • Working as a counselor at a summer camp in northern Wisconsin, he was invited to a friend's family's lake cottage.
  • As an example, a counselor painted with makeup to appear ghoulish - perhaps as part of Carnival - may no longer be entirely appropriate.
  • The term 'therapist' is a very general term that can be applied to a variety of different professions serving a variety of different needs," says Mark Hamilton, executive director of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. The Seattle Times
  • You are an employee assistance counselor.
  • Still shaken from the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, campuses are responding to the demand by adding counselors, reorganizing how they assess students to get to the most acute cases quickly, and training workers to deal with newly emerging problems. Administration
  • Going to a counselor or a shrink was out of the question.
  • Camps should gather specific information about each child and use that in meetings with counselors and supervisors.
  • Good advisors will act as counselors and create a warm, supportive environment for clients to talk freely.
  • This environment, much like the set-up of a small business, compels the counselor to take initiative and become a self-starter.
  • Ms. Page, a 60-year-old executive recruiter-turned neurofeedback counselor, asked for a barrel-shaped roof like the one on a house she'd seen in Maine. A Dream House in Carmel -- Photos
  • This study describes how two second grade teachers along with a school counselor used bibliotherapy trade books with students within Literature Circles to build self-esteem in reading.
  • A counselor or school psychologist can help identify practical solutions that make it easier for the child and family to cope day by day.
  • The actor playing the crazed counselor is so downright deranged in his performance you feel dirty watching him.
  • The consent of an employee, a counselee, a parishioner, or a patient to the sexual advances of an employer, a counselor, a clergy-member, or a physician, respectively. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Latest in the Rifqa Bary Case
  • Talking to counselor could help a person learn to deal with or avoid a panic attack.
  • They have access to college counselors and tutors.
  • The counselor handed me the paper.
  • Your career counselor will assist you in understanding fully how these three circles intersect with your unique self.
  • It is a Christian ministry, and all the counselors are expected to sign a statement of faith.
  • Immediately we send what we call grief counselors to the schools to help the friends and neighbors of the children. CNN Transcript Feb 3, 2007
  • We discovered it was difficult to accurately measure the "activeness" of a volunteer counselor without establishing a paperwork nightmare. Anderson Independent Mail Stories
  • Originally, I went to the counselor because I needed an objective opinion about the whole situation.
  • A counselor for six years and website dev, White is currently studying for her Masters Degree in Psychology and announced (today) her one-woman cam-consulting business.
  • In fact, standing on stage at the TLA, they look like Christian church camp counselors organizing a hootenanny in the mess hall.
  • He is the press counselor at the Chinese embassy in Washington.
  • The availability of trained grief counselors, whose primary task is simply to listen, is also important.
  • Republicans nominated, had voted in Congress for the free coinage of silver, was widely known as a bimetallist, and was only with difficulty persuaded to accept the unequivocal indorsement of the gold standard which was pressed upon him by his counselors. History of the United States
  • One can only hope that its alternative message will be heard in the courses and seminars held across the country to educate counselors, law enforcement, and judges about domestic violence.
  • During the conference it is very useful for the teacher or counselor to convey a sense of positive expectations.
  • I went to a counselor for guidance on my career.

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