
How To Use Conversationalist In A Sentence

  • His interests are very diverse and he is a great conversationalist.
  • In my circle, I am regarded as a fascinating conversationalist.
  • Mary was a gifted conversationalist and had a lovely way with people.
  • Normally shy and taciturn, Daoud was quite a conversationalist when he was with us. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and had many fine stories and yarns which he could embellish with style.
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  • An uninspired student, a so-so lover, an indifferent conversationalist. GALILEE
  • I had the great pleasure of meeting Stan recently - he is a terrific conversationalist, storyteller, poet, critic and troubadour.
  • I knew Gerald was unimpressed with the way I had conversed with the Spaniard at luncheon, but I found that he was one of the most engaging, charming, witty conversationalists I had ever encountered.
  • He was a man of great humour, wit and a great conversationalist and friend to all.
  • So if you aspire to be a good conversationalist , be an attentive listener.
  • After all, they're not very good conversationalists are they?
  • Those of you who know me will agree that I am not much of a talker, nor a conversationalist.
  • He's a needler, an observer, a conversationalist who will sit around all afternoon and talk about the game.
  • Mother was quite wonderful -- very charming, very witty and a fascinating conversationalist. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • While hardly what one would call a convivial conversationalist, he at least deigned to engage in some interspecies small talk. Sliding Scales
  • As a raconteur and conversationalist, scattering indiscretions and gossip with gay abandon, he was the acme of unconventionality.
  • Even while we talk he slips in and out of character - there's the faintly aristocratic old thespian; the serious, considered conversationalist, each punctuated by flashes of the ladykiller he decidedly still is.
  • Suppose for instance we hypothesise that cooperative conversationalists would ask others for their opinion very frequently and regularly express agreement.
  • Heaven knows, I am not a brilliant conversationalist, but she was the most easily amusable person in the world -- interested in everything that interested me, and I disdamaged myself (to use one of her Peter Ibbetson
  • Normally shy and taciturn, Daoud was quite a conversationalist when he was with us. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • It is with me through everything, providing instant distraction from lectures, boring conversationalists and nagging editors.
  • Oscar Wilde, the king of conversationalists, who died at the age of 46 one hundred years ago this month, was never stuck for a word.
  • Also, as a best friend he's not much of a conversationalist.
  • He is a formidable reader and a talented conversationalist with a gift for listening.
  • He blamed a lack of promotion for the show's poor performance, but said viewers were starting to warm to the idea of him as a good conversationalist and not just a formerly temperamental tennis star.
  • We see the ‘good guy’ of the oligarchs, Vladimir Evtushenkov, as an accessible and sociable conversationalist.
  • Together, they made a predictably volatile trio, and hearing their work together is like listening in on the conversation of three opinionated conversationalists.
  • He was a brilliant conversationalist, and liked nothing better than to relate stories from his youth to draw comparisons to how life differs today.
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and had many fine stories and yarns which he could embellish with style.
  • Mother was quite wonderful -- very charming, very witty and a fascinating conversationalist. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Many of the youngsters graduated from tennis academies rather than high schools, and they're not the best conversationalists.
  • It pleased me to know that he was a very good conversationalist, and was capable of holding intelligent conversation for more than two seconds.
  • Have your best conversationalists around to tea or dinner and Richard would wipe the floor with them.
  • A gifted conversationalist, he made himself at home in any company.
  • You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.
  • Steve's a talented conversationalist with a gift for listening.
  • Also in attendance, the one and only Henry Rollins, resplendent in "Black Sabbath: Dehumanizer" t-shirt, a marvelous conversationalist since Mr. Rollins currently hosts a show at KCRW-FM, we talk DJs: Sunset Strip impresario and godhead music man Rodney Bingenheimer, as well as the multitalented Steve "Jonesy" Jones. Gregory Weinkauf: William Shatner Salutes The Captains
  • As a raconteur and conversationalist, scattering indiscretions and gossip with gay abandon, he was the acme of unconventionality.
  • As a conversationalist, Birkin is a whirlwind, skimming over subjects, lifting them up, reshaping them utterly before throwing them back down.
  • It was one of the reasons, Charlie suspected, he was quite a boring conversationalist. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Polly described herself as a feminist, a socialist and an anarchist, which of course made her an extremely dull conversationalist.
  • It was one of the reasons, Charlie suspected, he was quite a boring conversationalist. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Last but not least, be a wonderful conversationalist.
  • In person, they're wonderful conversationalists that are modest about their achievements and passionate about their artistic pursuits.
  • Sit back with a smile as you watch ashand - waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another.
  • Called "Ad Stamp," the product includes a 970x418 "pushdown" that drops down from the top of the page and then collapses to a 970x66 banner, a 300x600 tower along the side of the page and a 600x250 unit at the bottom of the page, called "The Conversationalist. ClickZ News
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and loved a bit of fun and humour.
  • To read it is like spending hours with an erudite conversationalist who is disposed to amuse you.
  • An uninspired student, a so-so lover, an indifferent conversationalist. GALILEE
  • Daniel, whom Alicia had made out to be such an entertaining conversationalist, had been silenced by the scope of William's achievements.
  • Vain, superficial and selfish, she was also a brilliant conversationalist and a loyal friend who had no difficulty dominating British aristocratic society.
  • Not only teenagers but many high flying execs who flaunt a number of mobiles casually are very poor phone conversationalists.
  • As a conversationalist he's blunt and frank, even chummily so, yet not very interesting; and he holds no mysteries.
  • His wide knowledge and the quickness of his perception made him an excellent conversationalist.

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