

[ US /ˌkɑnvɝˈseɪʃənəɫəst/ ]
[ UK /kɒnvəsˈe‍ɪʃənəlˌɪst/ ]
  1. someone skilled at conversation

How To Use conversationalist In A Sentence

  • His interests are very diverse and he is a great conversationalist.
  • In my circle, I am regarded as a fascinating conversationalist.
  • Mary was a gifted conversationalist and had a lovely way with people.
  • Normally shy and taciturn, Daoud was quite a conversationalist when he was with us. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and had many fine stories and yarns which he could embellish with style.
  • An uninspired student, a so-so lover, an indifferent conversationalist. GALILEE
  • I had the great pleasure of meeting Stan recently - he is a terrific conversationalist, storyteller, poet, critic and troubadour.
  • I knew Gerald was unimpressed with the way I had conversed with the Spaniard at luncheon, but I found that he was one of the most engaging, charming, witty conversationalists I had ever encountered.
  • He was a man of great humour, wit and a great conversationalist and friend to all.
  • So if you aspire to be a good conversationalist , be an attentive listener.
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