How To Use Construction In A Sentence
These positions are frequently referred to respectively as objectivism and constructionism.
Construction here would include offices, retail and hotels with the objective of integrating the docklands with the city centre and extending its functions to the east.
Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction.
Times, Sunday Times
Faith in controlled nuclear fission is now being shown by the construction of atomic power stations.
Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila.

This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.
Louis XIV spent 200,000 gold francs for the construction of the royal kennels at Versailles where he kenneled hunting hounds, truffle terriers and toy poodles.
Finally, this paper explains what is the spirit of Marxism which Derrida always asks us to inherit, and what is the relationship between his deconstructionism and Marxism.
Construction of subways or overbridges for foot traffic will reduce disruption of traffic.
In May 1887, it was leased to the CPR and construction began in November.
In analyzing the actual content of the perzine, one discovers a number of strategies deployed in the construction and performance of social identity.
Upon completion of the donated public welfare project, the donee shall inform the donor of the construction, use of the funds and checking and acceptance of the construction quality.
Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
Linear, scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects.
However, the duck confit was cut up in cold bits and enmeshed in a strange, oily construction of mushrooms and haricots verts.
Many companies will be involved in the project from construction contractors to drillers to transportation firms.
The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong.
Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department.
Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
In this process, the photovoltaics are a retro, added to the building after construction is completed.
Business Wire Travel News
The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition.
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It is one thing to play-act the gender role of frightened female in a movie theater where the horror is only simulated, but do I want to perform that same gender construction in real life?
The recession is not going to go away overnight, especially in the most bombed out sectors such as construction and property.
Through oversubtle and even fraudulent construction of law, he said, much wrong was committed (De officiis I.
First, the causeways may have probably been made "during the construction of the tower with its central pole," (here the cairn is a habitable beacon, habitable on all hypotheses,) or, again,
The Clyde Mystery a Study in Forgeries and Folklore
There are many techniques depending on whether the home is under construction or being retrofitted to eliminate noise pollution.
As the construction of the huge vessel approached completion, transport firms hauled the mountains of food to the site.
I didn't think the theme fill was that strong, in that two were puns (MONGREL EMPIRE and the delightful MUTTVILLE NINE) while the third, CUR CURRICULUM, seemed to be just a kind of homonymic construction.
Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle
Its product, wood, is of primary importance to humans as timber for construction, fuelwoods, and wood-pulp for paper manufacturing.
Other than the special sizing application, the greige fabrics are made of the same fibers, yarns and constructions as standard chambray or denim fabrics.
The demand generated by one factory required the construction of another.
Seeing that China's construction of market economy has its elementary scale, we should enact law of bankruptcy so as to bring the law into full effect.
There was also intensive construction work at the wind park during the past two years.
Times, Sunday Times
How can our brave Bible-bashing warlords keep spinning tales of freedom & reconstruction, while presiding over scenes of torture and slaughter?
An example is the stress on a material, such as a construction beam in a bridge.
This is the first time that the use of dressed stone masonry is made, a major step in the evolution of building construction.
The Corporation had borrowed large sums of money, used, amongst other purposes for the construction of the Docks.
A new pavilion for weddings is under construction.
Times, Sunday Times
By training dental practitioners to make space judgments and subject arrangements in art painting, the practitioner can promote the ability of reconstruction, which is essential in esthetic dentistry.
Stanford will develop new megavoltage X-ray detection hardware and image reconstruction software, and will validate the new technology in a clinical trial to be conducted by
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Would they be bothered because the stadium is still under construction?
Vigorously develop and produce new type energy - saving construction materials, heat insulating materials and green decoration materials.
That construction is quite complex, but the meaning is clear and the choice of pronoun is right.
Times, Sunday Times
Merchants that accept debit cards "are substantially harmed" by the Fed's "misconstruction" of the Dodd-Frank law's provision limiting debit card fees, the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit.
Retailers Sue Fed Over Debit-Card Fee Rule
Voting for the monorail system, terming it as a ‘superior alternative’, the letter added that its advantages were that it did not include any demolition and dislocation of existing traffic even during the construction stages.
In contrast, conventional hydropower technologies often rely on the construction of tall dams that flood the area behind them.
The worst hit areas are now engaged in the biggest post-catastrophe reconstruction programme since the Second World War.
Two visitors at a time can poke their heads into his inflatable textile construction, sharing the air they breathe in the enclosed pod-like space.
This general rule of construction should especially guide a court of admiralty in interpreting a contract of bottomry and respondentia.
Older buildings still outnumber newer constructions unlike so many Thai towns and cities.
This conceptualization resonates with such postpositive movements in psychology as social constructionism, postmodern thought, and discursive psychology.
Dr Siti Hasare among your brothers and sist nor the good from you, neither their capacities nor their limitations - who shall never lose their conidence in you as partners in reconstruction and development.
ANC Daily News Briefing
For the contractor, the bid estimate is usually regarded as the budget estimate, which will be used for control purposes as well as for planning construction financing.
The recent extent of the Northern Hemisphere tree-ring densitometric network currently under construction which forms the basis of the results discussed in this paper.
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The clinker-built construction of overlapping planks secured by clench nails conferred great strength with flexibility.
That construction is quite complex, but the meaning is clear and the choice of pronoun is right.
Times, Sunday Times
For example who would ever think of a carpet installer, optician, construction estimator, geodesist, and agricultural-engineering technician as having the same aptitudes?
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This movement was more significant than any change in the cracks caused by the Tube line construction.
Times, Sunday Times
JTP computer-controlled intelligent hoister is the construcion equipment specially designed for vertical transport of materials for construction and installation.
The idea is to finance programmes making it possible to afforest non-arable farmland, improve the quality of forests, invest in construction of forest roads, and develop forestry farms.
Both Ms. Rahm and Mr. Collins remarked on the high quality of the Target garments 'construction, particularly in the pleated Thakoon cotton dress, with very detailed stitching in its full skirt, and a velveteen Sarafpour skirt that had trapunto stitching along the satin waistband.
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The fulgurator was a sort of auto-propulsive engine, of peculiar construction, charged with an explosive composed of new substances and which only produced its effect under the action of a deflagrator that was also new.
Facing the Flag
But all of that stands to be snuffed out, they say there, if this security situation is not brought under control rapidly, and if the reconstruction is not sped up markedly and very soon.
In the meaning of practice, ecological aesthetics signifies a real mode of aesthetic construction and provides mental resources for the entirely new way of man's own reproduction.
In the construction of the works, the contractor has imported 30,000 tonnes of concrete and 1,500 tonnes of steel reinforcement.
Even as home prices continued to fall industrywide and the number of new houses under construction kept sinking, Paul Saville , the chief executive of NVR Inc., received total 2010 compensation valued at nearly $31 million, according to NVR's proxy statement.
NVR Pays Top Dollar
Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
• En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.
The present study is divided into three chapters, and each of them deals with one special pheonomeon of musical genre: modification, fusion, and deconstruction.
The printer leaves regular air gaps in the construction to give the pill its highly porous structure.
Times, Sunday Times
In Shiloh, a town of 2,200 people, billboards advertise new homes, and foundations have been laid for about 10 new buildings that remain exempt from the 10-month construction freeze.
Two solitudes
You probably feel at times like a chord of a conic section that passes through a focus and is parallel to the directrix, but know for certain that the phonemic differences between allormorphs of the same morpheme is supported by the idea that the quantitative measurement of many characters to the determination of taxa and to the construction of diagrams indicating systematic changes can make or break us.
Within a matter of a few months following construction the plaintiff began to receive complaints that water from rainfall was ponding on this upper parking deck and not draining away.
Causal inferences are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.
By all means use this construction if it's what you prefer but it's purely a stylistic preference and not a grammatical imperative.
Times, Sunday Times
Method:Using the evaluation index system of specialty construction and analyzing the clinical nursing practice work in recent years.
In 1990 Papert's theory of constructionism Papert's word, a combination of Piaget's term constructivism with the word construction and the logo programming language which he promoted were what radical teachers turned to in their efforts to transform School.
Archive 2006-03-01
He devoted himself to the reconstruction of lost orthographies and grammars, developed a distinctly Japanese poetics.
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Call us a bunch of self-referential, mocking, postmodern deconstructionist ironicists, if you will.
Times, Sunday Times
Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
There were however only small increases in private and public consumption and there was a decline in construction and capital investment.
Garcia, king of Leon, began a rapid expansion of his domain to the east (construction of numerous castles, hence the name Castile).
3. Christian Spain, Castile and Leon
With the sustained and steady economic growth in China, China's urbanization has stepped into the stage of full-scale acceleration, said Chinese Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing Tuesday.
The Access Economics study undertaken shortly before construction began indicated it would be commercially viable, at least with the not inconsiderable investment of public funds in constructing the line.
There are also many smaller select developments currently under construction by a wide range of local builder clients.
After a year of construction and a weeklong postponement of the original opening date -- leaving die-hard fans champing at the bit -- Vivienne Westwood, the storied British fashion label, has finally opened its first U.S. store, on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood.
Vivienne Westwood Opens First US Shop In West Hollywood
The starting date for the construction work is June 23rd.
Construction work on the barriers began in early 2003 and the estimated completion date is 2011.
Indeed Archimedes was famous for his application of the law of the lever to the construction of catapults for military purposes.
These options are more expensive than brick and blockwork but the construction industry believes the savings in terms of time, labour and productivity make them cost effective.
Despite its rather insubstantial construction, the basket weighs thirty troy ounces and presages the simple elegance of the neoclassical style.
Adoption of this view requires a small modification to the sketch of the patterns of linguistic construction given in Chapter 1.
- Revenue in Construction decreased by 6 percent in Swedish kronor, and by 11 percent adjusted for currency rate effects.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The site now employs about 7,000 people directly, although many more are involved in allied industries or in ongoing construction projects.
Or pay homage to your nursery school teacher and attach a ghost made of construction paper and a ping-pong paddle to your woodsy cable-knit sweater.
Workers in some of America's most dangerous industries such as meatpacking, poultry and construction ... are being forced by their employers to pay for their own safety gear because of OSHA's failure to finish the PPE rule," a joint statement by the two labor groups declared.
Unions sue Bush Dept. of Labor over worker deaths; 50 deaths, 400,000 injuries tied to OSHA's inaction
_unto_ is placed last in the verse, and at the half period, and is redundant, there is the former synchysis in the words "the sword, nor surfeits" which in construction ought to have been placed before the other.
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04
In this view of interpretation as construction, the text itself serves as the boundaries around possible meanings.
Expand factory area and adopt the construction method of and assemble at workshop , reassemble at fairground.
I can hardly blame the engineer who designs the hydraulic dredger, nor the driller at Exxon who mines oil for his boat, nor the construction woman who paved the ramp where the clammer launched his boat this morning.
Industrialism and clams
Construction began with the assembly of a cylindrical structure deeply embedded in the center of the flat side of the asteroid.
This is in contrast to recently published reports in which good performance of reconstruction methods was recorded despite extensive substitutional saturation.
Its diversion tunnel is accompanied by upstream and downstream cofferdams that permit construction of the main dam.
Objective:To find a new donor site for the repair of facial tissue defect and total nose reconstruction.
The hotel is still under construction.
The third advance has been the construction of formal models for cultural evolution.
Postmodernism and social constructionism remind us to be suspect of any constructs that seek to establish themselves as decontextualized truths.
ABOVE: The Guggenheim, inside links to museum's site, timeline of the building's constructionABOVE: Nautilus shell's spiral of chambers, called camerae, that this cephalopod builds for itself as it grows.
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In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.
A short walk up a stairway to the top of the north rampart affords a view of the construction.
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From this we put a major explanatory weight on the indigenous construction of human nature and emotions.
He uses a well-known example from Puteoli in Italy where the duumvirs ordered the construction of a wall and a gate from a private entrepreneur in the year 105 BC.
These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
He said that if the plans for the multi-storey were approved temporary car parking space would be required while construction is under way.
Approvals for new house constructions have already hit the lowest level for three years.
When contracting or sub-contracting is applied in the construction and installation business, the main contractor shall withhold and pay Business Tax on behalf of the sub-contractors.
As for the "vav" construction, those are attached to certain verbs rather than nouns, and they are not used to indicate the preposition "from".
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Construction materials include sticks and logs, earth, and thatch.
The construction industry is in the doldrums and its arguments have prevailed.
Times, Sunday Times
It led to the removal of a number of trees, and the construction of unsightly water cylinders and pumping houses.
The reverse case, with an imperative followed by a declarative, is also easy to illustrate, because of this construction.
Construction began at the lower end of the tunnel in 1903.
The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR).
International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
However, an analysis of early modern constructions of perception and the role of the passions, reveals something slightly different.
Thus I think we now have a sensible solution to the reconstruction of the Old IE objective endings preceding the agglutination of “indicative” postclitic demonstrative *əi PIE *-i:
The trouble with the PIE 1st & 2nd person plural endings (3)
The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.
Last month Senior offloaded a non-core business that sells to the construction industry.
Times, Sunday Times
In this sentence the writer uses an illegal construction.
It was human in base construction, a platform for large, menacing pectorals and biceps.
Several men were killed during construction of the tunnel.
He promised to nominate strict conservative constructionists to the federal bench.
Chapter VI. that the use of metallic copper in the construction of acetylene apparatus is not permissible or judicious, because the gas is liable to form therewith an explosive compound known as copper acetylide; it might seem, therefore, that the employment of a copper salt for purification courts accident.
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And I just visited an outpost, what we call a provisional reconstruction team in Zabul Province, where this fighting is going on.
CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2006
He excoriates the McSweeney's crowd and "the ridiculous dithering of John Barth ... [and] the reductive cardboard constructions of Donald Barthelme," and would excise from the modern canon "nearly all of Gaddis, Pynchon, DeLillo," and — while he's at it — "the diarrheic flow of words that is Ulysses ... the incomprehensible ramblings of late Faulkner and the sterile inventions of late Nabokov.
New & Noteworthy
Dont confuse this...object...this construction of Hephaestus with your own flesh and blood.
British construction workers are often reasonably mobile, often working away on site in the week and returning home at weekends.
Times, Sunday Times
With regard to the construction of bones, the bones and joints of the fingers are simple, the bones of the hand and foot are numerous, and articulated in various ways; the uppermost are the largest; the heel consists of one bone which is seen to project outward, and the back tendons are attached to it.
Instruments Of Reduction
Summary of Background Data. Chronic donor site pain and poor cosmesis have been the major deterrents in using iliac crest for long-segment spinal reconstructions.
Thus removal of a small cholesteatoma may allow for reconstruction of the outer attic wall or creation of a cavity that extends to or just beyond the mastoid antrum.
You seem to be inferring wrongness from my claim that certain grammatical constructions are simply NOT LOGICAL.
Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
Plumbers and electricians working on construction sites in Queensland will strike for two weeks starting February 26.
Ministers will pledge to invest in digital, energy, construction and transport infrastructure for each region.
Times, Sunday Times
As they also lacked a written language, our understanding of their construction techniques remains piecemeal.
The Times Literary Supplement
The construction of tennis courts here multiplies 15 per cent a year.
Times, Sunday Times
Seven didn't last the course, but those that did have all secured 12-month traineeships with two major construction firms.
Once the figures were fed into the ONS mincer, construction made up almost a third of growth in gross domestic product (GDP).
Construction gives UK economic recovery an unstable foundation
(1997, 2006, 2008) defends an empiricist and non-realist form of structuralism about science, motivated by an illuminating reconstruction of the origins of structuralism in the debate about the epistemology of physical geometry in the nineteenth century, and more generally in the progressive mathematisation of science.
Structural Realism
On the far wall hangs "Roofline," a big painting on Mr. Artschwager's preferred rough surface of celotex, a fiberboard material used in residential construction.
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In order to avoid the distortions of reality that lenses produce, Strindberg often used a lensless pinhole camera of his own construction.
La Gunn warns her about using too many different construction styles, "I don't want it becoming a pupu platter of too many different construction methods.
Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking: Project Runway Episode 10, "There's A Pattern Here"
The new centre offers courses in typing, computer and leatherwork skills for girls, and carpentry, metalwork and construction skills for boys.
This phrase construction does not interfere with the overall strophic form of the piece.
Many people depend on mangrove swamps for wood for construction, craft materials, medicines and honey.
He taught them the rudiments of carpentry and construction as they put up a unit for poultry production.
Yet again, we have too sweeping a conclusion: that this is a legitimating 'construction of fictive continuities'.
The Times Literary Supplement
Nowadays, systematization is the concrete carrier of administrative style construction.
This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy , in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China.
Always impeccably attired, a little black dress, high heels, and a Reardon steel bracelet even on a construction site.
Michael Jones: Atlas Shrugged
In fact production had soared and construction had doubled but his opponents had brainwashed the people with false facts.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Eklakhi Tomb we see for the first time an Islamic curved roof inspired from the bamboo version, and the slight slope on the roof is a departure from traditional cubical construction and served to throw off rainwater.
Similarly, structural analysis is replaced by deconstruction which also questions its objects rather than reflecting them.
Before the decommissioning and construction of a maintenance facility can occur, however, the Navy must complete an environmental assessment report.
In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done.
The Path Between the Seas
The tractor landed me at the construction site of the new city theatre.
Even at his preparatory school, where he was known as a swot of the first water, he had displayed an unhealthy infatuation for that tongue; he loved its cold, lapidary construction; and while other boys played football or cricket, this withered little fellow used to lark about with a note-book, all by himself, torturing sensible
South Wind
The decision has been tabled until completion, later this year, of the current reconstruction of the course.
One of the most common occupations of skilled slaves and freedmen was that of carpentry, or more generally any of the construction crafts, including masonry.
Failure by the political parties to address the vital insurance issue in their election manifestos has been roundly condemned by the Construction Industry Federation.
Motoring organisations demanded an investigation into the construction of fuel tanks used by heavy goods vehicles.
Times, Sunday Times
Meksi was by profession a construction engineer and former restorer of medieval architecture.
It also makes the construction of elimination diets quite simple.
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A range of stringent health and safety considerations underpins the design and construction of the modern childcare facility.
Construction was difficult and carried on throughout the perishing winters as well.
Major engineering challenges will be faced during construction.
Some of the latter do their best to look like an old-fashioned range only to fail the knuckle-tap test we use to determine the solidity of the construction.
How can they put such a damning construction on a perfectly innocent phrase?
On the low podium at the far end of the building is a similar construction which mirrors the simple rose window behind you.
They say the pharaoh Khufu who built the Great Pyramid was so obsessed by the construction of his own tomb, he had no money to build tombs for others in his family.
Long-tails, which are wooden constructions powered by huge outboards, whiz you out to one of the large dayboats that take you on to your dive site.
Generally, indoor radon is the main source of construction materials, such as granite, tile and plaster, particularly the stones containing radioelement Yi release radon.
That is a reconstruction in the point of view of ecology for solving the ecological conjuncture and ecological commit.
The gas-fired power station is currently under construction at the cost of €500m and will be in operation late next year.
This followed, in turn, the construction of dams in the various catchments, for irrigation and/or hydroelectric power generation.
The construction crew blasted out a tunnel through the mountain.
Adoption of Technology Standards Adoption of standards is a major barrier to the I-way construction.
The deconstruction of the pop sales process had become a breathy celebration of sales people.
Once operational, the prototype under construction will be largely unamenable to "new ideas".
PVC is one of the most widely used products in construction, from roofs, piping, flooring, wall covering and many other products and there is NO substantiated claims of negative health effects after over 40 + years in our built environments.
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There exist verb phrase ellipsis constructions in both English and Chinese language ( VP ellipsis constructions ).
He charged that officers in construction were expected to enforce registration regulations to root out dubious contractors.
Of course his reconstructions might be merely a projection of Propp's thesis onto the material, in which case he was proving nothing; but he knew -- he _knew_ -- that his reconstructions were not nonsensical, and they did tend to coalesce toward the pure structure Propp had devised.
Unlike other spam filters Antispam Marisuite takes into consideration much more statistical parameters of messages such as idiomatical constructions, message's route and sender's IP address, presence of phishing links, parameters of attached pictures and so on.
joinery," mortised, and held by the skill and conscientiousness of its construction.
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
Feel free to look around the whole site, not just this blog, although most of it is still under construction.
Many engineering construction utilize embankment, for, abutment , retaining wall , foundation pad , base backfill and so on.
Su's accusation was refuted by city government officials, who said the construction completion date had been officially postponed to the end of August next year.
They have traced the plan of the construction site.