How To Use Confederacy In A Sentence

  • In other words, a person cannot be domiciled in a federation or confederacy.
  • Your first campaign stop after the convention is the capital of the Confederacy. Op-Ed: Conservatism Does Not Equal Racism
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • The break-up of the confederacy followed a row between the two countries over the question of rotational leadership of the confederation.
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  • So we have here a complete organization according to the terms of ancient society: that is, the gens, phratry, tribe, and confederacy of tribes. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • Mr. Schoolcraft prefers, and quite justly the name Iroquois, as descriptive of this confederacy, instead of Six Nations, since the term is well known, and applicable to them in every part of their history. An Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha, or Red Jacket, and His People, 1750-1830
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • Sumter surrendered, it was Jubal Early, later to become an army general fighting for the Confederacy, who spoke out for the unionists. Great drama at Virginia secession convention
  • They've entered this new confederacy because the central government's been unable to control the collapsing economy.
  • To appear to condone the Confederacy is to appear to condone slavery.
  • the Alabamas were members of the Creek Confederacy
  • There would be other bombed-out skeletons in other places, in other planets of the Confederacy. Starcraft II: Devils’ Due
  • Only the most revisionist historian would characterize the Confederacy as an insurgency.
  • Moreover, as before remarked, the apparent imbecility resulting from confederacy and municipalism combined was for a season remedied by the actual preponderance of Holland. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • It was the tyrants ruling the Confederacy with an iron fist who kept her from her mother and me.
  • However, no significant slave revolt took place in the Confederacy as the war progressed.
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • That," he said, with a kind of leashed and restrained ferocity in his voice, "is Major P.tnam P. Stone -- and the P.stands for, which is his middle name -- late of the Southern Confederacy. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • The town of Misarata, with the support of the powerful Bedouin tribal allies of the Wafallah confederacy, challenged Tripoli's hegemony.
  • Toward the left of the upper horizontal band, just above the second and third from the left of the seven toponyms of the Tepanec Confederacy, traces remain of a calendrical date, either Four or Five Flint Knife.
  • When he joined the Confederacy, he was entitled to have his name chiseled off, the traitor. More about the history and name of Cabin John Bridge
  • Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and principles governing a common copartnership. William Henry Harrison: Inaugural Address
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • Bushwhacking was a form of guerrilla warfare during the American Civil War that was particularly prevalent in rural areas where there were sharp divisions between those favoring the Union and Confederacy in the conflict.
  • But I think if we look more carefully we'll see that in many ways the tea party movement resembles more closely the kind of secessionist feelings that were both part of the Confederacy before the Civil War and then also remained in the post-civil war Reconstruction era. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • All opposed secession but in the end backed the Confederacy.
  • He was editor of the Standard, a newspaper that had, in years past, been extreme in Southern proclivities, but of late Mr. Holden had advocated North Carolina's withdrawal from the Confederacy, and the making of separate terms with the powers at Washington. Memoirs of W. W. Holden,
  • “History” Knox “cannot certainly say whether there was any secret paction and confederacy between the Queen herself and Huntly.” John Knox and the Reformation
  • They were obliged to confess that Brownsville was about the rowdiest town of Texas, which was the most lawless State in the Confederacy; but they declared they had never seen an inoffensive man subjected to insult or annoyance, although the shooting-down and stringing-up systems are much in vogue, being almost a necessity in a thinly-populated State, much frequented by desperadoes driven away from more civilized countries. Three Months in the Southern States: April, June, 1863.
  • VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS How people from the Victorian era decorated for Christmas, with a tour of the White House of the Confederacy. Events and Commemorations
  • There is nothing wrong with noting the Confederacy; but to omit a principle cause of the civil war and reduce it to "diddly" is bad. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • The Confederacy's greatest soldier, General Stonewall Jackson, was shot dead by his own troops as he returned to his lines after reconnoitring Union positions during the battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863.
  • Postwar rituals created an ‘immortal Confederacy’ with soldiers as heroic martyrs, Lee as a godlike figure, and ‘Dixie’ as a regional hymn.
  • That the three months 'notice given to any caveator, in pursuance of the requirements of the eleventh section of this act, shall be computed from the day on which such notice is deposited in the post-office at the seat of government of this Confederacy, with the regular time for transmission of the same added thereto, which time shall be endorsed on the notice. The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, February 8, 1861, to its Termination, February 18, 1862, Inclusive. Arranged in Chronological Order. Together with the Consti
  • Yet an unprejudiced reader would naturally suppose, that Procopius means to describe a tribe of Germans in the alliance of Rome; and not a confederacy of Gallic cities, which had revolted from the empire. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The problem for natural individuals, Hobbes wrote, is that ‘the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination, or by confederacy with others.’
  • Luckily, the system fell apart when the head of this confederacy of dunces was lopped from the shoulders. Top Ten Movie Villains of All Time | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The Wampanoag were members of a widespread confederacy of Algonkian-speaking peoples known as the League of the Delaware.
  • Estrella had never heard any of these words before, and she hadn't the slightest idea of what a federation or a confederacy was.
  • By this Act the Kings of Bavaria and Würtemberg, the Elector of Baden, and thirteen minor princes, united themselves, in the League known as the Rhenish Confederacy, under the protection of the French Emperor, and undertook to furnish contingents, amounting to 63,000 men, in all wars in which the French Empire should engage. A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878
  • That may be the case, but it's hard to see what the Confederacy has to do with that, unless they mean to get "disentangled" in the most hardcore way possible! TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, the West contained more than half of the Confederacy's land and its breadbasket.
  • Lady Ada Byron, Queen of a loose confederacy of hackers, called "clackers," because of the sound made by the mechanical parts in their steam-driven computers. _The Difference Engine_ in the Romantics Classroom
  • The irony of the situation is that the first president to be heckled at a joint session of congress was Black, and the heckler is a proud member of the "Sons of the Confederacy". Politics: Criticism or racism
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • And the lo-fi continuum being celebrated here did in fact turn out to be a confederacy of introverts, if not to say solipsists.
  • Here's a call out to all Union states, let's celebrate General William Sherman this month for his courageous efforts which brought about the end of the confederacy and left the south in smoldering ruins. Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • In fact, we think she's a Utopian sent to foment unrest within the Confederacy.
  • The Confederacy's greatest soldier, General Stonewall Jackson, was shot dead by his own troops as he returned to his lines after reconnoitring Union positions during the battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863.
  • Ragoba, however, found means not only to pay his troops, but to buy off some of the chiefs of the hostile confederacy; and then he and his English allies marched upon Poona, which was a kind of Mahratta capital. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • The co-chair called for a five-minute break so each region could consult and decide who would be the voting delegates for the confederacy and who would not.
  • Glasgow had close ties of blood and interest with the Southern States of the Confederacy.
  • Blood : a tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern alberta.
  • He wrangled horses for the Confederacy during the Civil War.
  • From left to right, the painter sets out the toponyms of seven Tepanec or affiliated altepemeh - the Tepanec Confederacy ruled by Azcapotzalco - in an approximate geographic order, with southeast at left and northwest at right.
  • Cantankerous, colorful, and roiled by clashing personalities, this eclectic confederacy of dirtbags, freebooters, and aristocrats represents the crowning ambition of working guides all across America.
  • The decision by the Confederacy in February 1861 to levy a tariff on the import of goods provoked a discussion about the expanding trade between the Upper and Lower South.
  • They were actually not so much a nation as a confederacy that welcomed new member tribes, even those of a different linguistic and cultural background.
  • A tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern Alberta.
  • Cantankerous, colorful, and roiled by clashing personalities, this eclectic confederacy of dirtbags, freebooters, and aristocrats represents the crowning ambition of working guides all across America.
  • The Indonesian Government, and the Indonesian Military, are not monolithic organisations, each is composed of power blocks: more a loose confederacy of power bases controlled by different ruling families.
  • This latest group is merely a rebranding (or further classification) of people devoted to the sole purpose of defeating that guy who rightfully won a Democratic presidential election; a loose confederacy of street level strategists who are experts in the fields of clotheslining, kneecapping, smokescreening and all-out denying (also earning the honorary suffixation "ingers"). Steven Weber: To Er Is Human
  • [27] From the old German _hansa_, a "confederacy. Early European History
  • Thus, the Confederacy could have entered the second year of the war in a stronger position than it actually did, having embargoed exports of raw cotton.
  • As long as the Confederacy held the breadbasket of the Shenandoah Valley, the cattle herds of Florida, and the cities of Atlanta and Richmond, they were in reasonable shape to hold out through election day.
  • Brownsville was about the rowdiest town of Texas, which was the most lawless state in the Confederacy; but they declared they had never seen an inoffensive man subjected to insult or annoyance, although the shooting-down and stringing-up systems are much in vogue, being almost a necessity in a thinly-populated state, much frequented by desperadoes driven away from more civilised countries. Three Months in the Southern States, April-June 1863
  • The Confederacy failed, narrowly in several instances, to wrest even temporary control of important American waters, despite vigorous efforts to obtain a strong navy.
  • To close this discourse, I shall only from it obviate a putid calumny cast by the Papists, Quakers, and others of the same confederacy, against the grace of God, upon the doctrine of the free justification of a sinner, through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ: for with a shameless impudence they clamour on all by whom it is asserted, as those who maintain salvation to be attainable through a mere external imputation of righteousness; whilst those so saved are Pneumatologia
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • The great Frankish leader who unified the confederacy into a powerful entity was Clovis, first of the Merovingian kings.
  • This is the last gasp of the confederacy trying to refight the civil war. Rep. Kline to Obama: 'start from scratch' on health care
  • This strange form of posthumous vindication is the unconscious tribute we lay on the graves of those who died for the Confederacy. Mike Musick: What if Lincoln lost the election?
  • The end of the Rebs and their damned confederacy is forming right here,’ the corporal said, though the earlier jauntiness was absent from his voice.
  • Despite its democratic politics, the Confederacy did not allow ‘lawyers, electioneers, and tradesmen’ to become officers because it possessed an aristocratic temper and social constitution.
  • Confederacy, and he would have been supported by earnest and enduring enthusiasm, instead of by that churlish sufferance which is the result of Coningsby
  • His uncle, who had shaped his career, was the foreign intelligence chief for the confederacy, during the Civil War - a man of traitorous inclinations, shall we say?
  • The recent cooperation between the Republic and the Confederacy after the Confederate Civil War was a start on lifting the shroud of hatred that separated Terrans and Gaians.
  • The Confederacy would therefore now seize all ‘lands, hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits’ owned by Northern citizens in the South.
  • He hoped that Philip would unite the factious Greek cities into a confederacy and then turn to the great project of invading Persia.
  • The submission of Clopton to his beating was symbolic of the defeat the Confederacy would suffer in less than a year.
  • It acted as a confederacy of socialist political organisations and operated through a number of ‘co-ordinating bodies’ - some permanent, some ad-hoc.
  • The economic foundations of the Confederacy were overthrown and property in slaves valued at $4 billion was expropriated.
  • Rapidly evolving technology and the independent decisions of members of the department confederacy assure that enterprise-wide interoperability will not occur soon.
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • His best-known and frequently anthologized story, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" made into a notable "Twilight Zone" episode, presents an Alabama planter about to be hanged for his services to the Confederacy. Lacerating Wit, Seasoned Cynic
  • United Daughters of the Confederacy, and in burgeoning historical societies, an uncompromising narrative emerged. Remembering and Forgetting
  • the rebelling confederacy
  • A crucial hint of how wide the confederacy of life might spread comes from bacteria themselves.
  • For this has been the year of my initiation into what I'm discovering only now is an elite club, a secret society, an unofficial confederacy the existence of which I was up till now blithely unaware.
  • The constitution was expected by the hopeful to settle the issue between confederacy and federation.
  • The confederacy had no official head or chief executive officer.
  • He had to abandon his party's policy of reconstruction in the South, handing the old confederacy back to its white state governments.
  • The Confederacy was probably foredoomed at its birth.
  • The question then becomes: What was this confederacy of dunces doing to earn its massive paydays?
  • But he held in leash a vast confederacy of nations -- Teutonic, Sclavonic, and what we now call Turanian, -- whose territories stretched from the Rhine to the Caucasus, and he is said to have made "the isles of the Ocean", which expression probably denotes the islands and peninsulas of Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • When most knowledgeable Americans hear the word secessionist, they think of the southern slave states that formed the Confederacy and seceded from the United States back in 1861. We Don't Need No Stinking Secessionists!
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • Here we have an overweight, southern-fried, tobacco-funded, lobbyist superfan of the Confederacy with a history of racially questionable ideas and connections who can barely string together a comprehensible sentence. Bob Cesca: Governor Haley Barbour: A New Level of Stupid
  • Already they were a confederacy of states with some forms of representative assemblies, however limited their powers, of citizens who wished to be independent of arbitrary external rule.
  • Maybe it is a federation or a confederacy with a system of power division?
  • Only weeks after Lincoln's inauguration, the Confederacy consummated its break with the union by firing on Fort Sumter in South Carolina, one of the last federal military outposts in the South.
  • With an independent Confederacy, Northern goods would have been transformed into dutiable foreign trade.
  • Caught between old allegiances to the empire, on the one hand, and patriot neighbours, on the other, the confederacy splintered.
  • News of Gen. Meade's victory over Gen. Lee destroyed the last effort by the Confederacy to win recognition in Parliament, but the celebration at the U.S. Embassy was muted by the staff's puzzlement over the nonappearance of the weekly mail ship from New York. Turning Messy History Into a Tale
  • At any rate, this argument is only partially true since the republic set up by the Iroquois confederacy predates Canadian confederation.
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • But it added, fa fa&, no great ftrength to the Confederacy; and TO LATE WAR. History of the war with America, France, Spain, and Holland : commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783
  • It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General and admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the DECLARING of war and to the RAISING and REGULATING of fleets and armies, all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature. eric wrote on September 17, 2007 10: 22 AM: Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain: Webb-Hagel Iraq Proposal Is Unconstitutional
  • Haley Barbour's "diddly" characterization (April 12 article, "Barbour: Confederacy flap not worth 'diddly'") is a blithe dismissal of even the mention of slavery when the "noble heritage of the Confederacy" is memorialized. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • It's simply wrong to trivialize the atrocities committed by the Confederacy. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'

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