
[ US /kənˈfɛdɝəsi, kənˈfɛdɹəsi/ ]
[ UK /kənfˈɛdəɹəsi/ ]
  1. the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
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How To Use Confederacy In A Sentence

  • In other words, a person cannot be domiciled in a federation or confederacy.
  • Your first campaign stop after the convention is the capital of the Confederacy. Op-Ed: Conservatism Does Not Equal Racism
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • The break-up of the confederacy followed a row between the two countries over the question of rotational leadership of the confederation.
  • So we have here a complete organization according to the terms of ancient society: that is, the gens, phratry, tribe, and confederacy of tribes. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
  • Mr. Schoolcraft prefers, and quite justly the name Iroquois, as descriptive of this confederacy, instead of Six Nations, since the term is well known, and applicable to them in every part of their history. An Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha, or Red Jacket, and His People, 1750-1830
  • When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
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