How To Use Concentrated In A Sentence

  • You must avoid applying concentrated materials to the tree at gallonages that allow the material to dribble to the lower surface of the fruit.
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • Christopher Rees is another self-taught value investor but runs a concentrated portfolio of only ten stocks; his average annual return for the last decade is 24%. Tap Your Inner Buffett
  • It was hard to believe that something so simple could be so tasty, a creamy potato flavour that was concentrated by long slow cooking in olive oil, seasoned with the sweet tang of long cooked onions all morticed with beaten eggs. At My Table
  • Ben watched her as she worked, wisps of her hair falling about her face and her tongue just visibly poking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated.
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  • It may have been the biting cold wind that concentrated minds on my questions, but contrary to what opinion surveys are finding, almost nobody owned up to being a don't know or no-show.
  • The island's population is concentrated in the city and its suburbs.
  • What she did notice was how the avenues and streets became more organized and concentrated the closer they went to the center.
  • After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry.
  • Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
  • The concentrated juice of the bitter cassava, under the name of cassareep, forms the basis of the West India dish, "pepper pot. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • When such water evaporates, it becomes concentrated, along with the magnesium and potassium salts, in the "mother liquor"; and upon complete evaporation, it crystallizes out as boracite and other rarer minerals. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Our brave front withstood unshrinkingly the heavy fire of rifles and cannon concentrated upon it.
  • The agamid lizard Cryptagama aurita has a small distribution, concentrated in this region. Victoria Plains tropical savanna
  • Meditation is one way to express mindfulness in a dedicated, concentrated manner.
  • This "reflection upon itself" part could lead to a theory of subjectivity, that, like Deleuze's "intensities," would manifest, exponentially, more concentrated wave interaction i.e. in itself, in the body; of the body itself, leading to thought? Archive 2005-10-01
  • Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country.
  • Using a stiff long-handled brush, scrub the stain with concentrated detergent suds.
  • The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
  • Types of workers thus ranged from peasants who supplemented their income with domestic industry, usually in textiles, to highly skilled craftsmen in towns and cities who concentrated on luxury items.
  • With landed influence now increasingly concentrated in crown hands, the council of Arthur, prince of Wales, at Ludlow, was given greater powers to enforce law and order in the Welsh Marches and English border shires.
  • For the 2D analysis the samples were desalted by diluting the concentrated proteins to 0.5 ml with 10% PBS and re-concentrating them as above. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.
  • We also simulated seed passage through the avian gut by soaking freshly collected 1997-98 unhandled seeds in concentrated hydrochloric acid for 40 minutes and rubbing the aril off with cloth.
  • These liquids together form a very concentrated mixture of 10 percent hydroquinone and 28 percent hydrogen peroxide. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Communities on the coral atolls are usually concentrated along the leeward shoreline of lagoons.
  • For all its gingerbready charm, the American Airlines Theatre unlike London's 482-seat Duchess Theatre, where Ms. Aitken directed "Man and Boy" six years ago simply doesn't lend itself to the kind of concentrated intimacy needed to do justice to a small-cast, single-set play. Fraud in the Family
  • Turmeric is a spice that offers potent brain protection and can be taken in a concentrated form often called curcumin. The Chemistry of Calm
  • Our focus concentrated on those clutch sizes thought to be vulnerable to the spread of siblicidal behavior.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • The highly concentrated cosmetic wastewater can be treated by anaerobic - contacting oxidation - ozone - biological aerated filter ( BAF ).
  • Outside a mad woman was talking to herself: she wore several coats and had a troubled, concentrated expression.
  • These numbers are expected to climb as a concentrated marketing campaign continues strong.
  • Demography and population Few studies of the nineteenth-century migration process have concentrated on the detailed longitudinal analysis of specific groups of migrants.
  • I concentrated on sliding into his life, his history, his sacred imperial flesh, flesh that a person could be killed on the spot for touching with their eyes, let alone his dirty ungentle hands.
  • The shark's fin was made up of concentrated chicken consommé, gelatinized and shaped into strands like the authentic article.
  • Because of the emphasis on materialism and individualism, businesses concentrated on ‘shareholder value’ rather than customers or employees.
  • This appellation is undergoing much-needed revival but old vintages suggest that the potential for long-lived, concentrated reds is there.
  • This was a deep, concentrated sauce, a model reduction of proper fish stock, wine and cream.
  • Did you ever wonder why the North American auto industry is concentrated where it is?
  • Concentrated acids and caustic alkalis should be handled with the greatest care.
  • The by-product is a concentrated form of vitrified nuclear waste that is as nasty as it sounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast to Tailleferre's lightweight divertissement of a quartet, Durey's is concentrated, serious and powerful.
  • Moreover, if he concentrated on his breathing, and the parole board soon ruled in his favor, he might go on witnessing sunrises indefinitely, despite the aging that worked in him now like naphthous bees in a leathery hive. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Power is largely concentrated in the hands of a small elite.
  • When he came nearest to the scientific spirit of his time, in zealous observations of the life of nature, he characteristically concentrated on the sequence of various bird notes at daybreak and the flight of moths as the stars of twilight were kindled. Nobel Prize in Literature 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • I learn that the simmering stuff is a dyer's root, known as madder, which will be converted into a purer and more concentrated product. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • You can purchase concentrated pyrethrum from a nursery or the garden supply section of your supermarket.
  • Further muddying the picture, the spread of radiation has been fiendishly unpredictable, skipping some areas and showing up in concentrated hot spots elsewhere. Murky Science Clouded Japan Nuclear Response
  • Instead, resources are to be concentrated in the population density areas of greater Dublin with smaller investment recommended for Cork and Limerick.
  • Since so little was known of the species' ecology or distribution, work concentrated in the central piedmont, especially the Broad River watershed.
  • “The card was infused with a fluid called cantharidin, concentrated cantharidin,” she continued. The Killing Kind
  • Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.
  • When you give incentives to lots of small organisations to get conglomerated it always mean fewer number of organisations and more concentrated provisions to large cities and metropolitan areas because that's where the money is. The NHS is ripe for revolution | Ian Birrell
  • Now they even have four times concentrated products so you need only a quarter of the measure.
  • It was impossible to tell which it was that the snooper was concentrated on. THE QUEST FOR K
  • With the cello suites and the solo violin sonatas and partitas, they form a triptych of Bach at his most concentrated and intimate.
  • I used to swim medleys at national age groups but I concentrated more on freestyle as I got older.
  • Of course, the most important constituency to which the league appealed was the Irish-speaking population concentrated on the western and southern seaboards of the island.
  • This is a wine that you could start to consider keeping, the rich, highly concentrated fruit has wonderful mid-palate weight and sits within a tannic structure of great finesse.
  • Skin absorption is more likely to occur if you use highly concentrated formulas of DEET, if it is applied to broken or irritated skin; or with repeated applications. Insect Repellents
  • Even insects may visit locally concentrated sources of ions like brackish seeps or the urine and dung of larger animals.
  • He made a concentrated effort to improve his work.
  • Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
  • When food is irradiated, a concentrated source of short ionizing energy waves is used.
  • Spice rack of a wine, rather exotic. Concentrated aromas of tar, spices and currants.
  • their concentrated efforts
  • Refined decorative details were concentrated in the entrance and the eaves of the building with rows of geometric shapes.
  • The work of the graving-tool alone would be too pale; there must be poured into the channel a concentrated prose which bites. Les Miserables
  • But the cheese-head state's 190 CAFOs - an acronym Stevenson says is short for Concentrated Watts Up With That?
  • Many fields in biology have progressed by the concentrated study of a select group of model systems.
  • But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
  • And yes, the new agency will be responsible for enforcing fair lending laws and the CRA, which as Federal Reserve Board Governor Randall S. Kroszner said, have “been helpful in alleviating the financial isolation of many areas of concentrated poverty.” Wonk Room » CNBC Talking Heads: Only ‘Naive,’ ‘Stupid’ ‘Suckers’ And ‘Idiots’ Were Victims Of Predatory Lending
  • Pipe and dyke structures are not obvious in all the mapped calderas, suggesting either that the feeder pipes are below seismic resolution at this structural level, or that they are concentrated on caldera margins.
  • New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
  • The cones are concentrated in the center of the back of the eye, at its most sensitive region, called the fovea.
  • They shed their non-banking activities and concentrated on financing through discounting bills of exchange and distributing the securities which governments and subsequently companies issued.
  • Concentrated, full, rich and velvety, this nicely structured, complex red has cherry, cloves, vanilla, pepper and aniseed in abundance.
  • Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl . oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation.
  • 'deconcentrated,' that is, the country is divided into districts The Governments of Europe
  • Areas in Morocco that have been invaded by locusts are concentrated in the southeast of the country.
  • But the term banlieue simply reflect the idea of smaller towns concentrated around a main city. Matthew Yglesias » More on Charles Murray
  • This cylinder gives its full volume of air, and apparently a little more at times, because the air is admitted by a concentrated inlet in which free _air is always moving in one direction_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • The analysis of authority has concentrated exclusively on a one-to-one relation between an authority and a single person subject to it.
  • We can begin a concentrated effort to persuade United Way campaigns to exclude local Boy Scout troops as funding recipients.
  • Between 1594 and 1602 he produced plays for the Admiral's Men, after which he concentrated on writing pageants for the city of London and on revising the Survey of London by John Stow.
  • If they going to make a movie from a jap adaption game they should concentrate on main chars and similar story, unlike the Street Fighter movie it lacked story and casting where they should have concentrated on main chars eg Ryu, Akuma etc but they wanted to make the "American" char (Guile-played by Van Damme) the lead role. Luke Goss Says Tekken Movie Will End Up Rated R «
  • Ciguatera poisoning from fish is caused by a neurotoxin (ciguatoxin) present in the dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus. 13 The toxin is passed through the food chain and becomes concentrated in larger fish (greater thanthree kilograms) such as the kingfish and the sturgeon. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • More than a third of the capital's cinemas are concentrated in central London.
  • It's been said that the only good thing that comes of jumping off a cliff is the way the mind becomes wonderfully concentrated. Big Questions and Little Trinkets
  • Thus, it leaves room for poor countries with well-distributed resources and rich countries with concentrated resource distributions.
  • Moreover, we're concentrated in low-skill jobs such as weatherization and urban horticulture, which are seasonal or otherwise temporary. Rinku Sen: Copenhagen and Us
  • Then take some finely powdered fluate of lime (fluor spar,) strew it even over the glass plate upon the waxed side, and then gently pour upon it, so as not to displace the powder, as much concentrated sulphuric acid diluted with thrice its weight of water, as is sufficient to cover the powdered fluor spar. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 284, November 24, 1827
  • Because of this subjects may have ignored memories of mundane situations and concentrated instead on recalling the ones which they remembered as risky.
  • At the outset she zips through the social niceties and plunges into a concentrated burst of questions and note-taking.
  • An inky black liquid with a strong nose, the wine is packed with dense, concentrated fruit and silky smooth tannins.
  • There will be countries and regions that will suffer long-term depopulation due to low fertility and emigration - but a combination of the two phenomena is mostly concentrated in eastern Europe, particularly in eastern Germany, Bulgaria and Ukraine. British Blogs
  • The cloudburst is a localised weather phenomena representing highly concentrated rainfall over News Feed
  • Any discussion of siting has, therefore, concentrated on such factors as communication links, defensive positions and local bridging points.
  • Scopolamine and hyoscyamine are most concentrated in the seeds and can cause anticholinergic poisoning in exposed persons.
  • Grape juice, unfermented and not containing added spirit, concentrated, of a Brix value not exceeding 30, in a package less than 18 kg.
  • In this stage, attention is concentrated almost exclusively on the end to be achieved ....
  • Excommunication threatened the eternal life of heretics and schismatics, while the Holy Inquisition concentrated the minds of defiant Catholics by handing them over to the civil power for a spot of torture or burning.
  • Kocher delivers concentrated doses of unadorned reality - not necessarily harsh and brutal but hardly always pretty, either.
  • After the war, I started racing motorcycles and riding in trials, but while I was reasonable I wasn't good enough to satisfy myself, and so I concentrated on my business.
  • But common sense would indicate that consuming liquid or semi-solid choices - a concentrated carbohydrate drink, sports drink or gel - might be easier to digest that a bowl of lentils.
  • Skirmishes with pirates as well as a concentrated campaign to eliminate one particular group early in his career had provided him with opportunities to excel.
  • At first we concentrated on craft and design, then we developed the graphical communications, and then we introduced technological studies.
  • Some buildings had wooden fronts, porches, and sidewalks; the streets were narrow, and buildings were densely concentrated.
  • Joseph is for the child in all of us, not so hot on depth or meaning but boiling with concentrated, undiluted, unadulterated fun.
  • She concentrated on the neuroanatomy, histological findings, and her father's intracranial pressure. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • At the same time the surviving companies will grow larger and capital will be concentrated into fewer hands.
  • For they concentrated on a very formal identification of local politics.
  • This applies especially to the life of the more affluent, most of whom are concentrated in the advanced societies.
  • Again, in 1994 there was a large but concentrated shift among a certain subsegment of voters at the congressional level, a realignment that had been long overdue at that point. Matthew Yglesias » People Hate Congress, Like Obama
  • This free heat is passed through a heat exchanger and concentrated to provide background underfloor heating for the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • In our studies, fibroblast contractile machinery was observed to function entirely within pseudopods, while GFP-alpha-actinin concentrated in pseudopod tips and cortex.
  • Your vitriol is almost always concentrated on those not left ENOUGH. Think Progress » Santorum excuses Graham’s anti-Muslim comments, calls them ‘reasonable.’
  • The do not know that marinara sauce routinely has more added sugar than ice cream topping; they do not know that breakfast cereals are routinely more concentrated sources of sodium than potato chips; they do not know fat-reduced peanut butter is less nutritious than regular due to added sugar and salt; they do not know that salt-reduced products routinely have added sugar and fat, sugar-reduced products routinely have added salt; they do not know that a 'multigrain' bread may contain no whole grains! The Full Feed from
  • Developments in sub-machine guns since 1945 have concentrated on bringing them closer to assault rifles and shrinking them in size.
  • However, only trace amounts of tetrodotoxin have been found in balloonfish, mainly concentrated in the ovaries.
  • It was, however, found impossible to obtain any crystallisation from the neutralised (BaCO_ {3}) and concentrated solution, the syrup being kept for some weeks in a desiccator. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Many of the city's residents who were able to leave the city are now concentrated in squalid refugee camps in surrounding regions.
  • She concentrated on centering herself, achieving a slight measure of control.
  • He concentrated his efforts on the keyboard parts, presumably because they allowed him to play or imagine the essence of these three anthems even in the absence of singers and viol players.
  • Many of them are headquartered in the Shapingba District, where higher education institutions are concentrated.
  • The major industrial developments were heavily concentrated in a few key areas of the Empire.
  • His therapy for Her involves facing her fear head-on, which has been concentrated to a single location – a small cabin in the woods named Eden, where the family previously summered. Chaos Reigns: My ANTICHRIST Review « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • They talked with a researcher via a handsfree mobe for half of the trip and maintained a concentrated silence for the other half.
  • James shook his head to clear it of distracting thoughts and concentrated on his job.
  • To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.
  • Instead, the government concentrated on impugning his motives.
  • Beyond the defended area, there are far fewer side-streets and lanes and occupation was concentrated along the main road frontages.
  • What is difficult to translate and what I specifically concentrated on in my review were moments where Proust describes as minutely as possible, and as no one had ever done before or after him, the psychological currents that run between one person and another, between those who do not wish to reveal anything about themselves and the narrator who is forever deciphering their hidden motives. 'Proust's Way?': An Exchange
  • Plasma obtained from the hyperimmunized equines is enzyme refined, purified and concentrated. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Normally there is a dynamic interplay between subject and countersubject in a fugue, but here the energy is concentrated in the subject, with the countersubject limply shadowing it in thirds and sixths.
  • This replenishes the water table while it filters and reduces toxins that otherwise would be picked up from impervious surfaces and concentrated in stormwater runoff.
  • Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one — the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.
  • Silent Spring (1963), which consisted of a number of essays earlier published in the New Yorker magazine detailing how pesticides such as DDT, aldrin and deildrin concentrated through the food web. Environmental Ethics
  • The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
  • Initially the flow out of the labour force and into retirement was concentrated among men within three years of pension age.
  • Getting a representative sample of such a diverse and unconcentrated industry is difficult but essential.
  • The joint venture by law enforcement agencies is concentrated on unroadworthy vehicles, drunken driving and reckless and negligent driving in an attempt to stem the road carnage.
  • Everything exhibited by adults, with the possible exception of adult sexuality, is there in concentrated and chaotic form. Think Progress » Nelson signals intent to join Republican filibuster of Obama labor board nominee. (Updated)
  • I could hardly tell exactly what it was, but it was very close and was a highly concentrated light.
  • I saw this bird feeding, its head concentrated on the bough of a beech tree.
  • This may be due to a large bolus of concentrated solute reaching the myocardium.
  • The heatwave is expected to continue into the week, according to weathermen, although the hot weather will be concentrated in the South of England while it will be fresher in the North.
  • Cleaning with highly concentrated hydrochloric acid with apparently little care or recognition of potential damage to some associated species is common.
  • During their tenure, they concentrated on building a loyal, local customer base for day and night skiing for beginners and intermediates.
  • Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.
  • The larger part of the main forces belonged to the 10th army concentrated in the central part of the WSMD in the Bialystok bulge area.
  • He concentrated, focusing his thoughts on the strange impressions he was receiving.
  • Its concentrated formula leaves skin feeling supersoft and hydrated by the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this world of the twenty-first century, with all but five per cent of the population concentrated in the mechanized cities, to be out here, miles from civilization, beyond all hope of communication, off the regular air lanes and without radiophone or heliograph. "The Barrier" by Harl Vincent, part 4
  • Barolo, produced in Piedmont, in the north-west of Italy, is generally regarded as the country's top wine: it is concentrated, complex and long-lived.
  • So again within the state itself, the sovereignty is often no longer concentrated in a single person or a single body of persons, but is exercised by the joint action of several organs, as in Great Britain, where the king and the Houses of Parliament are the joint administrators of the sovereignty of the state. The Unity of Civilization
  • She ignored the dark looks that were being sent in her direction and concentrated on calming the little boy down.
  • In some instances sparse mineralization that is uneconomical to mine can be concentrated by supergene processes into mineable ore; supergene deposits are commonly underlain by such primary mineralization.
  • Much of South Korea's wealth is concentrated in just a few dozen large conglomerates, known as chaebol, such as the Samsung group. Samsung's Image May Face New Bruise
  • The government has concentrated its efforts more on youth than on adult literacy.
  • Sanded bayou area regards Dalian downtown as one of the city zone, population is concentrated.
  • The cruciferous veggies usually found in the stewpot are a concentrated source of good health as well. Neil Zevnik: Forget The Gold -- Go For The Greens!
  • Tuna, researchers suspected, power their swimming by projecting muscle force from the mid-body, where the muscle is concentrated, back to the tail, which essentially acts as a natural, thrust-producing hydrofoil.
  • Using a semi-analytical method, the nonlinear stability of a spherical shallow shell under centrally distributed and concentrated loads is investigated in this paper.
  • The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
  • Congressional criticism of Bush's proposals concentrated on the limited additional funding provided.
  • Spice oleoresins are the true essence of spices in their most concentrated form and are the most preferred and convenient substitute for raw spices in the processed food industry.
  • It was designed that low voltage power carrier concentrated meter reading system in this paper.
  • For the first days of Lent, and perhaps for the entire period, devout Buddhists will abstain from intoxicants, certain foods, harsh language, deceitful deeds, and make a concentrated effort not to harm any living creature.
  • While in the management, the power should be decentralized within measure, and concentrated on the domination of what the government should and can dominate.
  • _Concentrated nitric acid_ attacks the natural silks powerfully in the cold; the lustra-celluloses dissolve on heating. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • To those like me whose education concentrated on the physical rather than the biological sciences, the Nilsson film was a revelation.
  • Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
  • Did it with what he called a concentrated thought force. Chronicle
  • There, often with Susan Einzig as his partner, his nervous energy became concentrated, dervish-like, into a trance-like state.
  • The orange juice has been concentrated.
  • The vaudeville act of "The Fighting Keatons" concentrated almost completely on the category known as knockabout farce. Instant Education
  • The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
  • Sitting down, and crossing her legs she closed her eyes and concentrated.
  • Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty. Ronald Reagan 
  • Linn attended agricultural school and concentrated on the study of ornamental horticulture.
  • With gale-force winds blasting throughout the cabin, I concentrated on stabilizing the hose.
  • Officials initially said the North Korean team would conduct its pretournament preparations in Bulawayo, a city where the crackdown had been concentrated. Zimbabwe Draws Boos For Soccer Overture
  • Goethe has called the Weltschmerz, and in which the concentrated sorrow of the world seemed suddenly to lie heavy upon him. Miscellaneous Studies; a series of essays
  • Great emphasis is put on building up soil fertility, but crops are also sprayed with ‘preparations’ of plant and animal substances which are ‘potentised’ or concentrated, rather like homeopathic medicines.
  • The word sauce comes from an ancient root word meaning “salt,” which is the original concentrated flavoring, pure mineral crystals from the sea p. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • According to Cot'n Wash, Inc. even 2X concentrated detergents are still 50% water and come in a bottle often not made from recycled plastic. dropps products have no wasted water the company says as the dosage is pre-measured and all ingredients in the packs are "active". 19 posts from November 2007
  • Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.
  • Concentrated serum albumin fractionated from blood plasma was effective in battlefield treatment of shock. Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
  • Whichever substance you use, put it on in as concentrated a form as you can using a large paint brush.
  • I dismissed the thoughts as too disturbing and concentrated instead on Selkirk's poem.
  • Dry crystals and concentrated solutions are caustic.
  • Predictably Ireland were much more driven in the second half, their teamwork more concentrated and intense and the Swiss were forced deeper and deeper into defence.
  • The process permits the production of concentrated ceric sulphate solutions at commercially viable current densities and efficiencies.
  • All igneous rocks contain at least a trace of barium, which is probably present in the silicates, and these small quantities are the ultimate source of the more concentrated deposits. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The minority population is concentrated in a few regions or states.
  • Plus, he points out that the by-product of alcohol production from corn is a highly concentrated and nutritious feed with which we can fatten up our livestock.
  • As service-and-information production becomes more industrialized, concentrated, bureaucratized, and automated, more and more service-and-information-producing organizations begin to operate behind what might be called one-way communication mirrors. Why Nothing Works
  • Princes in their capitals concentrated secular and spiritual power and conducted rites for their principalities, and they warred for subjects, booty and land, and control of the sea trade.

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