How To Use Complex In A Sentence

  • These deals are large and complex, requiring a lot more than just a "consigliere" -- a term always used with "The Godfather" playing in the background -- sitting in a dark room plotting with a CEO. Robert Teitelman: Svengalis, Bankers and the Role of Intermediaries
  • It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
  • It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
  •  Dengue 1-4 Antigen + conjugated monoclonal antibodies = antigen-MAb complex  Sandwich of anti-human IgG antibody / Serum Antibody / antigen-MAb complex  AI > Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Although the complex has only been open for a couple of months both men are happy they have managed to get the mix of activities correct.
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  • After only a few minutes my normally florid complexion had begun to resemble Florida. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the power of drawing iron is one of the ideas of the complex one of that substance we call a loadstone; and a power to be so drawn is a part of the complex one we call iron: which powers pass for inherent qualities in those subjects. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • That not only means that more information can be crunched at once, but these chips can also handle more complex instructions.
  • He had a thin face, a pasty complexion and a long thin nose.
  • He provides clear explanations of complex economic issues, using anecdotes to illustrate each point.
  • Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA. Your Right Hand Thief
  • There is no doubt that unnecessary complexity can stifle growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This makes is seem inevitable that the scanning device which supposedly generates higher-order experiences of our first-order visual experience would have to be almost as sophisticated and complex as the visual system itself.
  • The golden butternut squash velouté with escargot needed to be thicker to live up to its name, and more complex to live up to its price tag.
  • There are synthesizers that use frequency modulation and other algorithms to generate extraordinarily rich and complex sounds.
  • The Chinese authorities remain acutely aware of Ai's complex and innovative heresy and in China, an "edgy" artist has to face greater challenges than mockery or dismissive critics. Ai Weiwei: The rebel who has suffered for his art
  • An awesome book - what Robinson is particularly good at is figuring out how Chaplin pieced together out of accident, inspiration and music hall stunt, what turned into complex, archetypal early film narrative.
  • Given the complexities and plural nature of urban development other agencies must be closely involved.
  • He perceived that many forms had been subjected to what he calls degeneration, or, as we say, modification, and that the progress from the simple to the complex was by no means direct. Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • Ochre and red rippled across the male's mantle, in the delicate, complex traceries of which only males were capable.
  • α, and immune complexes were subjected to in vitro kinase assays using exogenous ATP-γ32P and PI as substrates followed by fluorography. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This has a deep ruby colour and complex range of flavours. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • What seems obvious though is the complexity of the process by which the banks will actually merge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
  • If that had gone in the game would have taken on a different complexion. The Sun
  • It seemed to him that the ground was prearranged into a form of complex geometry.
  • Can they grapple with the complex situation?
  • Getting involved in European companies is likely to bring a complexity of personnel management that will blow their minds," Graeme Maxton, a Europe-based independent auto industry analyst, told the news service, noting Chinese companies 'poor track record of managing their businesses. DealBook
  • Some minerals have complex chemical compositions.
  • The place has its own state-of-the-art winery, its own cooperage to ensure flavour and complexity, its own chef to educate consumers on the perfect blend of food and wine. It's all part of a worldwide trend.
  • These details are important for geodynamical modeling, which may one day predict complex geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The feelgood factor, a staple of Hollywood, is binned in favour of emotional truth and the complexities of human nature.
  • Any book that is written for the public, as this one is, needs to bring across that maturity and complexity of thinking in such a way that it is digestible by nonspecialists, without trivializing the subject.
  • A tall, impenetrable wall with barbed wire and sharp metal spikes on top surrounded the entire complex.
  • But I had not understood the full complexity and intricacy of the interpretive process.
  • But the wholesome image belies the complexities on the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand.
  • As stated, it's similar in its aromatic complexities to a Gewürztraminer.
  • But these statistics represent neither success nor failure in this complex counterinsurgency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lingonberries or cowberries are the fruit of a European relative of the cranberry, V. vitis-idaea; they have a distinctive, complex flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
  • Teams will also have to find ways of packaging the heavier and more complex power units. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is enough to give the hardened British holidaymaker a complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pale complexion can also signal iron deficiency anaemia. The Sun
  • The story of Hyderabad's ultimate incorporation into India is a complex one.
  • The structure is surprisingly complex, viewing the same events from different perspectives, which Zhang helpfully colour-codes in ravishing washes of primary tints.
  • While the difficulty of this work makes specialization in agency organization most desirable, in this complex and uncertain world we learn more by being uncertain. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • The core mantle boundary is a complex and dynamic area that churns and chugs as the liquid iron core roils at the bottom of the rock-like mantle.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • Inpatient hospitalization is available for children who require complex medical management. Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Center
  • The complexity and number of processes for treating silk goods may be realized when we know that a piece-dyed or printed fabric is handled its entire length between fifty and one hundred times after it comes from the loom, sometimes even more. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • The shallowness of the space is just one of the elements that form parts of a larger, more complex content.
  • The market is one of growing complexity, dynamism and openness.
  • There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • Poverty was recognised as a complex and multidimensional problem.
  • While I marvel at this book's heaviness and complexity, I too am a product of the disillusion climate, and I can't pipe down when I feel I'm being oppressed.
  • And you confused it with complexity, which is not a part of the argument at all.
  • Studies of family, twin and Foster child reveal that genetic factors play an important role in the etiological complex of mental retardation.
  • To fix this, we need a more complex filtering heuristic.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • Unsurprisingly, the story is much more complex than the headline suggests and provides yet another example of the story being spun to meet a commercial agenda.
  • This book is about achieving workable strategy in a complex world.
  • In the development of better asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts it is important to increase the energy difference between the transition complexes in order to obtain, as a consequence, larger enantiomeric excess. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • The residents of the complex, which has adequate fire security systems, practise mock fire drills every week.
  • The status of a character trait as a virtue need not be a fixed matter, but a matter complexly interrelated with the sort of society in which it appears.
  • Modernism and postmodernism have made us more aware of the complexities of the art form.
  • He is described as white, about six feet two inches tall aged in his mid to late 30s. with a large build, a shaved head, a ruddy complexion and a distinctive Liverpool accent.
  • The reality is that most people have a complex, sometimes contradictory attitude to government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many complex particle showers are produced in such interactions.
  • The imam still bore the mark of that experience in his gaunt frame and sallow, jaundiced complexion.
  • He sat among the great philosophers and the novelists of Western life like Steinbeck and Stegner and dreamed up a word for what Visa is: “chaordic” — complex systems that blend order and chaos. The Reading Class, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Most teleost fishes possess a complex set of intrinsic caudal fin muscles that have only rarely been studied experimentally.
  • Support from the landed classes was maintained only by an impossibly complex and grossly unfair system of taxation. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • Context is more important and complex in elaborative theory than in rhetoric.
  • The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
  • That construction is quite complex, but the meaning is clear and the choice of pronoun is right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many odontocetes can navigate by echolocation, producing sound waves using a complex system of nasal sacs and passages, and using the echoes to navigate.
  • Thylakoids of grana stacks are mostly abundant in PSII complexes, while PSI complexes are predominant in stroma lamellae.
  • Complexes suggested for Bombay, Calcutta, Jullundur, Kanpur, and Madras would have similar facilities and output, except for product lines specific to certain places. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • The Malleswaram market in the new parking complex plan has a basement, ground floor, mezzanine, three floors and a terrace across 70,000 sq ft, as does the Seshadripuram market.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • A chain-link fence, topped with razor wire, enclosed the complex, which consisted of a large barnlike structure adjacent to a smaller adobe residence. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shock Treatment
  • Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
  • Despite the outcry, glottochronology is still employed, but in mathematically increasingly complex and conceptually more sophisticated models.
  • Metal complexes are generally prepared by reacting a salt with another molecule or ion.
  • This is a complex wine that will sparkle as an accompaniment to a tall glass of bone chillingly cold lemon sorbet with sprigs of mint.
  • Earth is such a beautiful, unique, unbelievably complex planet and yet humans are simply hellbent on destroying it and everything on it. Death by Plastic
  • The complex of field systems and large stone walls extend from the north western slopes of Mount Brandon to within the boundaries of Dingle.
  • The playwright allows a predetermined narrative structure to quash the complexities that make Yamashita's case worthy of dramatization.
  • The fluidity of Polish syntax, due to inflection, makes possible a highly complex structure which, some Polish critics suspect, prevented Sep from attaining a wide readership in his time: he was too difficult.
  • Such materials have only been prepared by using very high molecular weight copolymers, typically up to 1 million g / mol, and maintaining uniform (monodisperse) polymer chain lengths, which requires solution processing that adds complexity and cost. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • Buying rural property is a complex business that requires the help of genuine experts.
  • Ritu had been chosen on account of her suitable family background and her fair complexion.
  • That construction is quite complex, but the meaning is clear and the choice of pronoun is right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flavin's great success, like his kindred artistic spirit Donald Judd, arises from the complex spatial awareness he creates with such industrial, apparently unartistic means.
  • The Tourist was impressive ... but this is even better, a dazzling, dizzyingly complex world of clandestine warfare that is complicated further by the affairs of the heart. The Nearest Exit by Olen Steinhauer: Book summary
  • New stellarators beat the confinement problem by creating a quasi-symmetric field - trading fiendishly complex magnetic fields for fiendishly complex magnets.
  • Can we preserve nuance, detail and polychromy in our accounts of ourselves – as complex selves in a complex society – without being coerced into subscription towards one group identity or another by colour-blind demagogues? A true democracy demands constant revitalisation of the spirit of openness, generosity and liberality of opinion
  • What can generally be observed empirically is typically a form of irreducible complexity where if a part is taken away then a lack of function results. Assessing Causality
  • Instead of standing up to them and telling them to stick it, I just ended up juggling a complex number of lies.
  • Chinese writers, he confronts the troubling complexities of recent history by means of a simple parable that reaches far beyond the boundaries of its fictional world. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Complexity is between determination and randomness.
  • Performance is somewhat slow, but this is not unusual for filters doing complex calculations.
  • Here various design moves unfold: nothing is what it seems, complexity unstitches singularity.
  • In spite of the complexities of spanning the globe and a sluggish economic environment, most of these tech transnationals have been delivering outstanding financial results.
  • It applies S-curve and adaptive control method in order to improve system performance and strengthen adaptability in kinds of complex circumstance.
  • Besides, the aragonitic shell is made up of two oriented layers: an irregular spherulitic prismatic layer and a fine complex crossed lamellar layer.
  • The value of these in companies, whose systems are run over the web and involve complex networks of social interaction, are obvious. Computing
  • This adds further complexity and is a source of hard - to - diagnose interoperability problems.
  • The shaken man described one of the attackers as thin, in his early 20s, with long thin face and a Mexican-style moustache and sallow complexion.
  • Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
  • Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
  • You had used only a subtle taupe pencil, which I would have thought would wash out my fair complexion.
  • Hinduism is not a unified system of belief and practice, and should at best be regarded as a convenient shorthand for a complex social and cultural phenomenon.
  • Internal walkways are two-level trellised arcades which visually unify the entire Hebrew Union Complex.
  • The female urine markers consist of more than 100 compounds, a much more complex mixture than the male glandular scents, which are mainly fatty acids and aromatics.
  • The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment. Undefined
  • More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates. Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
  • As they go through life they will need to deal with moral complexity and make difficult judgments. Times, Sunday Times
  • 78 Day 4 The variable z so defined has now a real and an imaginary part that can be individually addressed using, respectively, the syntax: __real__ z and __imag__ z Similarly, the next declaration produces a complex variable of 32-bit integer type: __complex__ int x; Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There will be pressure on junior family barristers to take on more complex work than they are ready for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such statistics aid our understanding of population movements but they mask the bewildering complexity that was the reality of the situation.
  • The problem is much bigger than the identity of the minister or the political complexion of the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • This allows the complexities of the grape to shine through, a quality inherent in all great wines.
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • The focus on a complex process of negotiations appears to exclude the possibility of structural change.
  • Does there really need to be moral complexity here? The Sun
  • This game is superior in complexity to English draughts by virtue of the fact that it is played on a board ten squares by ten squares and that capturing moves have an extended scope.
  • These rugs are "kilims", flat-woven rugs without a raised pile that often display complex patterns and magnificent colors. Claudiopolis: Legendary History Weaved Into Nature of Mut
  • The development of a leaf involves a complex pattern of cell division and cell elongation, with cell elongation playing a central part in the expansion of the leaf blade.
  • The stadium complex includes a multiscreen cinema and a hotel.
  • Software agents are semi-intelligent computer programs that help users with the overload of information and the complexity of the online world.
  • Her smooth black hair fell around her shoulders, and her cream-coloured dress nearly matched her pale complexion.
  • Striated muscle contraction is regulated by a protein complex bound to actin.
  • The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options.
  • The structure of this protein is particularly complex.
  • In terms of biological evolution, complex adaptive systems seek patterns and learn from their interactions with the environment.
  • In fact, coagulation of complex cells into cooperative communities was such a winning strategy that it evolved several times. SuperCooperators
  • That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead. Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
  • His complex philosophies are enlivened by often hilarious cracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organisational structure most conducive to high performance depends on whether the environment is stable and simple, or changing and complex.
  • Move on to complex appetizers like pheasant ballottine, a cylinder of braised meat surrounded by a savoury sauce and tiny little apples.
  • The cleavable complex is not thought to collapse spontaneously and is fully reversible.
  • Can she really be as flawless as her complexion? Times, Sunday Times
  • Remarkably, the argument of the outermost is a repetitive appends operation and it has only linear complexity with P1 reverse () operations, but each of them is of linear complexity, so the total complexity of implementing my: prepend-iter () we have demonstrated is a simplified case of the many different real world scenarios we may encounter that will require repetitive prepends. Planet XML
  • Objective We explore the value of three - dimensional scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex.
  • Organic acids have been shown to increase the solubility of minerals and form strongly bound complexes and chelates with many metal cations.
  • Social psychology is clearly another large and highly complex topic.
  • Traditionally, the attitude toward the motherland among Russian speakers abroad has been complex.
  • I write about Cuny not just because he became a friend who touched all who knew him, but because his world was the world in which I am interested here, and his engagements on some of the battlefields of what is often called post-modern warfare show the scope and complexity of finding international solutions to local or regional crises. DELIVER US FROM EVIL
  • There were 2-4 arteries around the cerebellopontine angle segment of the facial-acoustic nerve complex entering the inner acoustic meatus in each side. The arteries were connected with each other.
  • A large body of evidence points to the existence of an extended, complex coronal magnetosphere originating at the cooler K subgiant Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Materialists who hold that the mind is a complex physical system deny that it is possible for there to be an Evil Genius world, since, on their view, your mind could not possibly exist in a matterless world. Dr. Nishad
  • Pronger and Blake can change the complexion of the game just by being on the ice, and believe me, they will be on the ice a lot.
  • In assembling complexity, the bounty of increasing returns is won by multiple tries over time-a process anyone would call growth.
  • The plan of the sanctuary complex, now a dignified patchwork of ruins, is quintessentially Syrian, with a small central temple surrounded by an expansive precinct known as the temenos . Temple of the 'Bride of the Desert'
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • Some enzymes are only active as multienzyme complexes for which the names and/or EC numbers of all participating enzymes are given in the commentary. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It was a great moment near the end of the colloquium when it became clear that the three-choir polyphonic complexity scheduled for the last motet was not really viable. 250 Sing Liszt's Ave Maris Stella
  • Complex analysis of the international tale of the hero or heroine who glimpses a forbidden sight and suffers for it.
  • Siamese twins died Friday night due to a complex congenital cardiopathy (a badly formed heart that both shared and which was incapable of pumping blood), according to Radio Programas del Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • An exotic Lebanese assemblage of Sauvignon and muscat, this crisp, complex wine has a nose of light apricot and white flowers.
  • The remainder of the protein components in these complexes is encoded in the nucleus.
  • Also known as the paragraph mark, the pilcrow, for such a humble, rarely used mark, has a surprisingly complex history.
  • Hence, the MoBiA exhibition appeals to interests ranging from theology and the complexities of interpretation to the aesthetic delights of bibliophilia. Four Centuries of Love and Suffering for the Word
  • By the term heptarchy is understood that complexus of seven kingdoms, into which, roughly speaking, Anglo-Saxon Britain was divided for nearly three centuries, until at last the supremacy, about the year The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • They can parse complex words and sentences; but this parsing takes more work than reading simpler, clearer prose.
  • the tawniness of his complexion
  • A high percentage of clients and patients will need complex interdisciplinary assessments.
  • In 1923 he published important work on real and complex algebras of low dimension.
  • I have been told that many of them wear patent complexions, "boughten" bangs, and pad out scrawny forms until they appear voluptuous Junos, and thereby deceive and ensnare, bedazzle and beguile the unsuspecting sons of men. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • Can she really be as flawless as her complexion? Times, Sunday Times
  • We laid out a third trench 3 m east of the second trench in order to further investigate the large central room of the northern series as well as to uncover its southern wall and part of the large central courtyard (tentatively identified as the palaestra of the complex). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Near the Theater Report 7
  • The result is a hugely complex tax system full of loopholes. Times, Sunday Times
  • His technical skill guarantees admirable clarity in the midst of complex counterpoints, and there is a delightful sense of well-being about the performances.
  • A hollywood SciFi flic can pretend to be as progessive as possible, anti-imperialist eco-warriors fighting against a capitalist military-industrial complex, but it seems it is impossible to subvert the gender dichotomy even a little bit. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • Switching suppliers online can save a packet - but it is still too complex. The Sun
  • Their solution is a complex classification system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students use this technique today to master the most complex and tricky footwork.
  • 'Oh, no, 'said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny,' the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap. He never eats dumplings, he don't -- he eats nothing but steaks, and likes 'em rare. ' Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
  • Other examples are negative numbers, complex numbers, trigonometry, raising to powers, logarithms, and the beginnings of calculus.
  • The report reveals that decisions are based on ‘inaccurate and out-of-date country information, unreasoned decisions about people's credibility and a failure to properly consider complex torture cases.’
  • Our experience of Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter, directed by Landon Johnson for Vespertine Productions at The Flight Theatre at The Complex Theatres, is not so much that of a fly on a wall; a fly's buzz would unbalance Johnson's tersely orchestrated suspense tale of two hit men in a Birmingham basement. James Scarborough: Hollywood Fringe: The Dumb Waiter, Vespertine Productions & Girl Band in the Men's Room, Dirty Blonde Productions
  • Many conifers produce oleoresin, a complex mixture of mono-, sesqui- and diterpenoids.
  • Schneider manages an apartment complex in suburban Denver.
  • Spatially complex microhabitats tend to reduce desiccative water loss by cutting down the amount of moving air the animal is exposed to.
  • The complexion of the former class is that which we call a brunette, and the skin is most delicately smooth and soft. The Eventful History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty: Its Cause and Consequences
  • The end result is an extremely complex manifold that actually reduces component complexity and trims assembly time.
  • The term 'transgendered', like the term 'queer', is a term conceived broadly enough to potentially include medieval people: a certain percentage of persons who describe themselves with this term live either in-between genders or in some other complex relationship with the binary of male and female. In the Middle
  • Many, but not all Carolina allspice have a complex fruity, spicy smell.
  • Inside Lord 100, Cris Cheek was rattling through a complex history of performance-based poetry in England in the 70s, and on the screen in front of us flashed many slides of old mimeoed programs of great, if transient events. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The ground floor of the complex will contain a spa, while the second floor will house a conference centre, a club room, and lounge.
  • Independent characters when used as partial components in compound characters sometimes occur in different positions in these more complex graphs.
  • Song L, Aster JC, Blacklow SC (2006) Structural basis for cooperativity in recruitment of MAML coactivators to Notch transcription complexes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This complex activates prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of calcium ions.
  • Most studies also do not take into account the complex interplay between different variables in predicting lung volumes.
  • This ambivalence over the simplicity or complexity of the discarnate soul became a point of controversy among later Platonists.
  • With the death of the plants the terrestrial food chain would collapse, and complex life would be wiped from the land. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet

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