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How To Use Commotion In A Sentence

  • Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
  • As each of them look under the table, he screams and bangs his head, creating enough commotion to bring the whole café to his attention.
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • Some of the commotion is unsettling if you are tyring to have a normal home life. Updates
  • Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
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  • The bigger buffed man retreated cowardly to the other side of the gym while people stared at the commotion.
  • Returning home, she learned from a neighbor that there had been a commotion in her condo.
  • She was only saved when a man in a nearby flat heard the commotion and called police. The Sun
  • It was a flatbottomed outrigged deal boat, very long, and so narrow that to look over one's shoulder in it was a manoeuvre of extreme delicacy, especially where the rapids caused the water to be in wild commotion. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • The fourth official heard the commotion and reported the incident straight to the referee. The Sun
  • ‘We heard a commotion on the beach so we got up and ran to see what was going on,’ he said.
  • Through all the noise, commotion and apparent pandemonium, there was heavy and effective policing.
  • What began as a small commotion is quickly growing into a full-blown riot.
  • Suddenly, an uproar of shouts rang through the halls as both writers and editors alike came to see what was causing the commotion.
  • a commotion of people fought for the exits
  • It was enough to cause a commotion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the commotion the victim was punched in the face by both attackers and left bruised, but didn't need hospital treatment.
  • Her eyes squinted madly, trying to make out the manner of the commotion around them.
  • A slight commotion in the outer office attracted his attention.
  • I hear a huge ka-blunk and commotion behind me, and I turn to find Reba laying on the floor, half recovering from a huge sneeze and half laughing in mortification. 10 outstretched hands reaching down to her and cries of concern from all directions. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • In this installment we get to see all the players converge on a yacht owned by one of the richest men in New York, and discover what all the commotion is about. Review: Die Hard: Year One #3 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • And with a great deal of commotion, we did all our lavations.
  • In his joyous caracole round the lists, the attention of the Prince was called by the commotion, not yet subsided, which had attended the ambitious movement of Isaac towards the higher places of the assembly. Ivanhoe
  • Did I think it would cause such a commotion? The Sun
  • Alerted by the commotion the burglar was disturbed and chased by pub regulars but he got away.
  • This caused a bit of a commotion as the hospital grounds are quite large and it was a five minute walk to reach the main entrance.
  • Infinite was moved within Himself, and shone and coruscated in that circle, from the centre outward and again to the centre: and that commotion we term exhilaration; and from that exhilaration, variously divided within Himself, was generated the potency of determining the fashioning of the letters. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • While sound achieves an end-rhyme at line 40, "the clear universe of things around," the formal chord is already belated in the train of the triple chord of sound in the commotion of 30-34 about the phenomenon itself. Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound
  • Police said that shortly after 3 a.m. officers heard commotion - a metal "rumble" - coming from the roof of the Quick and Easy Food Store at 580 Bellevue Ave. and checked out the building. SplicedFeed
  • A local peasant farmer is threshing corn nearby and, hearing the commotion, comes to the rescue, using his flail as a weapon.
  • “Your total is one thousand, one hundred and five dollars and eight cents,” the salesgirl said to me, even though her eyes were on the commotion in front of the dressing room. Real wifeys
  • The guys were making a racket and amid the commotion were cries of victory.
  • At four o'clock one afternoon he heard a commotion on the landing outside, and his door was flung open.
  • Meanwhile, she rested on a perch, mildly disgusted by all the commotion.
  • Only gradually did he become conscious of a commotion in the darkness beside him.
  • Commotion over multiple births - quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets - isn't new.
  • She tries to sense the household imp, that unseen menace, but it must be scared by the commotion of guests. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Then, when he was tired of the merry-making, he put that tape into the VCR and made a huge commotion that everyone should get home where they'd be safe. Tom Matlack: Memories of Dad at Christmas
  • They stood in a tight bunch and craned their necks to see what was causing the commotion.
  • cause a commotion
  • If the world had more of an open mind about gay and lesbian relations there wouldn't be as much commotion about the subject at hand.
  • Trailing fingers are terminals which ignite living flames, and the propeller of the little boat creates an avengeful commotion of light which trails far astern. Tropic Days
  • Then, from the other end of house, she said she heard ‘an awful row, shouting and raised voices, a real commotion’.
  • He has tart remarks concerning the latest Anglican commotions.
  • Wednesday's commotion is likely to give both candidates a financial boost. First on the Ticker: GOP heckler blasted by 2010 challenger
  • The winter that was to provide respite from the summer's commotion only proved to be worse.
  • We then heard medical staff shouting for help and lots of commotion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of furniture had been knocked over in the commotion.
  • That confession was required before Communion is evident from the penitential ascribed to St. Columbanus, which orders (can. xxx) "that confessions be given with all diligence, especially concerning commotions of the mind, before going to Mass, lest perchance any one approach the altar unworthily, that is, if he have not a clean heart. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Commotion over multiple births - quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets - isn't new.
  • In an interview held within hours of the incident Richardson told officers how there was a loud commotion and banging on his door.
  • After seemingly endless weeks of constant commotion, they appear listless and lethargic.
  • We then heard medical staff shouting for help and lots of commotion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pregnant turtles, too petrified by the commotion to wade ashore at night, are being forced to lay their eggs in the sea, where they cannot hatch.
  • Dragging myself ungracefully to my feet, I froze again, listening for any noise, waiting for anyone to come and check what the commotion was about.
  • IT'S early Wednesday morning and the activity at the Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market, known as Africa's biggest, can only be compared to the frantic commotion of an anthill just before the rain.
  • Suddenly, there was a tremendous noise and commotion as a small plane dropped from the sky and landed right next to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The secret to catching big bass in cover is to fish in and around the heaviest stuff with a large lure, and work the lure so it causes a commotion in the weedbeds and is easy for the fish to find. How I Fish: Doug Hannon
  • The minute you step into his bedroom, loud alarms sound and Disney cast members come running to see what all the commotion is about. - Boing Boing
  • After the terrier cornered the rat, all Padlin saw was a commotion of claws, paws, and teeth.
  • I had to buy a pair of shoes but half way through my purchase a commotion erupted outside in the street.
  • This sound, whatever had caused it, seemed to proclaim the climax of the commotion: for immediately after the _Catamaran_ began to compose herself, the waves caused by her continued rocking gradually grew less, until at length, once more "righted," she lay in her customary position upon the tranquil surface of the sea. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • Now as the beds of chalk and of granulated limestone may have been formed by alluviation, on or beneath the shores of the sea, or in vallies of the land; it would seem, that some coal countries, which in the great commotions of the earth had been sunk beneath the water, were thus covered with alluvial limestone, as well as others with alluvial basaltes, or common gravel-beds. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • After seemingly endless weeks of constant commotion, they appear listless and lethargic.
  • In the commotion, he took a big turn around second base and was tagged out.
  • The commotion gradually quiets down and the judge looks at the jury.
  • A calm surface favors the finesse of a dogwalker, and a riffled surface suggests the increased commotion of a chugger or a slush-type plug rigged with propellers.
  • 'Yes,' said Margaret, rather sadly, remembering the never-ending commotion about trifles that had been going on for more than a month past: 'I wonder if a marriage must always be preceded by what you call a whirlwind, or whether in some cases there might not rather be a calm and peaceful time just before it.' North and South
  • We could not see the commotion, but pictures taken at the time show them scrambling over one another in their haste to escape. Times, Sunday Times
  • 22 Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • His arms around his head, he shut his eyes, blocking out all the commotions that came from outside his room and making his mind completely blank, devoid of any obvious emotions.
  • A passing cab driver, who heard the commotion and spotted the fire coming from the flat, called police.
  • The recipe which was causing a minor commotion was for a lobster set ablaze with whisky.
  • A neighbor calls the police after hearing the commotion of two individuals prying open a window.
  • Being out with Maggie caused quite a sensation, quite a commotion.
  • The great commotion seemed to die down. RALEGH'S LAST JOURNEY: A Tale of Madness, Vanity and Treachery
  • Except for a lame and swollen front hoof, the bull appeared fine, if dazed by all the commotion.
  • As Mark turned to see what the commotion was, I leaned close to his dark, wavy hair and breathed in his expensive creme rinse. LEGAL TENDER
  • Lawrence considers these questions through the medium of English rural life, beginning his story in the small Midlands village of Cossethay just as a canal has been built through it to connect the new collieries, bringing the first signs of the "commotion" – the violation, in Lawrence's sexual-topographical vision – of industrialisation to the slumbrous valley. Rereading: The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
  • Negotiating the chaos and commotion of the gridlocked Arc de Triomphe in a car is not for the faint-hearted, never mind on a tandem.
  • A neighbour was alerted by the commotion and the Metropolitan Police and an ambulance were called.
  • Life is very busy and extra commotion in the background annoys me more than anything.
  • In a moment the decks were in commotion, Johansen bellowing orders and the men pulling or letting go ropes of various sorts — all naturally confusing to a landsman such as myself. Chapter 3
  • Aaron held him down though, preventing any commotion that would endanger our lives as well as the captains.
  • Will he not again meet wicked men in the decuries? will he not again tamper with those men who have received lands? will he not again seek those who have been banished? will he not, in short, be Marcus Antonius; to whom, on the occasion of every commotion, there will be a rush of all profligate citizens? The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • By this time, throngs of shoppers had gathered around us to watch the commotion and were whispering frantically.
  • Never before was there such a commotion in the Northern States.
  • The recipe which was causing a minor commotion was for a lobster set ablaze with whisky.
  • Surrounded by the commotion of a spring training clubhouse, Corey Patterson sat quietly by his locker, rewrapping the handle of his bat, keeping to himself and taking it all in.
  • Puzzled by the unknown cause of all this barely subdued commotion, Stephanie absently fingered the scarab pendant suspended by a gold chain to nestle in the valley between her breasts, the loose weave of her white rollneck sweater providing a backdrop for the jewelry. Heart Of Stone
  • Ex-con Johnny Clay gets cold-blooded Arane to shoot a racehorse and chess-playing thug Maurice to start a commotion while he half-inches the green.
  • He had heard the commotion of my arrival and seemed pleased to see me. Broken Lives
  • Suddenly there is a commotion - a pack of motorcycles.
  • I really don't see what all the commotion is about. Sound Politics: Were You Offended?
  • A tremendous commotion in a stubble field beside the track made me jump. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently she'd had some kind of brain storm and caused quite a commotion. The Glasgow Girls
  • The children are making a lot of commotion.
  • She heard a commotion and calls for help. Times, Sunday Times
  • A slight commotion in the outer office attracted his attention.
  • About a dozen officers moved in swiftly to make sure the commotion didn't spread.
  • One was playing with two glass marbles, rolling them from hand to hand, completely ignoring the unearthly commotion going on around him.
  • His arrival caused quite a commotion.
  • Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
  • Urban commotions, however, were to continue into the seventeenth century.
  • This does not invalidate the moral argument against hunting but does begin to explain why a minority can make so much noise and commotion while the rest of us are obliged to tolerate their antics.
  • On the morning of this tragedy, a neighbour and close friend heard all the commotion and ran across the road to see if Ruth was OK.
  • Thereafter Jurgen came upon a considerable commotion in the bushes, where a satyr was at play with an oread. Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • The commotion on the two ships' decks was incredible as pirates streamed onto the merchantmen and sailors streamed onto the Emerald Lady.
  • I heard a great commotion in the hallway.
  • Rumble rumble, shout and holla, came the sudden commotion in the corridor.
  • It was night as a rule before the column reached its camp, and there were some gorgeous pictures in the great outspanning commotion seen through dust clouds and the red sunset, and by light of many camp fires. The Relief of Mafeking How it Was Accomplished by Mahon's Flying Column; with an Account of Some Earlier Episodes in the Boer War of 1899-1900
  • Down through the sere leaves comes the first chestnut; others follow in quickening commotion, beginning their long pilgrimage to perfection; a hundred years hence they will stand in bridal white against the blue. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Trina was sitting outside her grandparent's house later that summer when she heard a commotion coming from the direction of the riverside gate.
  • As the beating and allision of the waves against a rock make no trouble in the rock, no commotion there; but a great deal of noise, clamour and tumult round about it. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Lawrence considers these questions through the medium of English rural life, beginning his story in the small Midlands village of Cossethay just as a canal has been built through it to connect the new collieries, bringing the first signs of the "commotion" – the violation, in Lawrence's sexual-topographical vision – of industrialisation to the slumbrous valley. Rereading: The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
  • Neighbours spoke of hearing a loud bang and a commotion, as police, paramedics and the fire brigade attended the scene.
  • The city was quiet, in the lull between the commotion and bustle of the day and the casual activity of night.
  • This caused quite a commotion as he didn't take kindly to my interruption and asked who was I to question him and disturb his presentation.
  • Police said one of his neighbours heard the commotion and chased the suspect towards the nearby pub where he lost sight of him.
  • The noise and commotion woke up many of the neighbors, who came in pajamas to their windows and doors to watch the spectacle. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • A commotion signalled another group of protesters being dragged out. LOST SUMMER
  • Rumble rumble, shout and holla, came the sudden commotion in the corridor.
  • Some locals, including two men on a tractor and a bicycle, rambled over for a chat and to suss out the commotion that had descended on the local village.
  • These records refer to the qafilabashi's generalized interference in the darogha's activities by "acting as if the whole place (Jamrud) belonged to him (the qafilabashi)," the qafilabashi causing a night time commotion at Jamrud when the darogha was registering some 700 to 800 camels for the next day's travel, the qafilabashi verbally assaulting Afghan nomads whom he claimed refused to carry Durrani government stores, and his "thrashing the kuchis, imposing double fines and seizing their camels. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Before he could respond, Ayenden's attention was drawn to a commotion atop the Nexus platform.
  • Scarcely have we hauled our boat up on the sand, and deposited our provisions and water in the roofless house, when we hear a commotion in the river -- a swarm of fish called 'tailer' are making havoc among a Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • After the terrier cornered the rat, all Padlin saw was a commotion of claws, paws, and teeth.
  • The variety of Pino's responses to Michelangelo is seen in his later Crucifixion of 1577 in SS Severino e Sossio, where Christ's lithe body is seen above a commotion of figures below.
  • As the paramedics shoulder through, a commotion breaks out near the spectators.
  • If this has gone unchallenged since the 1930s then removing the cross may cause more commotion than leaving it — and avoiding the agitation of religious sensibilities is one of the core policies of the Establishment Clause, as I understand it. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cross Memorials on Government Land
  • TYPE: Overhead 2-wing blade with clacker blade A clacker-style buzzbait makes more of a commotion, but due to the added resistance, you can't retrieve it as slowly, making it a poor choice for cold water. How to Pick the Right Spinnerbait for Spring Largemouth Bass
  • In the commotion, a signalman failed to alert an oncoming train. Will Indian Trains Ever Be Safe?
  • Pregnant turtles, too petrified by the commotion to wade ashore at night, are being forced to lay their eggs in the sea, where they cannot hatch.
  • People opened their windows or came out into the street to see what the commotion was about.
  • His mum dialled 999 when she heard the commotion. The Sun
  • She tries to sense the household imp, that unseen menace, but it must be scared by the commotion of guests. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Just as I exited the shower, dripping wet, there was an unearthly commotion from somewhere close by.
  • Registered nurse Carla Boniface and her daughter, who were picking tuatua, heard the commotion just as the tide had turned to come in. New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
  • You should reconsider how you look at the world - the most obvious reason for all of this commotion is "A Mistake". Msagara: Amazon listing, part 2
  • One morning, several days later, the arena was vexed by uproar and commotion from the animal cages. CHAPTER XXIX
  • I quickly went to see what the commotion was about and saw that my teacher was soundly lashing a young boy, stripped naked and wrists bound to a column so that he wouldn't escape.
  • As curly-locked James clung 20-ft from the ground he had no idea of the commotion he had caused by wriggling out of a roof window at his Windermere home on to the roof tiles.
  • We'd been there for about a week, sat outside our teepee smoking weed, when suddenly there was this huge commotion at the stockade, and this motorbike comes haring down towards the lake.
  • The next thing I knew there was a major commotion outside on the street. The Sun
  • A flood of widows in cornflower blue burqas, demanding the right to work, sweep the viewer convincingly right into the middle of the drama, where a western cameraman captures the commotion.
  • Suddenly, those of us in the business centre heard a commotion next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can also recall the commotion caused by the disforesting of Malvern Chase, A.D.1632, and the riots and misdemeanours which arose in consequence.
  • The people upstairs were making a great commotion.
  • She waited in a hush of feeling, so near to great commotions of the heart and mind, but holding them at a distance in a suspense of all thought, till the shandrydan appeared in the opening of the road. The Marriage of Elinor
  • Attracted by the uproar the master and the mistress of the house and their guests hurried to the scene and invited me to await the issue of this commotion.
  • He was puzzled but strangely excited by the commotion.
  • The noise and commotion woke up many of the neighbors, who came in pajamas to their windows and doors to watch the spectacle. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • Lots of furniture had been knocked over in the commotion.
  • An Afghan soldier caused a commotion as he prepared to fire another. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went outside on the second floor balcony of his house to see what the commotion was all about in their garden.
  • Neighbours heard a commotion shortly after midnight and watched as police removed articles of clothing from the boot of the man's car.
  • I heard some noise and his excited voice and a whole lot of other commotions.
  • Jasmine ducked the accusing gaze of her flustered manager as he marched out of the kitchen door to survey the commotion.
  • All this commotion is caused by the fact that she INSISTS on making this trip NOW. Global Voices in English » Netherlands: Too young to sail the world alone at 13?
  • Rising to see what the commotion was about - having, for reasons of his own, dismissed all his servants for the night - Wilde was confronted by several men dressed as clowns who shouted fragmented lines from Lear's A Book of Nonsense at him, enclosed him in a circle and danced around him until his mind, so he himself says, had been set awhirl with chaos. EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT 1/5: The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar
  • I saw all the commotion outside of your house and I didn't know what happened.
  • I set down thesac à doson the cobbled sidewalk in time to reread the curlicue announcement but no sooner had I translated the first word than the shop door flew open setting off a commotion of cowbells. French Word-A-Day:
  • There was a commotion outside the office - loud, accusatory voices.
  • Scared pelicans flapped away, and Ellen came up from the galley to see what had caused the commotion.
  • Police turned up to see what the commotion was, but there were no charges. The Sun
  • The Redskins are perennial powerhouses when it comes to offseason commotion.
  • When two tides meet there is ever a cruel commotion, and ships are apt to be dashed on the rocks, and Carmichael's mind was in a "jabble" that day. Kate Carnegie and Those Ministers
  • The west front is indeed its chief beauty of exterior attraction; and it was once rendered doubly interesting by a profusion of alto-rilievo statues, which _disappeared_ during the commotions of the revolution. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One
  • In it, Bearden alternates between the commotion of Harlem -- street cars and barbershops, friends congregating on the corner -- and our quietest possible moments on earth -- through one of the building's windows, a couple makes love; through another, a man sits by himself on the backstairs. Bobby Elliott: New York's Centennial Celebration of Romare Bearden (1911 - 1988)
  • Shortly afterwards there was a commotion outside. THE HITLER-HESS DECEPTION
  • First, before he gets started, there's a commotion in the middle of the audience.
  • For Wordsworth, "vexing" crosses the boundaries between physical commotion and mental flurry, and between things as they are and things as they could be recreated. Leaving Box Hill: Emma and Theatricality
  • A loud commotion came from out of doors, and Sarah's face brightened with a beaming smile.
  • In 1888 there was a great commotion amongst them when it was discovered that a would-be competitor and a gownsman had conspired, in Pampanga Province, to establish a Miraculous Saint, by concealing an image in a field in order that it should "make itself manifest to the faithful," and thenceforth become a source of income. The Philippine Islands
  • The city was quiet, in the lull between the commotion and bustle of the day and the casual activity of night.
  • I was at the bridge where this happened, I happened to be passing and saw all the commotion, and can tell you that the Thames is running faster and higher than normal, and even if I could swim (I cant) I dont think I would have been brave enough to go in. on December 11, 2007 at 10: 41 pm | Reply JOCKtheCOP Father Can’t Yell « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Half the barges were away, already sweeping downriver with thin, white mustaches under their bluff bows, when a commotion awoke ashore.
  • Neither internal commotions nor seemingly mighty political revolutions, such as the illuminism of the French Encyclopedists and the German neo-classicists, the temporary supremacy of rationalism, and the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • A commotion arose in the aisle behind them among police guards and latecomers.
  • A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.
  • There was a commotion in the hallway.
  • If the other orphans see that they'll cause a commotion and stir up so much trouble.
  • The commotion attracted the duty nurse, who asked Geeta to feed the baby instead of thrashing it.
  • In the commotion, the egg of another murre fell and smashed on the rocks below. Where Birds Rule the Earth
  • We then heard medical staff shouting for help and lots of commotion. Times, Sunday Times
  • What began as a small commotion is quickly growing into a full-blown riot.
  • A neighbour was alerted by the commotion and police and ambulance attended the scene.
  • The sea rocked like an earthquake, vomiting against the sandy shore, pounding in a kettledrum commotion. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • We had not long been asleep when we heard a commotion outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • One afternoon there was all this commotion outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initially created ‘globe of terrene and aqueous particles, mingled in confusion and commotion’ would naturally, under the laws of gravity, instantly begin to precipitate strata on the universal ocean bottom.

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