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[ US /kəˈmoʊʃən/ ]
[ UK /kəmˈə‍ʊʃən/ ]
  1. the act of making a noisy disturbance
  2. a disorderly outburst or tumult
    they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused
  3. confused movement
    a commotion of people fought for the exits
    he was caught up in a whirl of work

How To Use commotion In A Sentence

  • Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
  • As each of them look under the table, he screams and bangs his head, creating enough commotion to bring the whole café to his attention.
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • Some of the commotion is unsettling if you are tyring to have a normal home life. Updates
  • Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
  • The bigger buffed man retreated cowardly to the other side of the gym while people stared at the commotion.
  • Returning home, she learned from a neighbor that there had been a commotion in her condo.
  • She was only saved when a man in a nearby flat heard the commotion and called police. The Sun
  • It was a flatbottomed outrigged deal boat, very long, and so narrow that to look over one's shoulder in it was a manoeuvre of extreme delicacy, especially where the rapids caused the water to be in wild commotion. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • The fourth official heard the commotion and reported the incident straight to the referee. The Sun
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