How To Use Collectivist In A Sentence

  • A collectivist perspective is characterized by an emphasis on the needs of the group, the opposite of individualism.
  • But all my "collectivist" - bashing friends never said why World War II had such a happy economic effect. Article Feed
  • *** And, when one reads Berlin's qualified praise of Herzen, it's easy to see how he became central to Stoppard's three plays: "Herzen does at least face genuine political problems, such as the incompatibility of unlimited personal liberty with either social equality, or the minimum of social organization and authority; the need to sail precariously between the Scylla of individualist 'atomization' and the Charybdis of collectivist oppression; the sad disparity and conflict between many, equally noble human ideals; the nonexistence of 'objective,' eternal, universal moral and political standards, to justify either coercion or resistance to it; the mirage of distant ends, and the impossibility of doing wholly without them. Stinky Inky, Part VI: Carlin Romano's April Fools' Joke on His Philadelphia Inquirer Readers
  • “The Western tradition of seeking help from a stranger such as a psychologist may be culturally inappropriate from a collectivistic perspective,” she wrote. The Truth About Grief
  • Kutchera also noted since the Caucasian market is often individualistic whereas the Hispanic market tends to be collectivistic, according to Geert Hofstede, the Dutch organizational sociologist who studied cultural dimensions in international business. Ashley Michelle Williams: Social Media Is the Gateway to Hispanics
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  • In village H's development, bequeathal collectivistic ideology affects its developing route, and furthermore, village party committee inherits powerful mobilizing abilities and leads the development.
  • The debate before us here on the mechanism of planetary scale climatic changes is indicative of the "science" practiced in collectivist societies such as Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany where advancement and even employment were dependant on adherance to political rather than factual science. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • They are not pro-gressives, they are re-gressives and they will take humanity back to the dark days of classist oppression in collectivist Europe if we let them. Sound Politics: Yes, It Is Your Fault, Ms. Brodeur
  • If the crisis is used as an excuse to bring back the dead hand of collectivist policies, it is not only destructive of short-term economic well-being but also of long-term freedom and prosperity.
  • As for collectivist, that isn't a bad thing either. Jeb Bush: 'I don't know' if Obama is a socialist
  • So, get off your sofa and push aside the pizza wrappings and call your collectivist activist block leader and demand a greater share of the fruits of other peoples labour. The latest, last scandal
  • The prevalence of the large corporation, with its shift of power from the owners to the managers has certainly changed the character of modern capitalism from an individualistic to a "collectivistic" system. Same Old New Class
  • Aid agencies subsidized the worst collectivist autocracies, underwriting the very policies responsible for Third World poverty.
  • Today's young, she concludes, are unlikely to be collectivist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anthropologist Richard Shweder argues that for so-called collectivist societies there is also a strong "ethics of community" (authority/respect, duty/loyalty); often there is an "ethics of divinity" (purity/sanctity) as well. Scott Atran: Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don't Get It
  • Ironically, this impetus towards individualisation has involved creating discrete and mutually-exclusive learner ‘types’, a development that is, in turn, reflected in the discourse that perpetuates ethnic and cultural stereotyping – of the kind: “Asians are collectivist (as opposed to individualist)” – that is to say, an obsessive concern for categorisation as a basis for pedagogy. L is for Learning Styles « An A-Z of ELT
  • I certainly agree with him about the collectivist movement plaguing our world.
  • In a libertarian society people are free to voluntarily pool their money, buy and hold property in common, and as long as all individuals retain the right to join and unjoin at will, they can set up any kind of voluntary Marxist Leninist Maoist Castroist Whateverist collectivist society they want. Anarchist news dot org - News for anarchists and their friends
  • Tribal governments are, very often, collectivist in their economics, allowing little space for internal pluralism of news media or business enterprises.
  • I am similarly hopeful that you liberal, subjectivist, collectivist simpletons are roundly agitated and annoyed.
  • In that struggle, Ryan argued that shifting Social Security which he called a "collectivist system" toward personal investment accounts was not only good policy, but would change the political landscape, according to a recording of the event made by its host, The Atlas Society. Crooks and Liars
  • One set consists of our socialist predecessors - that is, those who looked towards collectivist solutions which were unachievable in their own time, like the Diggers in England or the Conspiracy of Equals in France.
  • The neoconservatives are collectivist wolves in the sheep's clothing of freedom.
  • All the language was collectivist, always it was about group, co-operation and acting together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whereas the governments of the Senanayake and Bandaranaike family dynasties hailed from the relatively moderate Colombo-centric elite, the Rajapaksas are more representative of the somewhat xenophobic, semi-literate, and collectivist rural part of the Sinhalese Buddhist population. Buddha’s Savage Peace
  • There are those with collectivist notions of social organization (the ideologues and visionaries among us) who assert we should all love one another and share our stuff and not be competitive.
  • In other words, he used common sense to deconstruct rhetorical falsehoods, pulling apart the suffocating mesh of collectivist lies one carefully observed thread at a time.
  • A collectivist is a collectivist," Ayn had declared. DBTL 32: The Ideal Man
  • From either side of the Atlantic, two of the more influential proselytes of that degenerate old collectivist have chosen to re-iterate all the old myths once again.
  • Maybe women aren't considering "the economic vitality of nations," but there was a time when conservatives thought putting individual rights ahead of collectivistic nationalism was a good thing. James Peron: Are Gays and Divorce Destroying the Welfare States?
  • Over the long haul, individualistic objectives cannot be achieved through collectivist means.
  • Interpersonal relationships there are strongly influenced by the typically collectivist orientation of these cultures.
  • This is a country that now thinks in purely collectivist terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Individualists and collectivists disagree over whether the Second Amendment grants individuals a right to firearm possession.
  • Contrary to the myth, they were not a product of collectivist ideology.
  • Socialist, rejected the Marxian in favour of Jevonsian economics, and devoted itself to the social education of the public by means of lectures, pamphlets and books, and to the spread of Collectivist ideas by the "permeation" of public bodies and political parties. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • This was the reality of the collectivist ethic in which each should be striving for all, not for himself and his own.
  • Yeh described this orientation as “collectivistic,” because family and community took priority over the needs of the individual. The Truth About Grief
  • An article in the April 5 issue reminds us how deeply ingrained collectivist habits of thought are in this country.
  • Of course, as is widely known, the last twenty-five years have witnessed a renewed interest in collectivist analyses of liberal society ” though the term ˜collectivist™ is abjured in favor of ˜communitarian™. Liberalism
  • Teams that had developed collectivist rather than individualistic values were found to have cooperative goals.
  • As a union official I've always been a collectivist.
  • There's also a hint of social democracy in the attempt to link these values with fundamentally collectivist values such as ‘egalitarianism, mateship, fairness’.
  • Specifically, members of collectivistic cultures expect greater verbal indirectness, politeness, and non-immediacy than members of individualistic cultures.
  • Nonetheless, collectivist thinking persists, even among people who pride themselves on looking at the facts.
  • Second, the problems with our existing educational system are symptoms of something bigger, the public goods problem inherent in collectivist arrangements. Preferring Ignorance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Collectivist institutions like the trade unions, local government, and nationalized industries had already been weakened by the end of the 1980s, as a result of Conservative policies.
  • Its collectivist structures impoverished people, despoiled the environment, crushed freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their vision of society was collectivist, grass-roots oriented and utterly antithetical to the privatised and mortgaged paradise of Thatcherism.
  • He sees the core political battle as between collectivism and individualism, and he is anti-collectivist. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the mid-1970s collectivist policies and the constraints on government they represented were so deeply entrenched that a virtual counter-revolution was required.
  • The collectivist delusion was flatly incompatible with an international division of labor: When the former was ascendant, the latter could not survive.
  • He argued that his outlook was not individualist but collectivist.
  • This is a direct continuation of the collectivist, moralizing poetry of the past.
  • This amounts to a massive political bet on Scotland being collectivist rather than consumerist.
  • Entrepreneurs in the collectivist jungle of the 1970s were an endangered species. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can we continue to argue for a collectivist hermeneutic when eliciting biblical theology?
  • Huge sums of public money were wasted trying to stimulate an unreconstructed, collectivist economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this way, the day-to-day compromises of supposedly "practical" politics get pulled inexorably in the collectivist direction.
  • Words and actions of one-world architects make it clear that they intend to shatter freedom and then remold the world to their collectivist heart's desire.

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