
How To Use Clueless In A Sentence

  • Another area where the electronic brain is clueless is when you want to take tricky shots using the flash.
  • Many of Jay Ward's characters and catchphrases have since morphed into pop-culture shorthand: Dudley Do-Right, the clueless Mountie, is shorthand for anybody who stumbles into a situation overconfident he's doing the right thing; Snidely Whiplash, Do-Right's nemesis, for a scenery-chewing villain; the "Waybac" Machine, Mr. Peabody's time-travel system, for a nostalgia flashback; as well as expressions such as "nothing up my sleeve ... presto!" and
  • The economy will eventually turn around and it will happen soon, unfortunately americans have become so clueless, partisan and ingrateful, that america will be stuck in soul less and angy recovery for years to come. Obama: Jobs news 'modestly encouraging'
  • Successive governments have been clueless about the continuing escalation of crime in our nation.
  • The movie's a little bit like Happy, Texas or Drop Dead Gorgeous, and a little bit more like Clueless, right down to people uncomprehendingly parroting rude words in French - revealed in subtitles.
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  • For a team with so many captains and leaders they looked clueless, particularly when they were camped on the Argentine goalline. Times, Sunday Times
  • While we were stuffed full of learning about other parts of the world, the school system left us utterly clueless about our won history.
  • Now, call me naive / unobservant / clueless, but I didn't realise that Qurious was designed for a slightly less heterosexual patron than I. I simply assumed the owner was rather indecisive on choice of colour scheme.
  • But that is usually a thin veneer for how completely clueless I really am. A Moment of Weakness and Self-Doubt on Writing
  • Let's face it; the man, while personable and articulate is laboring under the arrogant and false assumption that because so many people like him personally, his inexperience and general clueless won't matter. Obama's approval rating remains steady, poll says
  • Sure, it might not be a word according to Webster's Dictionary, but you'll find this definition of "gaper" in the Urban Dictionary: "A gaper is a skier or snowboarder who is completely clueless. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • You want proof this system was invented by a bunch of clueless numbers crunchers?
  • The ad industry doesn't need a bunch of clueless and ineffective new rules - they just need a good brief.
  • He is completely clueless when it comes to realising that people don't really care that much.
  • Reading his “contract on america”, then the inverview, I never expected to see such die-hard, heatless, dogmatic, indomitable cluelessness about the workings of Society. Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Then last year, he made a comeback starring as the affable-yet-clueless dad of two teen babes and a pesky son.
  • Whereupon this foreigner, who was clueless and careless enough to mention the occult, was showered with stories of varying levels of tragedy illustrating the cataclysmic powers of the 'unnameable', whose name still inspired fear.
  • The Huffington Post noted the references as well as more "jokes" in the same vein (including a video of Cooper's jape, over which David Gergen cluelessly chortles). Who Ordered the Petard?
  • And when some smarmy clueless sicko is watching you do this while asking you why it takes so long to count some pills and put them in a bottle, I can imagine the veins popping out of the pharmacist’s head now. The new pill bottle
  • I feel like taking a baseball bat to the lot of them, although even then I'd probably pick an unfashionable brand of bat, or somehow manage to knock their brains out in a cluelessly passe kind of way – using an underarm swing when the overarm swipe's more "now", perhaps – and everyone would sneer at me, including the arresting officer. Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: What Not To Wear
  • For every exemplar of the craft like DVD Savant Glenn Erickson, there's a dozen or more others who seem to be as clueless about the English language as they are one-dimensional or one-generical in their experience of film... and they all seem to use Video Watchdog as their template, whether intentionally or by imitating our imitators. Archive 2005-10-02
  • Yes, Cher is vapid and, well, clueless, but she also means well, is surrounded by good looking people, money and a choice wardrobe. Brittany Murphy And Alicia Silverstone Are ‘Clueless’ In Today’s Sick Day Stash » MTV Movies Blog
  • How can one man be so capable and intelligent and genuine, and yet so clueless about how to treat a woman?
  • I've seen teams looking completely clueless. Times, Sunday Times
  • TODAY'S shameful junior doctors' strike proves that you can be academically bright yet clueless about life. The Sun
  • That which we call a stoner, By any other name would remain as clueless. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • But their coach was terminally clueless and they had far outgrown anything he could teach them, so they often traveled with my team and we all kind of worked together and became friends.
  • I've had loads and loads of clueless people come around to fix my washing machine.
  • Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 - wazza .. wazzup? dok jalan2 baca blog2 otai lain yang dah lama ditinggalkan terasa rindu lak nak mencoret di sini. masih di tokyo. masih clueless. macam2 terjadi. tapi so far alhamdulillah, best saje. (sebab yg tak best tu i buang jauh2 tapi sooner or later kena hadapi juga) dah dapat buah hati, Kuden namanya. Kieli Diary Entry
  • Clueless old men in the government, scratching their scurfy scalps, going, ‘Huh-yup, dat's what dem foreigner's'll like’.
  • A friend said: 'She is really upset and totally clueless as to why somebody would do this. The Sun
  • The guides who aided and fleeced the pioneers who moved West were struck by how clueless many of them were about the wilderness they were entering.
  • Tim is clueless when it comes to the ways of conventioneers, so he is swept off his feet by a sexy insurance agent from Nebraska — she's played engagingly by Anne Heche — and knocked for interlocking loops by his roommates, the crazed Dean (John C. Reilly in full, glorious bray), and the tough-minded Ronald (Isiah Whitlock Jr., who played the terrifyingly corrupt state senator in "The Wire"). 'Gnomeo': A Bard's Garden of Delights
  • Clueless and gutless is the tagline for this woefully inept administration and you betcha, I miss the dolt Bush. Obama will visit Gulf region
  • Many on the Continent regard the British as clueless and bumbling on the slopes, but less liable to be reckless.
  • In school, we were the meek, the shunned, the clueless, the kids with no social life or social status.
  • Michael Crichton is clueless about climate science, but he is a celebrity who can dazzle an audience," said Somerville. Balkinization
  • And that brings us to that special breed of people but for whom the world would be quite clueless about crosswords, cryptic or simple.
  • I realized only how much when some clueless physiotherapist tried to forbid me to run. Instead, he said, I should do something for fun and relaxation.
  • He made the other guy out to be a bit of a clueless idiot, and himself as the only person that could be really relied upon to know what was going on.
  • The show is titled “Jimmy Big Time” and it is a tongue-in-cheek peek at an outdoor anti-hero; a relatively clueless dolt who spooks game, mangles equipment and generally makes a fool of himself. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Maybe teenagers aren't as clueless as everyone thought, eh?
  • While they learn now how to manage common problems such as erectile dysfunction or azoospermia, they are surprisingly clueless when dealing with uncommon problems Medlogs - Recent stories
  • How many different ways can you write that the American people are a bunch of clueless sheep, led by some very cynical swine?
  • There are worrying stories of call centre employees who are clueless about managing their money.
  • HOWEVER, Boren and his constituencies will be responsible for handing-over the presidency to John McWar, who will never surrender, who does not care that another 4,404 US soldiers die in roadside bombs, who is clueless on economics and our economy, THEN LIKE ROME, USA WILL FALL. Oklahoma Dem won't endorse Obama
  • If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse, overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode.
  • I have no knowledge of mushrooms, unfortunately, the morel is the only one that I would be sure enough of to pick wild, as I am pretty clueless about the others and need to learn from an expert before I go poison myself... Morels and Nostalgia
  • All of us too locked into our tensions, complexes and obsessions to ever realise it or notice it, like a bunch of clueless gnostic demiurges fallen into matter.
  • In the process he has managed to make himself look clueless in international negotiations, to make his proposed Cabinet look incompetent and to look rudderless in policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • What strikes me most about this chapter is just how clueless some academic critics are.
  • You just proved to me once and for all how incredibly clueless you really are!
  • I know he was clueless, young, under-educated, and he had no interest in bettering his understanding of history, the US, or the world. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • I babbled something - I was obviously clueless but well-meaning - and he was gracious, then he left.
  • I think just diaper is enough for addressing this clueless moron. Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Rep. Mike Castle Takes Credit For Over $5 Million In Stimulus Funds He Voted To Kill
  • Especially Hasbro toys, which are mass produced in obscene numbers. clueless schmo Okay, sometimes comics collections are worth something | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • *I called brownback’s office yesterday and the person answering the phone, who was clueless, said she would have a staff person who was familiar with the issue call me back. Firedoglake » Democrats Fuming Over Feingold
  • To say you didn’t inhale is to declare yourself to have been the clueless Mr. Jones in Dylan’s famous song and expecting to get credit for it! From the Cape Cod Times, Decemer 2, 2008
  • Especially Hasbro toys, which are mass produced in obscene numbers. clueless schmo Okay, sometimes comics collections are worth something | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Despite many spirited runs by the away team, the ball was often squandered with clueless up-and-unders.
  • Anyone who believed such a thing was by definition clueless and delusional, and the lyrical contributions are matchlessly banal.
  • Behind the smile on the face of the recipient is the brain thinking "Its true, Americans ARE clueless, what a dope. Cost of Domestic Help
  • But, and hopefully they will not mind me saying this, they are utterly clueless. The Sun
  • He considers these people the "chronically clueless"—so uniquely stupid, in fact, that science may benefit by studying their brains.
  • The humor however evaded Allen and he only put forth a weak, forced smile for the director, clueless as to what he found so hilarious.
  • On his restless nocturnal strolls, Harry frequently encounters his next-door neighbor, and friendly fellow insomniac, Bradley Thomas (Greg Kinnear), the maritally jinxed proprietor of the campus coffee shop, and the source of much of the film’s humor in the kind of pompously clueless role he played so effectively in last year’s hilarious Little Miss Sunshine. A Lovable Feast: An Old Friend Offers Cure for the War Weary
  • Ummm … and people are just now discovering Harold is clueless? Think Progress » Ford’s ‘Clueless’ Math: Balance The Budget By Doling Out Billions In Tax Cuts For The Wealthy
  • Also present are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the king's unfortunately clueless lackeys and subjects of Tom Stoppard's work Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
  • He was not a bad guy at heart - clueless, yeah, but certainly not heartless.
  • A clueless cad tries to woo a lady with his self-produced song and macho posturing, interpreting her disdain as approval.
  • Meant to be a cautionary tale about hubris and the ethereality of the Internet, it actually glamorizes the cluelessness of its (somewhat) tragic hero. Darrell Hartman: Josh Hartnett Isn't Plugged In. Is He the Cooler For It?
  • I didn't vote for this spineless, gormless, joyless, clueless Government.
  • Wimsey may have only played at being the kind of chipper-but-clueless fop that Bertie actually was, but ultimately the codes of the Woosters and the Wimseys are one in the same. Lance Mannion:
  • With ingenuity and nuance, he compartmentalizes the cluelessness of the men; they had a job but the particulars were need-to-know. James Scarborough: Hollywood Fringe: The Dumb Waiter, Vespertine Productions & Girl Band in the Men's Room, Dirty Blonde Productions
  • They are the most unfriendly, clueless, disorganized, unbusinesslike set of people I have ever encountered.
  • Many of my inquisitors have been young people who are seriously historically and politically clueless.
  • I didn't look at anyone, feeling clueless and dismayed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know whether you are misguided, clueless, a patsy, or a fool.
  • The ability to stand in an intersection and look voluably for the signposts is not as clueless as it sounds to someone who refuses to admit they are disoriented. Who wants to own content? « BuzzMachine
  • My new friends over to my right have keesters firmly planted in their seats as well and are disgusted at all the clueless theatre minions shouting, ‘Bravo!’
  • In that moment, California didn't feel tall or cloddish or unfunny or clueless anymore.
  • I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted.
  • It would have empowered me to be clueless too, instead of my holding on to the dim hope that things might work out.
  • So now it becomes apparent that in addition to being a gutless liar, you are also a clueless mass of obtuseness.
  • This guy defended his actions with these extremely lame statements that show how clueless he really is to how cruel and barbaric his actions were.
  • To this day, he probably has done more to elevate the image of both the shiftless musician, and its subculture of the clueless, knuckle-dragging drumbeater, than probably anyone. Articles - JazzTimes
  • We soon discovered that the country was completely clueless. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the merely decorative celebrity cameos — bluff, bearded Walt Whitman, with an "epicene" male friend, and Charles Darwin, who loudly and repeatedly breaks wind — make clear that "Heyday" is infotainment for readers Andersen must consider clueless. He'll Take Manhattan
  • As a plea for multispecies diversity, "Ice Age" has a magnanimous heart, but there may be those who find its portrait of the clueless, doomed dodo birds defamatory and prehistorically incorrect. THREE MAMMALS AND A BABY
  • Most people are completely clueless about tide directions and weather conditions.
  • Nasty anon is probably one of those clueless moronic Jezebels who is clearly horrified by her own self. Why Anyone Who Says We Live In A Post-Feminist World Should Be Cuffed In The Head | Her Bad Mother
  • They are clueless about true creativity, and rarely have the ability to recognise it when they see it.
  • Your suggestibility and general cluelessness reminds me of nothing more than the unfocused frustration and misappropriation of founding principles that characterizes the Teabagging Right. Matthew Yglesias » The Strange Death of the Public Option
  • One wigeon nearby had its head underwater and was completely clueless the whole time. Lynx Stalks an American Wigeon
  • Burke continues to be accused by clueless academics and ignorant pundits either of inconsistency or deviationism for his very different reactions to the American and French Revolutions.
  • What is unacceptable is to see bank officers continuing to rake in obscene salaries after mismanaging the banks for a decade, the financial elite manipulating the corporate and bankruptcy laws to free themselves of debt while maintaining their extravagant lifestyles, and the clueless politicians wasting their time on trivial matters while the rest of us slowly bleed to death. Iris Erlingsdottir: Iceland Is Simmering
  • The entire senior management of the railway infrastructure seemed to be clueless. The Sun
  • There have been times in the field when England have looked clueless. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, and hopefully they will not mind me saying this, they are utterly clueless. The Sun
  • But if you think he looks clueless, think again. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the only ones who really get it here are Shadow Dancer for sure and Mr. M both in their own way but Shadow Dancer seems at peace, and most here seem clueless about what peace is. "peace is not the mere absence of war but an attribute of Love" in the words of Kokoman the roadman is real by Are Progressives Being Duped by a Megacorporation's Disinformation Attacks?
  • He refers again and again to it as some kind of refutation of “Darwinism”, completely clueless as to understanding that humanity is engaged in a pharmaceuticallly-driven coevolutionary arms race with Plasmodium. No metazoan is an island - The Panda's Thumb
  • When something is airbrushed, many people are clueless about what is real and what is the enhanced image. The Sun
  • Although e-crime is a costly problem, one victim says that her local police force is clueless. Times, Sunday Times
  • He, a sad, clueless junketeer who gives his writing away for free, and I have tangled in the past.
  • Spacek’s clueless, baton-twirling Holly proclaims love for Sheen’s Kit and all his fake bravado in opulent romance-novel voiceovers. Eric’s Top 10 Alienated Youth Movies » Scene-Stealers
  • Tim is clueless when it comes to the ways of conventioneers, so he is swept off his feet by a sexy insurance agent from Nebraska — she's played engagingly by Anne Heche — and knocked for interlocking loops by his roommates, the crazed Dean (John C. Reilly in full, glorious bray), and the tough-minded Ronald (Isiah Whitlock Jr., who played the terrifyingly corrupt state senator in "The Wire"). 'Gnomeo': A Bard's Garden of Delights
  • You may call it flaunting, but in my case it was total cluelessness. When something's not as cool as you thought it was.
  • It's supposed to seem weird and clueless and kind of offensive. Christianity Today
  • Towards the end of the film, his buff, clueless, completely narcissistic character became less amusing and more annoying.
  • We take great delight in mocking her vanity, in snickering at her cluelessness, in seeing her degraded by public sex scandal.
  • Even easily anticipated situations have revealed Auntie to be timeless, ageless and fundamentally clueless.
  • A nice bloke offered to clip it on for me as I stood there looking clueless.
  • There are some clueless "antifascist" groups - attached to extreme Left political groups - which believe that rioting in the streets is the best way to fight the thugs and hooligans of the BNP. Harry's Place
  • I shutter to look 20 years into the future where the seeds of disaster are being sown today by the clueless Congressional Democrats who are motivated only by their unsatiable desire to control all us like we're little chidlren. McConnell: Health care bill a 'legislative train wreck'
  • Two years, and he's just as patronising, moronic, simpering and clueless as ever.
  • It's the same kind of piggish, clueless vindictiveness of a passenger on a storm-tossed boat in the middle of an angry sea - who hates the captain so much he hopes he's too incompetent to keep the boat from sinking. Mario Almonte: Can Hope Float the Economy - and Sink the Republicans?
  • Even to clueless men, recent news stories clearly subjectify both the superiority and the plight of women in our current culture. Phil Bronstein: Groping, Wife-Beating, and Octo-Mom Porn? Maybe It Ain't the "Fairer" Sex...
  • It seems quite simply to be plain clueless power-grabbing, to me.
  • And it's never too late to lace up and glide toward that dream: Carrier says her Silverbladers range in age from 18 to 70 and in skill from clueless beginners to former champs.
  • Having spent years dismissing them as a naff bunch of clueless posers with dodgy values and a few half-decent tunes, I found myself swiftly re-categorising the band as one of our national treasures: a classic pop band of the old school.
  • She exudes forceful understanding, deceptive manipulation, and occasional cluelessness with a rich helping of heart that radiates maternal concern.
  • It seems that wherever I posit some belief of mine or aver a heartfelt conviction, some negative, clueless dunderhead seems to follow my commentary with inanities.
  • So, you got a guy down there who is kind of directionless, clueless and not terribly happy. CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2001
  • Rather, the entire story of the missing insurance fraudster is seemingly a red herring, an excuse to tell a story about Bellamy and his compulsive work ethic, his off-handed destructiveness toward the people in his life and his seeming cluelessness about himself. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Inspector Bellamy
  • I can forgive the dyslexia and the inability to formulate a comprehensible sentence ... but it seems that Neil is simply exemplifying the kind of blathering cluelessness I referred to earlier: Missiles a threat to Russia! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I don't see much point in these things anyway, but when it comes to using one, I'm completely clueless.
  • All four had the inchoate desire to work in journalism when they applied to graduate school but felt clueless about how to get a serious job in journalism.
  • Electing Michael Steele to head the party in an attempt to woo black voters is like trotting out a former high school Mean Grrl in an effort to attract disgruntles Hillary voters -- it simply shows just how superficial and clueless the Republican Party is. Brilliant at Breakfast
  • Is his mum just lazy or is she totally clueless? The Sun
  • Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 - wazza .. wazzup? dok jalan2 baca blog2 otai lain yang dah lama ditinggalkan terasa rindu lak nak mencoret di sini. masih di tokyo. masih clueless. macam2 terjadi. tapi so far alhamdulillah, best saje. (sebab yg tak best tu i buang jauh2 tapi sooner or later kena hadapi juga) dah dapat buah hati, Kuden namanya. Kieli Diary Entry
  • Two years, and he's just as patronising, moronic, simpering and clueless as ever.
  • The Hey Hey (Australian TV) thing was clueless and offensive, although arguably not malevolently racist (just bloody stupid and really, really ill-conceived). The Matrix as a Charlie Chaplin short - Boing Boing
  • The cluelessness in his expression's so nescient that it's something close to profound.
  • But, and hopefully they will not mind me saying this, they are utterly clueless. The Sun
  • Baidu's media advertising positions them a suave Chinese native vs the clueless foreigner ( Google ).
  • Even so, it is still prime inspiration for the clueless holiday-maker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last book in this trilogy is probably not quite as good as the other two, you could call it a 3.75 if you like, but there is some entertaining commentary on what goes on in the spook office with the whole clueless management versus the footslogging hardworking spy in the field. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: London Match - Len Deighton
  • But they are clueless when it comes to persuading the users to observe this etiquette.
  • The boys cluelessly trapesed through the ever-watching undergrowth, the roots snagging at their feet, the leaves lightly slapping their faces, one eyed crows nesting in Gabor's beautiful locks.
  • For years, I have watched bemused from the sidelines at weddings, wondering how it is that everyone else in the world seems to know how to perform those allegedly traditional Scottish dances as I remain resolutely clueless.
  • By contrast, the TV news producer I know (also libertarian) who shall remain nameless, who thought I was some sort of perv imagining things for detecting lesbian overtones in the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle, is just clueless. Unfunny = Racist
  • I've never played any kind of dominoes so I'm clueless about Mexican Train. The 4th on the 5th
  • The fact that that is in all likeliness lost on Ford also amply illustrates his cluelessness (and yours – sorry) Matthew Yglesias » Harold Ford Calls for Immediate Tax Cuts, Immediate Deficit Reduction
  • It is a tale of violence and sexual obsession, certainly, but atypical; it is hardly a straight suspenser, but much more modern in its perplexingly oblique depiction of fear and horror, which mixes in the kind of single-girl romantic comedy found in Varda's Cléo From 5 to 7, Godard's Clueless, Rivette's Paris Belongs To Us. Four young women work in a French store and dream of getting away somewhere, anywhere. Claude Chabrol anatomised the French middle class with a twist of the scalpel
  • His ministers seemed terrifyingly clueless. The Sun
  • Polar Star is no exception; its lovely clueless opening soon snarls up in a mess of motives and half-finished characters.
  • One would think bodyboarding to be the sole province of clueless Mid-Western tourists or strange water-gimps if mainstream surf media were to go unchallenged.
  • August 11th, 2009 1: 53 pm ET is there any more clueless senator than Spector? First on the Ticker: Nelson buys TV time on health care
  • The Huffington Post noted the references as well as more "jokes" in the same vein (including a video of Cooper's jape, over which David Gergen cluelessly chortles). Who Ordered the Petard?
  • She was either completely clueless or just plain spiteful.
  • He looked so clueless and confused that they started laughing even harder.
  • When they got within sight of the danger area they looked clueless as to how to get in behind Stoke. The Sun
  • He looked clueless against Wigan. The Sun
  • I accept that when politicians run departments, they're there as generalists whom specialists report to, but in all other circumstances why should the head guy be the most clueless?
  • All of which leaves Labour looking clueless. The Sun
  • Well I'm thinking of creating a different version of the interjections video and replacing it with the word integration and changing the chorus to something like, "Integration shows you get it, are not clueless, is generally done by very few companies, even though their customers say they want it. News
  • In the process he has managed to make himself look clueless in international negotiations, to make his proposed Cabinet look incompetent and to look rudderless in policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am pleased to note that Dagon is damn near perfect - a wonderful mixture of blood, cluelessness, terror of the unknown, and a spot-on Lovecraftian ending. Mwuh?
  • Look, the whole Valenti-Althouse "dustup" comes down to one thing: Valenti made a casual mistake by proudly posing with Clinton, then compounded it by revealing her cluelessness of the most basic feminist issues relating to Clinton. Bloggingheads!
  • I do know what my councillor is doing, but I am clueless as to who is best choice for school board and I think positions to the school board should be appointed and not voted on. Matthew Yglesias » For Less Voting
  • All I know is that the wound has to be cleaned out and bandaged to stop infection or whatever, but as for stitches and numbing whatchamacallits, I'm about as clueless as the next person.
  • How could a man who so clearly extolled the virtues and simplicity of the continental structure in its early days seem so utterly clueless about it?
  • It's the heart-warming and inspiring story of two almost entirely clueless posh oiks, who throw caution to the wind and go and live on a small island.
  • In shape, well groomed, articulate, and clueless about the things that really mattered, RPG's, Star Trek/Wars, Dark City, ninja dispatch or AYBABTU. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Many teachers are clueless about the needs of immigrant students.
  • If you have a child who is clueless about fashion, help him to dress the part and look as much like the other kids as possible.
  • Mr. Henrich's teaching philosophy would make many teachers clueless as to how to do their job.
  • I wrote about furloughs in July in advance of the first unpaid day, one reader's online comment called me a clueless "maroon" -- just like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • By contrast, the TV news producer I know (also libertarian) who shall remain nameless, who thought I was some sort of perv imagining things for detecting lesbian overtones in the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle, is just clueless. Unfunny = Racist
  • Maybe we were just a bunch of clueless tourists passing through and not at all in tune with the countries we went to.
  • As a member of this group of "cognoscenti" (those who are aware or have special knowledge), this (in the conservative individual's mind) automatically makes them one of the arbiters of law and morality for the "clueless" mass of humanity. Sleight of Hand
  • They sally forth, mock-heroic and quixotic, as if nothing was unusual or out of the ordinary, clueless that their sense of proportion is way out of whack. James Scarborough: PHOTOS: 'Paint Tube People' Use Every Part Of The Paint Tube
  • Here's the girl, clueless at how to begin stepping it with the dance partner.
  • *I called brownback’s office yesterday and the person answering the phone, who was clueless, said she would have a staff person who was familiar with the issue call me back. Firedoglake » Feinstein Proposes Censure Resolution
  • But for some strange reason he is drawn to this clueless, blond bimbo like a moth to a flame.
  • Even so, it is still prime inspiration for the clueless holiday-maker. Times, Sunday Times
  • What she has so far are the awkward, and, at times, ponderous ravings of a talentless hack, obsessed and clueless.
  • The main point is that she went her selfish way undetected, so that the wide-lanterned search which presently arose for little Margaret tumbled and stumbled about clueless, and halted to take drinks, and came back about morning and lay down all day, and said it never did, which it certainly hadn't. Aladdin O'Brien
  • It's SO important that we elect Barack Obama our next president – we can't afford another clueless old man who focuses on the microcosm of 'VICTORY' and failes to see the bigger picture ... McCain's latest Iraq comments draw fire
  • The problem is that most of us are still hopelessly clueless about wireless.
  • She's totally clueless and doesn't bother. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girls are portrayed as slow-witted and clueless, with Kendra bearing the brunt of most of the jokes.
  • My wife was clueless about my music and actually saw my first concert six months after our marriage.
  • I have met with at least one Indian "altruist" IT "icon" on appointment and he appeared to be completely clueless and at a loss for words and ideas. Google's Done Good
  • Don was highly intelligent but brooding and sphinx-like, the sort of person who gives you the impression he feels you're clueless and ought to have caught on by now.
  • Latinate the speech like the language that is used by those Reps the scrotes voted for, because lessers were clueless to what was said, England always liked to use French for castle types, Latin for the preachers so they would coff [cough] up more pennies and use Norman French to hang the common folk with. on September 26, 2009 at 7: 22 am Uncle John Police Complaints; How Soon Is Now? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I realize I am helpless in the face of such penetratingly gauche cluelessness, and thus, I do the only thing I can do.
  • Our adventures have helped us transition from two clueless young married city novices to a family team that includes nine children who are proficient in raising crops, building log homes, handling livestock, outdoorsmanship, ministry, and discerning truth from error.
  • Actor Josh Brolin bragged about his personal hedge fund on Charlie Rose; totally clueless of the carnage hedge funds have wrecked on the commodities market and on Wall Street. Golf, Hedge Fund and Meltdown

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