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How To Use Clerical In A Sentence

  • ( "Emblematic of this anticlerical mindset was the tendency to" laicize "the names of locations with two words of religious significance, by contracting them into one. Cristero Rebellion: part 1 - toward the abyss
  • I submit, therefore, that a great deal of thought and probably some experimentation are needed to arrive at the correct via media between clericalism and laicism.
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • The ayatollah broke with Iran's clerical leadership and became a vehement critic, denouncing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and calling the postelection crackdown the work of a dictatorship. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • In six units midwives spent time away from clinical areas performing clerical duties.
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  • He suggested it was a clerical error. The Sun
  • Sales, filing and clerical work would be scaled back dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
  • Anti-clerical knights of the shire who wished to disendow the Church, riotous tenants of an unpopular abbey, parishioners who refused to pay their tithes, would often be called The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • It therefore came to light that Mr. Jobbles had found that his clerical position was hardly compatible with a seat at a lay board, and he retired to the more congenial duties of a comfortable prebendal stall at Westminster. The Three Clerks
  • Their official wages were not that far divorced from those of clerical staff. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • His wobbling mitre gave clerical emphasis to his plea.
  • Each year, Clerical Medical announces the rate of annual bonus to be added to each eligible policy.
  • It is not difficult to see why Gregory and his supporters denounced both lay proprietorship and clerical marriage.
  • What they have experienced is a life of missed opportunities caused by an aging clerical leadership, massive corruption and a regime that is increasingly dictatorial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Id. A person employed by a lobbyist (or a person employed by the lobbyist's employer who works under the lobbyist's direction) to assist the lobbyist in nonclerical lobby activities must be listed as an assistant on the lobbyist's registration. Recent Updates
  • Including the pompous local police commissaire; the unflappable intelligence officer from France; the slimy representative of the international oil cartel; and the personages - intelligence, governmental, and clerical of the remnants of the civilian oligarchy; as well as many others, including the Doctor's lover, a Hapsburg We Have All Been Disgraced By Corruption, A Review of Eric Ambler's Doctor Frigo
  • The Council passed reforming decrees in keeping with the Cluniac reform movement, including ones concerning simony and clerical marriage.
  • Under the reforms, support assistants took over 24 clerical and routine tasks from teachers when the new term began last week.
  • Discrimination was highest for male, junior clerical jobs, management trainees and accountants, and lowest for female clerical jobs.
  • Opening the door a crack she saw a man in a clerical collar and a woman beside him.
  • Mr. Sistani, the true hero of Iraq's survival and incipient renaissance, is the standard-bearer of the traditional Shiite view of politics called "quietism," which rejects the clerical rule invented by the Ayatollah Khomenei in Iran. Coming to Terms With Iraqi Democracy
  • clerical skills
  • While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk, it also renders his portrait mundane.
  • clerical collar
  • Factional fighting among followers of various clerical leaders has also taken place.
  • Following are adapted excerpts from a very long letter he wrote to a novice who had given up the military life for clerical garb. Christianity Today
  • Be particularly vigilant when you open an account, as it is possible for clerical errors to creep in when details are input.
  • The Fascists had their roots in bitterly anticlerical Italian radical nationalism, Mussolini himself having been a Socialist leader until the First World War.
  • The Papal States, as a "government of priests," epitomized to anticlericals all that was evil.
  • The Protestant Reformation enlisted widespread lay support by its politically motivated aversion to the monastic ideal, which lay anticlericals opposed as absorbing too much wealth in support of its institutions.
  • Her initial duties were to take over clerical work from men who had joined the war effort.
  • It will not apply to overpayments caused by clerical or other errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chaplain is plainly uncertain, as he wrestles with the clerical guillotine of washable xylonite, and stammers something about unwarrantable liberty and a lady's reputation! The Dop Doctor
  • Conductors are already in dispute with the company, while station and clerical staff are being balloted for industrial action.
  • An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much more profitable than clerical staff.
  • The big mistake the author is making, of course, is that the place he is happy to be destined for in the next life will probably be chock full of the clerical salmagundi he, understandably, wants to avoid in this. Who wants to go to a heaven full of clerical flotsam? « Anglican Samizdat
  • Why should a woman's style go from stylish and elegant to manly and boxy when she is dressed in her clerical attire for ministering? Times, Sunday Times
  • The noxious weed of clericalism has choked the development of a people's church.
  • They talk about their 3-year-old seeing them in their clericals and they would tell them, 'Please take that off,' said Stewart-Sicking, an assistant professor of pastoral counseling at Loyola University Maryland. Minister moms split between pulpit, potty training
  • As in Italy, men continued to manifest anticlerical traditions and to attend church only on selected occasions, such as weddings and funerals.
  • This day can be turned into a nightmare for the clerical regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colors, nor will they wear hose unless in good repair. colors? Workplaces have been worse! | My[confined]Space
  • The Lollards are said to have derived their name from a low German word _lollen_, to sing or chant, from their habit of chanting, but their clerical opponents affected to derive it from the Latin _lolium_, as if this sect were as tares among the true wheat of the church. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • The Bishops granted an 'indult' for the priest to wear a suit with a clerical shirt because of the anti-Catholic sentiment in the mainly protestant American culture. So I'm wrong...
  • This claim should be contrasted with the anticlerical, even antireligious, tone of the more radical voices of the French Enlightenment.
  • A recent editorial cartoon showed a clerical procession in which a mitred man is being preceded down a church aisle by two young altar boys.
  • Tbe preceding extracls fufficiently manifeft this writer's waL It the fennel we do not find Efficient proofs of fuperiour judgment or erudition, to authorize our recommending his work to the attention of young clergymen as a guivte in their flu dies, rhef r clerical duty, or their peifonal conduit, home of the author's fuggtftiont may claim attention* particularly the letter on the compofitiori and delivery of fermons; but the general fubieel of tliefe letters has been much better treated by bUhop Burnet, archbifhop Seeker, Dr. Napletoa, and others. The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
  • Hitchens' pro-war argument is fueled by a powerful strain of anti-clericalism.
  • One Dörnberg became a county supervisor in Siegen, another became one in Fulda, and then a great grandfather was a high officer in the church government -- not a clerical position, but an official in the church in Köningsberg, East Prussia. Tales from a Hilltop Castle
  • They had served in the field as nurses and ambulance drivers and performed military support roles as cooks and orderlies, clerical workers, telephonists, and signallers.
  • Of their children, taking the cohort born before 1968, however, only a third remained in unskilled work, and 54 per cent were in clerical or management posts.
  • So last October she stripped her sales force of all its clerical duties.
  • His aristocratic and clerical connections ensured his rapid preferment, but he was only a minor pluralist.
  • The MPs all say that they had made clerical errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adoption of this system has not only avoided the need to employ at least two clerical assistants.
  • The clergy themselves did not bear arms, but were allowed to wear medals and decorations on their clerical robes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said school districts should reduce teacher paperwork, hire more clerical help and lighten teaching loads to reduce stress.
  • He certainly could not do it in a jacket, trousers, and shirt with a clerical collar.
  • Gregory VII did more than any previous Pope to enforce clerical celibacy.
  • It was one response to the powerful tide of socialist, anticlerical thought, particularly powerful at the end of the First World War.
  • The anticlerical religious settlement was perhaps the most emotive and damaging reform of the republican government.
  • It is in this chapel that the first conversation about clerical office begins.
  • Including the pompous local police commissaire; the unflappable intelligence officer from France; the slimy representative of the international oil cartel; and the personages - intelligence, governmental, and clerical - of the remnants of the civilian oligarchy. ALL DISGRACED BY CORRUPTION
  • The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
  • But clerical disapproval did not undermine the appeal of chivalric culture, with its glorification of courage, loyalty, and military ability.
  • Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • The clerical and administration workers, mostly women, are fighting to win a higher grade and improve their poverty pay.
  • It was simply a clerical error in terms of putting the word "concurrent" in the order, in the sentence before it said that she shall serve it upon release. Breaking News: CBS News
  • The Church exploited to the full the political implications of anticlerical legislation.
  • All the hard clerical work's done at the actual canning plants. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • There is more to be found in the rhapsody's orality, in archaisms and the atavistic language, in orality and folklore, in clerical-juggleresque rhetoric.
  • In Chronicles this is clericalised in the taste of the post-exilian time, which had no feeling longer for anything but cultus and torah, which accordingly treated as alien the old history (which, nevertheless, was bound to be a sacred history), if it did not conform with its ideas and metamorphose itself into church history. Prolegomena
  • Previous ages were often, alas, aristocratic in politics or clericalist in religion; but they were always democratic in philosophy; they appealed to man, not to particular men. George Bernard Shaw
  • There are numerous examples of skilled clerical work that has "gone global. Sociology
  • During these peregrinations he owed much to the generosity of friends and patrons; otherwise he maintained himself by a succession of clerical, secretarial, and tutorial posts and by teaching and copying music.
  • He observed that he was the victim of a tide of radicalism sweeping Europe: revolution in Russia, anticlerical radicalism in France, socialist advance in Germany.
  • They agitate for power on the clericalist assumption that the Church and her mission belongs to the bishops.
  • This shift is most striking in the more clerical churches, the Anglican and Roman Catholic.
  • The pontiff is celebrating Holy Week — the most solemn period in the Roman Catholic calendar — as allegations that the church covered up clerical sex abuse spread across Europe, including his native Germany, and the United States. Holy Thursday: Pope washes feet, Vatican slams media amid scandal
  • Clerical Medical is liable to United Kingdom tax on the income and certain gains arising from the assets backing this policy.
  • It seems to me, if clerical culture needs to be broken up and exposed to the light, that would just about do it.
  • First references to secular music indicate little more than clerical disapproval, but the Pemyslid court of the 11th to early 14th centuries encouraged the performances of the jongleurs and later Minnesinger.
  • The statement says that members held back from a direct confrontation last week, believing that an open challenge at the time would have merely caused the Vatican's Curia to "close ranks" around one of their own "because of the clericalist culture of that body" and despite the "lack of support" for Fisichella himself. Headlines
  • Must be 18, HS dipl or GED; some college pref., 4 yrs recent clerical exp., Word, Excel, Access req'd. News -
  • This may be a curious and obscure kind of clericalism that popularly expresses itself as an effort to run with the hare and follow with the hounds, but is really an heroic attempt to see both sides of the question, and is not a cheap pandering after popularity. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • His wife Caroline has worked as a clerical assistant just across the road at the town hall for the same time.
  • This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis.
  • A salary rise of 10 % represents an annual increase of $ 3, 600 for the clerical staff.
  • Both clerical and cursive scripts are now regarded as forms of Chinese calligraphy.
  • The new Prayer Book of 1552 was avowedly Protestant; altars were turned into tables, clerical vestments were downgraded and religious orthodoxy was enforced by a new and more stringent Act of Uniformity.
  • He received the incorrectly addressed letters due to a clerical error.
  • She entered the Navy as an ensign and was quickly assigned clerical duties, something commonly done at that time.
  • Local education authorities will contribute through staffing and clerical costs they may also provide office space and equipment, etc.
  • The study shows that repetitive processing, retail work and clerical and secretarial jobs are most at risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her nonclerical family might be of low station, just as the pope's father had been a shoemaker, but Sophia was the niece of a cardinal, a prince of the Church. The Saracen: Land of the Infidel
  • The Church's autonomy from political power was asserted gradually and painstakingly, but irreversibly, despite the recurring waves of caesaropapism, fundamentalism, and anticlericalism, becoming one of the main pillars of modern Western civilization. Tea at Trianon
  • They claim the forms only appeared now due to a clerical error. The Sun
  • Wouldn't you be too old to bring me my whey in the morning soon as I'd awake, perhaps with a severe headache, after the plenary indulgence of a clerical compotation? Going to Maynooth Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • But each is equally applicable to producing and handling information, that is, to most clerical work. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Bishop Clark, in his tweed-suit and striped-shirt "clericals," encouraged conference participants: "If individuals change quite slowly, how slow is institutional change? Latest Articles
  • the clerical staff
  • It is, however, anti-clericalist, or ‘secular’ in the strict sense (of excluding religious institutions from political power). Which institutions should arrest moral decline?
  • This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis.
  • Most tend to be nurses, teachers or hold clerical and other pink-collar jobs, while many are stressed to the hilt by family and work demands.
  • This pronouncement united all shades of clerical opinion.
  • This expanding professional stratum, now including women who once led federated organizations, allied increasingly with business groups rather than with a receding clerical or working class.
  • A quietist, he rejected involvement in politics and rejected Khomeini's theory of clerical rule.
  • The demandant is either the same coheir named above, viz. Ingelram, altered by a clerical error into Waleram, -- such errors being of common occurrence, sometimes from oscitancy, and sometimes because the clerk had to guess at the extended form of a contracted name, -- or he is a descendant and heir of Ingelram, Notes and Queries, Number 68, February 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • This argument assumes that some crimes and punishments in that system are comparable to the canonical crime of clerical sexual wrongdoing with a minor and the ecclesiastical penalties available for it.
  • The reformers reacted against the clerical abuse of power, and rightly so.
  • _Keeling's_ wife is worthy of a place in the author's long gallery of woolly-witted matrons; while in _Silverdale_ he has given a study of clerical futility and egotism almost savage in its detestability, a portrait at which one laughs and shudders together. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, November 28, 1917
  • The period of experiments in economic and anti-clerical legislation was also marked by other important new laws, such as the ordinance of the staple of 1354, providing that wool, leather, and other commodities were only to be sold at certain _staple_ towns, a measure soon to be modified by the law of 1362, which settled the staple at Calais; the ordinance of 1357 for the government of Ireland, to which later reference will be made; the statute making English the language of the law courts in 1362, and a drastic act against purveyance in 1365. The History of England From the Accession of Henry III. to the Death of Edward III. (1216-1377)
  • Apart from Summerchild and a clerical assistant, the Unit at the last count still consisted of one single member, Serafin herself.
  • A clerical secretary could revoke the permit of a clergyman to do pastoral work.
  • But it has also in the past declared plants to be nuclear without any clear supporting evidence, apparently hoping that it would embarrass the clerical regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one side progress was threatened by the old aristocratic and clerical elites, which remained unreconciled to the Revolution and conducted a desperate rearguard action to reverse it.
  • Church ministers swapped the pulpit for the catwalk yesterday as they modelled the latest clerical designs at the clergy's answer to London Fashion Week.
  • His wobbling mitre gave clerical emphasis to his plea.
  • But they were accustomed to such demonstrations; they well knew that the curates never dined or took tea together without a little exercise of the sort, and were quite easy as to consequences, knowing that these clerical quarrels were as harmless as they were noisy, that they resulted in nothing, and that, on whatever terms the curates might part to-night, they would be sure to meet the best friends in the world to-morrow morning. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • I believe (and have believed from the beginning of the affair) that the "clerical sexual abuse" scandal is a gigantic red herring ginned up by an unholy alliance of anticlericals, homosexual activists (tu quoque, perhaps!?), Modernist "Catholics" and media voyeurs. What planet...?
  • In addition to clerical work, they also filled positions as parachute riggers, mechanics, radio operators, mapmakers, and welders.
  • The State Department says clerical and administrative errors led to the mistake.
  • Israel's perception of the Iranian threat, Mr. Parsi says, has long "resembled prophesy more than reality," impelling the Jewish state to frame its conflict with Iran's clerical regime "as one between the sole democracy in the Middle East and a theocracy that hated everything the West stood for. It Takes Two to Engage
  • Discrimination was highest for male, junior clerical jobs, management trainees and accountants, and lowest for female clerical jobs.
  • Tierney, Farmer, and Graen 1999 found that among 191 nonclerical employees in R & D, those with higher LMX scores earned higher ratings for creativity from their supervisors, submitted more high-quality “invention-disclosures,” and did more research reports. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • I have come to realise that there is a curious assumption made about people who work in clerical roles; that somehow, perhaps through psychic ability or secretive organisations, we all know each other. Confessions of a literary fraud « Write Anything
  • We apologise sincerely for this clerical error, and regret the confusion and inconvenience it has caused.
  • To account for recognition of theater women's accomplishments, Berlanstein cites the impact of republican anticlericals, who promoted new secular models for womanhood.
  • The work you'll do is mainly clerical.
  • He said the £16,000 payment to his wife was for clerical work which had been paid at an hourly rate.
  • In Wales, administrative and clerical support is provided by the National Assembly.
  • The bishop was not decked in vestments or clerical garments of any kind; and the priest put on only a white band round his neck, with another round his waist, ornamented with a cross. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • He is aflame, from the edge of his collar -- a patent clerical guillotine of washable xylonite, purchased at a famous travellers 'emporium in the Strand -- to the thin, silky rings of dark hair that are wearing from his high, pale temples. The Dop Doctor
  • The minister himself, Miss Parker, and two clerical civil servants to collate, to note, to photocopy. THE SCAR
  • Similar developments were evident in the incomes of the lesser princes and lords, both lay and clerical.
  • And I asked him why he was never in clerical garb now that he was in Mexico. Clerical Garb, a Matter of Habit?
  • Allama Muhammad Hussain Akbar, Allama Ubaidullah Ashrafi, Qari Muhammad Hanif Jallundary, Maulana Abdul Malik Abdul Mustafa Hazarvi, Muhammad Rafique Hasni and Mufti Muhammad Khan Qadri were also at the clerical meeting. Archive 2005-05-01
  • As a consequence both clerical and secular moralists felt able to criticize fashion on the grounds of the supposed morality or immorality of clothing and personal adornment.
  • Voltaire is not a lot more anticlerical than Boccaccio, who's as medieval as they come.
  • It was in a cottage at Osborne that the same gentle and august almsgiver was found reading comfortable Scripture words to a sick and aged peasant, quietly retiring upon the entrance of the clerical visitant, that _his_ message of peace might be freely given, and thus allowing the sufferer to disclose to the pastor that the lady in the widow's weeds was Victoria of England. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • The clerical marriage fee, meanwhile, was apparently paid by newlyweds to get out of a church requirement for a three-day precoital waiting period.... Jus Prima Noctis
  • Sales, filing and clerical work would be scaled back dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the beginning, he allowed an arrangement that blended notions of clerical rule with the principles and institutions of republicanism.
  • APGVB, APGVB Recruitment 2010, AP Grameena Vikas Bank Clerk Recruitments at ... recritmenr for chaitanya godavari grameena bank clerical cader/clerks Latest hot news: Humsurfer
  • In all of this scandal, a great deal has been made of clerical culture.
  • Until this occurs state and federal governments need to employ more nurses but less clerical public servants, advisers and minders.
  • I wear office gear but with a clerical collar and that does reflect my theology. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be forced to argue your case is not a symptom of incipient clerical fascism, but of a respect for the views of others.
  • But each is equally applicable to producing and handling information, that is, to most clerical work. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • It was a family living, always held conjointly with a tolerably good estate, enough to qualify the owner for the dangerous position of 'squarson,' as no doubt many a clerical Underwood had been ever since their branch had grown out from the stem of the elder line, which had now disappeared. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • Again, a culture of secrecy develops, one that is carried over into the larger clerical culture.
  • Massively behind in her clerical work, Jordan needed help but had no time to interview a slew of applicants.
  • As old clerical models of liturgical prayer give way to genuinely ecclesial models, how will these new models relate to the inherited tradition of Anglican worship?
  • The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colors, nor will they wear hose unless in good repair. Workplaces have been worse! | My[confined]Space
  • I was wearing a clerical collar, suit and hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • A convinced anticlerical, he regarded all saints and visionaries as hysterics.
  • To help carry out the community approach, detectives, officers, meter monitors, and clerical workers began meeting in teams.
  • From the clerical perspective, the lavish liturgical choir never received the counterpoise of an extended processional approach.
  • Moreover what seems to have been a clerical error made even that original level low.
  • After a century or more of anticlerical persecution, moreover, Catholics were fully integrated into the political mainstream, and exercised considerable leverage over political decisions relating to education.
  • The aristocracy of Barchester consisted chiefly of clerical dignitaries, bishops, deans, prebendaries, and such like: on them and theirs it was not probable that anything said by Sir Roger would have much effect. Doctor Thorne
  • Clerical workers would have routinely signed such a citation, one of thousands like it, with an autopen.
  • The tradition of anti-clerical skepticism even allowed geographers like Vivien to cry scientific freedom so polygenism could challenge the religious constraints of a Prichard.
  • Trapbois will none of them, whether clerical or laic. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • He also wanted to wear his clerical collar on duty so had to have a specially-designed uniform shirt to accommodate it.
  • Eddie Panlilio finally bid farewell to priesthood and his clerical ministries as he filed his certificate of candidacy Asian Games-bound Filipino athletes a passionate three-word sendoff storms that left over 1,100 people dead and 1.7 million AFTER rocketing into position as a strong third player in the TV industry, - Articles related to Arroyo for Congress is a comedy, tragedy -- Bro. Eddie
  • Alongside clerical errors and bureaucratic bungling are countless instances in which reliable recordkeeping has underpinned justice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opening the door a crack she saw a man in a clerical collar and a woman beside him.
  • The minister himself, Miss Parker, and two clerical civil servants to collate, to note, to photocopy. THE SCAR
  • The pawner was a large clean-shaven man of clerical appearance. His Last Bow
  • An unexpected channel for airing these grievances has come from a church newspaper which was traditionally a docile propaganda medium of the bishops, but which is now to the fore in campaigning for extensive reform of an over-clericalist church. Irish Blogs
  • Office ladies are women hired to perform relatively simple clerical and office work.
  • Like women, the second-generation American-born men had moved slightly up the employment ladder to work as skilled and semi-skilled workers, foremen, or clerical workers.
  • He enforced clerical discipline and residence; he forbade the sale of Indulgences; he reduced Papal spending and he abolished annates.
  • Moreover what seems to have been a clerical error made even that original level low.
  • The mutually owned company said that apprentices would also learn to keep clerical records and how to conduct themselves at funerals. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are employed mainly in clerical and administrative work.
  • Since 90 per cent of clerical émigrés were seculars, the loss of parish clergy was not far short of a half.
  • A second branch of the clerical hierarchy was composed of nuns and monks who were members of the regular religious orders.
  • There is hardly any one here who can understand what they call my caprice of entering the priesthood, and these good people tell me, with rustic candor, that I ought to throw aside the clerical garb; that to be a priest is very well for a poor young man; but that I, who am to be a rich man’s heir, should marry, and console the old age of my father by giving him half a dozen handsome and robust grandchildren. March 22d. Part I.—Letters from My Nephew
  • In the former case, by employing civilian clerical staff a greater proportion of funds can be allocated for direct policing policies.
  • They join such luminaries as Cardinal Cushing of Boston, a diocese best known for its clerical child abuse, as well as about 20 other bishops, cardinal legates, papal nuncios, chaplains and priests.
  • At first glance, the evoking of sexual desires for which, according to Stone, the largely male architects of cyberspace find an outlet in technology appears to be in disaccord with the celibate clerical culture of the Christian church.
  • In addition to the above, annuals are normally covered by standing orders, which eliminate repetitive clerical work.
  • A handful were freethinkers, steeped in the anti-clerical writings of the Enlightenment; but most were sincere Catholics, concerned only to purge the Church of its abuses, making it leaner but fitter.
  • He had to deal with the rents of episcopal properties, to correspond with clerical claimants, and to be at home with the circumstances of underpaid vicars and perpetual curates with much less than 300 pounds a-year; but yet he was as jolly and pleasant at his desk as though he were busied about the collection of the malt tax, or wrote his letters to admirals and captains instead of to deans and prebendaries. He Knew He Was Right
  • But when her health deteriorated, the clerical duties fell on him and he found himself struggling to cope.
  • This “logic” makes no sense UNLESS one grasps that this is the Muslim ummah speaking – ie, one individual speaking out for all nonclerical Faithful. You expected maybe the Donald Rumsfeld fan club? « BuzzMachine
  • Beyond those four hereditary official classes, its society included a tiny stratum of imperial nobility, a large clerical establishment, and a population of outcastes.
  • The only thing that has changed is the capacity of the clerical culture to sustain the duplicity.
  • Given the essentially clerical nature of this task, this ought to have provided a relatively speedy system.
  • To be freed, on a pension, from what seems to be an unstimulating clerical job, and to be independent enough not to have to go looking for another, is bound to strike at least some of your colleagues as a pretty cushy deal. Dear Jeremy
  • She is good on the songs, caricatures, meetings, pamphlets, and the command performances of Tartuffe as being a script for anticlericals, most of whom were not in the electorate.
  • His father was an anticlerical, Socialist blacksmith, his mother a schoolteacher.
  • The Archbishop of Paris, after a decade of silence towards the abolitionist movement, gave evidence that he too would support public clerical action.
  • Even the anticlerical radicals often saw the tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a valuable part of the popular history of the nation.
  • When anticlerical legislation sought to curb the power of the clergy institutionally, nuns and priests made pastoral work welfare work.
  • On top, human resource and clerical duties are, more and more, being shifted onto registered nurses.
  • It is best suited for blue-collar and clerical jobs involving repetitive, manual tasks. Human Resource Management in Government

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