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[ US /ˈkɫɛɹəkəɫ, ˈkɫɛɹɪkəɫ/ ]
[ UK /klˈɛɹɪkə‍l/ ]
  1. appropriate for or engaged in office work
    the clerical staff
    clerical skills
    a clerical job
  2. of or relating to clerks
    clerical work
  3. of or relating to the clergy
    clerical collar

How To Use clerical In A Sentence

  • ( "Emblematic of this anticlerical mindset was the tendency to" laicize "the names of locations with two words of religious significance, by contracting them into one. Cristero Rebellion: part 1 - toward the abyss
  • I submit, therefore, that a great deal of thought and probably some experimentation are needed to arrive at the correct via media between clericalism and laicism.
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • The ayatollah broke with Iran's clerical leadership and became a vehement critic, denouncing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and calling the postelection crackdown the work of a dictatorship. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • In six units midwives spent time away from clinical areas performing clerical duties.
  • He suggested it was a clerical error. The Sun
  • Sales, filing and clerical work would be scaled back dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
  • Anti-clerical knights of the shire who wished to disendow the Church, riotous tenants of an unpopular abbey, parishioners who refused to pay their tithes, would often be called The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • It therefore came to light that Mr. Jobbles had found that his clerical position was hardly compatible with a seat at a lay board, and he retired to the more congenial duties of a comfortable prebendal stall at Westminster. The Three Clerks
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