How To Use Circulation In A Sentence

  • Our economy is unbalanced, money is in excess supply, and its circulation is completely divorced from the circulation of goods. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • It appears well evident that the above mentioned compound is rapidly absorbed by the nasal mucosa into the systemic hematic circulation without first-pass metabolism.
  • The tides, weather systems and ocean circulation all influence the sea level over days to years.
  • Causes of hemoptysis in children with congenital cardiopathies, whether they undergo surgery or not, are many: extracorporeal circulation, pulmonary infections, coagulopathies, vascular disorders.
  • In addition, the opposition will be allowed to publish a daily newspaper with a circulation of 500,000.
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  • These calories are used to: replenish your glycogen (the way you store fuel in your muscles and liver) and oxygen stores. resynthesize phosphagen (ATP-PC). remove lactate. repair the wear and tear on your muscles caused by exercise (and these patch kits are made up of protein, which is costly in terms of calories). return your increased ventilation, blood circulation and body temperature to pre-exercise levels. hormones exercise induces (which also require protein). -
  • Salvia not only restores normal microcirculation, but normalizes blood viscosity from other factors, as well.
  • A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise.
  • Vertical circulation is primarily via lifts just inboard from these stairs, in a bull-nosed service tower sheathed in stainless steel.
  • Therefore, the hepatopulmonary syndrome substantially is a triplet that consists of liver disease, dilatation of the pulmonary microcirculation, and hypoxemia.
  • This exercise is relaxing and increases the circulation of blood to the head and brain. Stay Well This Winter
  • This leads to edema and altered microcirculation in the skin, which results in impaired healing.
  • This money would re-enter into circulation as financial institutions invest it in other capitalistic ventures.
  • Any restriction of circulation at the time of death would show up as oedema. THE BOOK LADY
  • Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.
  • Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.
  • I do agree out laws are overly restrictive now but anything to combat the increasing number of guns in circulation is worth trying Guns Kill People ( Shock News)
  • Plus, we don't recommend people over 60yrs of age to fly at least 6-8 weeks post up due to lower vascular circulation and increase in pulmonary embolism. Hillary Clinton 'elbowed' aside?
  • Crikey readers have contributed a lot of stories on circulation rorts, fiddles and the like over the past week or so, but here's another tale, a bit historical, which would be hysterical if it wasn't serious.
  • By placing a cam phasing system on the camshaft, a pushrod engine can be tuned to take much higher levels of exhaust gas recirculation.
  • Then a warm bath or shower can be taken which should always be followed by a cool rinse at the end to invigorate blood circulation and stimulate surface warmth.
  • Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • On the circulation coin the springbok has been replaced with an image of planet earth with the focus on Africa, as well as the words "Johannesburg World Summit 2002" and the WSSD logo. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I came to intellectually accept the existence of this energy and often cited it when chatting with friends, but deep down I wondered whether it really existed and whether it might be simply a primitive word for the circulation of the blood, the tingling of nerves, the flow of lymph, or, more technically, the bioelectric energy of life stimulated by the charge potential that exists across cell membranes. Arthur Rosenfeld: Do You Feel the Energy of Life?
  • A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.
  • The beams of wit, the lively sallies of humour, and the interchange of good fellowship, eradiated the glass in its circulation, and doubly enhanced its contents; and in amusements so truly congenial with the disposition of the Hon. Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • Does your publication only have 10,000 circulation?
  • Smoothes the skin, tightens the pores, and provides an instant burst of radiance, as it stimulates microcirculation. French Word-A-Day:
  • Unfortunately, none of these will fix or eliminate the damaged veins that hinder proper circulation of blood through the body.
  • Unique inner - outer circulation vent design shall guarantee the high homogeneity of temperatures - midity.
  • The circulation of fluids that forms this new class of hydrothermal vents is driven by heat generated when seawater reacts with mantle rocks, not by volcanic heat.
  • If they hadn't got him up within an hour, the circulation would have gone in his legs.
  • During icehouse periods the distribution of continents inhibited circum-equatorial circulation forcing faster oceanic circulation in the main ocean gyres.
  • Juveniles have no need to move because they are oxygen requirements are unknown for this group of organisms and circulation is limited to the movement of fluid through the large pseudocoel. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • According to O'Donnell, the system works through the circulation of lukewarm water in a network of pipe loops embedded in the floor.
  • The liver, which is the relay station for energy circulation in the body, has immediate access to this omental fat, unlike the cellulose cluttering up the back of our thighs. You: On a Diet
  • An excessively high temperature of the mixture causes its vitrifaction and loss of its permeability to air, which prevents this circulation of air.
  • Conversely, the Inland analysis reinforces other research that shows that disinvesting in the product is predictive of declining circulation and revenues.
  • When such techniques are adhered to, the risk of trauma to the radial artery and subsequent thrombosis is reduced even when collateral circulation in the hand is reduced.
  • They are attenuating and deobstruent, consequently of service in disorders arising from a languid circulation, a viscidity of the juices, a lax fibre, and obstructed viscera. Travels through France and Italy
  • A system of vents allows for precise temperature adjustments and the recirculation of air.
  • But you don't take the time and space in a mass-circulation paper to repeatedly bash an irrelevance.
  • Fortune changes all; and those who discovered the circulation of the blood, the lacteal veins, and the thoracic canal, are the servants of those who have learned what concomitant grace is, and have forgotten it. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Manson reasoned that certain suctorial insects were the agencies through which blood was most commonly removed from the circulation and he ventured the guess that this change in the parasite that may be seen taking place on the slide under the microscope, normally takes place in the stomach of some insect that sucks man's blood. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • They have a ventral nerve cord and a dorsally located heart which pumps blood through an open circulation system. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • In another incident the poor air circulation prevented the smoke alarm from going off when a small fire ignited.
  • It is injected into the muscle and slowly leaks out into the circulation, so it has a peak and then slowly declines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and money appear as commensurate albeit inverse values because of the effect of the velocity of circulation on the accumulation of capital.
  • Inflammatory mediators were primarily released from the splanchnic area, and gained access to the systemic compartment mainly by the portal and suprahepatic circulation.
  • I think the presenter was reading from one of the national tabloids, which, as we've come to expect, print anything that might hike up their circulation.
  • Blood pressure was originally measured by a device called sphygmomanometer, which used the height of a mercury column that reflected the pressure of circulation. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • The co-op offers packages grouped according to ethnicity, borough and frequency, and verifies unaudited circulations.
  • Coldness or sweating, flushing, poor circulation, fatigue, fainting.
  • This revised and enlarged edition was the form in which the book reached wider circulation and received much critical attention.
  • Honey is not as big as Essence, Heart & Soul is not as big as Essence, but a combined circulation of 500,000 is big enough where it has to be looked at, and it's also niched enough where advertisers can make more efficient buys for their targets.
  • It damages your heart and blood circulation, increasing risk of heart attacks, heart disease and stroke. The Sun
  • Drain holes prevent overwatering and help provide air circulation necessary for healthy plant growth.
  • By contrast, Keynesian economists argue that the velocity of circulation is unstable and changes rapidly and may offset changes in the money stock. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • It is effective as an antispasmodic for muscle cramps, stiffness, aches, overuse, sprains, bruises, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and poor circulation.
  • We allowed flow to continue until less than 1 drop of perfusate drained from the circulation in 10 seconds.
  • Under the prerequisite for that regular circulation of water in heat collector is ensured, a steam box is used to cook food, boil drinking water and warm up.
  • In a time of flat or declining circulation, we want exclusives - we want separation from the pack.
  • I would terminate aeronautics research and throw everything at this problem, which is fundamentally a ground based cryogenic insulation, and an in fligh boiloff recirculation problem, besides the usual crogenic production research. Do You Want a Space Shuttle For Your Museum? - NASA Watch
  • With the introduction of the shekel on February 24, 1980, a series of new agora coins was put into circulation.
  • Long before the hamburger and the fried chicken, colonial circulation spawned a popular staple which Cairo made its own.
  • I also prefer scrubbing in the shower to dry brushing, which is a popular technique for exfoliating and boosting circulation. The new beauty secrets
  • The more rapidly water gets into circulation, the more action of denitrifying bacteria in breaking down nitrate beds to increase the atmospheric nitrogen supply and the spread of plants to produce oxygen will be accelerated. The Case for Mars
  • The house features a triple height glazed central atrium along the linear axis of the house where the main circulation wraps around a 9m high feature chimney.
  • Optionally the flue gas recirculation duct has a plate member extending into the primary air chamber to create flow eddies to enhance further mixing of flue gas and air.
  • These elements include comprehensive planning for the city as an organic whole, and emphases on the circulation of goods and people, on order and security, and on hygiene and health.
  • The province is halting the production of any new books-on-tape for public circulation, while existing material is still available libraries.
  • Cenogenetic processes, on the other hand, include such phenomena as the formation of yolk and the embryonic membranes, the temporary allantoic circulation, the navel, the curved and contracted shape of the embryo, and the like. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The neurons of the supraoptic nucleus are magnocellular neurosecretory neurons - large neuroendocrine neurons which secrete their products, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin into the circulation from their nerve endings in the posterior pituitary gland. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • But by that time the acetate pressings are already in circulation, and they are still out there somewhere. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • At its peak, in 1976, Ms. had a circulation of 500,000; it now limps along at an unaudited figure of around 110,000.
  • Temperatures in the North Atlantic are influenced by a giant 'conveyor belt' of warm water from the south called the meridional overturning circulation. A natural stop to global warming....
  • Several botanical extracts have been shown to improve microcirculation, capillary flow, and vascular tone, and to strengthen the connective tissue of the perivascular amorphous substrate.
  • There are bitcoins worth about 9 billion in circulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will help maintain good blood circulation in your arms and legs. The Sun
  • The best bloggers develop hobbyhorses, shticks and catchphrases that they put into wider circulation.
  • The method of tire transposition usually have cross transition method, circulation, coaxial transposition conversion method and hybrid conversion method, etc.
  • This thing around my neck is searing and blistering my skin black and cutting off circulation to my brain and life-giving oxygen to my lungs.
  • In intellectual circles, censorship was mitigated by the hand-copying and circulation of original works, some of which remained unprinted for decades.
  • Exercise plays a valuable role in the detox process by improving circulation, removing toxins from the body and aiding digestion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In convection heat is transferred through air or fluid circulation.
  • Early baldness can be linked to early onset heart disease so he needs to look after his heart and circulation now. The Sun
  • As to flowers, they are the prettiest periodicals ever published in folio -- the leaves are wire-wove and hot-pressed by Nature's self; their circulation is wide over all the land; from castle to cottage they are regularly taken in; as old age bends over them, his youth is renewed; and you see childhood poring upon them, prest close to its very bosom. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
  • As electric stimulation continued for weeks or months, microcirculation improved, which may have resulted in improved outcomes.
  • It was still something that you used for improving your circulation and relaxing your muscles.
  • When muscles are loosened and the circulation is good, good health will prevail and there will inevitably be less chance of any disfunction.
  • The circulation rates and readerships of newspapers greatly exceed those of medical journals.
  • Witch hazel contains astringent tannins that dry up the fluid-filled skin and relieve pain by increasing circulation.
  • Remove affected bits and improve air circulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gang plotted to put drugs money into normal circulation through betting.
  • There are various theories about what causes myoclonic jerks, as they're known - one is poor circulation.
  • The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body and a calm mind.
  • They are good for circulation, heart health and immune system. The Sun
  • Therefore the wider circulation of such policy statements needs to be a priority in order to correct that misconception.
  • Police believe there are thousands of illegal guns in circulation.
  • ‘Withdrawing some amount of rubles from circulation and replacing them with chervontsy minted in the former Soviet Union… is not a bad combination,’ wrote Bykov.
  • The proportion of the dearness which the increased quantity of money brings about in the State will depend on the turn which this money will impart to consumption and circulation.
  • The republisher, or the derivative work publisher, places an announcement of intent to republish in some legally sanctioned medium of general circulation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Moral Panics and Copyright Law
  • Could it be poor circulation? The Sun
  • So the heart continues to provide a circulation, the lungs continue to oxygenate the blood, just as they would in any other kind of operation.
  • It also considers blood flow, arterial disease, and microcirculation.
  • A British newspaper, The Guardian, which has covered the scandal at The News of the World with vigor, followed up on Thursday by reporting that Mr. Langhoff's forays into The Journal newsroom were only a small part of what it referred to as a circulation "scam. NYT > Home Page
  • The paper has proved unable to maintain its circulation figures.
  • A particular flavonol, epicatechin, or EC, which is also found in red wine, is said to be responsible for much of dark chocolate's effects of increased blood circulation to the heart, extremities and brain. Michael Stanclift, N.D.: Dark Chocolate's Heart Health Benefits Are Bittersweet
  • Exercise helps to regulate blood pressure and improve circulation, reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • The word hyphy had been in local circulation for several years before Rick Rock and Federation guest rapper E-40 decided to cash in on it with a single. California's Latest Sound: 'Hyphy'
  • The book that rapidly compromises the circulation to your feet if it rests on your lap, places your wrists at high risk of a bout of tenosynovitis if you hold it up. Bookerthon 2007 - Darkmans by Nicola Barker
  • The broadsheet newspaper's circulation advanced 3.5 per cent to an all-time high of 120,397 in the July to December period, according to the latest audited circulation figures.
  • The currency in circulation is almost entirely paper, though no bills smaller than one riksdaler are issued. Up The Baltic Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
  • As 10 am this morning, the US Treasury Department has issued a full recall of all 776 billion pieces of US currency in circulation.
  • Raw and cold food may injure the spleen and tend to contribute to the stagnation of fluid circulation and the increase in the production of phlegm.
  • Hence, gold began to replace silver in circulation, causing the latter to be hoarded or exported.
  • Patients who do smoke are told to stop smoking, as it reduces peripheral blood circulation, especially to the skin, and impedes healing.
  • A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.
  • It was the combination of large circulation share and a large number of titles that gave concentration its distinctive character in 1990.
  • Daily Eye Benefits boost microcirculation and so coaxes excess fluid away from the eye area in order to reduce puffiness.
  • The numerical results indicate that tax on capital inflows can discourage capital inflows, and that the outcome varies according to elasticity of saving and velocity of currency circulation.
  • Though books never really went out of circulation, the stores in the past couple of years have innovated a new marketing strategy to invite and sustain the readers.
  • Therefore the pulmonary and systemic circulations are in parallel and a communication between the two is needed.
  • This mechanism might facilitate bile salt absorption into the enterohepatic circulation by slowing intestinal transit time.
  • There are no particular modifications, from the basic insect body plan, for circulation, excretion or osmoregulation that have been recognized in these moth species. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • There are a number of such regional currency schemes in place, quite many of them being based on ideas of the Austrian Silvio Gesell; a key one being that of "demurrage:" holding on to money rather than getting it back into circulation fast is punished in some form. Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
  • Objective: To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation (CSRA) principle on cholecystokinin receptor (CCK R) and its mechanism.
  • Crime we know about and talk about and deplore, but sin as a subject for discussion has gone out of circulation.
  • This book is written from a Protestant standpoint, but by a man who was a Catholic fifty-six years before he ever became a Protestant, and we feel absolutely certain that the Catholic world will endeavor to throttle its circulation, but we have laid aside every vestige of fear from that standpoint and have made up our mind that we are no better than Martin Luther, and thousands of Protestants who were burned at the stake by Catholicism for proclaiming to the world the awful deeds of that _awful creed_. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
  • Those people who smoke may have lower extremity temperatures, because they may have poor circulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tower and wing are connected and articulated by a hinge point of vertical circulation, with a lift placed outside the building to minimize structural intrusion.
  • The bank, concerned about deflation, has pumped a lot of money into circulation in the past couple of years.
  • Avoid overpacking the drying oven so that good air circulation is maintained.
  • NOTES: Labor historian Philip Foner says "The Dream of Debs" predicted the San Francisco general strike of 1934, that it is a small classic of working class propaganda and that it was reprinted in pamphlet form and had a huge circulation in labor circles. “. . . in the stiff, dead fingers, the petition of his slaves who toiled in Hell's Bottom.”
  • Prominent among the protective mechanisms that are controlled by nociceptive neurones is the microcirculation of the gastric mucosa.
  • The relief afforded by most headache mixtures is due to the presence of antipyrin or acetanilid, and it has been shown conclusively that these drugs weaken heart action, diminish circulation, reduce the number of red corpuscles in the blood, and bring on a condition of chronic anemia. General Science
  • Shiny Shiny reports on the Boob Enhancer which is a small device with an LCD that evidently massages and "relaxes" one's breasts by improving circulation. Boob Enhancer
  • Circulation areas are used in a limited way for display, especially for a few large iconic objects, such as a 'couta boat complete with unfurled sail at the front of the building.
  • But magazines that remain dependent on mass circulation and traditional advertising models will be locked into a downward pricing spiral in both their advertising and subscription business, requiring them to grow their rate base and reduce their ad rates -- a costly and unsustainable model for all but a few. Jack Myers: Magazine Industry Confronts a Challenging Yet Hopeful Future
  • Fear disarranges circulation of the blood and the nourishment of muscle and nerve. Civics and Health
  • Through collective agreement, the book format, a scholarly binding, is held in a higher regard than magazines and other similar entertainment circulations.
  • The first thing then to be done to put a stop to this frightful waste of human life every year is to _stop the circulation of the bacillus from one person to another_. A Handbook of Health
  • With the Cedula Project, cruzeiro banknotes and American dollars were rubber-stamped with messages and returned to circulation.
  • This improves circulation, relieves pain, and relaxes tension in the muscles.
  • You sit down, stand up or lie on a table as you are hosed with warm sea water in places that help your circulation, or in some cases simply make you giggle.
  • The process, said Sam, would rejuvenate my skin, and might help with water retention and circulation.
  • How to identify and describe low and non-effective circulation layers is one of important challenges of high efficient oilfield development in ultra-high water cut stage.
  • LABYRINTH WEAR RINGS - Minimize recirculation losses of cryogenic liquids.
  • Its unique recirculation system is claimed to preserve ink used for routine print-head maintenance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Potentially, an economy can stagnate until the crisis eases by sufficient liquidity coming back into general circulation.
  • Market places have existed since that time, and coinage has been in circulation among urban people for 2500 years.
  • The Treasury Department estimates that 60 percent of U.S. currency is held overseas, where Supernotes seem to be in wider circulation.
  • The V6 engine also features exhaust gas recirculation, an oxidising catalytic converter and a maintenance-free diesel particulate filter.
  • I walked slowly, flexing my cramped and abused muscles, trying to restore circulation, and taking in my surroundings at the same time.
  • The magazine, which is distributed free of charge, increased its circulation to 313,923.
  • Man_, could not better employ their speculative minds than in determining the origin and antiquity of the venerable "joes" which have been in circulation beyond the remembrance of that mythical personage, The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
  • The vigor of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is thought to be vulnerable to global warming.
  • These particular circulations just happen to be located a bit further south, over 80-degree Atlantic waters, where their ability to trigger large thunderstorm clusters is facilitated by the semi-tropical climate. Shary & friends keep tropical storm season alive
  • Secondly, as food safety regulation in rural circulation of under-developed areas needed, it builds food safety evaluation index system and provides specific calculation methods and application cases.
  • But how much of the promotion leads to sustained circulation growth? Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, choline is essentially derived from the circulation, and only negligible amounts are incorporated into other lipids, such as sphingomyelin.
  • Turkey and Christmas pudding took their seasonal toll on newspaper circulation in December, with most dailies and Sunday titles shedding tens of thousands of sales.
  • Boiling water reactors normally have load - following capability, implemented by varying the recirculation water flow.
  • A single great artery leaves the heart and gives rise to the coronary, pulmonary, and systemic arterial circulation.
  • A fluid flow model involving deep circulation of mineralizing fluids beneath the Carboniferous basins was suggested.
  • There is also a danger that, if too rigidly enforced, the existence of copyright could become a tool for censorship or a bar to the free circulation of ideas.
  • The gentle exfoliant gets the circulation going again and the fresh mint fragrance awakens the senses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adding spironoloactone to fur - vasoconstrictor can cause necrosis because of the osemide (frusemide) provides no extra diuresis, but absence of collateral circulation. does antagonize the potassium loss that occurs when the latter drug is used alone. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This boosts the blood circulation, eliminating venous stasis and consequent clogging.
  • Suppose such deposits, composed of albumen and fibrin, prepared in the liver should be deposited in the lining membranes of veins leading to the heart, and by some other chemical action this accumulated mass should come loose from the veins, would we not expect what is commonly called clots enter the heart, and shut off the arteries, supplying the lungs, stop the further circulation of blood and cause instantaneous death called heart failure, apoplexy and so on? Philosophy of Osteopathy
  • The American newspaper industry is gripped by circulation scandals, and I should not be greatly surprised if the backwash hits Australia.
  • The company said circulation revenues continue to show solid advances on 2002, reflecting the impact of both cover price increases and market share gains.
  • If bowel sounds are present, repeated doses of oral activated charcoal may be administered to enhance the elimination of glutethimide through interruption of its enterohepatic recirculation. Loads
  • In a situation where people can opt for two currencies, according to Gresham's Law, bad money forces good money out of circulation.
  • Now the spirit is Life, and throughout the universe Life ultimately consists in _circulation_, whether within the physical body of the individual or on the scale of the entire solar system; and circulation means a continual flowing around, and the _spirit_ of opulence is no exception to this universal law of all life. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
  • In fact, because paper certificates called inspection notes were given on inspected tobacco, the circulation of money became easier.
  • Printed on hand presses, they had small circulations, and were essentially house organs for political factions.
  • The pituitary hormones are carried via the systemic circulation to target tissues throughout the body.
  • On the other hand, if you have varicose veins or circulation problems, consider wearing elastic support hose. Beat Jet Lag - arrive alert and stay alert
  • Another range of measures based upon circulation data are designed to predict future use from past use.
  • Their selection by the mass-circulation magazine reflects the readiness of society to see corporate malefactors punished.
  • Induftry like wife had fuffcred by the flood of iQoney which had de - luged the States, The prices of produce had rtfen in proportion to the quantity of money in circulation, and the demand for the commodities of the country* This made the acquifition of money eafy, and indo. lence and Itixury, with their train of defolating confequencesi fpread tjicmfeh es among all dcfcriptions of people. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • A weakening of the connection between the epidermis and dermis also reduces shearing and blistering thresholds, decreases communication between the dermis and epidermis, and reduces microcirculation to the epidermis.
  • I have found, when I experience Reynauds, that the only way to bring circulation back to the extremities is to bring up my core temperature. Workers Compensation: A Fallacy « Colleen Anderson
  • If the plant is too bushy, the inner leaves do not get sun and air circulation, making it an easy target for plant disease.
  • Massage areas prone to stretch marks with a washcloth or loofah to increase circulation to the area.
  • A heat of about 32 [degrees] Reaumur, constantly vaporizing the different fluids the circulation of which sustains life, the diminution they undergo would unfit them for their purposes, if they were not renewed and refreshed. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • Said Rosenstiel: ‘If you disinvest, you'll actually erode your circulation, your penetration, and your revenues, and you will liquidate the business.’
  • ocean circulation is an important part of global climate
  • Even with reduced readership and circulation, they still have the largest number of paying customers, who are much coveted by advertisers.
  • The stabilizing effect of the choroidal circulation on the temperature environment of the macula. Denton vs Squid; the eye as suboptimal design. - The Panda's Thumb
  • We recently used a computational network model of the pulmonary microcirculation to estimate pressure drops in the lung.
  • Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown.
  • Library module: Basic features for a small library including catalog, serials, circulation, interlibrary loans, borrowers, lenders, and suppliers sub-modules.
  • As Gratiolet remarks, whenever our attention is long concentrated on any subject, we forget to breathe, and then relieve ourselves by a deep inspiration; but the sighs of a sorrowful person, owing to his slow respiration and languid circulation, are eminently characteristic. 1 As the grief of a person in this state occasionally recurs and increases into a paroxysm, spasms affect the respiratory muscles, and he feels as if something, the so-called globus hystericus, was rising in his throat. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • For years newspapers have been giving their paper editions away for free - on airlines and in other high-traffic locations - on the basis that these "bulks" will increase circulation figures and will in turn drive more advertising. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • The elderly or disabled are particularly vulnerable, although some younger people with poor circulation can also suffer from the condition.
  • It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.
  • Besides its blood tonic properties, peony root is also an antispasmodic that promotes blood circulation by relieving blockage and tension of the organs and various internal and superficial areas of the body.

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