How To Use Chumminess In A Sentence

  • I also can't abide the condescending chumminess implicit in using my first name instead of "Mr. Queenan," as if the telemarketer and I were old friends from the 1972 Ohio State Big 10 championship team or the Baader-Meinhof Gang. Wotan, Your Double-Skim Latte Is Ready
  • One person very familiar with the Cameron court says: There is a chumminess about the inner circle which makes them more delightful people to work with. David Cameron says he has learned his lesson – but has he? | Andrew Rawnsley
  • None of the ghastly "chumminess" that seems to pervade the internet and sundry other journals for want of a better word but well constructed enlightening text that is a joy to read irrespective of whether you agree with the author or not. The Best of Friends
  • In the class there is none of the pedagogical chumminess, the cozy fireside attitude of modern times.
  • The narrator's apparent chumminess with such a startling (if unlikely) array of people derives in large part from the richness and energy of the speeches he reports.
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  • I used to think this kind of chumminess counted badly against McCain, but I realised that suggested I wanted an "ideologically pure" candidate, which is not what I am about. What does Joe Biden think about Barack Obama and John McCain?
  • Curling might be the world's nicest sport, where courtesy and even chumminess between competitors is a founding principle, but the partisan crowd did their best to lower the tone yesterday.
  • There's a chumminess evident in the way he connects with his fellow managers, and also in his relationship with the customers.
  • But while the point is moot because he doesn't plan to vote in the United States, his health care stance and chumminess with the President don't necessarily make him a sideline supporter of the Democratic party. Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil'
  • What disturbs is the chumminess of it all: everyone – except the Donald – was in on the joke. The White House correspondents' dinner: an unseemly schmoozefest | Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
  • Expect is an ensemble policier, an uncommonly sunny film with urban chumminess that recalls contemporary Japanese television serials.
  • He caught a feeling of chumminess, though at the same time he was bitingly aware that it was very much of a woman who embraced him in that comradely smile. THE STAMPEDE TO SQUAW CREEK
  • As the players' status has grown, broadcasters in particular seem to have become totally overawed, so that nowadays most post-match interviews are conducted with such a desperate air of nervously ingratiating chumminess, it's like the class nerd has found himself sitting on the back seat of the school bus next to the lads in the leather jackets, with the menthols and the bottle of mixed liqueurs nicked from their parents' drinks cabinet. Who's the sycophant in the black? | Harry Pearson
  • This is an ensemble policier, an uncommonly sunny film with urban chumminess that recalls contemporary Japanese television serials.
  • Unfortunately, as the thing becomes more and more corporate so the "chumminess" looks and sounds increasingly "faux" and ends up being actively nauseous. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • The chumminess of members referring to each other by their Christian names in debate is meant to signify democratic informality.
  • He caught a feeling of chumminess, though at the same time he was bitingly aware that it was very much of a woman who embraced him in that comradely smile. THE STAMPEDE TO SQUAW CREEK

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