
[ UK /t‍ʃˈʌmɪnəs/ ]
  1. the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
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How To Use chumminess In A Sentence

  • I also can't abide the condescending chumminess implicit in using my first name instead of "Mr. Queenan," as if the telemarketer and I were old friends from the 1972 Ohio State Big 10 championship team or the Baader-Meinhof Gang. Wotan, Your Double-Skim Latte Is Ready
  • One person very familiar with the Cameron court says: There is a chumminess about the inner circle which makes them more delightful people to work with. David Cameron says he has learned his lesson – but has he? | Andrew Rawnsley
  • None of the ghastly "chumminess" that seems to pervade the internet and sundry other journals for want of a better word but well constructed enlightening text that is a joy to read irrespective of whether you agree with the author or not. The Best of Friends
  • In the class there is none of the pedagogical chumminess, the cozy fireside attitude of modern times.
  • The narrator's apparent chumminess with such a startling (if unlikely) array of people derives in large part from the richness and energy of the speeches he reports.
  • I used to think this kind of chumminess counted badly against McCain, but I realised that suggested I wanted an "ideologically pure" candidate, which is not what I am about. What does Joe Biden think about Barack Obama and John McCain?
  • Curling might be the world's nicest sport, where courtesy and even chumminess between competitors is a founding principle, but the partisan crowd did their best to lower the tone yesterday.
  • There's a chumminess evident in the way he connects with his fellow managers, and also in his relationship with the customers.
  • But while the point is moot because he doesn't plan to vote in the United States, his health care stance and chumminess with the President don't necessarily make him a sideline supporter of the Democratic party. Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil'
  • What disturbs is the chumminess of it all: everyone – except the Donald – was in on the joke. The White House correspondents' dinner: an unseemly schmoozefest | Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
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