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How To Use Christianity In A Sentence

  • So I was writing an email about comparing Mormonism and traditional Christianity and I wrote “moronism” instead. Moronism « Christopher Colaninno
  • Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars
  • The essays also stress how important were the dynamics of receiving cultures for the appropriation and interpretation of Christianity.
  • Moreover, he believed very firmly in Christianity as the way of saving human beings, and he addicted to a monkish life.
  • There were tensions between tradition and Christianity, but there were also compromises and accommodations, a fusion of cultures.
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  • His closest friends had no time for biblical Christianity, his church attendance lapsed, and his work became increasingly secular, including writing for the theatre.
  • Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West. Jewschool
  • Low price Christianity Lu the cloth give is gorgeous, Ugg Classic Short, sexy, and exert everything to attire to have a liking for to is hard to believe.
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Doctoral dissertation: " Secularisation and Christianity in Contemporary Britain".
  • European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.
  • Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he 'had to bury them both alone'.
  • Manichaeism was long treated as a Christian heresy, but it is more clearly understood as an independent religion, drawing on the diverse resources of Christianity, Zoroastrianism , and Buddhism.
  • Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism .
  • The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
  • If anyone can help to reawaken people's interest and support in Christianity, our new archbishop certainly can - and I wish him well in his new and elevated position.
  • But the more the morselling of Christianity went on, the more dangerous became the raging ocean around it, so that now the Christian Archipelago seems to be quite covered with the stormy waves. The Agony of the Church (1917)
  • The established churches may be dying back in Christianity's historic heartlands, but Jesus himself shows an astonishing ability to escape their confines and find a new life as an all-purpose 21st century guru.
  • ECLECTICISM : Nor can we find any willingness to make common cause with false religiosity as long as Christianity is accepted as one among many legitimate viewpoints.
  • Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he 'had to bury them both alone'.
  • While Buddhism is deemed nontheistic, the Vedas are regarded as polytheistic, and the Bible is monotheistic, we have seen that the cosmogonies of Vajrayana Buddhism, Vedanta, and Neoplatonic Christianity have so much in common that they could almost be regarded as varying interpretations of a single theory. C for Confusion!
  • Religion, especially confessional Christianity, has always concerned itself with authority and certainty.
  • Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each has a special claim on Abraham
  • We see, now that Christianity has interpreted it for us, the significance of the cross – that monogram of Christ and cote-armure of pity, built up somewhere in the branches of almost every tree, stamped in the centre of almost every flower. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • True Christianity is about judgment, atonement and forgiveness and NOT unreciprocated outreach contrary to what the beardie-weirdie and his acolytes might say. How Do Y0u Solve A Problem Like Sharia
  • Mehmet II, who collected Christian relics and occasionally watched a Christian service, even revived the Oecumenical patriarchate, the senior see of Orthodox Christianity.
  • The elements of Christianity that come from older beliefs do not necessarily invalidate the religion.
  • Similar cosmological impressions stir in "gnostic" tracts dating from Sumer, Egypt, Persia, India, the Far East, Greece, Anatolia, etc., - not to mention Christianity - eg. the cosmic Christ - or - "cosmocrator". Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • This was also a society undergoing huge change and upheaval – phyically as the railways shrank the land and technology changed the world of work from field to factory, mentally as the revelations of Darwin detonated under Christianity. Evil Book Thingy
  • Convert pagans to christianity; was converted to pacifism by the war.
  • The other rousing chapter, entitled ‘Truth and history’, asserts the historicity of the Bible - that Christianity is rooted in history.
  • Dan Brown "shows us" the nation's capital, causes millions to "re-think" Christianity, and "offers a mini-course in arcane historical detail. Fiction
  • To the ACLU's secular Jewish policy-makers, Christianity is a tool of majority opression of "victimized minorities" which has to be warred on along with other high agenda bugaboos like firearms ownership, bigots who won't let courts impose gay marriage, and "heteronormative" institutions like the Boy Scouts. Protesting minarets.
  • So also, in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity is the image of the Mother and Child.
  • They had sufficient space to erect semi-autonomous communities, which practiced a version of Christianity that addressed their particular needs as slaves and fostered aspirations for freedom.
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
  • Platonism accomplishes the intellectual love of God through the mathematical mediation; Christianity renders this intellectual love flesh in the incarnation.
  • Reconstructing new filial duty of pluralistic society and emphasizing that it is possible to open up to Christianity.
  • The danger could never finally be set aside because it lies in the nature of Christianity itself, in the eternal tension between its temporal and its sacral self-interpretation.
  • Zoroastrianism is in fact the role model for all the later, younger Magian religions that came after it and were influenced by it: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam included. McCain Betrayed Viet. POWs « Blog
  • The Society of Jesus has achieved great performance at the third of Christianity spread in China.
  • Numerous incidents of Levitation have been recorded in Christianity and Islam.
  • Accepting that the barbarians had come to stay, he spent his years in St Peter's chair sending missionaries to convert them to Christianity or where necessary wean them off the Arian heresy.
  • He rejected confessional Christianity and allowed religious toleration in his kingdom.
  • Literary critics described these works as muscular Christianity, and the name stuck.
  • This is in distinction from Judaism and Christianity, in which the religious community both pre-dates and post-dates the existence of a Jewish or Christian political state.
  • Whether one believes in creationism or evolution has nothing to do with Christianity.
  • In addition, female figures were prominent in the Irish Catholic hagiolatry of the area, harking back to the powerful position of goddesses and female druids in the pagan Celtic belief system, a status that carried over into early Celtic Christianity. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Christianity, as opposed to institutionalism, is gaining ground, Individual religious experience as opposed to external authority is becoming "The impregnable rock" of faith. The Only Way to Save Civilization
  • Just to back up,remember how diverse we're finding Christianity, and we're going to start seeing that diversity now representing itself in Christology.
  • And since traditional Christianity so obviously renounces this false freedom and stands against it, the opportunity to blame Tiller's death on all Christians who oppose abortion is simply too good to pass up for those who are committed to not only holding tightly to that freedom, but to expanding it ad extremum. Pope John Paul II
  • Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is classified as an Abrahamic religion (see also Judeo-Christian).
  • Scholars have been aware for a long time of a certain “disconnect” between the version of God preached by Judaism and Christianity—an all-knowing, omnipresent, and all-powerful deity—and the way in which God is depicted in, especially, some of the earliest parts of the Hebrew Bible. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • When I conjure in my mind the objections that people I know make to Christianity, I am reminded of my friend on the couch, enervated by life's manifold demands.
  • Art historians today emphasize his fundamental role in the complex cultural evolution of Renaissance ideals, successfully integrating Christianity and classicism in a perfect synthesis.
  • AD 395 years, Christianity as the State religion of the Roman Empire split into Eastern and Western Empire.
  • Richard Carrier: I predict Evangelicals and Catholics (and Mormons and Baptists and everyone else) will not be able to arrest the current trend in younger generations toward liberal non-denominationalism and the abandonment of the entire church-sermon model that Christianity has maintained so far. Interview with Richard Carrier
  • Indeed, Latin America, particularly Brazil, has become in a very short time a world center of Pentecostal Christianity, wherefrom it has now begun to radiate in all directions.
  • The fact of Christianity being a translated, and translating, religion places God at the center of the universe of cultures, implying free coequality among cultures and a necessary relativizing of languages vis-à-vis the truth of God. The Fire and the Rose
  • Three Stages and the idea of a hierarchy of the sci - ences; the worship of natural science and of technol - ogy; the commitment to a physiological view of the mind; the subjection of the historical process to laws of human nature; the interweaving and interdepend - ence of scientific and historical method; the increas - ingly emphatic view of themselves in messianic terms, and the development of a full-blown religion to replace orthodox Christianity, complete with disciples — all these and other teachings were common to the two men. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The Lisu is an ethnic group deeply influenced by Christianity.
  • Thus, in his Commentary on Matthew's Gospel, Christian of Stablo shows awareness of the respective conversions of the Bulgars and the Khazars to Christianity and Judaism in the 860s.
  • Some topics of spirituality which you can not find in SpiritWeb: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality.
  • In late medieval Christianity, Michael together with St George became the patron of chivalry, and the patron of the first chivalric order of France, the Order of Saint Michael of 1469.
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • People in this region embraced Christianity the turn of the century.
  • Christ his pattern, which it is his duty to express in his own; and he who takes up Christianity on any other terms doth woefully deceive his own soul. Pneumatologia
  • That said, I do think that the other side is silly too – these forms of ceremonial deism are meaningless (and indeed, devalue Christianity by making it into a rote incantation, which is fine with me). The Volokh Conspiracy » “What Sort of Burden Does It Place on the University … to Strike ‘of Our Lord’ from the Diploma?”
  • So I think it is historically misleading to say that Channing and his peers were rallying to "unitarianism" when I think one can more successfully make the case that they were rallying to a liberal and broad-minded Christianity. Philocrites: Does Unitarianism require unitarianism?
  • Western method of keeping Easter on the Sunday after the fourteenth day of the moon should be adopted throughout the Church, believing no doubt that this mode fitted in better with the historical facts and wishing to give a lasting proof that the Jewish Passover was not, as the Quartodeciman heretics believed, an ordinance of Christianity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Spreading through the plantation system, Protestant Christianity was adopted and adapted by African-American slaves and freedmen and most of their descendants.
  • The authors describe three different camps within CCM, which correspond to divisions within evangelical Christianity.
  • In the birthplace of Christianity, indigenous followers of Christ have become a rare commodity.
  • In the next seven years I heard him on many occasions, and his brand of Christianity appealed to my unregenerate mind.
  • The exclusive force is represented by caste and class, by gentility and donnishness, by sectarianism and nationalism, and even by patriotism ” and the inclusive force is represented by Walt Whitmanism and Christianity.” Father Payne
  • A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a Capistrano Valley High School history teacher cannot be sued over classroom comments ridiculing Christianity, but the judges sidestepped the question of whether the remarks were unconstitutional. In 'Jesus Glasses' Case, Court Rules In Teacher's Favor - San Juan Capistrano, CA Patch
  • Keeping an intimate relationship with the Christianity of various classes was Petrarch's major interpersonal relationship.
  • Christianity in the social relations of master and slave is plain from the exceedingly small number of inscriptions containing the words servus (slave), or libertus (freedman), words which are constantly seen on pagan gravestones; the often recurring expression alumnus (foster-child) characterizes the new relation between the owner and the owned. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • But it is against Christianity as an organized phenomenon that Russell most directed his fire.
  • The medieval Europeans divided the world between Christian and heathen, but heathens could convert to Christianity.
  • Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
  • And the diversity among China's Christian population has an added dimension because of a divide between officially sponsored and nonofficial versions of some varieties of Christianity.
  • Heresy or not, what was remarkable about Syrian Christianity in India is its accommodation to the Indian or Hindu way of life.
  • Believers, animism and shamanism, some Protestant and Catholic Christianity.
  • His "cosmic vision" is to blend Christianity with "the wisdom of all world religions".
  • And it just galls me that the Republicans are always talking about two things, Christianity and family values.
  • Can an individual wishing others "Happy Holidays" in December amount to that individual's intent to decenter Christmas and Christianity? Warren J. Blumenfeld: Challenging The Christian Month Of December
  • Christianity was another force that was gradually eliminating dangers from spirits based at taboo sites.
  • By the early fourteenth century, in Marian literature, Jewish antipathy toward Christianity was increasingly represented by images of Jewish violence toward children. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Modern day Christianity and Protestantism is very different, such is why they "denominate" to something different. Undefined
  • As one member of the freethought group at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, pointed out, I started going because I wanted to seriously consider whether religion, specifically Christianity, was viable. Amarnath Amarasingam: With Reason On Their Side: Is Secularism A Movement?
  • That the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity.
  • I have long been interested in christianity and Biblical criticism.
  • Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it.
  • Along with the introduction of Christianity into China, psalms got into China.
  • His few clear anti-Christian statements relate to specifically Catholic doctrine, not to Christianity more generally.
  • Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history of Britain.
  • The letter said, "While there might be no desire to define Christianity in the case of those who claim that they are in any sense of the term entitled to be called Christians, for those persons who, like yourself, disavow the name, there seems to be no need of raising any question as to how broad a range of opinion the name may properly be stretched to cover." [ Unitarianism in America
  • There was a pre-Christian sect called "the Essenes" that was influential in the moulding of Christianity, and it behooves us to look at them briefly.
  • Deciphering the writing could provide a window into daily life or religious ritual in Jerusalem around the time of Jesus Christ (interactive time line of early Christianity).
  • I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S. Lewis 
  • He is hard upon Christianity and its “trinal God”: I have not softened his expression The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
  • Christianity can dispense with ‘cosmologies and systems’ as love abides and descends into mundane existence.
  • But instead of it being inclusive, they excluded her, and I think that we, as women, those who have been brought up in Christianity, have been trying to work through that for 2,000 years.
  • While Christianity claims to have gradually lifted humanity out of dark ignorance of a dark pre-Christian world, the truth is opposite.
  • The design of Christianity is to soften and meeken the spirit, to teach us the art of obliging and true complaisance; not to be servants to the lust of any, but to the necessities and infirmities of our brethren -- to comply with all that we have to do with as fare as we can with a good conscience. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • ECLECTICISM : Nor can we find any willingness to make common cause with false religiosity as long as Christianity is accepted as one among many legitimate viewpoints.
  • The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • If we can dismiss as 'unhistorical' most of the Gospels 'Jesus of Christianity, what can we of faithful Israel save of our rabbi, Moses, for Judaism?" asks Rabbi Jacob Neusner, a distinguished Talmudist at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Rethinking The Resurrection
  • His first work, Christianity not Mysterious, opposes sacerdotal authority and fideism.
  • I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
  • Christianity originated in the Middle East and was originally a sect of Judaism.
  • Because Deuteronomy is a 3000-year old pile of horseshit, inexplicably reprinted by Christianity, which is a 1500-year old pile of horseshit. Matthew Yglesias » The Warren Factor
  • People rock up here every day and hear the Speaker give a wonderful karakia, a wonderful piece of Christianity.
  • Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St.
  • What the church is to Christianity, and the temple is to Hinduism, the pagoda (sometimes called "dagoba") is to Buddhism. India, Its Life and Thought
  • One of the challenges for emerging Christianity was defining the relationship between an increasingly Gentile church and Christianity's historic Jewish roots.
  • For those seeking to relate Christianity to the unfolding story of the universe and the development of life, thought, and human culture on the planet Earth, this retranslation of Pierre Teilhard's classic work is a welcome addition.
  • And, in fact, the few who since the revival of letters have deserted Christianity for what they called philosophic heathenism, have in almost every case sympathised, not with the excellences, but with the worst vices of the Greek and Literary and General Lectures and Essays
  • Joachim anticipated a "third age" in the immediate future. This millennialism is a theme implicit in Christianity as a whole, and has generated many millennialist perspectives.
  • Though often criticized as offering a “watered-down” version of Christianity, Warren dismisses this critique. American Grace
  • If in point of fact; Christianity is a myth, consider the enormity of the intellect which has disproven a diety which is everywhere at all times, knows everything, and cannot be stopped. Texas Faith will return on July 14 | RELIGION Blog |
  • Italian-born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in 598 was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Those that pray/prey on streetcorners, and those that think they are being persecuted if they cannot teach creation myths in science or have the school administrator endorse Christianity over the intercom are the ones that concern me. Fort sumter, brooklyn
  • The opposite is true of Christianity: The Eastern Orthodox Church gave itself the term orthodox, meaning "correct belief. Archive 2007-06-01
  • I was never intended to fit into a cookie cutter mold of Christianity.
  • Victorian "muscular Christianity" was all about achieving self-control through strict mental and physical discipline.
  • In judeo - christianity and most monotheistic religions, objects can represent a view of the cosmos.
  • If the bold scheme could be carried through there would again be a Roman emperor in the West, Latin Christianity would stand strong and unified against schismatic Byzantium and threatening Saracens, and, by the awe and magic of the imperial name, barbarized Europe might reach back across centuries of darkness, and inherit and Christianize the civilization and culture of the ancient world. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.
  • Courses of instruction listed in the 1846 Catalogue include: Spelling, grammar, arithmetic, geography, uranography, composition, botany, physiology, algebra, natural philosophy, metal and moral science, rhetoric, chemistry, geometry, criticism, history, logic, trigonometry, astronomy, mineralogy, Butler's analogy, and evidences of Christianity.
  • The Bible once received, science can furnish abundant illustrations of the attributes of the Being therein revealed; but even with all the illumination which has been the immediate or secondary result of Christianity, man is hopeless without its authority, and I would not give the slightest shadow of support to that irreverent presumption which, guided by what it calls the unaided light of nature, would construct a system of religion out of passions, intuitions, and I know not what absurdity. Religion and Chemistry
  • If, on the other hand, a band of Christians should attempt to enslave a race of heathen men and to entail slavery upon them, and to keep them in heathenism in the midst of Christianity, the God of heaven would smile upon every effort which the injured might make to disenthral themselves. Walker's Appeal with a Brief Sketch of His Life
  • Jesus, post-modernism, west virginia christian, west virginia christianity comments: Darwin's Birthday...and I'm Late to the Party
  • One conspicuous tradition within Christianity says boldly that people are saved only by and in faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Ephesus prospered for several centuries, but when Christianity came to the region, people began to abandon the pagan religion of Artemis.
  • In the evening I went to the City Temple, where I listened to an intellectual Easter sermon, by the Rev.R. J. Campbell, on the triumph of Christianity, and heard the uniformed choir artistically sing doxologies to the risen Christ. Chapter XXIV
  • But as philosophy was widely spread over the world, at the time when Christianity arose, the teachers of the new sect were obliged to form a system of speculative opinions; to divide, with some accuracy, their articles of faith; and to explain, comment, confute, and defend with all the subtilty of argument and science... The Volokh Conspiracy » Nonideological Evil in the Harry Potter Series:
  • Evangelical Christianity especially presents a variety of options to a culture questing for meaning, providing journey language and help with the problems of everyday life.
  • Balaam, the last representative of patriarchism, was required to curse the Jewish Church, just as it afterwards would not succumb to Christianity without a struggle (Nu Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But he fails to acknowledge other cultural and socioeconomic forces at work, including the dramatic effects of industrialism, urbanization, evangelical Christianity, slavery, and sectionalism.
  • On the other hand, Terri, I think that Mark 7:17's status as a parenthetical comment, Matthew's apparent awareness that it was an editorial insertion into Mark see his parallel version, and most importantly the fact that there were debates about the issue in early Christianity all suggest that nothing Jesus had said obviously constituted an annulation of the kosher food laws. Quote of the Day (Marilyn McEntyre)
  • When Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire, the early Christian teachings on land were overtaken by the Roman land laws of "dominium" - a legalization of property in land originally obtained by conquest and plunder. P2P Foundation
  • If they weren't fanatical about Christianity, what would they be fanatical about?
  • He charged that leadership at the highest levels of the academy implicitly endorses Christianity.
  • Crazy Fred seems to confuse Christianity with the Manichaean/Cathar heresy. January 22nd, 2009
  • Since the belief that God became man is central to Christianity, such a remark must be aimed at the various attempts to either reduce or eliminate the mystery of God, often taken to the point where "God" is simply identified as man's projection: "Those who have no desires have no gods either," claimed Feuerbach, "Gods are mens wishes in corporeal form" (quoted by de Lubac in The Drama of Atheist Humanism). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • ÂSome stalwart grad student could write quite a paper on the undertones and resonances of a paragraph like this one: "Through British veins runs the poisonous fake idealism of "human rights" and "sensitivity," of happy-clappy multicultural groveling and sick, weak, deracinated moral universalism -- the rotten fruit of a debased, sentimentalized Christianity. Richard (RJ) Eskow: England's Ashes - America's Future?
  • School of the Pacific in Berkeley, Joslyn-Siemiatkoski teaches and studies the premedieval roots of Christianity. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
  • Jerusalem is the common holy place of three kinds of monotheism: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • Faiths will include Baha'ism, Christianity, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism and Sikhism.
  • The global perspective is best illustrated by his book, A History of Christianity.
  • These apocryphal or deuterocanonical books were written by and about Jews in the time before Christianity was established as a separate religion, but they were not included in the Jewish canon. Shawna Dolansky: The Truth(s) About Hanukkah
  • She was a woman imbued with a deep sense of Christianity and was devoted to her faith and church.
  • The turn of the century seemed to herald a turnaround for those living in the cradle of Christianity.
  • And a few lines further on he specifies Christianity as the most extravagant elaboration of the moral theme that humanity has ever heard.
  • Yet, as Athanasius and his cobelligerents knew, Christianity itself hung upon the debate with the Arians.
  • And, secondly, about those things that more strictly refer to their own character and profession, and which distinguish them from all other professors of Christianity; avoiding two extremes upon which many split, viz. persecution and libertinism, that is, a coercive power to whip people into the temple; that such as will not conform, though against faith and conscience, shall be punished in their persons or estates; or leaving all loose and at large, as to practice; and so unaccountable to all but God and the magistrate. A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers
  • Christianity Today noted that he was ‘a man whose theology had decidedly unevangelical elements’.
  • Our kids are "one quarter patrilineal" Jews, and logically, maybe we should have just chosen Christianity. Susan Katz Miller: 18 Questions You Might Want To Ask About Our Interfaith Son's Bar Mitzvah And Coming-Of-Age
  • In fact,what I'm going to be talking about is three or four stages in the development of Johannine Christianity as one branch of early Christian literature.
  • However, fabricating malicious falsehoods and then actively circulating them not only belies any profession of Christianity but is defamatory and libelous.
  • Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.
  • Christianity, at least the early version which has become what we call Catholicism - and yes, I know I'm glossing was set up to make converts easily. Religion and Evolution
  • This vestigial remnant of Christianity turns protesters into propagandist missionaries.
  • She abandoned paganism for Christianity.
  • Comte may be described as a syncretic, who, like the Gnostics of early Church history, attempted to combine the substance of imperfectly comprehended contemporary science with the form of Roman Christianity. Collected Essays, Volume V Science and Christian Tradition: Essays
  • Notwithstanding the historical truths, that although the gospel has been preached in Polynesia for a century or more, and that there is no other nation which has made such rapid progress in civilization and Christianity, yet Mr. Foster had the assurance to stand up in Washington, and revile all the native Hawaiian sovereigns. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • The ceremony of baptism celebrates an individual's entrance into Christianity.
  • Luke, Gospel of apocalyptic language inapostles inbirth story inand brothers and sisters of Jesusestablishment of Church inethical teachings of Jesus ingenealogy inGentile version of Christianity inJesus and money-changers inJohn the Baptizer inKingdom of God inlast supper inpoverty of Mary and Joseph inpreaching campaign of Jesus inraising of dead inreturn of Jesus to Nazareth inRoman soldiers inSadducees join Messianic Movement insightings of Jesus intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus inwomen followers of Jesus insee also Acts of the ApostlesLuria, Rabbi Isaac ben “the Ari” The Jesus Dynasty
  • Much like Pentecostalism is for Christianity, Islamism is a way station, a prefiguration of things to come. Michael Vlahos: America: Enemy of Change, Midwife of the Future
  • Christian should reluctantly give up, one by one, the pleasures of the world; and look back upon them, when relinquished, with eyes of wistfulness and regret: because he knows not the sweetness of the delights with which true Christianity repays those trifling sacrifices, and is greatly unacquainted with the _nature_ of that pleasantness which is to be found in the ways of Religion. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity.
  • Before Ukraine adopted Christianity in 988, the inhabitants believed in pagan gods who ruled over the sun, stars, and moon.
  • Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
  • Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon?
  • The final version of this enigmatic character is in one sense an embodiment of Christian gentleness, but it is a gentleness deeply flawed by lack of self-knowledge, confused desire and passivity – an ironic picture which reflects what some would indeed see as Christlikeness, yet incorporates an oblique recognition of something like a Nietzschean critique of Christianity as dealing in unrealities and depending on the resentment of the weak. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
  • The steps were brought to Rome in the first centuries of Christianity and are 7) reverenced still by millions of people every year, who pass up them on their knees, deep in 8)penitential prayer.
  • For the first several hundred years of Christianity's prac-tice, and while the death and rebirth of Jesus were venerated upon the highest holy day of Easter, the birth of the savior was not celebrated. "The Man Who Invented Christmas: How Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol' Rescued his Career and Revived Our Holiday Spirits"
  • Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. C.S. Lewis 
  • evangelical Christianity
  • Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St.
  • They were initiated into Christianity.
  • Around the same time, Nestorianism , an earlier sect of Christianity, was introduced into Xinjiang, but it was not widespread in the early years.
  • Christianity, Spener insists, is not just the memorization of catechisms and forms.
  • Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, and Wiccan (among others) teach the importance of setting aside a period of time for rest.
  • This is the their inner connection and why Christianity will condemn Occultism and Gnostisim.
  • This area is known to have supported a flourishing culture in the centuries preceding Christianity.
  • It is undeniable that Christianity has shaped European history.
  • Martin of Tours, founder of the first monastery in Gaul, was at the time of the following story a soldier in the Roman army who had become enamoured of Christianity and entered catechetical training.
  • The swami is credited with bringing many of the island's Hindu converts to Christianity and Islam back into Hinduism.
  • His "cosmic vision" is to blend Christianity with "the wisdom of all world religions".
  • When Christianity became the dominant force in religion in the West and the official religion of the Roman Empire, opposition to chiliasm became emphatic.
  • But his aesthetic immoralism remained in substance unchanged - it only bowed down before the rule of dogmatic Christianity.
  • The early-Christian "Jesus cult" was very different from the organized Christianity of our own age, as Elaine Pagels showed in this classic study of the so-called "heretical" traditions of Christianity in the first few centuries after Jesus' death—that is to say, all those diverse traditions that the church establishment later took care to brand as wrong. Five Best: Religious Cults In Antiquity
  • Another group of masks called chilolos, the word for mask in Mixtec, also predates Christianity. The Masks Of Mexico (Part 2)
  • Protestant Christianity rejects the cult of the saints so crucial to medieval and modern Catholic Christianity.
  • The fact is that every Christian government that preceded them thought that Christianity implied tyranny, despotism, and the oppression of non-Christians.
  • His Christianity was muscular. Benjamin Disraeli 
  • For the last eighteen hundred years Greece has fed the human intellect; Rome, taught by Greece, and improving upon her teacher, has been the source of law and government and social civilization; "Judea has given to the world a pure Theism and the idea of expiatory sacrifice; and what neither one nor all of these could furnish," the perfection of moral and spiritual truth, has been given by christianity. The Historic Significance of the Southern Revolution: A Lecture Delivered by Invitation in Petersburg, Va., March 14th and April 29th, 1864, and in Richmond, Va., April 7th and April 21st, 1864

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