How To Use Christian name In A Sentence

  • One morning, returning asleep on his horse, he miscalls his wife ‘Felice’ - Mrs Charmond's Christian name.
  • The name of the majority all from Christian name and Xing 4 San the part constitute.
  • Also known as the first Christian name, is subject to formal legal recognition of the name.
  • using their Christian names in a casual way
  • Those that think to excuse themselves in unchristian practices with the Christian name, and sin the more boldly and securely because there is a sin-offering provided, do, in effect, make God's house of prayer a den of thieves, as the priests in Christ's time, Matt. xxi. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
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  • The name Bathurst appears as a continuously favored Christian name in the Stith, Buckner, Jones, Skelton, Virginia and Virginians
  • One explanation for Simons mysterious background lies in his actual name: fitz means son of but FitzMary is in fact a matronymic (i.e. derived from his mothers Christian name) which commonly denoted illegitimate birth (as in Martin FitzAlice, alderman of St Michaels, Paternoster Royal, in 1281). Bedlam
  • The adroit use of her lover's Christian name goaded his lordship to sudden heat. The Wings of the Morning
  • 106 † Antioch, 107 whose situation had been less exposed to the calamities of the holy war, was finally occupied and ruined by Bondocdar, or Bibars, sultan of Egypt and Syria; the Latin principality was extinguished; and the first seat of the Christian name was dispeopled by the slaughter of seventeen, and the captivity of one hundred, thousand of her inhabitants. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She didn't like children to call her by her Christian name.
  • Should I sign using my Christian name?
  • SHS: Tell me your christian name.
  • He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname.
  • Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".
  • Christian name; he mingled his tears with those of the patriarch, and earnestly inquired, if no hopes of relief could be entertained from the Greek emperors of the East. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • His Christian name is Michael.
  • We never know what Miss Trotwood's married name was, nor her errant husband's Christian name.
  • “Jimmy” — was a tall, lanky man, irreclaimably truculent, incapable of recognising the dominance of those who bestowed his Christian name. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Although much of our modern language comes from the language of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, very few Christian names do.
  • 'Dimmock -- Christian name Reginald; profession, English companion to The Grand Babylon Hotel
  • As one writer of the period quaintly puts it, "The gospel spirit is not yet so gloriously arisen as to seek them more than theirs," while another in stronger terms affirms, "To the shame of the Christian name, no pains have ever been taken to convert them to Christianity; on the contrary, their morals are perverted and corrupted by the sad example they daily have of its depraved professors residing in their towns. Indians of North Carolina: Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Transmitting, in Response to a Senate Resolution of June 30, 1914, a Report on the Condition and Tribal Rights of the Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties of North Carolina
  • Eva is also a mythic character who is unchaste and unwilling to submit to anyone or any God, in opposition to her Christian namesake.
  • Interestingly even the programme pundits and presenters are calling the Taoiseach by his christian name. Bertie's Eyes Are Smiling
  • And so it was natural that the pious Jewish Christian named Matthew, would see in the birth, career, and actions of Jesus the full realization of everything that had ever been encapsulated in the name Immanuel. THE NAMES OF JESUS
  • We have only the initials for the Christian names of the men in the back row who are dressed in their ordinary clothes.
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.
  • In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name.
  • To consummate the baptism of his great protagonist in the trilby hat, Raymond Chandler decided on the fancy of combining the Christian name of the highest-scoring schoolboy batsman of the winning house in the previous summer's Dulwich cricket – and so it came to pass that the batsman was "Philip" and the house was "Marlowe", and thus was leafy south London in a blink translated into the mean streets of America. From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
  • But then, according to custom, the camerlengo, or chamberlain, called out his Christian name, Karol, three times, then pronounced that the pope had died. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
  • O Mr. Fenton -- Gilbert," -- she pronounced his Christian name shyly, and in obedience to his reproachful look, -- "remember how short a time we have known each other. Fenton's Quest
  • Do not address the caller by their Christian name.
  • Now people are enlightened to realise there is only a forename, middle name and a surname not a Christian name.
  • Visitations, armigerous families of the same name in the sixteenth century, already ancient, and perhaps bearing, it is curious to note, the same Christian names as the family which has forgotten them bears to-day. Impressions and Comments
  • There is yet another thing that the spirit of Antichrist is immediately concerned in; and that is, the antichristian names of the men that worship the beast: the names, I mean, that the Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • It was only by slow degrees I did so, truly; for she was not one of those gentle creatures whom, married or single, one calls instinctively by their Christian names. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • He had picked up the habit of addressing everyone by their Christian name.
  • The main speakers of this story has a Christian name of the girl, lost her mother.
  • I have no idea what his Christian name was and he called me Master Charles.
  • My daughter however is very keen for her daughter to have a granny and is adamant that she does not want her daughter to call me by my Christian name.
  • Drumsheugh was much shaken, and the sound of the Christian name, which he had not heard since his mother's death, gave him a "grue" (shiver), as if one had spoken from the other world. A Doctor of the Old School — Volume 4
  • Her Baltimore ancestor's will is extant, has been examined by Old Mortality's great-grandson, and announces in a kind of preamble that the testator was a native of Donegal; his Christian name was William ( "Notes and Queries," Fourth Series, vol.vii. p. 219, and Fifth Series, August, 1874). Old Mortality, Volume 1.
  • When a married woman is either the remitter or payee, her own christian name should be given, and not that of her husband, thus -- "Mrs. Mary Smith," not "Mrs. John Smith. Canadian Postal Guide
  • All that I maintain here, is, that in this one, of the influence of christian names, however it gained footing, he was serious; — he was all uniformity; — he was systematical, and, like all systematic reasoners, he would move both heaven and earth, and twist and torture every thing in nature to support his hypothesis. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • I myself, bearer of a Christian name adjudged eccentric though brief, had had much to put up with in my first term. Seven Men
  • I applied for one using a Christian name, and was offered an interview.
  • The name of the majority all from Christian name and Xing 4 San the part constitute.
  • The overfamiliar use of her Christian name was intentional. AMAGANSETT
  • The name was taken out of the Psalms for the Fourteenth Day of the Month, and was bestowed on her in obedience to her father's conviction that, where parents were constrained to give their child so indistinctive a surname as Smith, they ought to counterbalance it with a Christian name more original and vivacious. Sydney Smith
  • He made six separate applications for a total of 39 000 shares, using permutations of his surname and Christian names.
  • From then on I always used her Christian name.
  • The ancient Roman women had a forename , or a Christian name besides their surname.
  • Giles, he had said his Christian name was, and that, she thought, was a caddish sort of name. LOHENGRIN
  • Here's a Christian name all jumbled up. Can you unjumble it and find the name?
  • Christian names can be indicative of class and the form of the name used can be indicative of politics.
  • No, the member cannot refer to members by nicknames or Christian names.
  • Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".
  • But, when we became better acquainted — which was while Charker and I were drinking sugar-cane sangaree, which she made in a most excellent manner — I found that her Christian name was Isabella, which they shortened into Bell, and that the name of the deceased non-commissioned officer was Tott. The Perils of Certain English Prisoners
  • Lucy wasn't sure what jarred her most — the rueful note of empathy in his voice or hearing her Christian name caressed by his devilish tongue. Thief Of Hearts
  • The name of the majority all from Christian name and Xing 4 San the part constitute.
  • The chumminess of members referring to each other by their Christian names in debate is meant to signify democratic informality.
  • We're all on Christian name terms here.
  • Can't you recollect what our father's Christian name was?
  • If you have written a history of your own time, doubt not but you will find some learned chronologist, or newspaper commentator, who will relieve you as to a date, a Christian name, or a squadron which you have wrongly placed at the distance of three hundred paces from the place where it really stood. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Drumsheugh was much shaken, and the sound of the Christian name, which he had not heard since his mother's death, gave him a "grue Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • This is a most vexing thing, when persons professing the Christian name indulge themselves in a liberty to walk at random; are impatient of restraints; affect libertinism; have not refrained their feet but have loved to wander: therefore the Lord doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Ma'afu, who parents gave him the christian name Campese after Australia legend David Campese, was in continual trouble at the scrum. WalesOnline - Home
  • The live-in maid was always called Miss Rix, as my mother did not like the use of Christian names.
  • Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".
  • A stout champion in the person of Tom Redworth was left on British land; but for some reason past analysis, intermixed, that is, among a swarm of sensations, Diana named her champion to herself with the formal prefix: perhaps because she knew a man's Christian name to be dangerous handling. Diana of the Crossways — Complete
  • Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".

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