Christian name

  1. the first name given to Christians at birth or christening
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How To Use Christian name In A Sentence

  • One morning, returning asleep on his horse, he miscalls his wife ‘Felice’ - Mrs Charmond's Christian name.
  • The name of the majority all from Christian name and Xing 4 San the part constitute.
  • Also known as the first Christian name, is subject to formal legal recognition of the name.
  • using their Christian names in a casual way
  • Those that think to excuse themselves in unchristian practices with the Christian name, and sin the more boldly and securely because there is a sin-offering provided, do, in effect, make God's house of prayer a den of thieves, as the priests in Christ's time, Matt. xxi. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The name Bathurst appears as a continuously favored Christian name in the Stith, Buckner, Jones, Skelton, Virginia and Virginians
  • One explanation for Simons mysterious background lies in his actual name: fitz means son of but FitzMary is in fact a matronymic (i.e. derived from his mothers Christian name) which commonly denoted illegitimate birth (as in Martin FitzAlice, alderman of St Michaels, Paternoster Royal, in 1281). Bedlam
  • The adroit use of her lover's Christian name goaded his lordship to sudden heat. The Wings of the Morning
  • 106 † Antioch, 107 whose situation had been less exposed to the calamities of the holy war, was finally occupied and ruined by Bondocdar, or Bibars, sultan of Egypt and Syria; the Latin principality was extinguished; and the first seat of the Christian name was dispeopled by the slaughter of seventeen, and the captivity of one hundred, thousand of her inhabitants. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She didn't like children to call her by her Christian name.
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