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How To Use Chiton In A Sentence

  • Plants do a great job of looking very phallic at this time of year, none more so than the skunk arums, in this case Lysichiton camtschatcense.
  • I tried to imagine what the women of Ephesus wore: Grecian chitons, himations, and peplos, most likely. Holly Would Dream
  • I pulled on a chiton and wrapped a himation around me since the day was cool.
  • She is dressed in nothing more than a chiton, unlike Juno, who wears a himation over hers.
  • Last Friday they celebrated all things Greek, dressing up in chitons, the traditional clothing, performing a fashion show and trying new foods, such as olives, honey cakes and feta cheese.
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  • The soldiers divided "the clothes," or the "the cloak," "ta imatia" into four pieces, that is, Jesus' outer garments, not the tunic, the "chiton," which was the inner garment, which was in direct contact with his body. Archive 2008-03-16
  • A young girl is about to join together on her left shoulder the chiton, which is fastened over the right shoulder by means of an agraffe. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • But Philadelphos tugged at my chiton until I shifted my attention back to entertaining him.
  • Hades was dressed in some sort of long black himation while his wife wore a white chiton.
  • In a Greek chiton, Duncan was famous for dancing barefoot.
  • She is dressed in nothing more than a chiton, unlike Juno, who wears a himation over hers.
  • To begin the day the class dressed in their chitons and prepared for an Olympics.
  • Over the chiton, if you could afford it, a woollen cloak was worn, made from an oblong piece of cloth, usually simply draped around the body, sometimes pinned on one side.
  • In addition, the posterior plate of this chiton shows a distinct mucro.
  • She hiked up her chiton and shinnied up the long, slippery, swooping neck of the bronze dragon, searching for the on-off switch. Artemis the Brave
  • The MIT researcher is also looking at other marine molluscs, including sea urchins, chitons, and the Senegal bichir. Three-Layered Snail Shell Inspires Better Body Armor | Inhabitat
  • Scattered emergents include hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), lacebark tree (Brachychiton discolor), and crow's ash (Flindersia australis). Eastern Australian temperate forests
  • Her chiton was the crimson of the royal House of Apepi: it stood out brilliantly, a speck of colour in the bleakness of bare rock and sand. Warlock
  • I slowly walked up to my mother and tugged gently on her chiton.
  • Clutching the chiton tight around myself, I ran to the courtyard and I almost wept when I saw everyone there.
  • Sea urchins Arbacia dufresnii are abundant in the marine area, as are whelks Argobuccinun sp., chitons, starfishes, sea anemones, bryzoans, barnacles, slipper limpets, nudibranchs and sponges. Gough Island Wildlife Reserve, United Kingdom
  • The Plated Folk have been quiet ever since Clothahump and I kicked their chitonous butts back over the Jo-Troom Pass. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Drier semi-deciduous mid-altitude forests with trees such as Triplochiton scleroxylon, Piptadeniastrum africanum, and Parkia bicolor are found at the northern end of the range on the slopes more exposed to dessicating winds from the desert. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Constructed of two rectangles of fabric, generally of linen, the chiton was seamed together in a number of variations.
  • Her garments are the basic chiton, peplos or stola. Fashion: How Movies Corrupt History « Colleen Anderson
  • For “C”, use a scaphopod, caecum, or dislodged curled-up chiton in profile. MnCSE! - The Panda's Thumb
  • They have an unmodified appearance like that of gastropods, chitons, and cephalopods, and, one may assume, Hecionelloids.
  • Squint a little, squeeze the eyes tight, and one could almost see those chitonous barbs and protuberances coming together to form, if not an actual crown, at least an approximation of a comparable configuration. A Triumph of Souls
  • From the middle double doorway of the skene, a group of fifteen men, dressed in long blue chitons with black stripes running from the shoulders to the hems of the flowing robes, emerged, swaying and walking slowly to the great circle below us. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Her chiton, the traditional Greek clothing, made from thin white linen that was stained various shades of brown from her work, was wrapped round the her, with the excess material folded over the top.
  • In one hand Liberty brandishes the tricolour and in the other she holds a flintlock, but otherwise she is in the classical costume of a goddess of victory, and her lemony chiton has slipped off both shoulders.
  • I said it was like stumbling on a village in Turkey in which everyone was wearing chitons & worshipping Zeus & spouting Homeric Greek. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • A tiny marine creature called a chiton might hold the key to better artificial teeth and bones. NPR Topics: News
  • The vast chitonous shape scuttled further into the diffuse blue light supplied by the bubble, advancing on half a dozen short, inflexible legs. A Call to Arms
  • Sagira straightened her chiton, which had begun to slip off her shoulders, and leaned against the balcony railing casually, staring out at the ocean.
  • I could smell the salt air as it whipped through my hair and my chiton.
  • The Counselor laid the four chitonous fingers of a truhand on Flinx's forearm. Mid Flinx
  • Mandibles clacked m a gesture of interest and understanding, since the insect's inflexible chitonous face allowed for nothing as robbery as a smile. Orphan Star
  • Most chitons feed by rasping algae and other encrusted food off of the rocks on which they crawl.
  • All were available in plain or patinated brass or copper, and they included a variety of shells, such as Philippine, chiton, limpet, melon, triton, sea conch, and nautilus.
  • Pupils recreated an Olympic stadium and dressed up in toga-like costumes, which are known as chitons in Greek, or armour made out of cardboard.
  • She was absorbed by the touch pool and especially the gumboot chiton (which resembles a fleshy marine pillbug). Julie Packard: An Ocean of Inspiration
  • I pulled on a chiton and wrapped a himation around me since the day was cool.
  • Her white linen chiton was cinched at the waist by a thin silver belt, and her spiky orange hair was even spikier than usual. PERSEPHONE THE PHONY
  • Modern species thrive under intense herbivory from snails, chitons, and limpets, and this has been suggested as one reason for their success.
  • With each one I made, they were better and better until even Kratos asked me to make him his chitons for him.
  • Nitrogen metabolism and digestibility studies with Merino sheep given kurrajong (Brachychiton populneum), mulga (Acacia aneura) and native grass Chapter 10
  • Out in the sand, near the statue of Hermes (the patron god of gymnasia) is a dignified and self-conscious looking man in a purple edged chiton -- the gymnasiarch, the official manager of the Academy. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
  • Over the chiton is the aegis, much less long behind than in earlier art (cf. A History of Greek Art
  • She pulled her arm loose and began to unpin the chiton. Aching for Always
  • We describe the oldest chiton, which is the oldest animal fossil, the oldest evidence for the trilobite ancestor; we believe we've solved the Shonisaur murder mystery; and now we're announcing the identity of this serial killer, the Triassic kraken. NPR Topics: News
  • Carelessly, I stripped myself of my chiton and my sandals.
  • In some chitons, the radula has teeth tipped with magnetite, which hardens them.
  • Ajax, in the archaic attitude of the ‘kneeling race’, with helmet, jambeaus and armour from which his chiton emerges, is intent on carrying the lifeless body of Achilles, naked and with his long hair falling towards the ground.
  • We do have pages on the Solenogastres and the worm-like Caudofoveata, as well as the chitons and some early shelled mollusks, the Rostroconchia.
  • Isidore's face was pale and he quickly recovered, dusting his chiton.
  • Both Isidore and Feodor were clad in simple chitons that showed off their large, muscular arms.
  • A chiton has eight overlapping shell plates, and can, if dislodged, roll into a rough ball with its plates on the exterior.
  • Conchiferans are ‘all molluscs except chitons and aplacophorans’ - i.e. snails, cephalopods, etc.
  • Grumbling, I washed from the basin and pulled on my chiton.
  • The girl in the chiton stands a-tip toe and whispers in his ear. September 29th, 2009
  • All such records are of fully or partly articulated chitons embedded within fine-grained shale and marly limestones.
  • 00: 30 Northern clingfish Gobiesox maeandricus (Girard, 1858); 00: 34 Delicate six-armed sea star - Leptasterias aequalis (Stimpson, 1862); 00: 39 Smooth scaled-chiton - Lepidozona interstinctus (Gould, 1846); 00: 43 Baetic olive - Olivella baetica Carpenter, 1864; 00: 48 - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
  • While Pisaster has a very broad diet that includes barnacles, limpets, snails, and chitons, mussels are its preferred prey.
  • Her garments are the basic chiton, peplos or stola. Fashion: How Movies Corrupt History « Colleen Anderson
  • Her purple chiton is gathered in classic folds across her bosom, and on her shoulders she wears a mantle of the same color. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • All were available in plain or patinated brass or copper, and they included a variety of shells, such as Philippine, chiton, limpet, melon, triton, sea conch, and nautilus.
  • Gibbons is alone in devoting a whole chapter to chitons as food.
  • I held her tight as she soaked my chiton with her tears.
  • Claws linked tightly to claws while spiny legs entwined, the chitonous queue continuing to thicken and grow even as those aboard the trapped vessel gathered to gaze at the astonishing sight. A Triumph of Souls
  • Hades was dressed in some sort of long black himation while his wife wore a white chiton.
  • The adult's chiton was purple, and purple was a color that had been described to him and now he knew what it was and the ceramic inlay in the doctor's forehead was a single bar of silver crossed by two bars of gold and his ommatidia were red with gold and yellow central bands and they gleamed in the light of the room and ... and ... Nor Crystal Tears
  • [*] Workingmen often wore no himation, and had a kind of chiton (an exömis) which was especially arranged to leave them with free use of their arms. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
  • Instances of adhesion between different organs is seen under ordinary circumstances in the bract of the Lime tree, which adheres to the peduncle, also in _Neuropeltis_, while in _Erythrochiton hypophyllanthus_ the cymose peduncles are adherent to the under surface of the leaf. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • On the contrary, white is counted as theoretically the most becoming color on any common occasion for either sex; [+] and on festival days even grave and elderly men will appear with chitons worked with brilliant embroidery along the borders, and with splendid himatia of some single clear hue -- violet, red, purple, blue, or yellow. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life

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