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  1. primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
  2. a woolen tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece

How To Use chiton In A Sentence

  • Plants do a great job of looking very phallic at this time of year, none more so than the skunk arums, in this case Lysichiton camtschatcense.
  • I tried to imagine what the women of Ephesus wore: Grecian chitons, himations, and peplos, most likely. Holly Would Dream
  • I pulled on a chiton and wrapped a himation around me since the day was cool.
  • She is dressed in nothing more than a chiton, unlike Juno, who wears a himation over hers.
  • Last Friday they celebrated all things Greek, dressing up in chitons, the traditional clothing, performing a fashion show and trying new foods, such as olives, honey cakes and feta cheese.
  • The soldiers divided "the clothes," or the "the cloak," "ta imatia" into four pieces, that is, Jesus' outer garments, not the tunic, the "chiton," which was the inner garment, which was in direct contact with his body. Archive 2008-03-16
  • A young girl is about to join together on her left shoulder the chiton, which is fastened over the right shoulder by means of an agraffe. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • But Philadelphos tugged at my chiton until I shifted my attention back to entertaining him.
  • Hades was dressed in some sort of long black himation while his wife wore a white chiton.
  • In a Greek chiton, Duncan was famous for dancing barefoot.
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