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How To Use Cheater In A Sentence

  • The person would feel even worse if the cheater does not get her or his just punishment.
  • But no, they all came in an anorak or windcheater and a untidy motley lot they were.
  • The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
  • On my first morning at Bryant Park, I am surprised to discover that tracksuits and windcheaters are making a comeback.
  • The Turtle grapevine did say that Svoboda has, over the years, provided advice to major Las Vegas casino owners on how to stop cheaters.
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  • And the strip style of dumpling is what the cheater flour tortilla method closely approximates. Tex-Mex chicken and dumplings recipe | Homesick Texan
  • A couple wearing windcheaters hurried past on their way to fitness and good health.
  • In its efforts to become the safest, most reliable backgammon room online, Play65 has formed an objective and independent Board of Trustees, designed to clean the backgammon room from its cheaters, mainly those who create an unfair advantage using computerized aiding tools, known as backgammon bots. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Cheater slipped the long blade of his knife through the space between the door and jamb and forced the wooden handle up and then pushed the door wide. Masdy's Silver
  • He hadn't meant to kill her, but if there was anything he hated more than a cheater, it was a nagger.
  • That's the real problem: even guys who want to play fair are under pressure from cheaters to play foul.
  • I was wearing a t-shirt, thick shirt, windcheater, coat, weatherproof hooded jacket and a Dockers scarf.
  • To those that would do so; does the term cheater come to mind? How can we restore civility and the art of listening?
  • In manufactured goods, as in all other things, not the slightest cheatery is to be found. Mizora: A Prophecy A MSS. Found Among the Private Papers of the Princess Vera Zarovitch
  • The only cheater I am willing to forgive is Eliot Spitzer (of course I'm not married to him) – he was energetic, driven, strong and very smart! Details of Sanford book deal to come this week
  • You see, a similar thing had happened to me in the past, only in that scenario, instead of being the third party who caught the cheater cheating, I was the one who had been cheated on.
  • Some are pretty obvious and some will make you think (or use Google, cheaters!) Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't kn Five Best Pizza Shops in Cleveland, OH | myFiveBest
  • We've been married for almost 40 years and I do not want to break the family up, but neither can I live with a liar and a cheater.
  • She is a snake a backbiter a backstabber a lier a cheat and she learned well from hubby Bill the cheater, lier, robber and they both are suffering from ADD and Bipolar sickness. Clinton rallies union in Puerto Rico
  • I park my bike in the garage and, sweat-soaked, peel off my windcheater and helmet.
  • The cheater is eventually exposed, and life goes on. Globe and Mail
  • He just laughed and said no -- but he'd once had a windcheater that was a bit on the tight side. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • I told him to reflect well that he was about to commit himself with a foe that was immortal, for a faculty never dies, and to rest assured that after having brought three monks to bay, he would have to defend himself against numerous legions, not only opulent and powerful, but, besides, very dishonest and very experienced in the practice of every kind of cheatery, who would never rest until they had effected his ruin, were his cause as just as Christ's. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 4
  • Why did so many conservatives see the president not simply as a detested opponent but as a cheater, a deceiver, a beguiler, and a rogue?
  • In a world full of liars, cheaters and the deceitful, who has always given me honesty?
  • He points to his mint green windcheater and tells me it's a Fifties American original that cost him £750.
  • Referenced early on in the episode as the website responsible for catching filmed proof of a rogue vampire's feeding frenzy a misdeed punishable by the true death, which Mayor Bill readily dispensed on the busted fanger, the Cheaters-meets-feeders clip caught our eye as something that had to be something set up for the show's devoted online fandom. Watercooler: True Blood Goes Viral
  • They set the cheater up to lose and then bust him.
  • A man of family, partly from indiscretion, and from various other causes, becomes embarrassed; the clamours of his creditors soon magnify his luxuries, but not a word is said about their innumerable extortions, in the shape of commissions, percentages, and other licensed modifications of cheatery, nor are they reckoned to the advantage of the debtor. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • Another good ole boy in SC getting away with something totally unethical, should we be surprised? no they GOP's are always going to be a bunch of unethical bums and this cheater is a great example of it. South Carolina panel votes against impeaching Sanford
  • For one moment the spectators stared in mute astonishment; but then the discovery of the Yankee's cheatery drew from them a peal of laughter which seemed likely to be inextinguishable. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 349, November, 1844
  • Three of them are women and one of them a long-haired boy in a windcheater, and they've gone right into the centre of the pitch amongst the players, and they are now enacting the first sit-in of this tour.
  • This is another small step to close the noose on cheaters.
  • Compared to the leaders of our current kleptocracy, the notion that Sen. Clinton could be called a cheater, and the charge stick, seems ridiculous. Stacy Parker Aab: Catching the Valedictorian with Answers on Her Arm
  • If we have been cheated, the cheater's time could be coming to an end.
  • When you get thousands of students writing an exam in the gym, the number of proctors are simply never enough to prevent the determined cheaters.
  • All of the answers (except for a couple) are easy to find on the internet and everyone's a cheater.
  • Oh, wait, no-no, he was still a beater and a cheater and sired a daughter who's got issues.
  • Unfortunately, there's a dirty cheater willing to do anything to win, even if that means shafting the dean's high-strung, drug-addicted genius son.
  • She told the court that like Murdoch, she'd once lived in Broome, where she'd worked as a barmaid at the private club of the Coffin Cheaters bikie gang.
  • I think once a cheater always a cheater. The Sun
  • Yet the tone is jauntier, more direct, as if the speaker feels relieved to have confessed her desperate need for the cheater who has her under his spell.
  • It does point out that there was an Austrian-German word for a sturgeon that was similar and also that the word shirk was being used in English before this to mean a person of little use, and a cheater. Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • Now, you just cannot stand the sight of those woollen pullovers, the windcheaters.
  • In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".
  • The rain lightly drizzled around us, the air was chilly and I was thankful for wearing my warm coat over a windcheater.
  • A tiny girl outdid them all by improvising a skirt from her brawny boyfriend's wind-cheater, with the collar zipped smugly round her waist and the sleeves turned inwards, the cuffs dangling well below the hemline!
  • She lost only because her opponent was a cheater.
  • They have a simple shrewdness, which, under a better system, had made them enterprising; but this quality has degenerated into cunning and cheatery, -- the weapons which the hopelessly oppressed always use. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • My friends guns are all very weak and i probably will be called a cheater when i get shot because i wont even feel a thing. Gun Wars | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The youngest, Aslam Jan -- who was fifteen -- wore sandals, jeans and a zip-up windcheater. KARA KUSH
  • ‘Looks like windcheaters and tracksuits are coming back,’ I attempted as an opening gambit.
  • If he loses it will because he quit campaining, he should know better, it is not over until it is over, As cheatery clinton. canada Schneider: How did Clinton win big?
  • Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.
  • And to account for the hyperbole, perhaps the cheater is overconfident in his spouse’s ability to learn of and punish an affair, whereas in the present, he can more accurately determine that the affair will go unnoticed and end on its own terms. — An Ounce of Pleasure, a Gallon of Pain - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.
  • The film starts with a likable and seemingly talented young man, and ends with a pitiful cheater.
  • I glance at my windcheater and think: Oh doesn't it look nice?
  • Let go of this cheater and find yourself someone to love only you. The Sun
  • Now, you just cannot stand the sight of those woollen pullovers, the windcheaters.
  • The Cheater Says: Build a $1. 5-ish billion taxpayer-funded stadium, charge those same taxpayers $2600 to see a game (plu$ \ "food\"), don\'t create the promised park for local kids (because they\'re poor), give your cheaters, (er, \ "players\") hundreds of millions, and then, just to rub it in, continue to suck. Jeff Kreisler: This Week in Cheating
  • He may well try, like some deft and charming poker player, to rope us back into another round and to assure us that he will protect us from the cheater.
  • Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 
  • The malfunction or "glitch" allows cheaters to play for free credits in the slot machine by jamming the machine's bill acceptor.
  • She was wearing a white windcheater, zipped up to the neck and a white, pleated skirt. COVER STORY
  • Therapist Frank Pittman believes virtually all cheaters deeply regret straying.
  • He wore a green or grey top, similar in style to a windcheater or thin Puffa-style garment, and has cropped short hair, possibly fair in colour.
  • As they left, some Indiana fans ran towards the scorer’s table and called the scorekeeper and clock operator cheaters. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inside Basketball
  • My blind luck of being able to provide two versions of the correct answer saved me from the accusation of being a cheater.
  • Academic institutions are increasingly nervous about ‘exemplary’ punishments - expelling or rusticating discovered cheaters.
  • Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 
  • Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 
  • I just don't like being called a cheater, and I don't like my country being called a cheater.
  • At this point, a wronged player can punish the cheater.
  • Several years ago, I was in a relationship with a chronic cheater.
  • The Cheater Says: Build a $1. 5-ish billion taxpayer-funded stadium, charge those same taxpayers $2600 to see a game (plu$ "food"), don't create the promised park for local kids (because they're poor), give your cheaters, (er, "players") hundreds of millions, and then, just to rub it in, continue to suck. Jeff Kreisler: This Week in Cheating
  • I knew a guitarist who called his capo a "cheater"; same idea, that those who use it are in some way cheating or using a crutch -- not following the rules, not fully "abled" musically. Mandolin Cafe News
  • The phoebe seemed our sole wild bird for the day (feeders are cheaters!) but on the way back to the car, we chanced upon some yellow-bellied beauty of a warbler.
  • So electronic money is as anonymous as cash, except for cheaters!
  • Fewer than half of all cheaters believe that marital fidelity is always wrong. Bella DePaulo: Infidelity in America: Decades of Cheating and Passing Judgment on Cheaters
  • About half the material is truly worth a laugh, the rest is trite and predictable fare in which the comediennes spill the wacky details of their close encounters with a variety of losers, cheaters and foreigners.
  • It had all the things you would expect from a coaching inn: an immensely smiley welcome, a kettle in your room, an open fire and a closed fire door, a view and old people in matching breathable windcheaters.
  • The fear was that a deep-pocketed cheater could simply overturn the evidence against her or him.
  • The black windcheater and jeans stuck to her lean form, making her appear like a withered scarecrow.
  • This would explain perfectly why St. Rangel (he is a saint, right?) would invent so many new forms of tax cheatery. Charlie Rangel (D, NY-15) is a Gnostic Cainite! | RedState
  • How can you make a philandering cheater, who works his way through a family of sisters, anything but a rogue and a rat?
  • Couples like his-and-her windcheaters, sunglasses and hats.
  • The gap-toothed 62-year-old is a serial cheater who needs treatment, pals say. David Duchovny Sex Addiction: David Duchovny Rehab Sex Addiction
  • Grinning broadly, tanned, handsome, he wore a white open-necked shirt and a windcheater embroidered with the numbers of the propositions he wanted to defeat, crossed through like road signs.
  • The cheater is an extension added to the glove to block more pucks. - 10 suggestions for the NHL to improve its game
  • ‘We trudged down today and the children have seen everything,’ said Hannah's mum, Helen Elliott, who had the hood up on her red windcheater.
  • We have always been taught to look upon the people of New England as a selfish, cunning set of fellows, that was fed on fox-ears and thistle-tops; that cut their wisdom-teeth as soon as they were born; that made money by their wits, and held on to it by nature; that called cheatery mother-wit; that hung on to political power because they had numbers; that raised up manufactures to keep down the South and West; and, in fact, had so much of the devil in all their machinery, that they would neither lead nor drive, unless the load was going into their own cribs. David Crockett
  • Cheater b: We can weave the most beautiful cloth.
  • If domestic authorities miss a cheater, the nation is either not testing sufficiently to catch and deter dopers, or, just as bad, is ignoring the results of its own testing.
  • A quitter, lier, cheater, hater, bigot, uneducated ... ... ... twit is what these people think is their future? Poll: Palin best reflects GOP core values
  • Swear, protest, take God and all his angels to witness, quaere peregrinum, thou art a counterfeit crank, a cheater, he is not touched with it, pauper ubique jacet, ride on, he takes no notice of it. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If you're looking for an archeological subject to study, the Picts are a good bet; anyone with a beard and a purple windcheater can be an expert.
  • It's even worse when a cheater seems to prosper. Globe and Mail
  • From the first sip, the drink with cheater ice was like a debased “cocktail lite,” with thin flavors and watery insipidness. Cold Fusion
  • Grinning broadly, tanned, handsome, he wore a white open-necked shirt and a windcheater embroidered with the numbers of the propositions he wanted to defeat, crossed through like road signs.
  • Lino Demasi, Math Society president elect, is not too affected by cheaters since Math Soc corkboards are checked daily and unstamped papers are removed.
  • Does the connotation of ‘backlash’ really cover the possibility that a cheater would be punished for his cheating?
  • I'm sure you'd say he shouldn't permanently label himself as a cheater. The Sun
  • Or, here's a piece that shows you what a liar I am, what a cheater I am.
  • Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.
  • I   have been a Cincinnati Reds fan since conception, and even the promise of complete baseball sanctity through the purging of "cheaters" wouldn't make me want to see Barry Larkin or Ken Griffey, Jr. 's name gurgle up from the depths of an anonymous survey. or part-time in my home. Undefined
  • More than any other sport, golf hates a cheater. Times, Sunday Times
  • Purposefully taking advantage of cheaters is a punishable offense, though as long as you purposefully disassociate yourself from the cheater (and preferably report them as well), you should be fine.
  • Without laying claim to this country by right of conquest, without pleading even the mockery of cession, or the cheatery of sale, we have unhesitatingly entered upon, occupied, and disposed of its lands, spreading forth a new population over its surface, and driving before us the original inhabitants. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • A cheater is a liar, Both Clintons are renowned liars. Campaigning in Kentucky, Clinton hears sermon on infidelity
  • I wear windcheaters and ugg boots with my sarongs there.
  • Contestants have been issued with windcheaters, a space blanket for emergencies and a basic first aid kit along with a cellphone wrapped in plastic to prevent it from getting wet in one of the many river crossings.
  • And when Tamsin takes her to the site of her father's infidelity, Mona is so moved by her companion's pain and disgust, she rams a garden gnome through the window of the cheater's posh Jaguar.
  • So as long as that word cheater continues to be OK with so many students, Internet paper mills will continue to thrive and American brains will continue to get dumber. CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2009
  • Three men with links to the Coffin Cheater bikie gang have been fined after pleading guilty to unlawful assault.
  • Of course, at some point somebody is going to say, your old man was a cheater.
  • All in all, the aforementioned suggested actions that a professor could have undertaken would have saved me from the frustration of being accused a cheater.
  • A cheater is a cheater, regardless of party, and anyone who cannot keep their private picadillos out of the public eye doesn't deserve to be there. Republican calls for investigations into Sanford
  • Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson Together Against The World (Photos) - Lesbian lovers Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson spent Christmas together and Lindsay release an interesting blog entry in her MySpace blog, where she claimed to love all of her family except her father who she called a cheater and a liar (possibly exposing another half sister). ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs
  • As a psychologist, I'm interested in the techniques we use to get at these questions: Can other creatures share, cooperate, punish cheaters, show empathy, and act altruistically?
  • Swear, protest, take God and all his angels to witness, quaere peregrinum, thou art a counterfeit crank, a cheater, he is not touched with it, pauper ubique jacet, ride on, he takes no notice of it. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • So can a cheater ever really change his spots? The Sun
  • He had no use for cheaters or braggers or loafers.
  • But once a cheater always a cheater, so they say. The Sun
  • As a psychologist, I'm interested in the techniques we use to get at these questions: Can other creatures share, cooperate, punish cheaters, show empathy, and act altruistically?
  • the habitual cheater finally saw the light
  • There is something naif and amusing in this exhibition of cheatery — this simple cringing and wheedling, and passion for twopence-halfpenny. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Can the cheater stop the truth getting out? The Sun
  • There he hopes to find the cheater's code, but a confrontation with the aging Countess results in tragedy and Liza learns that Herman was using her all along.
  • My previous girlfriend was a cheater. The Sun
  • California, New York and Texas have practically criminalized the process by requiring applicants to be fingerprinted, an action that automatically brands them as potential cheaters.
  • On the other hand, if one cheats and the other cooperates, the cheater gets the biggest possible reward, and the cooperator loses big-time.
  • Such tolerance of dishonesty in our educational system certainly disheartens other students, who realize that they may have to compete with cheaters to get into college.
  • Dressed in battered, kneeless Levi's, gym shoes, and a baggy windcheater, he gives no concession to vanity, in contrast to the black-clad, Wayfarer-wearing hipsters who are cruising Soho looking for double espressos.
  • Other cheaters use Morse code with coins and various other tricks known to conjurers.
  • Against the former I pulled up the hood of my windcheater and tied it firmly down over my cap.
  • Nail pens are the cheater's way to clean up that raggedy old skin you call cuticles and make your nails look better, too.
  • Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.

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