How To Use Chaw In A Sentence

  • Between finishing the sukiyaki fillings and having the bowl returned full of noodles Yuriko presented us with small, lidded bowls of chawan-mushi, a delicate, stock-enriched, nonsweet egg custard containing prawns, ginko nuts and fish cake. Sukiyaki with the Yakitori lady
  • “Why, Cricket,” he called out, “have you drug Captain Russell all the way out onto this-here jutty jest so you kin chaw his ear off?” Nevermore
  • The sheriff of the county of Lanark was holding the wappen-schaw of a wild district, called the Upper Ward of Clydesdale, on a haugh or level plain, near to a royal borough, the name of which is no way essential to my story, on the morning of the 5th of May, 1679, when our narrative commences. Old Mortality
  • If he felt tired and lazy he patiently sat in front of the Halfway House at McClure and "chawed" and spat until he saw the Land of the Burnt Thigh
  • And more -- for the benefit of any shirt-tail chawbacon with a big mouth, I'm a who's-yar boy from Indiana myself, and I've put down better men than you just by spitting teeth at them. [ Flash For Freedom
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  • Master’s face was, fust, red-hot; next, chawk-white: and then sky-blew. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • And I was e’en as great a gomeral to let ye persuade me to lie up here amang the blankets like a hurcheon, instead o’ gaun to the wappen-schaw like other folk. Old Mortality
  • Bunt was back at his old occupation of miner, and I-- the one loafer of all that little world of workers -- had brought him a bottle of beer to go with the "chaw"; for A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the New and Old West
  • Den de good ol '' Lishy looked back an 'cussed 'em, when two she-bars heerd him an' come out uf de woods wid der cubs at der heels, an 'walked in on der hin' legs 'mong dem bad town-boys, a scratchin 'an' a clawin ', a bitin' an 'a gnawin', right an 'lef', an 'neber stoppin' till dey had tore an 'chawed 'em every one up. Burl
  • Chawla, the senior-most Election Commissioner, was considered as the natural choice for the top post when Gopalaswami demits office on April 20.
  • He had two great mounds of curls sticking out of his hat on either side of his head, and the biggest chaw of tobacco in his cheek that I've ever seen.
  • Adjacent to the main pool area will be one of the largest seafood restaurants and bistros on Chaweng Beach, with the opening of a 250 seat, 1,200 sq m Talay Boat Restaurant.
  • Situated in the heart of Lusaka's Chawama township, the Chawama Youth Project has purposed to change the lives of unemployed youths into viable self-reliant and respectable people.
  • Onliest fing is teh fetthurs get kinda chawed after a wile. Dis is jus wat i need to - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • chaw tobacco
  • September 27, 2009 at 10:14 am dat dey do….aifink ai will get a hawt chawklitt…et weel calm mai nerves frum waitin foar mai nawt-brudder to deliver…she is in lawts of pain rite nao, or at least dats whut mai mawn says at last update. I chase bad fing awai – you kin - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Master's face was, fust, red-hot; next, chawk-white: and then sky-blew. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • ¶ Take and dyghte hym as a goose, but let hym haue a largyour brawne, & loke ye haue chawdron. Early English Meals and Manners
  • Says he, "'Do ye know, Sar Chawls, is the hoshun reely green at the line -- _green_ ye know, Sar Chawls, _reely_ green?' The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1, August 1850 of Literature, Science and Art.
  • Rating: *** 'Anu' is a Kannada remake of director Ravi Babu's Telugu Hit film 'Anasuya', which had Bhoomika Chawla in the lead. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I've seen too many of ` em cut up an 'gouged an' chawed not to know. ' Chapter 3: Jackson's Arm
  • Why, there was one tribe that I saw in the East who putt fat in the tea, an 'another putt salt, and after they'd swallowed this queer kind of tea-soup, they divided the leaves among themselves an' chawed 'em up like baccy. The Buffalo Runners A Tale of the Red River Plains
  • A goodly sized "chaw" bulged in his withered cheek. The Ocean Wireless Boys And The Naval Code
  • *Ai raps u up in teh warmz bunney slippers and snuglolsy blankie and shubs u ober unner deh bed and sharez hot chawkulees fru a krazy straw wif u while watchin stoopey tv shows* They waz here - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It was necessary, on this account, that Lord Sinclair should disinherit his eldest son; and "as it would," says Sir Walter Scott, "have been highly impolitic to have alleged his forfeiture for treason as a cause of the deed, the slaughter of the Schaws was given as a reason for his exheredation. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • There is little compassion that these "moneybags" will have to give up such epicurean delights as foie gras and oxtail marmalade for the opium of the masses - dal-chawal. Largest Circulated Indian Magazine In USA
  • This topped sneaking a chaw of tobacco behind a school friend's garage, or hanging out with the glue-heads.
  • I know I posted material from this site yesterday and that I've also posted Gustave Doré illustrations before hi the chawed rosin but this is too good to not share. The Baron
  • Chawdon (chawdron, p.  161), the sauce for swan, 36/535; p.  97. Early English Meals and Manners
  • Many had befoir promissed, but at the poynt it was left so bayre, that with schame it was schut up in the pock againe, and thei after a schaw returned with more schame to the realme, then skaith to thare ennemyes. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • “Charawk, chawk, chawk, chawk, chawk, chawk!” shrieked the hindmost hen, hit smartly by the watering-can Mr. Skelmersdale had thrown, and fluttered wildly over Mrs. Glue’s cottage and so into the doctor’s field, while the rest of those Gargantuan birds pursued the pullet, in possession of the child across the vicarage lawn. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • Garden archaeology has revealed much about the evolution of the grounds at Chawton, which include a wilderness, a walled garden developed by Edward Knight, and terracing in the style of Lutyens.
  • One watershed adjacent to the Bystrinsky Nature Park contains eleven species of salmonid fish, several being considered nationally threatened: king Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, silver O. kisutch, both resident and anadromous forms of sockeye salmon O. nerka and steelhead and rainbow trout Salmo mykiss, chum O. keta, pink O. gorbuscha and cherry salmon O. masu, Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma, white-spotted char S. leucomaenis, and whitefish Coregonis ssp. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • The Chawton Estate, once owned by Jane Austen's brother Edward, has become a pioneering archive and study centre for early English women's writing.
  • And then, before them all, this curious parson took a piece of tobacco out of his ragged pocket, and cut off a "chaw" with Mr. Troke's knife. For the term of his natural life
  • Your reeders will be glad to no that of late the wether's bin gittin 'colder, but they'll be better pleased to no that before the middle o' nixt sumer it's likely to git a, long chawk warmer. The World of Ice
  • That it is so, take," said he, "any young boy of the present time, who hath only studied two years: if he have not a better judgment, a better discourse, and that exprest in better terms, than your son, with a completer carriage and civility to all manner of persons, account me forever a chawbacon of La Brène. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VII (of X)—Continental Europe I
  • Well, I got a 50% by running through it so quickly that I tapped the wrong button about three times ... these questions are frequently the equivalent of asking whether a certain ballplayer preferred gum or chaw. So You Think You Know Horror Movies?
  • 'I contend for it that all our civilisation is higher, and that class for class we are in a more advanced culture than the English; that your chawbacon is not as intelligent a being as our bogtrotter; that your petty shopkeeper is inferior to ours; that throughout our middle classes there is not only a higher morality but a higher refinement than with you.' Lord Kilgobbin
  • The unit of currency was a "chaw" of tobacco, cut about one inch square and a quarter of an inch thick. With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • Yes, Keller acknowledges he has an audience of basket cases who need some chawbacon to tell'em how God talks. Maggie's Farm
  • Rajma chawal urf rajma paratha is a very soothing and good to stomach combo right? Weekend Lunch Series: Rajma & Paratha
  • He looked at me steadily for a few seconds, as he thrust a fresh 'chaw' of betel-nut and lime into his hideous mouth, and said that I was missing a great chance -- there were plenty of white men along the coast who would be glad to get anyone of 'Parka's' wives, especially she who could make tea and cook meat. Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • Her shoulder bumps his, and he swallows his chaw.
  • I once knew a chawbacon who came to town and was barked at by a street-dog. Without Prejudice
  • It's not a regular habit, but I like a good chaw when I'm hiking or sitting around a campfire in the woods.
  • This means they shoot squirrels, chaw and spit, and say ‘dang’ a lot.
  • Your reeders will be glad to no that of late the wether's bin gittin 'colder, but they'll be better pleased to no that before the middle o' nixt sumer it's likely to git a long chawk warmer. The World of Ice
  • Chawla hits the next ball straight back to Anderson and runs, hoping that Anderson will misfield. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • We could never resist the temptations of a good chaw without your help.
  • a gomeral to let ye persuade me to lie up here amang the blankets like a hurcheon, instead o 'gaun to the wappen-schaw like other folk. Old Mortality, Volume 1.
  • On an early visit, I paid $37.50 for the privilege of chawing my way through four reasonably tasty slices of porterhouse, which is several dollars more than you'll pay for a superior piece of beef down the street.
  • Then to both men and women come the indispensable pipe and tobacco, or to the men the quid or "chaw" of this wonderful weed, all home grown in full abundance. The old plantation : how we lived in great house and cabin before the war,
  • 'If he thinks chawin' bacco made him sick, wait till that hits his belly. Shaman's Crossing
  • Thy Grace, thairfoir, by experience may daly learne, (seing thei nether fear the King of Heavin, as thair lyves testiffis, neyther thee thair naturall Prince, as thare usurped power in thy actionis schawis,) why thy Hienes should lye no langar blindit. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • I worked to keep the wheel steady, watching as his lips contorted and then expelled a wet brown plug of used chaw.
  • The pepil richt affrayitly, returnit to him out of all partis of the wod, to comfort him efter his trubill; and fell on kneis, devotly adoring the haly croce; for it was not cumin but sum hevinly providence, as weill apperis; for thair is na man can schaw of quhat mater it is of, metal or tre. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Heerz a floofy warsh cloff… anna kullerd aig 4 yoor baskit, anna chawklit bunny, anna inbitayshun 4 Eester dinner. I payz half now. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • 'I contend for it that all our civilisation is higher, and that class for class we are in a more advanced culture than the English; that your chawbacon is not as intelligent a being as our bogtrotter; that your petty shopkeeper is inferior to ours; that throughout our middle classes there is not only a higher morality but a higher refinement than with you.' Lord Kilgobbin
  • Admirers of Chawla paid floral tributes to her.
  • I mist teh party, 2: I ushually onlee read/write on one pic. per day, an I srry naught to B dare 4 teh festiviteas. *gibbs gc fam. chawk-late kake wiff springles on tawp, anna beeeegg skoop ob icy-creem* AHHHH! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • “The Captain has a hearty contempt for his father, I can see, and calls him an old put, an old snob, an old chawbacon, and numberless other pretty names. XI. Arcadian Simplicity
  • Upon this occasion the "chaw" created such a disturbance that (on audacious demand) leave was granted to the Duffer and John to capture the offender. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • Spittoons still grace the chamber, should any senator wish to gnaw on a bit of chaw, but senators are not permitted to use laptops on the floor.
  • That brought back not only the chaw and snuff but also saw the rise of tobacco as dissolvable candy-like lozenges, tablets and breath strips, as well as sticks similar to toothpicks. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Chew on This: The Real Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco
  • In addition to ala carte sushi, they will also have chawanmushi (a Japanese savory custard), tempura, agemomo (fried stuff), yakimono (meat on sticks), udon, soba and donburi (rice bowls). Conveyor Belt Sushi is Coming to Midtown!!! | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Kalpana Chawla, her name now enshrined in the galaxy of super achievers, was a rare bird indeed.
  • March 13, 2008 at 6:15 pm chawk-a-lot, chockotae ship Kookies, koted in choklit: brake in 1/2, dipp in chockolate fondoo, ete. BUKKIT SERCH PARTY - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Teh kitteh hoo owns mii chawed a whole in teh fanksgibbin terkey wen I had it owt 2 thaw.. Kill - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Adn it gawt sum pokkit lintz awn it soe it’z moar like a chawklit fuzzle-wuzzle… Ctrl Alt Delete cat - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • One watershed adjacent to the Bystrinsky Nature Park contains eleven species of salmonid fish, several being considered nationally threatened: king Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, silver O. kisutch, both resident and anadromous forms of sockeye salmon O. nerka and steelhead and rainbow trout Salmo mykiss, chum O. keta, pink O. gorbuscha and cherry salmon O. masu, Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma, white-spotted char S. leucomaenis, and whitefish Coregonis ssp. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • I feared enormous crowds at Chawton paying hefty admission fees to file past animated wax figures.
  • I chawed my way through a few bites, then tipped the whole thing into a freezer container to add, in very small doses, to soup and stock later on, where maybe, just maybe, its very existence will be redeemed. Archive 2005-10-01
  • On her first flight Chawla was responsible for operating the shuttle's robot arm.
  • Ai will help Jk2k wif teh sord noms, adn add sum yellouw caek wif creemy chawklitt frostengs, adn littlol froot tarts wif whippy creem. *sprays shampurs arownd ruum* Sign papers please - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The last ai saw she wuz being rassled to teh ground an forced to eet sum chawklit! mary O'Spockn says: Adobe called - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The roll appears to have been commissioned by one Sir Thomas Chaworth in the 1320s and passed by descent until sold privately by the Chaworth Musters family in 1988.
  • I feared enormous crowds at Chawton paying hefty admission fees to file past animated wax figures.
  • Judge, then, the wicked zest with which the Highlander's crew now shuffled and dealt the pack; and how the interest curiously and invertedly increased, as the stakes necessarily became less and less; and finally resolved themselves into "chaws. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • Bill Door be writin awn a lil chawk board & sayin 2 kittehrooster-YOU WILL READ DIS an kittehrooster knos him bedder lern 2 reed reel fast. dat wuns mai faborite Discworld buuk! Teh rooster called in sick todeh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The angry mob went out of control near Atharbanki chawk of Paradip following the death of school teacher named Satyapriya Pradhan of local Vivekananda Sikshyashram. Zee News : India National
  • But let him once be fairly cornered, convinced that dodging the question was out of the question, then would he turn himself square about, and looking you full in the face, out with the naked truth as bluntly as if he had "chawed" it into a hard wad and shot it at you from his pop-gun. Burl
  • Several universities, institutes and schools in the U.S., India and other countries have been honouring Chawla with awards celebrating her spirit.
  • No repeat of the Chawama rumpus must be allowed.
  • Some men drink to forget their anger and hurt, others smoke or chaw when their nervous but I guess, with the exception of last night, Selby sucks a lemon instead.
  • I hope this can be provided in restrained language to the exclusion of your usual repertoire of obscene anatomical absurdities. on March 16, 2009 at 1: 24 pm | Reply pchawkeye “Ruralshire Constabulary to get TASER on the front line” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The young rascals pursued the "chaw" as far as the The Hill A Romance of Friendship

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