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How To Use Change over In A Sentence

  • The strict regime of the marriage vows broke my marriage and my husband became a person who seemed to change overnight.
  • However, the ratio of sandeels to gadids found in the Shag gizzards did not change over time, suggesting that diets and rates of otilith loss in gizzards were not noticeably different over the month.
  • Thus, income taxes and government services and other amenities and disamenities such as crime, traffic congestion, and air quality would be put aside by assuming that the costs associated with such factors did not change over time.
  • Observations of change over the past century indicate that technology is evolving exponentially, which means change is accelerating or the rate of change is increasing.
  • As a Quaternary and glacial geomorphologist, I agree that geological training is important to understand climate and associated landscape change over long timescales. Some Geologists at Quelccaya « Climate Audit
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  • The buildings, like the bridge, will weather and change over time and gradually acquire the patina of use and common history.
  • Influences may change over time, and interaction between them is negative and positive.
  • Busted heralded a sea change over the past two years by bringing the staccato guitars and bratty vim of American punk-pop groups into the stale world of boy bands.
  • He is centrally concerned with how visions of national parks, aesthetic preferences, and views of appropriate nature-culture relations change over time.
  • The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade. Sociology
  • The borders of this new world will remain protean, subject to change over time. The New World Order
  • He would hate being confined, constrained and any love he had for her would change over time if she asked that of him.
  • However, as land use patterns change over time, zone boundaries will need changing, adding to the procedural complexity.
  • The two are at one in privileging democratic change over narrow national interest: the idealism of the centre leftist meets that of the right wing liberals.
  • Trusted devices may also encrypt the data that sabaton ringtones exchange over the airwaves so that no one can listen in. The Corridor (a cricket blog)
  • Fingerprints and facial appearance change over time, while iris texture remains unchanged for time periods spanning decades.
  • Because the company's web site encompasses a vast number of product pages - and because product focuses change over time - ongoing attention to keyword glossaries, on page optimization, anchor text and link sources has been vital. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • Once considered a low class hooch, tequila has undergone a huge image change over the past two decades to become the toast of Mexican high society, giving a heady euphoria to the country's drinks industry.
  • The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade. Sociology
  • Such studies may better explain why attitudes change over time, she says.
  • We have to attend to the dynamic tension between constitutional theory and political practice, and to change over time.
  • She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.
  • Within the calm and inexpressive facades above are the teaching areas in which spaces are divided according to needs of individual departments that will doubtless change over time.
  • But even at the time, William Beveridge, the founding father of welfarism, recognized that the welfare ideal, that the basic needs of everyone in the country would be met without payment at the point of delivery, would change over time.
  • Like many features on the Earth's surface, plates change over time.
  • The sport will doubtless continue to change over the next 25 years, for better or worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, ancient Egypt—a term encompassing a culture that lasted for more than 4,000 years—offers an incomparable opportunity to study how and why civilizations change over a long period of time. Beyond the Pharaohs
  • After that you change over to synthetic oil for a small gain in power, fuel economy, and engine longevity.
  • For as he gazed about him, he saw a great change over the railway. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Xen updates are pushed into Fedora, the Quick Start Guide will most likely change over time and hopefully the wiki will remain updated to those changes.
  • The guards change over at midnight.
  • He was also interested to find out if colligations might change over time, which would have to be done using diachronic corpora.
  • That effect may be conditioned on the influence of outside factors and participant attributes and may change over time.
  • Perhaps you and I had better change over; you are more experienced.
  • They change over time for both the total society and the specific individual or family. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Those who promote the need to motivate would certainly agree with that, but they also seem to believe that something must change over time, making it necessary to "remotivate. Stop Motivating Your Employees!
  • Drop the ribber. Change over to the main bed sinker plate.
  • With only one emissive species the fluorescence anisotropy should not change over the emission band belonging to a particular electronic transition.
  • Web sites, by their very nature, are dynamic and need to change over time.
  • However, journalism did not change overnight and it still indulged in the Soviet practice of wordiness and high-flown rhetoric.
  • Constants appear when you need to use an explicit value that doesn't change over the course of the program.
  • The first term is equal to zero for displacement vectors that are aligned, whereas the second term is zero for displacement vectors whose magnitude does not change over time.
  • Metabolic pools are linear combinations of individual metabolite concentrations that do not change over time and are contained in the left null space of the stoichiometric matrix.
  • For as he gazed about him, he saw a great change over the railway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything can suddenly change overnight. The Sun
  • The change over from the punt to the Euro seems to be going smoothly around the country.
  • And needs change overnight, as many executives and senior managers have found to their dismay in the past several years.
  • Pop culture trends are notoriously fickle, of course, and tastes can change overnight.
  • This piece also reflects the fact that colors and surfaces change over time, so that monochromes frequently evolve into polychromes, or lose their original texture, hue or intensity.
  • Serious and systemic human rights violations of the type that may lead to suspension of aid or trade will not change overnight.
  • Actually even so-called 'flashbulb memories'—like where you were when Kennedy was shot—can be quite inaccurate or easily change over time.
  • Now, instead of thousands of families being served foreclosure notices, there are more and more going to title closings in order to help them achieve an affordable monthly payment that won't change over time. Business Finance Marketing
  • The basic idea of natural selection is that a population of organisms can change over the generations if individuals having certain heritable traits leave more offspring than other individuals.
  • At the first change over it's off with the shoes and on with the safety helmet.
  • Based on data collected during the TOGA cruises No. 1-5 and 8, and scientist research of the south China Sea, analysis is made on the air sea heat exchange over the Tropical Western Pacific.
  • The rules are not going to change overnight.
  • The values that individuals or society place on different outcomes may change over time.
  • Unlike other plants, we change over and run different types of products midweek.
  • He wants to distinguish Johnny-come-lately inventions from GIs that do have the weight of history behind them, even if the history is one of change over time. IPSC: Copyright/Right of Publicity/GIs
  • Evolution is the process of change over time, over thousands and millions of years.
  • It is in this way that political change occurs, new freedoms or new oppressions emerge, and conceptions of what is politically acceptable, the ‘theory’ of politics, change over time.
  • As for D' Souza's defense of capitalism, he'll get no quarrel from me, although it's astonishing how little these arguments change over the years.
  • We have to attend to the dynamic tension between constitutional theory and political practice, and to change over time.
  • Ashworth and Nobile, who interview women for their books and website, say they've noticed a change over the past five years. Among Generation X women, age 40 is party time
  • We hope to change over to the new software by next month.
  • She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.
  • Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering.
  • Their history has generally been one of dramatic change over hundreds of years.
  • This piece also reflects the fact that colors and surfaces change over time, so that monochromes frequently evolve into polychromes, or lose their original texture, hue or intensity.
  • Despite their different approaches in regional studies and regionalism, Morrissey and Hirt both agree that a region's boundaries change over time.
  • He arranged them according to a new classification system based on their shapes and showed how they could change over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lower tool wear rates further increase productivity by reducing downtime due to tool change overs.
  • She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.
  • After a rain, its barren, gray-black stems change overnight to green as small leaves emerge from buds covering the plant.
  • He wanted to change over to a more suitable job.
  • International standards that govern data display formats can change over time.
  • Perhaps you and I had better change over; you are more experienced.
  • Now, we can stomp our feet and demand fairness, but we cannot expect commercial news media to change over in a way that harms their own financial interests.
  • This knowledge provides us with useful clues about how the financial system may change over time. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • The demand for gold arising from its monetary role can change over time - in particular, it may rise during financial panics, when the public seeks to exchange its financial instruments denominated in gold for gold itself.
  • She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.
  • Emerging biomarkers and analytic techniques will soon allow us to map our exposome from a drop of blood, and measure change over time. Mark Hyman, MD: Why Your Genes Don't Determine Your Health
  • Scientific opinions are not carved on tablets of stone; they change over the years.
  • A company's fortunes can change overnight.
  • Everything can suddenly change overnight. The Sun
  • In FWS tow mode, the rear axle won't turn as much so you don't turn too tight into your trailer and the rear steering direction will change over sooner.
  • The results may thus be subject to bias if differential outcomes between treatments change over time.
  • For Brian was only going halfway towards bat form, then lingering in a strange, supernatural limbo before condensing back into his human shape instead of making the change over.
  • Professional practice may change over time so that what was once accepted as the correct procedure is no longer considered to be respectable or responsible.
  • The longitudinal data will be utilised to investigate change over time and the factors which predict good or poor outcome.
  • He arranged them according to a new classification system based on their shapes and showed how they could change over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have seen a change over the last probably 10 or so years to a certainly more businesslike approach to pastoral enterprises.
  • How living populations change over time under interaction with the environment is a general definition of evolution, how mass-energy change over time under interaction with space-time is a general definition of gravity as in general relativity. Planet Formation Observed Around Massive Stars | Universe Today
  • Do they change over the years, and does the author change with the stories, too?
  • The Global Observations of Forest Cover is an international effort to inventory worldwide forest cover and to measure its change over time.
  • One of the main challenges facing the BBC is encouraging people to change over to digital TV before the terrestrial signal is finally switched off in 2012.
  • For as he gazed about him, he saw a great change over the railway. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't beleave that people would be willing to vote for this gas tax holiday when it will cost over 300,000 jobs, take money from our roads and bridges that our in dier need of repair and as for myslef it will only save me $16 and some change over the course of 12 week. oh boy that is really worth it. mama4obama New Obama response spot on the gas tax
  • Behavioral changes involve activities that change overt behaviors and include counter-conditioning, stimulus control, contingency management, self-liberation, and helping relationships.
  • A particularly sharp light is shone on societal change over the decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the current situation is likely to change over the next few years, as major advances in technology take place.
  • Change over the issue of shares to institutional investors tilt approach.
  • If be in on one season, you return wrap up to be in trousers, so change overskirt outfit now, its mission leads style namely anabiosis.
  • Is the protective barrier hermetic or will its atmosphere change over time, potentially leading to the early death of the device?
  • Ditto for both differentials, which you change over to synthetic gear lube after the break-in period.
  • Though the use of the word foodie may change over time, Baumann says, as most language does, that doesn't mean the associations attached to it will. - Home Page
  • Microsatellite lengths change over evolutionary time through a process of replication slippage.
  • Two factors quickened the pace of change over the course of American history.
  • The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade. Sociology
  • We do not have to run millions of experiments to see that people value the good received in an exchange over the good given away.
  • And departmental power can change over time, depending on economic conditions, technological breakthroughs, and government legislation.
  • We have detailed threedimensional analysis of graphite to understand how things change over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scope and impact of extensive administrative change over more than a decade cannot be chronicled in detail in a short article.
  • She also chooses finishes and materials that change over time.
  • He arranged them according to a new classification system based on their shapes and showed how they could change over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gellibrand's most famous scientific discovery was the change over the years in magnetic declination.
  • Thyristor-assisted tap changers use thyristors to take the on-load current while the main contacts change over from one tap to the next.
  • The sport will doubtless continue to change over the next 25 years, for better or worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complete all the exercises on one leg, then change over.
  • However, as land use patterns change over time, zone boundaries will need changing, adding to the procedural complexity.
  • This knowledge provides us with useful clues about how the financial system may change over time. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • The change over from box cars to containers was now complete, there is not one piece of track at the new shed!
  • And departmental power can change over time, depending on economic conditions, technological breakthroughs, and government legislation.
  • They found that the best predictors of cognitive change over a two-year period included strenuous activity and peak pulmonary expiratory flow rate. SciAm - Fit Body, Fit Mind? Your Workout Makes You Smarter
  • ‘As with any organic being after death, tissues will decompose and the body will atrophy, making actual measurements change over time,’ Holyoak said.
  • It is fascinating to relate aerial photographs to maps of all periods, especially on the coast where continuous erosion and deposits often show extravagant change over relatively short periods of time.
  • Unfortunately, unlike "DOM Storage", the various browser vendors are less committed to standardizing on "webdb" - Opera's support is still forthcoming, Webkit is fully on-board and shipping, and Mozilla has been labels their API as 'unfrozen' - meaning it's likely to change over time. Rethink - Home
  • You can't expect the world to change overnight.
  • According to a press release from Bristol-Myers Squibb, the amount of isopropanol in the tablets used to keep the active ingredient in the drug in a crystalline state could change over time and affect the therapeutic levels of the active ingredient. Blister packs of blood thinner Coumadin recalled

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