How To Use Cesium In A Sentence

  • According to Arnie Gunderson, a former U.S. nuclear power plant operator: events over the last day indicate that volatile radioactive elements such as xenon, krypton, cesium, iodine, and strontium are already being released from the Fufushima nuclear reactor. Robert Alvarez: Meltdown: The Japanese Earthquake and Fukushima Reactors
  • It belongs to a group of elements known as the alkali metals, such as sodium, potassium, cesium and lithium. Rubidium
  • They and firefighters were sent to drop sand and pour concrete on the lava-like reactor fuel still seething at the site, to haul away debris, to put out fires with water, and to seed the skies for rain that would precipitate volatile cesium from the atmosphere, resulting in black rain that poured down on an unevacuated populace. Rogue Oracle
  • On a recent weekend, Mr. Hori, decked out in raingear and a surgical mask, aimed a high-pressure hose at small cracks in a muddy sidewalk, where cesium tends to collect.
  • They also can form condensates out of numerous different elements, including sodium, potassium, lithium, cesium, hydrogen and helium.
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  • These include the cesium - and potassium-rich zeolites, pollucite and leucite, and the lithium-rich mica, zinnwaldite (a variety of the mineral lepidolite). Rubidium
  • Additional contamination via percolation of radioactive material through the soil is not expected due to many of the radionuclides being short-lived, while the longer-lived radiocesium and radiostrontium were adsorbed to surface soils before they could transfer to groundwaters. Environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident
  • We're using our big laser system to study the detailed atomic physics of xenon with other alkalis besides rubidium, such as cesium and potassium.
  • We're using our big laser system to study the detailed atomic physics of xenon with other alkalis besides rubidium, such as cesium and potassium.
  • A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
  • Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137 are the radiation sources used to irradiate food.
  • 1983, Selective concentration of cesium in analcime during hydrothermal alteration, Yellowstone Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • Solid oxide fuel cells typically require rare elements such as yttrium, zirconium, lanthanum, strontium or cesium, cerium, etc. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Bring it On
  • And when the nuclear fission byproduct known as cesium 137 traveled faster underground than anticipated at another location, Zachara found that residual heat and high salt concentrations from the wastes unexpectedly affected how water and minerals reacted with the cesium. R&D Mag - News
  • Sixty-one also had high radiocesium levels. The Sun
  • It stands to reason that at some point the Ukrainian government would like to be able to use that land again, but the scientists have calculated that what they call cesium's" ecological half-life "- the time for half the cesium to disappear from the local environment - is between Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Reactive gas-filled vapour cells can be used in frequency standard devices, especially as a cavity in atomic clocks, where the time is delivered during the hyperstructure transition from the metal alkali atoms such as cesium or rubidium. Innovations-report
  • Even before the explosion on Saturday, officials said they had detected radioactive cesium, which is created when uranium fuel is split, an indication that some of the nuclear fuel in the reactor was already damaged. NYT > Global Home
  • These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
  • These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
  • However, water-soluble rubidium, cesium, thallium, and silver minerals are virtually nonexistent and should pose no complication.
  • Once ingested, radioactive plutonium, cesium and strontium atoms morph into agents of death in the body, stealthily emitting radiation internally and constantly bombarding the genes of nearby cells.
  • For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide). Archive 2005-10-01
  • With cesium, pinpointing the erosion's source is difficult because there's no differentiation among sites of origin.
  • The thyroid can be affected by ionizing radiation through the skin by gamma radiation, including X rays; by fission products, such as cesium; or by ingestion or inhalation of iodine-131 (131I), an isotope present in nuclear fission products. Environmental effects on the thyroid
  • Reactive gas-filled vapour cells can be used in frequency standard devices, especially as a cavity in atomic clocks, where the time is delivered during the hyperstructure transition from the metal alkali atoms such as cesium or rubidium. Innovations-report
  • Reasonable permeation free energy profiles are obtained for potassium, rubidium, and cesium; binding wells are shallow and the central barrier is small.
  • Cesium is a silvery white, shiny metal that is very soft and ductile.
  • These include the cesium - and potassium-rich zeolites, pollucite and leucite, and the lithium-rich mica, zinnwaldite (a variety of the mineral lepidolite). Rubidium
  • Researchers are particularly interested in zeolites filled with metal atoms such as cesium.
  • They mapped the patterns made by known elements and discovered many new ones, including rubidium and cesium.
  • In addition to this, the government-sponsored nuclear industry regularly released enormous quantities of radioactive Iodine, cesium, and strontium into the atmosphere just to see what might happen.
  • Those that produce a measurable spectrum when subjected to flame include, but are not limited to, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, zinc, and cadmium.
  • The alkali metals are silver colored except for cesium, which is pale gold.
  • They also can form condensates out of numerous different elements, including sodium, potassium, lithium, cesium, hydrogen and helium.
  • DNA was ex - tracted from a sample of the original N15-labeled cells and subjected to ultracentrifugation in a cesium chlo - ride density gradient, which differentiates molecules by weight. GENETIC CONTINUITY
  • Cesium 137, a radioactive cesium isotope with a mass number of 137 and a half-life of 33 years, is used for gamma irradiation of certain foods and for radiation therapy.
  • Those that produce a measurable spectrum when subjected to flame include, but are not limited to, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, zinc, and cadmium.
  • Rubidium and cesium were discovered in 1860 by Robert Bunsen using the newly developed spectroscope which shows light-emission patterns that are characteristic for each element.
  • Fifteen years after the disaster, Bulgaria still suffers from the effects - mostly in the form of increased levels in the environment of cesium and strontium.
  • The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. Second
  • Food irradiation uses gamma rays from cesium - 137 and cobalt - 60, which are capable of causing chemical changes in these foods.
  • Those that produce a measurable spectrum when subjected to flame include, but are not limited to, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, zinc, and cadmium.
  • The survey of 2,200 locations—conduced by 400 researchers in June and July—found that 33 of those locations had cesium-137 in excess of 1.48 million becquerels per square meter, the level set by the Soviet Union for forced resettlement after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, Japanese authorities said. Japan Finds Radiation Spread Over a Wide Area
  • Food irradiation uses gamma rays from cesium - 137 and cobalt - 60, which are capable of causing chemical changes in these foods.
  • The alkali metals are silver colored except for cesium, which is pale gold.
  • However, water-soluble rubidium, cesium, thallium, and silver minerals are virtually nonexistent and should pose no complication.
  • Cesium chloride was added as ionization buffer to eliminate the ionization interference of sodium and potassium.
  • While cesium and strontium, the two materials found in the generators, cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, they could contaminate large areas if combined with explosives.
  • They mapped the patterns made by known elements and discovered many new ones, including rubidium and cesium.
  • However, water-soluble rubidium, cesium, thallium, and silver minerals are virtually nonexistent and should pose no complication.
  • The paper contained no sequencing, no autoradiography, no cesium chloride density gradients. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Agency That Cried "Awesome!"
  • The second is now defined as “the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.” Eureka: The Ultimate Clock
  • They mapped the patterns made by known elements and discovered many new ones, including rubidium and cesium.
  • Since 1967, the official definition of a second is 9,192,631,770 cycles of the radiation that gets an atom of the element called cesium to vibrate between two energy states. Latest Articles
  • The analyses also found cobalt - 60 values of up to 40 becquerels per kilogram, and pollution from cesium - 137 in concentrations of up to 9,400 becquerels per kilogram.
  • Fifteen years after the disaster, Bulgaria still suffers from the effects - mostly in the form of increased levels in the environment of cesium and strontium.
  • Abandoned medical scanners, food processing devices and mining equipment containing radioactive metals such as cesium-137 and cobalt-60 are often picked up by scrap collectors and sold to recyclers, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear arm. Glowing Budweiser
  • Initial autopsies showed high amounts of radium and cesium in four deer livers.
  • Reasonable permeation free energy profiles are obtained for potassium, rubidium, and cesium; binding wells are shallow and the central barrier is small.
  • Niigata prefecture in northern Japan didn't measure radioactive iodine and cesium from three products, including spinach and strawberries. Radioactive Contamination Levels Drop in Japan
  • Researchers are particularly interested in zeolites filled with metal atoms such as cesium.
  • While cesium and strontium, the two materials found in the generators, cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, they could contaminate large areas if combined with explosives.
  • The cesium ions interact with the graphite and eject the carbon ions.
  • Rubidium and cesium flames are reddish violet or magenta.
  • In addition to this, the government-sponsored nuclear industry regularly released enormous quantities of radioactive Iodine, cesium, and strontium into the atmosphere just to see what might happen.
  • 7: Nice touch of science, but it'd have to be a pretty high room temperature for cesium, francium, gallium and rubidium to melt--the lowest melting point among them is francium's 300 degrees Kelvin, which is 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Because of the very slow natural process of decontamination of soil tainted by strontium 90, cesium 137, and plutonium, the agricultural consequences will persist for forty to fifty years.
  • It means the hydroxides of the alkali metals: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium.
  • Once ingested, radioactive plutonium, cesium and strontium atoms morph into agents of death in the body, stealthily emitting radiation internally and constantly bombarding the genes of nearby cells.
  • Cesium - 137, which decays to nonradioactive barium, is found in spent fuel elements from nuclear reactors.
  • We're using our big laser system to study the detailed atomic physics of xenon with other alkalis besides rubidium, such as cesium and potassium.
  • This paper introduces the evaluation of measurement uncertainty of cesium atomic beam frequency standard, and gives its calculation process and expression method.
  • Later, the radioactive cesium or strontium is trapped in the zeolite and is excreted.
  • Because of the very slow natural process of decontamination of soil tainted by strontium 90, cesium 137, and plutonium, the agricultural consequences will persist for forty to fifty years.
  • These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
  • For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide). Archive 2005-10-01
  • The definition of a second has since officially been the time it takes a cesium atom to make 9,192,631,770 vibrations.
  • These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
  • Japan's nuclear agency said there was a strong possibility that radioactive cesium detected at the plant after the blast was from the melting of a fuel rod.
  • Ionizing radiation can also come from industrially produced radioactive materials (such as iridium-192); nuclear medicine (such as thyroid cancertreatment with iodine-131 and thyroid scans using iodine-125, or bone scans using technetium-99m); biological and medical research using carbon-14, tritium, and phosphorus-32; the nuclear fuel cycle (producing fission products such as cesium-137 and activation products such as cobalt-60); and production and testing of nuclear weapons. Public Health Statement for Ionizing Radiation
  • Later, the radioactive cesium or strontium is trapped in the zeolite and is excreted.
  • In the second phase, a drug called cesium fluoride, known to stimulate the enzyme adenylate cyclase, was added to the blood samples, and the activity of the enzyme was measured. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • Corporation and then NSF and used it to thoroughly develop a novel experimental approach for measuring atomic PV in cesium. Carl E. Wieman - Autobiography
  • It picks up a time signal from a cesium atomic clock based in Rugby and automatically sets and resets itself.
  • The second was redefined in 1967 to be the time it takes for 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. A Great Leap…Forward?
  • They aimed beams of heavy ions at targets of selected elements to produce nuclei with 75 neutrons and 55, 57, 59, and 61 protons (cesium, lanthanum, praseodymium, and promethium) in a wide variety of spin states.
  • Unit of time second The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. International System of Units (SI)
  • Cesium and rubidium lose their valence electrons especially easily when light strikes their polished surfaces and are photosensitive over the full visible spectrum.

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