

[ US /ˈsiziəm/ ]
  1. a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal

How To Use cesium In A Sentence

  • According to Arnie Gunderson, a former U.S. nuclear power plant operator: events over the last day indicate that volatile radioactive elements such as xenon, krypton, cesium, iodine, and strontium are already being released from the Fufushima nuclear reactor. Robert Alvarez: Meltdown: The Japanese Earthquake and Fukushima Reactors
  • It belongs to a group of elements known as the alkali metals, such as sodium, potassium, cesium and lithium. Rubidium
  • They and firefighters were sent to drop sand and pour concrete on the lava-like reactor fuel still seething at the site, to haul away debris, to put out fires with water, and to seed the skies for rain that would precipitate volatile cesium from the atmosphere, resulting in black rain that poured down on an unevacuated populace. Rogue Oracle
  • On a recent weekend, Mr. Hori, decked out in raingear and a surgical mask, aimed a high-pressure hose at small cracks in a muddy sidewalk, where cesium tends to collect.
  • They also can form condensates out of numerous different elements, including sodium, potassium, lithium, cesium, hydrogen and helium.
  • These include the cesium - and potassium-rich zeolites, pollucite and leucite, and the lithium-rich mica, zinnwaldite (a variety of the mineral lepidolite). Rubidium
  • Additional contamination via percolation of radioactive material through the soil is not expected due to many of the radionuclides being short-lived, while the longer-lived radiocesium and radiostrontium were adsorbed to surface soils before they could transfer to groundwaters. Environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident
  • We're using our big laser system to study the detailed atomic physics of xenon with other alkalis besides rubidium, such as cesium and potassium.
  • We're using our big laser system to study the detailed atomic physics of xenon with other alkalis besides rubidium, such as cesium and potassium.
  • A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
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