How To Use Centile In A Sentence
Feb. 6, 2009: At a checkup with a new pediatrician, Amy Seery, Ayub's body mass index indicates he is above the 95th percentile, which is defined as obese.
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Both happy percentile, with genuine friendship, and that valuable knowledge.
Compared with population norms, mean scores were above the 97th centile for conduct problems, above the 90th centile for hyperactivity, and above the 78th centile for emotional problems.
An alternate method is presented, whereby data are mined from the laboratory information system for each analyte/analyzer combination and data are analyzed through comparison of population percentiles.
There was an improvement in the overall satisfaction of patients with their visit to the emergency department: satisfaction ratings rose from the 18th centile to above the 95th centile.
To this end we have recently had published the first waist circumference centile curves for British children and adolescents.
The upper values represent the 95th percentile values for the entire sample.
The doctor was lovely, and I have a frightening prescription for a topical treatment for vaginal vestibulitis, and lots of information on contraception, and Emer is still just above the 50th centile for weight and we're both doing very well indeed.
Friday 13th
For the purpose of this study, a percentile rank of [is less than or equal to] 25 was considered below average for that group.
Table 1, which contains the simulation results, therefore displays percentiles of this distribution.
We defined obesity as a body mass index equal to or greater than the 95th centile, equivalent to a standard deviation score of 1.64 or more.
His height was on the second centile, below that predicted from parental heights.
On examination, she was underweight (weight 2nd percentile, height 10th percentile).
The box plots show individual units compared in centiles.
For instance, we know that 45 percent of our second-graders scored at or above the 70th percentile on the nationally normed TerraNova 2 reading test and that 65 percent of our students successfully completed Algebra 1 by the end of middle school.
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The figure shows the regression lines plotted between the 10th and 90th centiles of the self reported general health distribution within each region.
Apparently he defines good teachers as those whose students improved the most in percentile rank over the school year and bad teachers as those whose students dropped the most in percentile rank over the school year, which seems like it would grossly exaggerate the performance difference between good and bad teachers, because the teacher is just one tiny variable in a system with a lot of noise — and because percentile scores aren’t z-scores.
The Mismatch Problem « Isegoria
Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests-that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test.
I took her to be weighed and measured on Wed and she's 72cm long, so still well above the 75th centile but only weighs 17 pounds which is below the 50th centile so she's long and lean!
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
We performed 10000 iterations and calculated the probability of obtaining the observed or a more extreme degree of homogeneity in the sign of effect size from the percentiles of the distribution of the results of the 10000 iterations.
The lines or whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum unless there are interquartile range (the length of the rectangle) from the 75th percentile or 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) less than the 25 th percentile. News
Children with failure to thrive are identified by a fall across two centile channels or a fall below the second centile for at least three months.
Then we divide the income of the household at the ninetieth percentile by the income of the household at the tenth percentile.
The changes in the females correspond to a shift from the 50th to the 85th centile for waist circumference and the 44th to the 70th centile for body mass index.
We defined probable anxiety as a score above the 80th centile.
Comparing the top and bottom tenth percentiles, there was more than an eightfold difference in the proportion of patients monitored every 3 months and more than a twofold difference in the proportion of patients monitored every 6 months.
In their paper they define a family as “low income†if its income is below the 30th percentile, which is around $28,000.
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Twenty-seven percent are above 95th percentile, which is considered obese, and 6 percent are morbidly obese, Neal said.
Her height chart just shows a steady growth up from the 25th to above the 75th centile!
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
The ribbon is over optimistic placing the ratio in the next centile.
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This is great as she had always been on a much higher centile for weight than height before and I was worried she was becoming too much of a chubber!
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
To test the effect of compliance with treatment we replaced the number of sessions attended for one treatment by the 10th centile of its distribution and the other by the 90th centile of its distribution, and vice versa.
In May of 2nd grade, her total standardized test results approached the 90th percentile!
This is the antilog in terms of the original unit of measurement that defines the 50th percentile.
She's still on the 50th centile for weight and the 91st for height though.
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
Small for gestational age babies were defined as those whose weight was below the 10th centile of the gestational age sex specific US reference for fetal growth.
Surprisingly, the abdominal circumference was on the 95 th percentile.
They found that when the children became overweight having a body mass index, or BMI, at or above the 85th percentile, the amount of fat under their skin and surrounding their major organs, known as adiposity, harmed their health.
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Ninety two short normal adolescents who had been below the third centile for height at school entry and 117 controls matched for age and sex completed a bullying questionnaire, derived from work by Whitney and Smith.
Jaya's weight chart looks really funny though because she lost so much weight early on so it goes down to the 2nd centile, then shoots up to the 91st, then back down to the 50th!
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
Therefore, the results use percentile reporting rates instead of standard deviations.
The terms tercile, quartile, quintile and decile should refer to the percentiles which divide the distribution into 3, 4, 5, or 10 equal parts, respectively.
Based on results from the vocabulary and reading comprehension sections, participants were assigned a percentile rank.
In a patient presenting with chest pain a troponin concentration above the 99th centile of normal is now sufficient to diagnose myocardial infarction, irrespective of any electrocardiographic changes.
Higher percentile ranks indicated better relative performance.
I mean upper 1 percent, or what's called the hundredth percentile on intelligence tests.
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Started life on the 99th centile and is now barely on the 9th, for height at least, not weight, being so stocky.
Speed limits on high-speed roads, and the actual extreme percentile speeds, have generally decreased.
To this point, all safety regulations have been met using 55th percentile male dummies, which is OK if you are 6 feet tall like me.
CNN Transcript May 13, 2004
We derived proportions at practice level and calculated medians and 10th and 90th centiles as a measure of variation between practices.
Comparison of population percentiles requires an adequate amount of data for statistical significance.
Genes (by probeset) were ranked first by degree of upfold regulation with 5-aza / TSA treatment and second by COPA upregulation at the 90 th percentile.
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In 1967 average real (inflation-adjusted) income for the middle class (families with incomes between the fortieth and sixtieth percentiles of the income distribution) was about $43,000; in 2007 it was more than $61,000.8 This increase does not include the increased generosity of nonwage and nonsalary benefits such as health care, pensions, flexible workweeks, more family leave, more vacation, and holidays.
Linnea was weighed fairly quickly and is now over 30lb which is, well, she's in the same 98th centile curve so there you go.
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That score puts you on the 97th percentile.
The STAT scores available for each student range from 100 to 200 for each part and for the total, together with a percentile rank for each.
The lines or whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum unless there are interquartile range (the length of the rectangle) from the 75th percentile or 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) less than the 25 th percentile. News
A teen above the 95th percentile is considered overweight because 95 per cent of their age group have a smaller BMI.
This puts her on the 75th centile for height and just above the 50th for weight.
Tequilamonky Diary Entry
So your submission was directed at the specificity of a percentile discount rather than the entitlement of some allowance in the reduction of the punitive sentence?
And equally, some other aspects will, subject to a realistic judgment, find their home in a grottier percentile.
Times, Sunday Times
Seven children who were above the third percentile had recently lost weight or were failing to thrive.
I recall his predecessor blew a Trillion on tax breaks for the top three percentiles while another few Trillion went on astrategic warfare and pointless Pentagon pork.
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While I was there I more than doubled some of the stamina records and scored in the top percentile of graduates in nearly every single academic exam.
Polls consistantly put Britain up in the high 80's percentile comparedto the U. S which is about half that and near countries like Malaysia, etc.
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I emphasize, once again, that each time we combine materials and parts into semi-finished or finished products, we are decreasing the percentile of the total cost of that product incurred as a cost of transportation.
Six of 10 with only such small bowel involvement were below the third centile for height when their disease was recognised.
Infant factors available for analysis were presentation, multiple birth, gestational age, birth weight, birthweight percentile, and Apgar score at five minutes.
The response times were divided by the 90th centile and then multiplied by 8 or 5 as appropriate.
We determined gene ranks in two ways: 1) COPA ranking at the 90 th percentile of upregulation in primary tumor tissue versus normal tissue expression and 2) upfold regulation after pharmacologic demethylation after dChip normalization in cell lines.
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Throughout the study period fewer than 15% of infants weighed above the 85th centile and fewer than 5% above the 95th centile.
Summers quoted at Marginal Revolution rationalized by talking about the gender ratios at 3.5-4 sigma, which is above the 99.9th percentile.
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EFSA used the highest value of melamine (approximately 2, 500 mg/kg) reported in Chinese infant formula and consumption at the 95th percentile as a basis for worst case scenarios.
Bars above histograms indicate the 1st, 5th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of the cumulative frequency distribution.
` ` Mid-70 percentile is not going to be good enough. - Hockey - Carolina vs. Washington
America leads the world in percentile behind bars, thanks to ongoing persecution of hippies, radicals, and non-whites under prosecution of the war on drugs.
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The terms tercile, quartile, quintile and decile should refer to the percentiles which divide the distribution into 3, 4, 5, or 10 equal parts, respectively.
This is the antilog in terms of the original unit of measurement that defines the 50th percentile.
For individuals who died between 1880 and 1899, the 90th centile was 182 times wealthier than the 10th centile, compared with only 29.7 times wealthier for those dying between 1980 and 2001.
Percentile ranks were used to compare performance among institutions.
While I am certain that there is a wide range of skill levels within the pool of available developers, that does not mean that those developers who are not in the top percentiles should be described as ‘substandard.’
The 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the resulting distributions served as the upper and lower bounds of the confidence limit.
This corresponds to a shift from the 25th to the 5th centile: a good improvement by any standard.
Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests-that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test.
Okay, uh, what is your percentile?
Weight - for-stature percentiles tend to be lower than BMI-for-age centiles.
Doctors track a child's weight on what is known as a 'centile' line: a graph that predicts relative height and weight gain for their age.
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Risk of coronary heart disease was especially high for women who crossed from a low centile of weight at birth to a high centile of body mass index in adulthood.
Okay, uh, what is your percentile?
He's taken aback by all of this because, in "terms of volatility," Giffords was in the lowest percentile among members, and not a "hothead" at all.
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