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How To Use Cellular In A Sentence

  • A couple of the multicellular test subjects died and the invertebrates had a fifty-fifty survival rate.
  • The artificial DNA might be applied to a future extra cellular genetic system with information storage and amplifiable abilities. Artificial DNA Created
  • Hula hoops and pet rocks were fads; personal computers and cellular telephones are trends that are changing the way people live.
  • Objective : To observe the effects of cooking oil fume ( COF ) on cellular immunity of rats.
  • The second module, which we call the adaptation module, is known to maintain the intracellular signal at Naturejobs - All Jobs
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  • In the absence of a normal cellular immune response, bacterial proliferation may lead to infection.
  • The effects of the structures of the compounds on the insect glutamate potentials were investigated by using electrophysiological intracellular microelectrode recording technique.
  • The fourth locale, Massachusetts, permitted a medical monitoring claim to move forward, but only because the tobacco plaintiffs in that lawsuit presented expert evidence regarding "subcellular" or other physiological changes. - Newswire
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Objective To evaluate the clinical use of acellular dermal matrix ( ADM ) in the repair of pharynx.
  • The "extrinsic" pathway involves transmembrane, extracellular receptor-dependent activation of caspase-8 (and possibly -10). The Scientist
  • Hypoderm - is: the cellular layer which secretes the chitinous cuticula and in this sense = epidermis: specifically applied to the lining membrane of elytral and hemelytra. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • All this, it will be noticed, is a case of cell-multiplication, which differs from that which takes place in the unicellular organisms only in its being _invariably_ preceded (as far as we know) by karyokinesis, and in the resulting cells being all confined within a common envelope, and so in not being free to separate. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • In contrast, the treated section exhibits uniform, acute necrosis, with pyknotic nuclei, karyolysis and karyorrhexis; mild hemorrhage and significant zones of pigmented cellular debris.
  • The mobility of electrons is influenced by cellular metabolism and the concentration of charged particles suspended in body fluid.
  • A research team led by Andre Levchenko of the Whiting School of Engineering has shed light on a previously poorly understood method of cell-cell communication called intercellular transfer of cellular components (ICT). News-Letter
  • In 1996, the NVIC realized a major goal when the FDA licensed an improved pertussis vaccine known as the acellular pertussis vaccine.
  • This character is common to all animals as the result of their being descended from a common multicellular ancestor that also possessed this character.
  • Ultrasonic attenuation capacity of cellular Al alloy foam were studied.
  • Many toxic effects can be studied at the cellular level.
  • Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control. Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
  • The networks related to cellular development and connective tissue disorder showed that enzymes such as phosphoglycerate 12 mutase (glycolysis), muscle proteins such as myosin heavy chain 4 (Actin cytoskeleton signaling), nebulin-related anchoring protein (Actin binding protein) were significantly down regulated by TWEAK ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • How many genes encode cell adhesion and intercellular signaling receptors? The Scientist
  • This laboratory is equipped with a new intravital microscope system and is interested in the role of intracellular signaling molecules in leukocyte recruitment. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • much of the O2 supporting cellular respiration is reduced to the superoxide anion O2-
  • The extracellular signaling of hormones, light, and odorants is facilitated by a large family of G-protein-coupled receptors.
  • Li, who recently presented her results at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, will begin trials of Isorhy in rodents later this year.
  • Secondly, the glands without convolution, as the capillary vessels, which unite the terminations of the arteries and veins; and separate both the mucus, which lubricates the cellular membrane, and the perspirable matter, which preserves the skin moist and flexible. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • In in vitro preparations of partially purified enzymes, the functional distinction between intracellular and extracellular calcium is lost.
  • And opportunities are expanding in newly deregulating industries such as cellular telecom and broadband, airlines, and port infrastructure.
  • MAb 4C5, while not affecting secretion of the inactive MMPs, inhibits their activation by disrupting their interaction extracellularly with both isoforms of HSP90. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • An interesting variant of normal photosynthesis is the simultaneous photoevolution of molecular hydrogen and oxygen by certain unicellular algae and in vitro cell-free preparations.
  • Damaged endothelial cells secrete p-selectin, e-selectin, intracellular adhesion molecules and vascular cell adhesion molecules that induce monocytes to marginate, roll, and adhere to endothelial surfaces.
  • Extracellular osmolal concentration is approximately twice the sodium concentration.
  • In this study, the phototactic behavior in the spheroidal, multicellular volvocine green alga Volvox rousseletii (Volvocales, Chlorophyta) was analyzed. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Equally, the higher animals and plants themselves emerged when cells joined in multicellular organisms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calcium currents were isolated by replacing extracellular sodium with TEA and adding tetrodotoxin and other K + channel blockers.
  • Modulation of intracellular calcium also affects organelle position and motility.
  • These observations suggest that the mutated tyrosine phosphatases are tumor suppressor genes, regulating cellular pathways that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.
  • Measurement of intracellular daunomycin ( DNR ) and membrane glycoprotein ( P - gp ), by flow cytometry.
  • any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular
  • Disulfide bond formation is a common consequence of oxidative stress in cellular proteins.
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  • IMS allows operators to charge multimedia session appropriately: If a user uses videoconference over the 3G cellular network, there is usually a large data transfer that consists of audio and video.
  • More than 90 per cent of tissue can be such extracellular material. Times, Sunday Times
  • The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
  • We assayed in vitro survival patterns in eight tumor cell lines that vary in cellular radiosensitivity and genotype. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Thus, for instance, all the cells in a multicellular organism represent one clone derived from the fertilized egg.
  • Both are characterised by a focal or multifocal pattern of distribution, abnormal cellular proliferation, and a genetic component.
  • The impurity of supposedly pure subcellular fractions is a constant threat to the plant biochemist.
  • Tobacco seeds accumulate oil and protein in the embryo, cellular endosperm and inner layer of the seed coat.
  • The lack of the other cellular components present in these systems is not always a boon, however; sometimes proteins made using the PURE system don't fold properly, and additional proteins called chaperones need to be added to fix this problem. Ars Technica
  • A drop in the intracellular concentration of glutamine provides a signal for the activation of transcription of nitrogen-regulated genes.
  • The marrow here is essentially 100% cellular, but composed almost exclusively of leukemic cells.
  • An intercellular space is developing, but it appears filled with unidentified material.
  • To study allograft acellular dermal matrix in cosmetologty repaire of nasolabial groove soft tissue deficiency.
  • Rhococcus equi, a gram-positive bacterium, is a facultative intracellular coccobacillus that causes bronchopneumonia in foals aged 1 to 6 months. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A full profile was obtained on the scrapings from his right hand, which included cellular material such as skin.
  • The bacteria that grew in severely P-depleted and As-enriched conditions were identified as members of a halophile salt-loving family already known to accumulate intracellular As. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Arsenic and Odd Lace
  • This poses a problem as many cellular carriers charge exurbanite long distance rates. Press Releases | Press Release Distribution | Submit Press Release
  • Italiano · Il cellulare, ottimo strumento per servire meglio produttori e consumatori Global Voices in English » Mobile-empowered to serve you better
  • Mobile communication devices such as PDA and cellular phone will be inalterable and credible by installing the PTD (Personal Trusted Device).
  • Aborted remains at the Oregon Health Sciences University are called "suctioned or curetted material" and "cellular material. Pope John Paul II
  • These animals are thought to survive only if ice is confined to their body cavity and other extracellular spaces.
  • Instructions within cellular genomes reveal what life is. De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology
  • Cell divisions cleave the egg, like cutting a cake, and result in a multicellular structure.
  • A thin layer of extracellular matrix (perimysium) separating fiber groups within the muscle appears in cross-section.
  • Portions of both a and b form the extracellular ligand binding domains. The Scientist
  • The 9000 model cellular phone is made in Finland, but the technology inside is as American as apple pie.
  • However, much less is known of the ecophysiology and structure/function relationships of these cellular ingrowths, except that their presence correlates with vessel embolism.
  • If a pressor agent must be used, a direct-acting alpha-adrenergic agonist such as norepinephrine is preferable because it acts without releasing intracellular amines.
  • The neurons of the supraoptic nucleus are magnocellular neurosecretory neurons - large neuroendocrine neurons which secrete their products, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin into the circulation from their nerve endings in the posterior pituitary gland. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Chronic viral hepatitis is the main cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma throughout the world.
  • ‘Autoxidation’, the authors comment, ‘is a serious problem that limits the storage time for acellular hemoglobin-based blood substitutes.’
  • Besides being segmented, the body wall of annelids is characterized by being made up of both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers surrounded by a moist, acellular cuticle that is secreted by an epidermal epithelium.
  • Each cylinder can generate radio signal to disrupt cellular traffic, said Marshall.
  • If humans possess a similar checkpoint system and if researchers could someday harness it, they could fine-tune the rate of cellular division to control tumor development as well as tissue aging.
  • Patients with humoral primary immunodeficiencies have an intact cellular immune system; thus, they are able to handle most viral and fungal pathogens, a factor that can help to distinguish these disorders clinically.
  • Feed crop breeding by polyploidy can enlarge the plant cellular size, so the plant has the thick and high stem, thick blade , and increases the content of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.
  • The 18-month privatization process relicensed 26 cellular lines, 27 fixed lines and one long-distance company.
  • U.S. Cellular, the sixth-largest wireless carrier with a presence in 26 states and operating revenue of $4.2 billion last year, is getting squeezed from above and below as the larger carriers outmuscle it with better coverage and phones, while the smaller players use price to nab new customers. McDonald's Marketing Chief Leaves to Take Reins at U.S. Cellular
  • The size, shape, and compartmentalization of these specialized cells must be generated and supported by the cytoskeletal systems of intracellular transport. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • The cuticular hairs formed by epidermal cells are not the only examples of cellular projections found in Drosophila.
  • Products of these genes are targeted into at least three cellular compartments: cytosol, chloroplasts, and mitochondria.
  • A generic constraint on cellular machines is the inherent inexactness of the computational elements comprising a biological regulation unit.
  • And we have microcellular approaches where we can build a cell that might serve a half-mile radius.
  • The association of AQP11 with the residual cytoplasm of elongated spermatids and the distal tail of spermatozoa supports the hypothesis of more than just a role in conferring water permeability and also in the turnover and recycling of surplus cellular components made redundant during spermiogenesis and spermiation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • A secondary goal is to assess how well the vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and cellular immunity, in this case, focusing on the SARS spike protein.
  • As indicated previously, intracellular calcium is usually an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, but this is not invariably the case.
  • The human stage amastigote is an obligate intracellular parasite, spherical, 2 to 5 g in diameter, and displays a nucleus and kinetoplast.
  • The trick is known to just about every two-bit crook in the cellular age: If you don't want the cops to know where you are, take the battery out of your cell phone when it's not in use.
  • In in vitro preparations of partially purified enzymes, the functional distinction between intracellular and extracellular calcium is lost.
  • All cyanobacteria are unicellular, though many grow in colonies or filaments, often surrounded by a gelatinous or mucilaginous sheath.
  • The body uses humoral and cellular immune responses to reject a transplanted graft.
  • Like all viruses, poxviruses co-opt various cellular molecules and processes to enter a cell, replicate and then spread to uninfected cells.
  • Some procedures supply immediate gratification, such as zapping away brown spots or erasing lines, and some can provide long-term antiaging results by growing more collagen and invigorating the extracellular matrix. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Hexavalent vaccines such as diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine, hepatitis B virus vaccine, IPV, and Hib are being developed.
  • Although the evolution of well-mixed, unicellular microorganisms has been studied extensively, the evolution of filamentous microorganisms has not.
  • Treh-1 is a cytosolic enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of endogenous trehalose, while Treh-2 is an extracellular enzyme proposed to have a role in the assimilation of exogenous trehalose as a carbon source PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A pen was wedged between the soldier's jaws; the café owner called for a taxi with his cellular phone.
  • Circulating blood cells known as hemocytes represent the main cellular component of the molluscan immune system.
  • Mortality barriers to human cell immortalization and effectors of replicative cellular senescence in human cells
  • The Immunology Laboratory of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia offers an extensive assortment of both cellular and humoral immunological procedures. Immunology Lab
  • The potential involvement of extracellular histones in atherogenesis may be envisaged through several routes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These cellular masses, designated as the ductless glands or glands of internal secretion, have during development lost their original connection with the epithelium of the free surface.
  • These findings suggest that dcp-1 activity is required for the proper subcellular localization of active caspases.
  • These hormones'primary action in adults is to regulate cellular oxygen consumption ( metabolic rate ).
  • Second, the cellular surface topography is different.
  • 3GPP2 was born to evolve North American and Asian Cellular Radio-telecommunication Intersystem Operations into a third-generation system.
  • The cellular source of the catalytically active PLA2 in serum of patients suffering from acute pancreatitis and other diseases is unknown.
  • In intact cells the probe was trapped both inside intracellular organelles and the cytoplasm.
  • Manufacturers experiencing molding problems may benefit from the MuCell process, which is used to produce microcellular foamed plastics.
  • When the developing, fertilized egg at the ‘blastocyst’ stage becomes implanted in the lining of the uterus, it develops ‘villi’ - fine, frond-like cellular projections from its outermost layer, the trophoblast.
  • The phenotype of cancer invasion depends on composition and density of the ECM, and can vary from amoeboid blebbing, mesenchymal fibroblast-like motility and multicellular streaming or chain migration PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At the cellular level, necrotic hepatocytes infiltrate portal tracts, leading to inflammatory changes in the liver bed.
  • The total cellular activity in one human body is staggering: one septillion actions at any one moment, a one with twenty-four zeros after it. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Observer Vivan Riefberg of Alexandria called 911 using a cellular phone.
  • Both sexes of white storks and black kites look alike, so gender was determined by molecular procedures using DNA extracted from the cellular fraction of a few drops of blood.
  • Contact with the Node causes the demons to discorporate on a cellular level. Hellgate London Covenant
  • Subsequently, when zeolite is chemically dissolved in a simple water solution, or when taken as a straight mineral supplement in capsule form, its therapeutic effect (i.e. benefit to you) is not as strong or beneficial as it is when combined with an all natural, organic, bio-active intracellular carrier such as humic, fulvic, or processed humates. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • As any of these authors will agree, the HGT's role is insignificant in multicellular organisms. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • There are also a number of meeting rooms, conference rooms, cellular offices and kitchen facilities.
  • Microscopic examination revealed nests and cords of clear cells separated by a fibrous and acellular mucoid stroma.
  • And when it comes to fast-acting indicators, it turns out that signals induced by physical forces acting in and around cells, appropriately dubbed biomechanical signals, are the champions of the cellular world. News from The Scientist
  • These cells create a cellular and molecular barrier at the site of injury, called the glial scar.
  • The extracellular matrix is a complex mixture containing proteins such as fibronectin and collagen that provide structural support to cells and traction for cell movement. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • FDA can pass through the cell membrane whereupon intracellular esterases cleave off the diacetate group.
  • Oxygen plays a role in enzymatic and cellular metabolic reactions necessary for cell growth and proliferation.
  • Conclusion: Acellular dermal matrix is a ideal graft material for soft tissue augmentation.
  • Integrin is the molecule that connects the outside of the cells to the extracellular matrix.
  • He does a good job of making highly technical anatomic, developmental and cellular issues clear to the lay reader.
  • Cellular respiration is the process by which cells obtain energy from food through chemical reaction with an inorganic electron acceptor, usually oxygen.
  • Provenge is designed to stimulate the body's immune system to combat tumors, also known as autologous cellular immunotherapy. Dendreon Names New CEO
  • Protein subcellular localization is one of the key questions for functional genomics.
  • IOW, if a gene vital in multicellular life forms is present and highly conserved in single-cell life forms (in which it isn't expressed or perform any other vital function), we could conclude that the gene was front-loaded into the genome by a designer of the original genome with the expectation that multicellular life forms would evolve when that gene does get expressed. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • New versions of existing vaccines: acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP - 1997); intranasal influenza (2004) History of Vaccine Schedule
  • It was from this histogenetic rather than cellular conception of the meristem that Hanstein's Histogen Theory was developed.
  • To explore the dynamic changes of cellular immune function in children with infectious mononucleosis .
  • Other work in this field has focused on cellular and enzymatic biomarkers as indicators of sublethal effects.
  • Qualcomm, which has about $10 billion of cash on its books, helped develop a ma jor strain of digital cellular technology. Qualcomm Eyes Atheros Buyout
  • Un corto sul “vita, pace, guerra e mitosi cellulare”. No Fat Clips!!! : EUGEN NEACSU – The Cell
  • Some multicellular brown algae form branched filaments or foliose plants many meters long with complex anatomy. Phytoplankton
  • POK proteins are critical in embryonic development, cellular differentiation and oncogenesis, according to the National Cancer Institute. Boing Boing: December 18, 2005 - December 24, 2005 Archives
  • That vehicle (often a subcellular structure called a plasmid) is then inserted into a different cell, which activates the gene, leading to the production of a scientifically or commercially useful protein. Scientists create cell based on man-made genetic instructions
  • Sugars located within the cellular structure of food (such as fructose in whole fruit) are thought to be less cariogenic than sugars intentionally introduced into foods.
  • In the present study, no association was found between the use of extracellular preservation fluid and early gas exchange.
  • Conclusion SARS patients' thin fur, white fur, curdy fur or greasy fur are often connected with their depressed cellular immunity.
  • The similarity of their cells and subcellular structures is one of the main things that tells us they came from the same stock. David Anderson on Creation and Evolution
  • The reason Woese et al. do not link the cellular architectures of the domains to a common cellular ancestor is they do not believe it is biologically possible to do so. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The sub's golden light warped through thick cellular membranes with a peculiar refraction, like interference between two layers of glass. VITALS
  • For example, this is true for developmental biology and for analysis of the functions of signalling pathways in multicellular organisms. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002
  • Finally, all representatives of section Polystachya examined were found to possess multicellular, uniseriate, moniliform trichomes that fragment to form unicellular units.
  • Similarly, homeostatic mechanisms that regulate the extracellular environment may be affected by characteristics of the cell surface.
  • The Anion Hypothesis There are certain organic anions present in the axoplasm of a neuron but absent from the extracellular fl uid. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Abstract: Three published estimates of the frequency of polyploidy in angiosperms 30 to 35 percent, 47 percent, and 70 to 80 percent were tested by estimating the genome size of extinct woody angiosperms with the use of fossil guard cell size as a proxy for cellular DNA content. Junk DNA is still junk - The Panda's Thumb
  • Depict the influence on the plant cellular, caused by the added high electrostatic field, by the bimolecular lipid membranes, and deduce the micro principles.
  • In some areas, particularly those close to the surface of the tumors, the eosinophilic extracellular material resembled fibrinoid necrosis and showed associated areas of organization consistent with typical granulation tissue.
  • Free radicals react destructively with many cellular components causing cell damage and leading to many diseases from cataract to cancer, heart disease to dementia.
  • Flavonoids have diverse toxic effects including disruption of cellular respiration, inhibition of enzyme function, and interference with reproduction.
  • The dinosaurs were only one of the groups that became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous; also hard-hit were the unicellular Foraminifera, the ammonites, and marine reptiles such as the mosasaurs and plesiosaurs.
  • Betaine is one of several compounds used by cells to regulate osmotic pressure and has been recognized as an important osmolyte that maintains cellular tonicity.
  • It is caused by the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis, and is more accurately described as regional enteritis or proliferative ileitis .
  • Secretory structures, such as crystalliferous idioblasts, parenchymatous cells containing ‘gum,’ and intercellular canals, are of wide occurrence within the Pinnatae.
  • Life was prokaryotic and unicellular for 3 billion years. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Journal of Cell Biology reveals that an extracellular matrix protein called laminin shapes both sides of the junction to ensure they fit together. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Telephone system: general assessment: NA domestic: landline, telefax, mobile cellular telephone system international: fiber-optic cable, microwave radio relay, satellite earth station, submarine cable Isle of Man
  • This was known to influence numerous cellular mechanisms and could affect early embryonic development.
  • We sense this as he remonstrates at one point by cellular phone with his parents in Tehran about a funeral at which he should be present, yet which he will have to miss, on account of his work, except for the seventh day of mourning.
  • Viral RNA is converted to DNA, which integrates into the cellular genome. The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Illustrated Presentation
  • After resuspension in 1 mM chloride extracellular medium, cells were isolated by gentle trituration.
  • Characteristic multicellular, branched hairs were observed on the reverse of the tepals and upon the pedicellate ovary of all species.
  • The temperature of platelet intracellular ice crystal formation (IIF) is one of the most important physical parameters to instruct platelet cryopreservation.
  • His firm engineers telephone system infrastructure, specializing in the cellular telephone industry.
  • According to Dr. Geim, that could make it an ideal candidate as a material for high-speed transistors used in cellular phones, for electrodes used in DNA sequencing machines, and other electronic devices. Ultrathin Carbon Earns Nobel
  • An atomic force microscope operating at hypergravity for in situ measurement of cellular mechano-response. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • We collaborated with my good friend William Sleator of the Physiology Department in the study of changes in cellular action potentials (measured with intracellular microelectrodes) associated with the changes in contractility of the guinea pig atrium in response to epinephrine and acetylcholine, and a number of other inotropic agents. Robert F. Furchgott - Autobiography
  • The virus increases the risk of cancer by interfering with two vital intracellular processes: reproduction and repair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Micronuclei are acentric chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes that are left behind during mitotic cellular division and appear in the cytoplasm of interphasic cells as small additional nuclei.
  • Within the ovary, pollen tubes also grew in the ECM to penetrate the micropyle and subsequently grew intercellularly within the nucellus up to the embryo sac.
  • The greenstones of the Kaapvaal craton in the northeast have been found to contain unicellular and biogenic filamentous structures, signs of some of the earliest forms of life. Nama Karoo
  • The residues crucial for transport and pathogenicity are nucleated in two groups: one around the central channel, and the other on the long intracellular loop.
  • Fluid inside your cells is called intracellular fluid and the fluid outside your cells is called extracellular fluid. The Most Complete Food Counter, 2nd Edition
  • Flagellar length in the unicellular, biflagellate, green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is tightly regulated.
  • Despite the striking lobular disorganisation and prominent hepatocellular changes, there was only mild inflammation.
  • This is because, the article argues, they are a similar frequency to the type of electrical activity natural to cellular functions and so may cause interference.
  • Of voluntary capacities and powers the newborn infant possesses little more than the simplest unicellular animalcule, that is, about all it can do is to scent and swallow food. Nature Cure
  • Communication with other hospitals and external agencies occurred via land lines and cellular telephones, which use satellite communication systems.
  • High prices of cellular data services have been the main hindrance to mainstream adoption of such services thus far. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Earthlink To Introduce WiFi Phones
  • On the extracellular side of the membrane, a small extracellular domain is composed of short loops between various transmembrane helices and contains the binding site for ouabain.
  • Researchers are applying chemical imaging techniques to investigations of cellular function, disease processes, protein interactions, DNA, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals.
  • According to Woese and colleagues, the Darwinian threshold is the point in evolutionary history when the three domains, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, "crystallize" (Woese's term, 1998) their cellular architectures, which then become refractory to HGT. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • That being said … the term mobile broadband often times refers to the cellular-phone-provider type of broadband Internet connection (s). Music, Technology and Education:
  • Fibroblasts are found in connective tissue, which includes cartilage and the cellular matrix known as stroma that provides support to body structures, such as organs, glands and also tumors. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The office space is mainly open plan but has some cellular offices and meeting rooms.
  • The zygotes of the fucoid brown algae have long been studied by developmental biologists in an effort to understand how cellular polarity arises.
  • The authors base this claim on the well known fact several groups of multicellular animals, for example, bdelloid rotifers, tardigrades, nematodes and arthropods, have representatives that can survive extreme desiccation for long periods. We are going to freeze dry you all!
  • Neurons in the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) responded to wide ranges of visual and auditory features, but they were not tuned to particular values of those features. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • 1992 – Acousto-conformational transitions in cytoskeletal microtubules: Implications for intracellular information processing Behe vs. Dawkins
  • In this article, we characterize the effect of probucol on cellular ABCA 1 - mediated lipid efflux.
  • Methods The cultured osteoblast-like cells in vitro were isolated from fetal rat calvaria and the effects of PDGF on cellular DNA contents were observed under flow cytometer.

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