How To Use Cell wall In A Sentence
Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.
Bacteria in this group lack cell walls and cannot survive outside the cells of the organisms they parasitize.
• Healthy fats to keep their cell walls integral but permeable -- such as omega-3 fats, and phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl choline, available from foods and supplements
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When calcium is desorbed from the cell wall, it becomes looser and the pore sizes in it increases.
The direction of cell growth is determined by the orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the cell wall.
For example, microcrystalline pyrite is ubiquitous on the inner surface of cell walls, within lignified cell walls and in the middle lamella.
Thus, there must be an efficient transport system to shuttle them across the various layers of membrane and cell wall, and the outer cell wall must also possess a biocatalyst that takes care of the mineral's reduction.
The doctor explained that, in order of severity, cervical dysplasia is mild, moderate and severe, followed by carcinoma in situ [early cancer that had broken through the cell walls], and then invasive cancer.
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In the inner heartwood, these bodies were rarefying and cell walls became impregnated by a brown colour.
When the cure was complete, the probe was raised to lift the entire cell wall above the water level.
The plants' cell walls will thicken, which helps keep them from bursting during freezes and thaws.
The unstained region around the periphery of most cells was almost certainly an artefact of plasmolysis, indicated by occasional contact points between plasmalemma and cell wall plasmodesmata.
This results in the release of acidic pectins and methanol as well as increased cell wall rigidity and calcium chelation.
For example, as the deposition of lignins limits plant cell wall extension, lignification must be regulated so that it occurs after a cell has elongated so as not to impinge on plant growth.
Oölemma: the cell wall of an egg: see vitelline membrane.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall.
Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
This coincidence suggests that the D-amino acids originated in peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls.
Several recent publications have described the properties of composites of bacterial cellulose with plant cell wall polysaccharides.
Peroxidases are present in the crease tissue at this time and it has been suggested that they may have a role in the formation of lignin / suberin in the chalazal cell walls.
When the trichomes were fully developed, the compounds were volatilized and only residues were responsible for an orange fluorescence in the cell wall area.
This is because they're locked up within a substance known as lignocellulose, which provides structural support for plant cell walls.
Scientific Blogging
Candida albicans cell wall proteins were selected by algorithm peptide epitope searches; each was synthesized and conjugated to the fungal cell wall β-mannan trisaccharide
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
These derivitized proteins do many of the same jobs which are performed by the cell wall and capsule in bacteria.
The unstained region around the periphery of most cells was almost certainly an artefact of plasmolysis, indicated by occasional contact points between plasmalemma and cell wall plasmodesmata.
The outermost layer of the cell wall is composed of diverse proteins bearing polysaccharide side chains composed of mannose.
It's one of the lipids, or fats, your body makes and is used to build cell walls and form some hormones and tissues.
In the neomura theory it was very unlikely that earlier organisms, bacteria, trapped in their non-extremophile yet sturdy protein exoskeleton cell wall, would be able to loose it to develop a new extremophile one (archaebacteria) respectively develop an endoskeleton flexible cell (eukaryotes).
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In citrus hesperidia, the creasing of albedo appears to be strictly related to a decrease of cell wall pectins beyond a critical level.
This would also increase the sloughing off of cell wall surface polymers in the culture medium.
In petrifaction (sensu stricto) the organic cell walls may decay and be replaced by another phase of minerals, usually with a similar chemical composition to the first phase.
The electrode tip pushes through the cell wall tending to jump quickly across the plasma membrane into either the cytoplasm or the vacuole.
Our research on cantilever sensors - tiny levers no wider than a human hair - suggests that the cell wall is disrupted by a combination of a local antibiotic and a polymer known as a mucopeptide binding together, and the spatial mechanical connectivity of these events.
Nano Tech Wire
It causes the cell wall to become rigid by blocking free carboxyl groups that interact with bivalent ions like Ca 2 +.
It is the cell walls and plant starch that isn't absorbed by the body.
Times, Sunday Times
Pit A gap in the secondary cell wall that enables communication between thickened cells, e. g. tracheids.
Lysostaphin works by first attaching itself to the bacterial cell wall and then slicing open the cell wall (the enzyme's name derives from the Greek "lysis" meaning "to loosen or release").
In this model, plant cell walls could be visualized as a ‘tangle’ of microfibrils, with wall rheology determined by spatial constraint upon further microfibril movement.
They retain a ‘cell wall’ of peptidoglycan which ought to dispel any doubts about their bacterial origin.
However, the remarkable release of galactose during dismantling of fruit cell walls has led many researchers to study galactosidases due to their apparent involvement in the mobilization of galactose.
The soles were dipped in special stimulating fluid, returned precisely into place, with accuracy sufficient to bring cell wall opposite cell wall, severed artery tight to severed artery, nerve fibril against nerve fibril.
The Languages of Pao
During morphogenesis at any developmental stage, all plant cells require modifications of the cell wall structure.
One possibility would be to look for preserved hyphae in Ediacaran fossils and in associated microbial mats, specifically hyphae with perforate cell walls.
Our research on cantilever sensors suggests that the cell wall is disrupted by a combination of local antibiotic-mucopeptide binding and the spatial mechanical connectivity of these events.
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Wool, which is sheep hair, is made of animal proteins, while cotton is made of plant cellulose - the main part of a plant's cell wall.
Fixation of periderm tissue with FAA did not alter histological staining of cell walls compared with staining of fresh tissues.
The cell wall is usually delicately ornamented and perforated by minute holes.
The composition of the cell wall varies among species and is an important character for identifying and classifying bacteria.
This mechanism is likely to involve the polarization of key components and the localized breakdown of existing cell wall structure.
During fruit softening, pectins and hemicelluloses typically undergo solubilization and depolymerization that are thought to contribute to cell wall loosening and disintegration.
In its functional role as a relative, not absolute, diffusion barrier for small solutes, the pine nexine resembles suberized and/or cutinized cell walls and Casparian strips.
The cell wall and extracellular material are often only crudely preserved in this process, and the internal cytoplasm may degrade and be destroyed.
Belanger AE, Besra GS, Ford ME, Mikusova K, Belisle JT, et al. (1996) The embAB genes of Mycobacterium avium encode an arabinosyl transferase involved in cell wall arabinan biosynthesis that is the target for the antimycobacterial drug ethambutol.
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This enzyme kills gram-positive bacteria by lysing their cell wall, notes Johnson.
More recent work suggests that the cell wall hydrolase, pectin methyl esterase, plays a role in weakening of the megagametophyte, allowing radicle emergence and the completion of germination.
They are all single cells, yet within their cell walls they contain much more complex structures than any bacterium possesses.
Cell expansion is driven by turgor pressure, and in healthy tissues is usually limited by the extensibility of the cell wall or sometimes by the wall yield threshold.
Chemically, apoplastic barriers of roots are depositions of the biopolymers lignin and suberin within the cell wall matrix, which may occlude wall pores previously filled with water.
The tomato fruit cell wall is composed of protein and three major polysaccharide components, pectin, hemicelluloses and cellulose.
-- A protective differentiation of the outer layer of the cell protoplasm; difficult to demonstrate, but treatment with iodine or salt solution sometimes causes shrinkage of the cell contents -- "plasmolysis" -- and so renders the cell wall apparent (_e.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
One class of dosage suppressors is composed of genes encoding cell wall proteins, indicating that alterations in cell wall structure can rescue the cell lysis in ram cells.
D.M. tuberculosis produce an exotoxin and contain an endotoxin in its cell wall
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The concavo-concave shape of the anticlinal cell walls adjacent to the guard cells, reflects the bowed shape of the guard cells.
It can attach and bind to cell walls and kill a cell by catalyzing the hydrolysis of cell wall peptidoglycan.
The foods that contain insoluble fiber foods are almost all plants, Dr. Sheth said, because humans haven't evolved the enzymes necessary to break down some plant cell walls.
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According to the boffins, garlic has no flavour until the cell walls are broken, and when the cell walls are broken, the enzyme alliinase is released, which reacts with a precursor compound, alliin, to form diallyl thiosulfinate and other thiosulfinates the pongy and tasty side of the garlic.
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When a chemical demethylation of embedded cells was performed, a slight increase in labelling density was noticed, confirming that methyl esterification blocked anionic binding sites in the primary cell walls.
B, Mature plant discharging spores and spermatia through a small opening in the cell wall.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
The asymmetric zygotic division fixes polarity, which may rely on the asymmetric delivery of cell wall components, possibly AGPs, and which requires GN in order to execute it.
The degree of solubilization of cell wall material increases with higher concentrations of the alkali (table 3).
Chapter 6
Despite the presence of acid invertase in the cell wall and intercellular spaces, it suggests that in the first phase of fruit development sucrose is unloaded into the tomato fruit via the symplast.
Particularly interesting, the page on aquaporin channels, the recently discovered protein channels that carry water molecules through cell walls in single file.
Water, water, everywhere...
For instance, the cell walls of all bacteria contain the chemical peptidoglycan.
Osmosis is important in food preparation because the cell walls of living organisms are semipermeable membranes.
The symplastic path is mediated by plasmodesmata which bridge the cell walls between adjacent cells so that a cytoplasmic continuum is formed.
According to the researchers, the GIF1 gene is responsible for controlling the activity of the enzyme invertase, which is located in the rice plant's cell walls and converts sucrose to substances that are then used to create starch.
Chemically, apoplastic barriers of roots are depositions of the biopolymers lignin and suberin within the cell wall matrix, which may occlude wall pores previously filled with water.
Crystal terminations are observed in some samples, where nucleation occurred around the inner surface of the cell wall.
A mechanosensitive Ca 2 + channel is shown linking the cell wall to the plasmalemma so that relative movement between them, or between the former and the cytoskeleton, could open the channel.
Additionally, it has also been suggested that polygalacturonase action on the pectin network may enhance the action of other cell wall-degrading enzymes by increasing the accessibility of such enzymes to their substrates.
These polysaccharides made from a variety of sugars, including galactose, xylose, arabinose are found together with cellulose in the plant cell walls.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
As the seeds take approximately 24 h to imbibe water, a distinct enlargement of the cell wall was observed from day 1 to day 2.
Among plant cell wall hemicellulose components, arabinoxylans and xylans are widely distributed.
They work by inhibiting cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan polymer chains that make up blocks of the cell wall.
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Each of the Edinburgh patients colonised by the epidemic strain showed a rising IgG antibody response to P cepacia-specific cell wall antigen.
Members of the genus Thermoplasma lack cell walls and possess a cytoskeleton.
There, electrical impulses propel vesicles into the cell wall to spray the neurotransmitter into the synapse.
Plant cell walls are composed primarily of cellulose microfibrils, hemicelluloses, pectic polysaccharides, and small amounts of structural proteins.
The main products of Si accumulation are the phytoliths, or silica bodies, which infill the cell walls and lumina of certain cells in plant tissues.
The experiments showed, inter alia, that pyritization can occur within cellulose cell walls.
However, apart from using an unstable enzyme, our first route had other problems, caused by cell lysis (rupture of the cell walls) during the biotransformation, which hampered product recovery.
For the first category of compounds, it is the cell wall, together with the outer membrane and associated proteins, which presents a potential barrier to influx and efflux of chemical compounds.
The relatively small and thick leaves, the multilayered mesophyll, the thick outermost epidermal cell walls and the small leaf ICS percentage of C. spinosa constitute features of xerophytes.
It is the cell walls and plant starch that isn't absorbed by the body.
Times, Sunday Times
There were no intercellular spaces and the cell walls were uniquely constructed.
The cell walls of the interior tissues did stain with a particularly abrupt transition from unstained to stained just behind the root cap and at the outer cortex, but nowhere were nuclei seen to stain.
The cell thus exerts outward pressure on its cell wall, and when all cells are maintaining this pressure, the plant gains rigidity.
Results showed that increasing the pectolyase concentration in the hydrolytic solutions led to an increase of the digestibility of elicited cell walls.
Most work by interfering with metabolic pathways that are unique to bacteria - eg, penicillin weakens bacteria cell walls but has no effect on human tissue.
Times, Sunday Times
During cell expansion, trafficking delivers proteins to plasticize the wall and supplies new plasma membrane and cell wall material to keep pace with growth.
Hot water softens them by dissolving the strengthening carbohydrates from their cell walls, and moving into the cells to gelate the starch granules and either dissolve or moisten the storage proteins.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall.
The zygote's nucleus divides, but no cell walls form, resulting in a single-celled, multinucleate plasmodium that grows as the organism feeds and the nuclei continue to divide
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In the inner heartwood, these bodies were rarefying and cell walls became impregnated by a brown colour.
Callose, lignin and suberin are polymers that can be elicited as plant defences that reinforce cell walls of some species.
Without a cell wall the organism is resistant to the effects of penicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics, which disrupt bacterial cell walls.
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Their lack of a cell wall often results in disintegration or severe distortion when preserved, so they must be examined live for any possible identification.
The zygote's nucleus divides, but no cell walls form, resulting in a single-celled, multinucleate plasmodium that grow as the organism feeds and the nuclei continue to divide
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Pectins and hemicelluloses, two of the major cell wall components, undergo solubilization and depolymerization.
Hooke had discovered plant cells - more precisely, what Hooke saw were the cell walls in cork tissue.
In petrified specimens, cellular details are lost with the organic material of the cell wall.
Cytoplasmic membrane, or cell membrane, plasma membrane, is a soft, fragile and flexible semi-permeable membrane, which underlines cell wall and surrounds cytoplasm.
In plant primary cell walls, cellulose microfibrils are coated with and cross-linked together with hemicellulose and the spaces in these networks are filled with pectins, which also form a network.
Activation of Avena coleoptile cell wall glycosidases by hydrogen ions and auxin
The model for Isd and Hts-mediated heme-iron acquisition initiates upon hemoprotein binding to the cell wall receptors IsdB and IsdH.
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The fungus might also affect ensiling indirectly by producing fractures in the cell walls and cuticle of the plant, thus giving fermenting bacteria a greater access to the forage.
Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
Each individual cell grows as a vertical column by inserting new cell wall material uniformly along its length.
Fungal cells maintain a very high turgor pressure, so the integrity of the cell wall is a critical matter.
Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.
Because tissues were lyophilized it was not possible to discriminate between cell walls and cytoplasm in the root material.
Cell walls play a critical role in the mechanisms for growth, cell proliferation and differentiation.
Pesto is best pounded by hand with a mortar and pestle; bruised, the cell walls of the basil leaves expel their oils more generously, making a silkier, more emulsified sauce than if they are slit open by the sharp metal blades of a blender or a knife.
Day of Honey
It is, therefore, most unfortunate that little is known of them except that they appear to be gated by tension and link the cell wall to the plasmalemma and possibly the cytoskeleton.
For hundreds of years, scientists have studied plant cell walls - the protective sheaths that give plant cells shape and protect them from disease and dehydration.
The majority of parenchymal cells located within the central cylinder had thin cellulosic primary cell walls that stained with aniline blue.
Lipids in the astrocyte cell walls and very tight junctions between adjacent endothelial cells limit the passage of water-soluble molecules.
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There was lots of organelle, such as rib somes, mitochondria in companion cell during the mature stage of SE. Also the plasmodesmata appeared in cell wall between SE and CC.
The chemical composition of cell walls from endodermis and hypodermis was analysed.
More promising have been recent advances in turning lignocellulose, the stuff that makes up the cell walls in plants, into ethanol and other fuels: that would allow us to use grasses, wood chips, straw and other non-food as biomass.
The first sentence I wrote today…
It was eventually realised that the culprit was a non-cellular form of ‘life’ that could diffuse through the cell walls and membranes into the cell's protoplasm.
Note the accumulation of flocculent material and vesicles between the cytoplasm and cell wall and also the osmiophilic margin of the viscid secretion.
The anatomy of bamboo culms and the multilayered structure of fibre cell walls are known to be the main determinant factors for its physical and mechanical properties.
The most abundant organic compound in the biosphere is a carbohydrate - cellulose, a substance which gives strength and integrity to plant cell walls.
Secondary cell wall deposition has been determined by other means, such as by measuring the thickness of the double wall between two fibre cells in internodes of reproductive tillers of darnel.
The cell envelope of gram-positive bacteria consists of the cytoplasmic membrane and a cell wall.
Their textural robustness comes from particular phenolic compounds in their cell walls ferulic acids that form bonds with the cell-wall carbohydrates and prevent them from being dissolved away during cooking.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
So they threw their plates against the jail cell walls - "plat," he says, trying to verbalize what that might sound like - and ate their dinner as it ran in rivers to the stone floor. - Home Page
The cell walls of plants are of a fairly rigid structure.
Uvitex 2B stain is an optical brightener that specifically binds to the chitin of fungal cell walls.
Proteins involved with cell wall biogenesis, which display low connectivity levels, have a clear trend of later appearance.
Each of the Edinburgh patients colonised by the epidemic strain showed a rising IgG antibody response to P cepacia-specific cell wall antigen.
Cell walls of Fusarium are made up, in part, of compounds called chitin and glucan, which the enzymes break down.
After the patient takes the antibiotic, it is absorbed through the cell wall of the bacterium.
It offers enclosed courtyards, with high cell walls, finished in a genuine rough, distressed look.
The cell envelope of gram-positive bacteria consists of the cytoplasmic membrane and a cell wall.
Wood has evolved to keep its sugars to itself, covering them with lignin — a substance that gives cell walls rigidity — and then locking them in a matrix of cellulose and hemicellulose protected by complex chemical bonds.
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The bugs are only a few thousandths of a millimetre across and lack the cell walls which most bacteria have.
Individual cells are also supplied with cell walls, usually of cellulose or xylan (another polysaccharide) fibers.
The main component of this deformation is the plastic strain of cell walls.
Instead, the evidence suggests that it utilizes an arsenal of small oxidizing agents that blast through plant cell walls to depolymerize the cellulose.
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The removal of the free water from the cells or pores will evidently have no effect upon the physical properties or shrinkage of the wood, but as soon as any of the "imbibed" moisture is removed from the cell walls, shrinkage begins to take place and other changes occur.
Seasoning of Wood
The GIF1 gene is responsible for controlling the activity of the enzyme invertase, which is located in the cell wall and converts sucrose to substances that then are used to create starch," said He.
Among the scientific claims made regarding Rife Bare therapy is the proposal that subjecting cells to a high energy pulse causes their cell wall micropores to open.
The solution also creates a strong osmotic pressure on the cell walls of bacteria and other micro-organisms, which prevents them from passing substances in or out.
In thin root sections, more intense fluorescence was observed in the cytosol than in the cell wall.
In the tertiary state of development endodermal cells deposit lignified cell wall material onto the suberin lamella.
Cell walls and starch stained a bright reddish pink, while other elements of the cells remained unstained.
The growth of successive layers of a cell wall.
In slowly dried tissues, considerable cell wall folding had occurred, there was substantial subdivision of the vacuoles and some plasma membrane withdrawal from the cell walls.
Once the reproductive phase has been completed, the daughter cells differentiate as biflagellate cells, escape from the mother-cell wall, and swim away.
In the discussion, the authors present additional evidence that supports their finding, including, but not limited to: (a) the inability to detect cytochromes within the methanogens; (b) the fact that the cell walls of methanogens do not contain peptidoglycan; (c) the 23S rRNA sequence is also divergent from typical bacteria.
Archive 2008-07-01
Lignins occur in great quantity in the secondary cell walls of fibres, xylem vessels and tracheids.
In the presence of nonresistant bacteria,, it acts like a typical antibiotic to block bacterial cell wall synthesis.
Other antibiotics like penicillin and vancomycin slow the bacteria's ability to manufacture cell walls.
For either of our models to be internally consistent, low but non-zero levels of empty cell walls proportional to the unicell density need to be present during the steady-state unicell-colony-predator chemostat.
Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
To establish the first, Hoover showed samples from meteorites of forms that appeared to have cells and cell walls, that were in the process of splitting or otherwise reproducing, that were attached to the rock with what he identified as a primitive stalk called a basal heterocyst, and that had lived in what appeared to be colonies of microbes known to coexist on Earth.
First Contact
The leaves and stems, with their tough cell walls made of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, are more of a nuisance than anything else.
Fuel from germs
We reason that this is because the early effects of the antibiotic as it perturbs the biosynthesis of the cell wall, can be compensated for by the thick layer of murein or peptidoglycan typically found in most Gram-positive bacteria.
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According to current models of primary cell walls, cellulose microfibrils, which are the major tensile elements of the wall, interact with matrix components such as hemicelluloses, forming a complex network.
In Arabidopsis roots, the transition from early to later stages of differentiation is characterized by the appearance of metaxylem, which is identified on the basis of reticulate rather than helical secondary cell wall thickenings.
Plant roots in the peats and estuarine sediments concentrate uranium in cell walls, especially in regions associated with transpiration processes.
Lysosyme works with lactoferrin to attack the cell walls of some bacteria.
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The antimicrobial effect of iodophors occurs by cell wall penetration and oxidation with the substitution of iodine for cell contents.
As in Gram-positive bacteria, the inner membrane of spirochetes is closely associated with the peptidoglycan cell wall.
The stages were used as a basis for transmission electron microscopy study on the ultrastructure of the cell wall during the process of primary and early secondary cell wall formation.
The snail groups also have a special enzyme type, created by the snail version of a liver, called cellulase that is found in very few other invertebrates but plays an important role in dissolving the cell walls of algae and detritus.
However, despite the care and detail of the authors' analysis of periderm cell wall biochemistry, we are no nearer to preventing abrasion damage of the potato.
Each individual cell grows as a vertical column by inserting new cell wall material uniformly along its length.
Major constituents of the cell wall are cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins.
For example, one of the signature compounds for fungi is ergosterol, the cholesterol counterpart found in the cell walls of all fungi.
Cell walls resistant to acid digestion were considered to contain cutin.
Cell wall material was then lyophilized and weighed.
Because the unfertilized eggs are naked protoplasts lacking cell walls, unfertilized eggs were used for these experiments in order to give the antibodies unimpeded access to the cell.
There is evidence that the cell wall plays an integral role in axis fixation and it is proposed that fixation occurs as a result of cross linking between the actin cytoskeleton and the cell wall.
Inhibition of cell wall synthesis by penicillin resulted in disruption of the cell wall and lysis of the cell.
The cell wall, which is relatively porous, consists of many polymer layers of peptidoglycan connected by amino acid bridges.
The cell walls of plants are of a fairly rigid structure.
H1-responses to Asp f3 (a putative peroxismal membrane protein), Asp f9/16 (cell wall glucanase), Asp f11 (cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase) and Asp f22 (enolase).
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Normal flagella need a P-ring to span the cell wall made of peptidoglycan and an L-ring to span the outer membrane.
Friday flagellum blogging -- spirochete flagella - The Panda's Thumb
Abbreviations: OM = outer membrane, IM = inner membrane, PG = peptidoglycan cell wall
Friday flagellum blogging -- spirochete flagella - The Panda's Thumb
This protein has a pectate lyase enzyme activity and could be involved in cell wall elaboration during germination and pollen tube growth.
Only mononuclear protoplasts were capable of complete cell wall regeneration and mitotic division.
It is the cell walls and plant starch that isn't absorbed by the body.
Times, Sunday Times
Chitinases are hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the degradation of chitin, a major component of fungal cell walls.
The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall.
On the other hand, you can steam only one layer of veg at a time if the steam is to surround and cook them evenly; steaming also takes longer than boiling, because boiling water dissolves and extracts some pectin and calcium from the cell walls, and steaming doesn't.
Food for Fort: To peel or not to peel tomatoes, and other stories
They move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.
It is the cell walls and plant starch that isn't absorbed by the body.
Times, Sunday Times
The cellulose cell walls formed during their development, and the presence of reproductive spores are plant-like, whereas the cell movements involved in their morphogenesis are animal-like.