How To Use Cell nucleus In A Sentence
Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
The mitochondria are small bodies that reside outside the cell nucleus, and are the means by which the cell burns biological fuel to produce energy.
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Generally speaking , the genes exist in the cell nucleus.
The HeLa cell nucleus continues to behave as before.
They move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.
In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.
Instead of traveling to the cell nucleus and turning on genes called chaperones, necessary for proper ER function,
There was sure nucleo-cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae. squarrosa L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
Our genes are located on 46 paired structures, or chromosomes, in the cell nucleus.
In 3-month-course group, all the changes above appeared to be more serious with capillarectasia, basement membrane thickened, rod-cell nucleus pyknosis and metachromatin condensed.
The HeLa cell nucleus continues to behave as before.
They will phosphorylate different proteins and affect the cell nucleus, which in turn will issue orders regarding the synthesis of new proteins.
Physiology or Medicine for 2000 - Press Release
Instead of traveling to the cell nucleus and turning on genes called chaperones, necessary for proper ER function, XBP-1 becomes stranded. - latest science and technology news stories
He began his investigations into the constitution of the cell nucleus at the end of the seventies, and in the nineties he turned more and more to the study of the proteins, the alterations in proteins during transformation into peptone, the effects of a phenetol diet on the urine, the peptonic components of the cells, the simplest proteins, etc.
Albrecht Kossel - Biography
the protoplasm of a cell nucleus.
It would be possible for one partner to donate the egg, for the other partner to donate the cell nucleus with its DNA, and for the first partner to gestate and give birth to the child.
Low doses of actinomycin D cause disruption of the nucleolus, which is a distinct compartment within the cell nucleus.
Cancer Research UK - RSS Feed
In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.