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cell nucleus

  1. a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

How To Use cell nucleus In A Sentence

  • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
  • The mitochondria are small bodies that reside outside the cell nucleus, and are the means by which the cell burns biological fuel to produce energy. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • Generally speaking , the genes exist in the cell nucleus.
  • The HeLa cell nucleus continues to behave as before.
  • They move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.
  • In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.
  • Instead of traveling to the cell nucleus and turning on genes called chaperones, necessary for proper ER function, THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • There was sure nucleo-cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae. squarrosa L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
  • Our genes are located on 46 paired structures, or chromosomes, in the cell nucleus.
  • In 3-month-course group, all the changes above appeared to be more serious with capillarectasia, basement membrane thickened, rod-cell nucleus pyknosis and metachromatin condensed.
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