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How To Use Cavern In A Sentence

  • The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
  • There are huge caverns above and sea caves on either side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man, the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the supraciliary ridges or brow prominences usually project but little — while, in the Gorilla, vast crests are developed upon the skull, and the brow ridges overhang, the cavernous orbits, like great penthouses. Essays
  • You're lost and alone in a dark cavern. Christianity Today
  • As we peer into the dark caverns of this empty metaphor, we try to discern shapes in our future. Exploring language (6th edn)
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  • There is no mark, " the old man said in a clear but forceless voice, -or mention that this Contract has been approved by the Oriolis Cavernus. The Coelura
  • The finding of large cavernous spaces filled with mucopolysaccharides is consistent with ischemic processes elsewhere in the central nervous system.
  • And the echo of her lilting croon came back, bouncingly, to reassure her that this installation was not large and was set in natural stone caverns. The ship who sang
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • Yes, Stephen had all the symptoms, what the doctors called the "diathesis," or look of consumption: nearly transparent skin, through which blue veins could be seen ticking, and a haggard face and a cavernous, wheezing chest. ‘Hotel de Dream: A New York Novel’
  • With domed hall and cavernous corridors that echoed every step, this felt more like a tomb.
  • He did his best to project it into the cavernous auditorium, but to little avail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath, where even in August noonday, the sun cannot find its way by a chink, and babies lie stark naked in the cavernous shade, Allen Street presents a sort of submarine and greenish gloom, as if its humanity were actually moving through a sea of aqueous shadows, faces rather bleached and shrunk from sunlessness as water can bleach and shrink. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • We are sitting in his cavernous oak-panelled office just off the lobby. Times, Sunday Times
  • At night I lay on the bed in the cavernous room at the boarding house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Torches guttered in iron sconces set about the cavern and cabinets emerged at bizarre angles from ancient columns of stone etched with unnatural runes.
  • The MRI appearance of spinal cavernous malformations is generally the same as its cerebral counterparts.
  • We'd been rehearsing in a cold, cavernous warehouse space at Fort Mason for six weeks.
  • There was general dulness throughout the lower part of both, with the exception of a small space at the inferior angle of the left scapula, where pectoriloquy was distinctly heard, from which was concluded the cavernous state of a portion of that lung. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • A jagged chasm ran across the cavern, and on the other side of the defile was a writhing sea of furred flesh and sharp teeth. Curse of the Shadowmage
  • This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three-piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Article Feed
  • There is a jut of rock level with that tree, which will lead us into the cavern where the stairwell is.
  • Sicut enim dicuntur aspides, quando incantantur, ut non prorumpant et exeant de cavernis suis, premere unam aurem ad terram, et de cauda sibi alteram obturare, et tamen incantator producit illas... Archive 2008-03-01
  • The place feels like the set of an early James Bond movie, with men in jumpsuits driving little electric vans from one brightly lit cavern to another. Excerpt: Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
  • Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
  • Hardy sprinkles little gold flakes that simultaneously float atop this buzz-maker and match the spectacular, cavernous Art Deco ambiance.
  • But, being unaccustomed to existence as a dragon, by the time the lambent flame burst from his cavernous mouth, Natieasdo had disappeared, taking Lationae with him.
  • Such rivers have cavernous deep pools fed by turbulent rapids at the head and a shallow tail leading to the next rapid.
  • Ere I hid my head she was standing in her cavern halls, glowing coldly westward—her feet were blackness: her robes, empurpled, flowed mistily from shoulder down in formless folds of folds; her head, pine-crowned, was set with jeweled stars. DARKWATER
  • But, remember, you will have passed the Rubicon, when once you have been shaven: if you repent, and let your beard grow, your mouth will by-and-by show no longer what Messer Angelo calls the divine prerogative of lips, but will appear like a dark cavern fringed with horrent brambles.
  • Based on polyp size, corallite structure, and surface area considerations, M. faveolata appears to depend on photoautotrophy versus heterotrophy to a greater extent than its congener, M. cavernosa.
  • No vast spas or cavernous meeting rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • We passed through the Grand Arch, a majestic limestone-cavern entrance-way into a hidden valley, and surveyed the spectacular grotto called Devil's Coachhouse, continuing our cryptozoological pursuit.
  • The road was uneven, often concealing deep chasms, all too ready to welcome unwary travelers into the darkness of some unseen cavern far below.
  • Dialogue is always clear, at times, cavernous and echoic (merely how the show was recorded), and mixed very naturally and neutral.
  • Huck followed. Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in.
  • Consider incorporating a storage facility within your kitchen seating - banquettes, for example, can lift up to reveal a cavernous space underneath; hinge small sections for ease of access.
  • Through the doorway of the cavern could be seen three entryways.
  • Beyond this section, the cavern narrowed a bit and descended to a lower chamber and a crescent-shaped pool of greenish water, an honest-to-goodness underground lake. The Omega Theory
  • And why should we live in boring, utilitarian spaces when we could live in grottoes and crooked caverns?
  • The challenge was to abseil through a vertical fissure, with lights off, into a large underground cavern.
  • Objective To reconstruct a penis with sensation and erectile function maintained by corpora cavernosa lengthening and skin flap transferring in the penis defect cases.
  • Where the lungs are cavernous, it is very easy to discover pectoriloquy, from the contrast to the general dulness, and when pleuritic and pericardial effusion advance much, it is difficult to ascertain the cardiac action. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Interesting, Orphan thought as she sidled around the corner of her hovel to the stone outcropping that crowned the Oracle's cavern. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Yet, wedged into a cavernous socket scooped out of the mountain like ice cream and scoured smooth by wind and rain, the setting is spectacular.
  • A positive correlation of cavernous degeneration and glaucomatous damage was found in only 4 persons.
  • The cavern that appears makes me catch my breath. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the outer doors slid shut, the blue light of phosphorescence brightened in the cavern. A TIME OF WAR
  • Now, though, there is a growing backlash against these cavernous spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massive flows have fallen in, exposing caverned depths of jagged outlines. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Strong north-westerly winds whistling around Blackpool's cavernous Winter Gardens this week appear to have blown away the Conservatives.
  • The new mix is wonderfully enveloping with bullets ricocheting and voices echoing around in the cavernous locations when appropriate.
  • The interior was well fitted out with adequate, if not cavernous, stowage pockets in the doors and a couple of smaller trays for such things as mobile phones.
  • The sky was a dark cavern clustered with a few stars, its surface lit occasionally by a spurt of colour stretching out from a firework just released.
  • Travelling through unique terrain features such as climbable walls, bunkers, tunnels, and caverns, the player will battle four types of droids controlled by the Separatist Army. TheForce.Net
  • He often combined his talents, whether it were to soothe the weary souls at the local pub or fell an ice dragon in the depths of the abyssal caverns.
  • Healy eventually arrived in a dark cavern, lined with boxes.
  • Rivers in the Peak District divide into those that are fed from the moors and those whose summer supply comes from great underground limestone caverns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The truth is this: it stood near a cavern, sacred to the God Ait, called Ate, A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.)
  • What they were successful in doing was setting off enough explosive charges to demolish the entire cavern.
  • They hurried along, the smack of their feet the only sound that echoed in the dank cavern.
  • And so we poured gas down every cavernous hole we found, and then exploded them with torches, setting the caves on fire like raw infernos.
  • Pad down the dark wooden stairs and you’re in the cavernous, glass-ceilinged main hall.
  • The sun rays beamed into the cavern, dancing across Kaloth's closed eyelids, causing him to awake.
  • The source of other light in the cavern appeared to Kirk to be coming from irregular funguslike splotches of glowing yellow and green phosphorescence on the cavern’s rocky surfaces. Captain’s Peril
  • Down underneath New York City, in a network of tunnels and caverns, rat-populated, perspiring, rumbling, lonely, I was troubled, as I have often been troubled, by these alarums of conscience.
  • _Calcium nitrate_, Ca (NO_3) _2·4H_2O, is a highly deliquescent salt, [v. 04 p. 0972] crystallizing in monoclinic prisms, and occurring in various natural waters, as an efflorescence in limestone caverns, and in the neighbourhood of decaying nitrogenous organic matter. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The huge, cavernous interiors of Christian cathedrals dwarf us into silent wonder and then the acoustics have their way.
  • The cavern abounds in apparent waterfalls, veils, and tents of colored stone, known as flowstone.
  • The classic literary explication of Coleridges' poem is that the river and the caverns are the human mind.
  • It has masses of room for five adults, a cavernous load capacity, and a refreshingly airy, well-equipped interior.
  • Ongoing exhibits include gem and mineral displays ranging from the microscopic to the massive, and videos of Kartchner Caverns.
  • And if I shake it, I can hear everything inside it rattling around inside its cavernous depths.
  • The shaft of the normal penis consists of two erectile bodies, called the corpora cavernosa, that begin at the pelvic bone and extend to just below the head of the penis. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • `He saw the water, issuing from a spring in the cavern, and he knelt to scoop up a palmful of the limpid liquid. KARA KUSH
  • I found myself alone, standing at the entrance to a yawning limestone cavern, dazzled by dawning sunlight.
  • He shook his head; and I, recalling the crimson chamber in his castle, speculated upon his living arrangements in thalassic caverns I could scarcely conceive. The Urth of the New Sun
  • His work space is located in what is known on campus as the Synchrotron Laboratory, because a synchrotron - a type of particle accelerator - was once located in the vast cavernous room.
  • Suddenly the ship rises to the crest of the wave and the recedence leaves one looking down into what appears like a deep cavern. The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
  • The cavernous space pays homage to Moorish decor with its elaborately motifed terracotta plasterwork, ceramic tiling and large earthenware pots.
  • At this confirmation of a sudden terror, imbibed from the ambiguous words of Halbert, and which his fond heart would not allow him to acknowledge to himself, Wallace covered his face with his hands and fell with a deep groan against the side of the cavern. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Explore coral formations, underwater walls and sheltered caverns aswarm with fish of all colors.
  • A bright reception leads into a cavernous back room which is full and surprisingly festive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karst is an area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns.
  • A third flight of steps, cut in the rock like the former, but not caverned over, led them finally into the battery at the foot of the tower. A Legend of Montrose
  • It was a cavernous building where even a plimsoll echoed on the stairs. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Unlike our darkly beloved East Coast caverns of fluorescent Formica, this rustic restaurant/bar/music venue looks warmly lit and woodsy.
  • But his mood, that current of fretful optimism alternating with a cavernous disenchantment, is more or less unchanged: “I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations.” Revenge of the Wimps
  • He became abusive; Abelard was a crawling viper (coluber tortuosus) who had come out of his hole (egressus est de caverna sua), and after the manner of a hydra (in similitudinem hydrae), after having one head cut off at Soissons, had thrown out seven more. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • The rest was indescribable: riding a meteorite through incandescence, shock, thunderblast, stormwind, night, mountains and caverns of cloud, rain like bullets, crazy tilting and whirling of horribly onrushing horizon, while the noise roared and battered and vibrations shook brains in skulls and devils danced on the instrument panel. The Rebel Worlds
  • This slender land bridge is furrowed by two parallel mountain ranges and, between them, the cavernous Jordan Valley, itself a northward continuation of Africa's Great Rift.
  • In the cavernous stage of the Richmond Theatre all the nuances of the performance, if any, were lost in the attempt to get the material across the footlights effectively.
  • A cavern was found by a traveler under the mountain.
  • It is a projecting knob, like a bung closing an orifice, which is believed to conceal a cavern where the redoubtable captain placed a few barrels of his wealth. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 09 : as to buried treasure
  • The male's deep voice thundered in the cavern, and a black pool formed beneath the demons in a large area, and spread outward.
  • Huge braziers of shining bronze lit the cavernous dining hall with dancing, playful flames.
  • She had once thought those lines referred to the river Axe, the sacred river that ran through the subterranean chambers and caverns and stalactites of the Cheddar gorge, but she now saw that the Alph of Xanadu was the Severn, and that the sunless sea was Coleridge's prophetic vision of the pewter post-nuclear wasteland of this estuary, spreading out westwards in the post-nuclear future towards the metallic fish-free Atlantic. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
  • Her lyrics are rich with this unresolved duality, as is her music: cabaret-style waltzes come across as both coquettish and menacing, and her slower songs can be both cavernous and hopeful.
  • In examining the chest with the ear, the sound, from the distinct pectoriloquy, indicated a cavernous state of both lungs; otherwise the bruit was obscure. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • I found this a little hard to believe until, less than half an hour later, we were anchored at the cavern, about to dive.
  • Conclusion: Subperiosteal abscess of orbit can result in multiple complications such as loss of vision, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, intracranial infection and abscess.
  • It appears to be in a different league from other buildings which have been converted into cavernous licensed premises.
  • OTAY so i sweeps the oooshy grey goop into a pan wipe the dirt of wiff my sleeve plop the mess inta the cavernous gaping skull crater whang the parts ob skull into place Dats one small step fur me and… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • We passed through the blue-caverned space, crossed the narrow arch that spanned the rushing sea stream, and, ascending, stood again upon the ivoried pave at the foot of the frowning, towering amphitheatre of jet. The Moon Pool
  • Other than lighted torches there would have been total darkness, Tennison knew this was off the beaten path towards a seldom-used cavern trail.
  • By grots and caverns shagged with horrid shades, nay, in the midst of every tremendous assailant, "might pass on with unblenched majesty," uninjured and invulnerable. Lives of the Necromancers
  • Like old Charles Foster Kane, they are doomed to stalk the dark, cavernous halls of their Xanadus.
  • The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
  • Cavernes et Soleils (Paris: Flammarion, 1979); Epreuves du vivant (Paris: Flammarion, 1983); Sept Plantes pour un herbier (Romillé: Folle Avoine, 1983); Sept Textes pour un chant (Romillé: Folle Avoine, 1986); Textes pour un poème, 1949-1970 (Paris: Flammarion, 1987); Ancienne Egypt (Paris: Nouvelles Nouvelles, 1990); Poèmes pour un texte (Paris: Flammarion, 1991); Par delà les mots (Paris: Flammarion, 1995) Andree Chedid
  • Ongoing exhibits include gem and mineral displays ranging from the microscopic to the massive, and videos of Kartchner Caverns.
  • There's not even a cross in its cavernous auditorium, which looks more like a modern concert hall than a place of worship.
  • The Corinthia consists of two curving towers, one slightly taller than the other, linked by a cavernous reception area topped by a triumphal arch.
  • An oculus invites passers-by to peer into the cavernous space below. Times, Sunday Times
  • We slithered over a lip with the aid of ropes into a huge cavernous hollow, where the water was caught in a rockpool.
  • She stared into the cavernous mouth, trying not to show her distaste at the sour, fetid breath. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • I sat on the edge of one strip, a cavernous floor space to my right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The steam rose from the cavernous sink and the furniture loomed at us like shapes in a jungle night.
  • It was this love of music that gave rise to one of the few truly humorous incidents of our caverned life. The Moon Pool
  • The primary structure of steel arches was chosen to span a cavernous underground cistern, part of the city's drainage system, and avoid underwater foundations.
  • Cavernous and rambling, possessed of uninterrupted views of the Coney Island parachute jump, and with what my cousin still calls "ripply walls" (faux stucco), the place had sat unoccupied for a few years except for all of my grandparents' furniture, my grandmother's clothes, bags of long-forgotten photographs from the Old Country taken right before Hitler marched into Poland, and a jar of two year old gefilte fish sitting in the (thankfully still running) refrigerator. Elissa Altman: Why Brooklyn Needs to Be Careful
  • This gypsum was still in solution, but was later precipitated out of solution as these astonishing selenite (hydrated calcium sulfate) crystals when the water containing it seeped into caverns. Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals
  • The piety commended is, in either case, a kind of stalagmite piety, built up from below, with the disadvantage of no drippings from above; a really cavernous formation, upon which the’ true light of day never shone. Sermons for the New Life.
  • In addition to using these skeletal tetrahedral frames as geological armatures, to hold back the earth and facilitate access, they will also bore through the bedrock, drilling new passages and eroding caverns to dwarf the nave of St. Peter's, wherein they will lock into place as columns, arches and internal buttresses. Accessing the Wilderness, or: A Proposal for a National Park of Abandoned Gold Mines
  • For spelunkers, Natural Bridge Caverns offers some of the best commercial caving in Texas.
  • _ -- These may originate in a diverticulum of a vein that has become isolated, or in a cavernous angioma; or they may be due to hæmorrhage taking place into a branchial or thyreo-glossal cyst. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • THERE'S no better way of escaping the rain and still getting close to nature than in the incredible underground caverns at the centre. The Sun
  • Where is his mountain cavern, and how can I reach it? Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • It transmits to the orbital cavity the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal, and the abducent nerves, some filaments from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic, and the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery; and from the orbital cavity a recurrent branch from the lacrimal artery to the dura mater, and the ophthalmic veins. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • After an hour you reach the top, a shunting yard next to the phosphate mine, and then you trundle back down again through deep romantic chasms and caverns measureless to man.
  • The endemic frogs include Limnodynastes depressus, Litoria cavernicola, L. splendida, Uperoleia aspera, U. minima, U. crassa, U. marmorata, U. mjobergi, U. talpa and U. variegata. Kimberly tropical savanna
  • Limited excavations have opened up gutters and a sump pool used to drain the caverns of groundwater.
  • As I abseiled down, I passed beside a shadowy cavern that few would ever get to see. Between a Rock and a Waterfall
  • Overall, Temptation is a sad affair carried by simplistic melodies that have been mixed and layered to cavernous depths.
  • The Sith tomb featured caverns, tunnels, and a large outdoor area, and we encountered several different enemies, including K'lor'slugs, which are giant molluscs that attacked us in groups when we got too close. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • Fins on, reg in, I lowered myself into the clear liquid of the Blue Hole and dropped through the vertical cavern to fin out into the iridescent blue.
  • I would like to emphasize one of the newer features of the pathologic anatomy of glaucoma, one which has received too little attention in this country: the _lacunar_ or _cavernous atrophy_ of the _optic nerve_. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Zolar pointed to a cutaway illustration of the passageway leading to the interior caverns. INCA GOLD
  • In the centre of the cavern is a small crystal column, on which a golden chalice stands.
  • Father, it would not require much stretch of imagination to believe that, by some descendental metempsychosis, I had become an exhumed member of the sacred gnomides, torn ruthlessly from my sisterhood in Cerro do Frio or the cold dreary caverns of the Agathyrsi. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • Following the regional tradition, the temple was built as a gigantic decastyle dipteral structure, with a cavernous porch extending - almost like an Egyptian hypostyle hall - five columns deep!
  • The headland was a precipitous cliff of red sandstone, crowned at the summit with a fringe of forest trees, white at its base were two or three hollow caverns, worn into the solid rock by the action of the surf. Lost in the Fog
  • The intercavernous sinuses are small and they cross the median line at the front and back of the hypophysis.
  • Ventilation cabinet includes exhaust air tunnel, supply air tunnel, transport tunnel, pedestrian tunnel, equipment cavern, cross-passage etc.
  • A large cavern, lit only by the faintest glimmer of phosphorescence, was exposed, a vast lake in the centre.
  • The cavern ceiling above shimmered as light was caught on its crystalline surface.
  • Akka prove that evolution in these caverned spaces has certainly pursued one different path than on earth. The Moon Pool
  • The dome of one cavern is three hundred and fifty-five feet from floor to roof. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • In the cavernous interior of the ships main docking bay, three coffin like tanks came to life. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The beech woods, especially, can be like dark caverns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the glass is the cavernous waiting hall that is a treasure chest for aficionados of 1960s interior detailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the Parrot Cay resort, guests enjoy a simple but luxurious aesthetic of white walls, cavernous bathrooms and four-poster beds, as well as "cosseting" service. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Close to us, in the caverned side of the Peak, was snow that, owing to its position, is eternal. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Three separate escalators lead down to the platforms from the big blue cavern, each burrowing down between separate arches of the Victorian viaduct above.
  • We are such inward secret creatures, that inwardness is the most amazing thing about us, even more amazing than our reason. but we cannot just walk into the cavern and look around. Come With Me My Love To the Sea, the Sea of Love… « So Many Books
  • Here, too, he says, veins of iron of considerable thickness were seen to traverse the rock in various directions; and he speaks of the caverns formed in the minacious schistose between the granite and the limestone, as something very extraordinary. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 369, May 9, 1829
  • In this way the stone becomes honeycombed and eventually larger, cavernous hollows can form.
  • I wait for the light to switch on in the cavernous depths of his stupidity.
  • The Den was a pokerish cavern near Overset Pond, nine or ten miles to the northeast of the old Squire's place, about which clung many legends. A Busy Year at the Old Squire's
  • _Under the caverned pyramids great Set coils asleep; _ Wings in the Night
  • It has a long and glorious history - the earliest chandeliers date to before the Reformation, when they could be found in the cavernous interiors of medieval churches and abbeys across Europe.
  • While viewed in section, its two corpora cavernosa are seen to unite anteriorly, and by this union to form a septum "pectiniforme;" posteriorly they remain distinct and lateral, F F, Fig. 2, Plate 51, being attached to the ischio-pubic rami as the crura penis. Surgical Anatomy
  • Soar above glacial peaks and swim underwater through the icy caverns submerged within the Chaos Glacier.
  • Her toothy smile can be seen to the back row of the cavernous Concert Hall.
  • Quote Mr. Henry James about "the blistered _sentiers_ of asphalt, the rock-bound caverns, the huge iron bridges spanning little muddy lakes, the whole, crowded, cockneyfied place. Fifth Avenue
  • They cruise slowly through the water, cavernous mouths agape, skin covered in a foul-smelling mucous and often trailing long threads of algae from their long pectoral fins.
  • Simultaneously, large quartz crystal groups were formed on the ceiling and walls of the cavern.
  • Your companions, too, are safely domiciled inside their own caverns, to which your wearable anti-avalanche home plugs in instinctively with filamental tunnels. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period.
  • Caverns big enough to shelter halfa city are often connected by crawl spaces too low for an infant to pass. Flinx In Flux
  • The ship's cavernous public spaces mean passengers have room to breathe during the days at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our group spent a whirlwind two days diving the islands and experienced the full gamut of the caverns, caves and reefs that make up the Poor Knights experience.
  • Early in life he became the leading authority on the Polyzoa; and later the vertebrate remains from caverns and river-deposits occupied his attention. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He was drooling slightly, out of the corner of his cavernous mouth, and as a result looked rather stupid.
  • At the top there's a trench cut into the rock, which goes to a small cavern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holding within their billowed masses the healing punishments of the rain, chaliced beakers of golden flame, lightnings instant and unbearable as the face of God -- dissolving into a crystal nothing, reborn from the viewless caverns of air -- here let us erect one enraptured altar to the bright mountains of the sky! Shandygaff
  • Tracy and I walked the halls, and fucked and ate and sightsaw, and one day wound up in a great dark cavern of the winds, in which were suspended ten thousand interstellar warships, bristling with missile launchers and turrets and ray projectors. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • A large cavern, lit only by the faintest glimmer of phosphorescence was exposed, a vast lake in the centre.
  • A soft whimper echoed through the cavern, and he stopped.
  • Subsidence sinkholes are diagnostic landforms of karst, which form in unconsolidated soils or drift deposits overlying cavernous limestone.
  • Tunnels and caverns deep below the snowy-white building were the safest place for storing valuables.
  • Two of the masses are lateral, and are known as the corpora cavernosa penis; the third is median, and is termed the corpus cavernosum urethræ (Figs. 1154, 1155). XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
  • The beech woods, especially, can be like dark caverns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Corinthia consists of two curving towers, one slightly taller than the other, linked by a cavernous reception area topped by a triumphal arch.
  • They won the first two at the Polo Grounds, the last pair in a cavernous old football stadium on Lake Erie.
  • Glad he was when, at length, after this wild race, he beheld the holy man who had led it standing in front of a cavern, with a large torch in his hand, composed of a piece of wood dipped in bitumen, which cast a broad and flickering light, and emitted a strong sulphureous smell. The Talisman
  • These drugs may help to open the arteries a little, but their main function is in a different part of the vascular process that allows for erection (the corpus cavernosa). Erectile Dysfunction: A Blessing in Disguise
  • The word cavern does not convey any idea of this immense space; words of human tongue are inadequate to describe the discoveries of him who ventures into the deep abysses of earth. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • What drew these artists into sunless caverns and tunnels sometimes less than a metre high has been the subject of vigorous argument.
  • We move on March 17th, into leafy Hampstead (ooh, hark at us!) and this utterly cavernous 1930s mansion flat with wooden floors, white walls, enormous windows, gigantic rooms and art deco kitsch tiling in the bathroom.
  • Brown has been Maryland's lieutenant governor, he has walked a trembling fourth-grader on stage in front of a crowd of 1,000 or more in the cavernous convention center in Ocean City to deliver the year's "If I were a mayor" speech. First Click, MarylandMikulski maintains wide lead in U.S. Senate race
  • The work space is a bare and cavernous warehouse.
  • Sicut enim dicuntur aspides, quando incantantur, ut non prorumpant et exeant de cavernis suis, premere unam aurem ad terram, et de cauda sibi alteram obturare, et tamen incantator producit illas... Archive 2008-03-01
  • 'Flumina quin etiam latis currentia rivis occasus habuere suos: aut illa vorago derepta in praeceps fatali condidit ore aut occulta fluunt tectis adoperta cavernis atque inopinatos referunt procul edita cursus'; and Sen. _N. Q._ iii. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • They've also had problems with Intergen (the firm that wants to excavate underground gas caverns near Aldbrough).
  • The following is a list of terms used to describe the shape, size, color, consistency, or other characteristics of pathological conditions. millet seed miliary tuberculosis pea-sized plum-sized orange-sized tumors melon-sized pear breast cancer porridge atherosclerotic material napkin rings colon cancers popcorn calcium of hamartoma soupy creamy cheesy discharges anchovy paste word salad schizophrenia oyster ovaries hydatid mole chicken breast rickets cauliflower tumor osteochondroma potato nodes sarcoidosis onion-peel sign Ewing's tumor hard-baked spleen Hodgkin's disease apple-jelly nodules cutaneous tuberculosis strawberry nevus cavernous angioma peau d'orange carcinoma of the breast bacon spleen sago spleen amyloidosis Swiss cheese ventricular septal defects coffee ground emesis gastic bleeding chocolate cysts ovarian endometriosis sugar icing liver chronic perihepatitis port wine urine porphyria corkscrew esophagus diffuse esophageal spasm doughnut kidney bipolar fusion of renal anlagen forkful Colles's fracture VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
  • The _penis_ of the young man who has completed the stage of puberty consists (1) of the two corpora cavernosa, as they are called, or erectile bodies, called cavernosa because they contain numerous blood sinuses which when filled cause the organ to erect. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • While caves and caverns are characteristic features of karst areas, not all karst areas have caves.
  • The sky is dense with numbered stars, seen through the cavernous central chamber of an observatory.
  • Then the _contrabandista_ turned and walked sharply across the cavern-like chamber to overtake his men, and as he disappeared, distant but sharp and echoing _rap, rap, rap_, came the reports of firearms, and Punch looked sharply at his companion. !Tention A Story of Boy-Life during the Peninsular War

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