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[ US /ˈkævɝn/ ]
[ UK /kˈævən/ ]
  1. a large cave or a large chamber in a cave
  2. any large dark enclosed space
    his eyes were dark caverns
  1. hollow out as if making a cavern

How To Use cavern In A Sentence

  • The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
  • There are huge caverns above and sea caves on either side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man, the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the supraciliary ridges or brow prominences usually project but little — while, in the Gorilla, vast crests are developed upon the skull, and the brow ridges overhang, the cavernous orbits, like great penthouses. Essays
  • You're lost and alone in a dark cavern. Christianity Today
  • As we peer into the dark caverns of this empty metaphor, we try to discern shapes in our future. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • There is no mark, " the old man said in a clear but forceless voice, -or mention that this Contract has been approved by the Oriolis Cavernus. The Coelura
  • The finding of large cavernous spaces filled with mucopolysaccharides is consistent with ischemic processes elsewhere in the central nervous system.
  • And the echo of her lilting croon came back, bouncingly, to reassure her that this installation was not large and was set in natural stone caverns. The ship who sang
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • Yes, Stephen had all the symptoms, what the doctors called the "diathesis," or look of consumption: nearly transparent skin, through which blue veins could be seen ticking, and a haggard face and a cavernous, wheezing chest. ‘Hotel de Dream: A New York Novel’
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