How To Use Cathari In A Sentence

  • Henry and Catharine were married within four months after the battle of the North Inch, and never did the corporations of the glovers and hammermen trip their sword dance so featly as at the wedding of the boldest burgess and brightest maiden in Perth. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Page 49 steered for St. Catharines to obtain Farina, a kind of breadstuff used mostly by the slaves. Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua, a Native of Zoogoo, in the Interior of Africa. (A Convert to Christianity,) With a Description of That Part of the World; Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Their Religious Notions, Form of Government,
  • Catharina Green, chair of the Verwood Twinning Association, was delighted with the whole day, which included a soirée at the Seasons Restaurant in Moors Valley Country Park.
  • Protestantism in the Rhineland, and by school and pulpit laboured to re-Catholicize the Empire, Rome spurred Mary Stuart to the Darnley marriage, urged Philip to march Alva on the Netherlands, broke up the religious truce which Catharine had won for France, and celebrated with solemn pomp the massacre of the Huguenots. History of the English People Volume 4 (of 8)
  • In the absolutely necessary intercourse with domestics, Louise, more accustomed to expedients, bolder by habit, and desirous to please Catharine, willingly took on herself the trouble of getting from the pantler the materials of their slender meal, and of arranging it with the dexterity of her country. The Fair Maid of Perth
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  • Aves: King Vulture (_S. papa_), Black Vulture (_Catharista urubu_). Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • An associate of the Poor Catholics, Ermengaud of Béziers, wrote the polemic Contra haereticos between 1200 and 1210; it focused on the Cathars but included some material on the Waldenses. 15 Ermengaud's toponymic indicates that he wrote in and/or came from the region closely associated with Catharism and from a city that was infamously sacked by the crusaders not long after the text's composition. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • I question much if Catharine ever has such a moment to glance on earth and its inhabitants as might lead her to listen to a coarse ignorant borrel man like me. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • A small estate winery, located west of St. Catharines on 80 acres of land first deeded to family forebear in 1794.
  • All during those war years, I lived in St. Catharines, Ontario, in Canada. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • “Ay, but Catharine,” replied the glover, “hath a second thou knowest little of: Father Clement has taken the young reiver in hand, and he fears a hundred devils as little as I do a flock of geese.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • He attended his master at holytide, partly in the character of a domestic, or guardian, should there be cause for his interference; but it was not difficult to discern, by the earnest attention which he paid to Catharine Glover, that it was to her, rather than to her father, that he desired to dedicate his good offices. The Fair Maid of Perth St. Valentine's Day
  • In the finale we have Catharine in the mad scene, singing the scena, "L'aurora alfin succede," with bits of the old music running through the accompaniment; and in the final scene, as her reason returns, breaking out in the florid bravura, "Non s'ode alcun," accompanied by the first and second flutes, which is a triumph of virtuosity for the voice. The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers
  • Cathari ought not to be put to death after an ecclesiastical trial, lest the Church be compromised: "_Illud ab eo fit, cujus auctoritate fit_," he said, to justify his recommendation. [ The Inquisition A Critical and Historical Study of the Coercive Power of the Church
  • Egrmajer kept a mailing address in St. Catharines, which is also where his sister Brita lives, according to Wilson. - Home Page
  • Catharine, on the other hand, considered him rather as an encroacher upon the grace which she had shown him than one whose delicacy rendered him deserving of such favour. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • KING VULTURE (_Sarcorhamphus papa_), BLACK VULTURE (_Catharista urubu_) 1. Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • The Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the current Board members Seppo Paatelainen, Timo Aukia, Petri Niemisvirta, Kai Seikku, Erkki Solja, Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén and Harri Suutari be re-elected to the Board of Directors for the term ending at the close of the following ordinary annual general meeting. Reuters: Press Release
  • I learned every person in our group is bound to St. Catharines, which is in Ontario, Canada, but not the freedman in our group, Mr. Adam Will. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • Catharine had selected a pretty, cool, shady recess, a natural bower, under the overhanging growth of cedars, poplars, and birch, which were wreathed together by the flexile branches of the vine and bitter-sweet, which climbed to a height of fifteen feet [Footnote: _Solatnum dulcamara_, -- Bitter-sweet or Woody nightshade. Canadian Crusoes
  • How honest Charles was in such professions, and what was the kind of connubial happiness which he was preparing for his bride, is shown by the fact that he was even now spending all his time with Lady Castlemaine; and, to reconcile her to his marriage with Catharine, he had promised her that he would make her one of the ladies of the queen's bed chamber as soon as she arrived in London, which would give him constant opportunities of being in her society. History of King Charles the Second of England
  • All during those war years, I lived in St. Catharines, Ontario, in Canada. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • On Thursday, Becca and Josie came up from St. Catharines and Burlington, respectively, and we ate lots of barbecued ribs and chicken and drank beer (in stinking hot temperatures) at my house and then headed off to Bluesfest to catch some acts. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Catharine is a woman like her mother, and thou thinkest foolishly to suppose they are all set on what pleases the eye. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Other facts are not so clear-cut and I had to make choices: he may or may not have lived in the house of his mother-in-law (I decided he did); he converted to Catholicism at the time of his marriage but not necessarily because Catharina was Catholic An interview with Tracy Chevalier about Girl With A Pearl Earring
  • Catharine Scott, associate provost and the chair of the new committee, said ‘We see ourselves as an educating force.’
  • And speaking thus, he dropped on his knees and pressed to her feet his face, whose glowing and noble expression ravished Catharine's heart. Henry VIII and His Court
  • Like Catharine II., her envied contemporary, she consulted no ties of nature in the disposal of her children, -- a system more in character where the knout is the logician than among nations boasting higher civilization: indeed her rivalry with Catharine even made her grossly neglect their education. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 3
  • Stone carving of a Black Vulture (_Catharista urubu_), Copan, Stela Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • Bruslart goes on to tell us that it was the Cardinal of Lorraine who brought them into this dreadful condemnation, partly hoping to convert the Huguenots, _partly to please Catharine de 'Medici_!] [Footnote 1146: "Mais ce ne fut pas en si grande compagnie qu'auparavant. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • The Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the current Board members Seppo Paatelainen, Petri Niemisvirta, Timo Aukia, Kai Seikku, Erkki Solja, Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén and Harri Suutari be re-elected to the Board of Directors for the term ending at the close of the following ordinary annual general meeting. Reuters: Press Release
  • Catharina having thus prevailed with her Mother, her bed made in the Garden Gallerie, and secret intelligence given to Ricciardo, for preparing his meanes of accesse to her window; old provident Lizio lockes the doore to bed-ward, and gives her liberty to come forth in the morning, for his owne lodging was neere to the same Gallery. The Decameron
  • It is extremely easy for students to make the mistake of cutting and pasting from the Internet," said Catharine O'Connell, vice president for academic affairs and academic dean at Defiance College. Ethics
  • Catharine, “and which you yourself have avouched often.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • And while Linda Boreman and Catharine MacKinnon aren’t here, when they are trashed in post after post, it feels to me like I am being gangpiled, because I stand for what MacKinnon stands for, and I have suffered the same kind of brutalities that Linda Boreman suffered. Feminist and feminist-friendly only thread: Civility, “Alas” and feminism
  • He attended his master at holytide, partly in the character of a domestic, or guardian, should there be cause for his interference; but it was not difficult to discern, by the earnest attention which he paid to Catharine The Fair Maid of Perth
  • It was only a chain of fantom towns and cities, made of painted wood and canvas; but while Catharine was there they were very real, seeming to have solid buildings, magnificent arches, bustling industries, and beautiful stretches of fertile country. Famous Affinities of History — Volume 2
  • I learned every person in our group is bound to St. Catharines, which is in Ontario, Canada, but not the freedman in our group, Mr. Adam Will. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • In the midst was a pennon displayed, which, though its bearings were not visible to Catharine, was, by a murmur around, acknowledged as that of the Black Douglas. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • A "politique" to her fingertips, Catharine had neither sympathy nor patience with the fanatics who {212} would put their religion above peace and prosperity. The Age of the Reformation
  • The cutter and pouch are made from 220-year-old reindeer leather recovered from the wreckage of the Danish ship Frau Metta Catharina von Flensburg, which was protected by black mud. Where There’s Smoke…
  • When Catharina heard this answere from her Father, and saw her desire to be disappointed; not onely could she take any rest the night following, but also complained more of the heate then before, not suffering her Mother to take any rest, which made her go angerly to her Husband in the morning, saying. The Decameron
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  • The effort by the defendant to present Ellen as an "unchaste" woman would not have disproved Catharine's suit, as the action was for compensation for loss of household services only; however, he may have been hoping to lower the valuation for Ellen as "damaged goods. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • It appears that competition in games is what may influence aggression, not the violent content," says lead author Paul Adachi, whose study was conducted at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Don't study the video game, study the player
  • Cathari, Poor Men of Lyons, Lombards, Albigenses, Waldenses, Vaudois, etc. The name Waldenses and Albigenses have frequently been loosely applied to all the bands of people that passed under various titles in different countries and that opposed the doctrines and ecclesiastical tyranny of Rome. The Revelation Explained
  • “But, my father,” said Catharine, “even for these opinions men term you a Lollard and a Wickliffite, and say it is your desire to destroy churches and cloisters, and restore the religion of heathenesse.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • 'Jana Gerardina, Catharina Russa, und Francisca Fellaea bezeugten, dass sie mehr als einmal schwerlich mit harten Streichen hätten büssen müssen, wenn sie keinen Schaden oder Unglück angestifft hätten. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • For that reason one is amused rather than taken aback by a Flemish diptych of the turn of the fifteenth century from the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht.
  • Catharina, having deckt her child in costly habiliments, layed it in her armes, and came with the servants into the dyning Hall, and sate down (as the Knight had appointed) at the upper end of the Table, and then Signior Gentile spake thus. The Decameron
  • 3, Catharine, to Robert Murray, of Aber - cairny. y 4. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • At first they lightheartedly recall their conjugal experiences, but with the recollection of the suicide of their mutual friend Barbara their thoughts darken into remembrance of Catharine's insanity and her time spent in a Swiss sanitarium. Poor Papa
  • In this ... poem "Serena" is Catharine Tufton, (born April 24, 1692, daughter of "Arminda", the Countess of Thanet). Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions
  • "A bunch of God-damn pot hunters," was how one St. Catharine's old-timer characterized the athletes who jumped into unfamiliar club kit to row just for the week.
  • In St. Catharines, the housing situation has overflowed to affect low-income renters.
  • It appears that competition in games is what may influence aggression, not the violent content," says lead author Paul Adachi, whose study was conducted at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Don't study the video game, study the player
  • Egrmajer kept a mailing address in St. Catharines, which is also where his sister Brita lives, according to Wilson. - Home Page

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