

  1. a Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; believers in Albigensianism

How To Use Cathari In A Sentence

  • Henry and Catharine were married within four months after the battle of the North Inch, and never did the corporations of the glovers and hammermen trip their sword dance so featly as at the wedding of the boldest burgess and brightest maiden in Perth. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Page 49 steered for St. Catharines to obtain Farina, a kind of breadstuff used mostly by the slaves. Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua, a Native of Zoogoo, in the Interior of Africa. (A Convert to Christianity,) With a Description of That Part of the World; Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Their Religious Notions, Form of Government,
  • Catharina Green, chair of the Verwood Twinning Association, was delighted with the whole day, which included a soirée at the Seasons Restaurant in Moors Valley Country Park.
  • Protestantism in the Rhineland, and by school and pulpit laboured to re-Catholicize the Empire, Rome spurred Mary Stuart to the Darnley marriage, urged Philip to march Alva on the Netherlands, broke up the religious truce which Catharine had won for France, and celebrated with solemn pomp the massacre of the Huguenots. History of the English People Volume 4 (of 8)
  • In the absolutely necessary intercourse with domestics, Louise, more accustomed to expedients, bolder by habit, and desirous to please Catharine, willingly took on herself the trouble of getting from the pantler the materials of their slender meal, and of arranging it with the dexterity of her country. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Aves: King Vulture (_S. papa_), Black Vulture (_Catharista urubu_). Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • An associate of the Poor Catholics, Ermengaud of Béziers, wrote the polemic Contra haereticos between 1200 and 1210; it focused on the Cathars but included some material on the Waldenses. 15 Ermengaud's toponymic indicates that he wrote in and/or came from the region closely associated with Catharism and from a city that was infamously sacked by the crusaders not long after the text's composition. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • I question much if Catharine ever has such a moment to glance on earth and its inhabitants as might lead her to listen to a coarse ignorant borrel man like me. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • A small estate winery, located west of St. Catharines on 80 acres of land first deeded to family forebear in 1794.
  • All during those war years, I lived in St. Catharines, Ontario, in Canada. Eliza’s Freedom Road
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