How To Use Carib In A Sentence

  • ; Cohn, D.H.: Luciferase genes cloned from the unculturable luminous bacteroid symbiont of the Caribbean flashlight fish, Kryptopha - naron alfredi. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This ecoregion is home to nine times as many stony corals as live in the Caribbean Sea and more than twice the number found in the Indian Ocean.
  • The journey takes you to Denali, travelling deep into the natural habitat of bears, moose, caribou and wolves.
  • One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • They spent their annual holiday on a chartered yacht in the Caribbean.
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  • Kartel favors the beat-driven fusion of reggae and rap known as dancehall that has stoked controversy across the Caribbean. Undefined
  • Pietrus, born on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, received some treatments on his wrists from what he described as a voodoo priestess this offseason instead of having surgery on his left one. SplicedFeed
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • On one of the Windward islands, he also comes under the power of the afro-Caribbean syncretic religion known in different places as santeria, voudon, or candomble. An Interview with Robert Stone
  • In the Caribbean, the leaves of the breadfruit are used in folk medicine to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • And of course the whole history of the Caribbean is really marked by the slave experience.
  • Three-spot damselfish are common members of Caribbean reef communities.
  • The salmon fishing, black bear, moose, and caribou sightings, and frequent stops for scouting and portaging easily turn running the Main into a weeklong wilderness adventure.
  • He was bludgeoned to death with the butt of a pistol on the Caribbean island of Margarita on Sunday, October 16.
  • better sanitation in Haiti, to "minimise the spread of the new south Asian strain, and the virulence genes it carries, beyond the shores of this Caribbean island".
  • Hurricane Gustav curved away from the Caribbean Islands and headed toward open ocean.
  • The other wave, currently near the Windward Islands is organizing and threatening to move through the very warm Caribbean. PM Update: Mostly clear and mostly awesome
  • The Caribs roamed the heavily forested regions of the interior.
  • During rush hour in the mornings and afternoons, Caribbean cities are dominated by metal, plastic and rubber objects, puffing hydrocarbons and other gases into the atmosphere.
  • And since the .270,. 30-06 and 7mag (usually Remington) are considered the Top 3 big game rounds, and are practically equal in effectiveness when it comes to whitetail/mule deer/caribou and even elk sized animals (with proper bullets), their shares of 12, 11 and 11% overall are close enough to be almost identical. Our Most Popular Big-Game Rounds
  • Jamaica and Puerto Rico, immediate neighbors of the Caribs, were almost as fierce as the latter, and probably as anthropophagous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • They have the same predilection for green stones (saussurite) which we observed among the Carib nations of the Orinoco. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Although she gets reborn in a Caribbean setting, there is no direct lineage convincingly established for her.
  • Tagged with at world's end, Film, movie reviews, Pirates of the caribbean review, Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End « the j. botter weblog
  • Be it anti-drugs patrols in the Caribbean, anti-piracy patrols off Somalia, mine clearance in the Persian Gulf or intelligence gathering by nuclear-powered attack submarines, naval operations rarely make the news.
  • Coming from the Caribbean, we made our landfall at Cayo Largo.
  • She was also famous among friends for going into the kitchen and preparing her favourite dishes, including fried caribou or clam chowder.
  • So far their filing of charges has been limited to targets in the Americas and the Caribbean but perhaps their crusading zeal will infect other continents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ana Maria Ortega, deputy director for retail conglomerate TRD Caribe, said there will be no shortage of basic goods.
  • Be on the lookout for Caribbean dove, West Indian woodpecker, Cuban bullfinch, and smooth-billed ani.
  • The terms of our law, which are not empty sounds, will hardly find words that answer them in the Spanish or Italian, no scanty languages; much less, I think, could any one translate them into the Caribbee or Westoe tongues: and the versura of the Romans, or corban of the Jews, have no words in other languages to answer them; the reason whereof is plain, from what has been said. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Doing the humane thing—i.e., something good for the people of Haiti or Bosnia or Kosovo—could also be the smart and, to use the word commandeered by critics of such policies, the realistic thing, since it was good for the United States to avert instability in the Caribbean and the Balkans. The Great Experiment
  • The sun is a bright Caribbean yellow, made even richer by the tropical blue sky, and even though it's only mid-morning, barefooted beachcombers weave along the water's edge to keep the soles of their feet cool.
  • A jobbing musician, he not only achieved tremendous respect as a jazz artist but he worked with popular African and Caribbean bands as well.
  • There are French pidgins and Creoles in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Indian and Pacific oceans.
  • Craig Alexander and Barry Scott, both 27, realised that crewing expensive yachts under a Caribbean sun offered more than fun.
  • Soursop and custard apple are widely distributed in Central America and the Caribbean, while sweetsop is commonest in India and Southeast Asia.
  • Here, the wreck of a tugboat rests in its sandy Caribbean grave.
  • Julian travelled with Caribbean Connection, the UK 's leading Caribbean tour operator .
  • The island is particularly well known for its whaling boats, pointed at both ends (most Caribbean boats have squared keels) and up to about thirty feet long.
  • During the riots, one middle-aged Afro-Caribbean woman told a television crew: "This would never happen in Jamaica. Jamelia: Respect for single mothers!
  • Then came an invitation to Martinique , an island in the French Caribbean. It was chance of a lifetime.
  • The plan is designed to provide more caribou for hunters; hunting of the Delta herd has been banned since 1991.
  • British made films or serials rarely explore social relations and conditions in the Caribbean.
  • The track guidance generally moves 91L northwestward over the Caribbean Sea early next week. Shary & friends keep tropical storm season alive
  • Then I vegged out on the couch, and watched ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ for like the fourth time in a month.
  • Indeed, a Caribbean female presence has established itself in the literary canons of both Canada and the United States.
  • CARIBBEAN VIEW: G20 Summit Did Nothing for the Caribbean: Developing Countries Failed to Act Collectively Undefined
  • Unlike those in the NASA program who face training in domestic locations in the US, travellers to Galactic Suite will undergo their astronautic preparation at a luxury hotel on a tropical island in the Caribbean, Space Resort Opens in 2012 | Impact Lab
  • The Warneford School teacher is swapping chilly Highworth for a tropical island paradise in the Caribbean, where she will be helping to pass a vibrant musical heritage on to a new generation.
  • On the best game animals for eating: There’s a lot of variability in caribou, but a great piece of caribou backstrap is better than anything in the world. Words, wine, American Buffalo & Nina Planck
  • She saw the dying and exhausted dogs, the frost-rimed, weary men; she heard the quick _crunch, crunch, crunch_ of the snow-shoes hurrying ahead to break the trail; she felt the cruel torture of the _mal de raquette_, the shrivelling bite of the frost, the pain of snow blindness, the hunger that yet could not stomach the frozen fish nor the hairy, black caribou meat. The Call of the North
  • On the coasts, the Caribbean to the east and the Pacific to the west, there were mangrove swamps with frigate birds, great egrets, pelicans, skimmers, sanderlings and vultures.
  • For all the "heterogeneity" the Black population in the US may have and I know that, linguistically at least, there is real and heterogeneity in African-American Vernacular English/AAVE, even though to most ears it sounds like one common dialect, it's nothing compared to the broad spectrum of human diversity Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America have to offer. On "diversity purists" and "vulnerability to stereotype threat."
  • Caribbean bananas taste better than dollar bananas because they are less chemical, less plumped up with fertilisers.
  • Disunity can also prove fatal - wildebeests or caribou that stray away from the main herd are far more likely to fall victim to lions or wolves.
  • Castro recommended to the 270 Cuban athletes that they "fraternize" with other athletes competing in the Ninth Central American and Caribbean Games CUBAN ATHLETES GOING TO GAMES
  • Trupin is thought to be in the Caribbean, although his exact whereabouts are/is a mystery.
  • I felt that the Caribbean needed to support its Chinese people, she says, referring to the sizeable Chinese communities in Trinidad and Jamaica. BBC News - Home
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • Ranging from tiny marble-sized "jumbie pumpkins" of the Caribbean islands to giant gourds more than seven feet long, the largest fruit belongs to this plant family. Latest News
  • Brandishing a photo of the plane, which he described as a P-3, Chavez said the overflight was the latest violation of Venezuelan airspace by the U.S. military from its bases on the Netherlands 'Caribbean islands and from neighboring Colombia. Legitgov
  • I tend to chuckle now because my Afro-Caribbean friends are now saying the same things that I heard when I arrived," he says. How power, money and art are shifting to the East End
  • The Smiths quickly swapped their home in Keppel Crescent, Bridlington, for the Caribbean heat and a beachside hotel in the Barbados resort of Worthing.
  • In one block, you can take your pick of reasonably priced Russian, kosher Middle Eastern or Caribbean fare.
  • It is the only coral island in the eastern Caribbean. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, we listen to friends or family gush about their Caribbean cruise or Disneyland adventure
  • They struck upon a Caribbean pine that would grow if the roots of its seedling were dipped in a fungus that was missing from the soil.
  • Whoever handles himself the best over the weekend wins an all-expenses-paid trip to the Caribbean.
  • It was a perfect replica of a Caribbean pirate vessel, right down to the Jolly Roger flying from the topmast.
  • Starfish is the first company to bring the smells of the Caribbean to us poor snowbound souls on the mainland.
  • Wayside food is typical of the Caribbean; callaloo is to Trinidad what jerk chicken is to Jamaica, flying fish to Barbados and casareep to Guyana.
  • The neighborhood is mainly Caribbean, which means incredible 24-hour fruit stands, passable butcher shops (brined pig snouts! dried fish!), and a plethora of cell phone shops and stores with names like “MAXIMUM $7.99 (and up).” I want to check on Mike Dresser | clusterflock
  • The fact that nobody goes there but caribou is beside the point. Democrats declare war on West Virginia. Again. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Want to hear something make you sad; when I transferred to Luke AFB Arizona from Eielson AFB Alaska I had a deepfreeze full of halibut, salmon, caribou, trout and moose! The Meat Not Eaten
  • Oh and back to the skimpy caribana costumes. lawd a mercy!
  • Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the company will enjoy duty-free entry status into the United States, supplying them with fuel ethanol up to seven per cent of their requirements.
  • A clump of palm trees ringed by white sand in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, it's a treasure map come to life.
  • Brandishing a photo of the plane, which he described as a P-3, Chavez said the overflight was the latest violation of Venezuelan airspace by the U.S. military from its bases on the Netherlands 'Caribbean islands and from neighbouring Colombia. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Shares of cruise-line operators Carnival Corp. and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. slid Tuesday as news of a capsized cruise ship off the Italian coast raised concerns about how bookings and pricing would be affected during the peak sales season. Cruise-Line Operators Shares Drop
  • If Canadians wanted to persecute their wolves, there was no need to ship them south; Canis lupus is sufficiently under siege in the "great white north," with provincial governments scapegoating wolves for everything from the precipitous decline of mountain caribou to the near-extinction of the Vancouver Island marmot. Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
  • In the north, the densities of large game such as caribou, moose, and deer are relatively low.
  • She saw the animals in the marshes, the herds of caribou that are, above all creatures, natives and habitants of the snow-swept mountains, the little, lesser hunters such as marten and mink and otter. The Snowshoe Trail
  • The island is particularly well known for its whaling boats, pointed at both ends (most Caribbean boats have squared keels) and up to about thirty feet long.
  • Español · Caribe: Siguiendo la ruta de los caribes Global Voices in English » Caribbean: Following the path of the Caribs
  • Edmonds wore not one but two bruises, both of the Caribbean sunset kind, one from a bouncer and one from a beamer, both from Patrick Patterson.
  • The 74,252 square foot casino now offers baccarat, blackjack, Caribbean stud poker, craps, Let It Ride, Roulette and Spanish 21.
  • Thousands of caribou perished in just the first year of this dam.
  • At river crossings, lakes, or narrow peninsulas, trails converge and funnel towards and away from caribou calving grounds and summer range.
  • And now we have Innu hunters shooting caribou in Newfoundland and Labrador. Endangered Species Vs Cultural Tradition « Colleen Anderson
  • The Caribbean has given the world a remarkable potpourri of popular music - everything from calypso to salsa, from ska to zouk, from meringue to soca.
  • Caribbean Star Airlines is adding daily service from Georgetown, Guyana, to Bridgetown, Barbados, as well as re-timing the existing flight schedule to allow round-trip connections to London.
  • The incentive is to see a group of islands that can't be reached in one-week sailings from the Continental U.S. For Puerto Rican residents, these trips bring Caribbean cruise sailings to their front door.
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • Through humour, satire, and a range of experiments with language, the collection offers an oblique commentary on Caribbean society.
  • Pensioners who spend the winter months sunning themselves in the Caribbean are entitled to fuel allowances that were intended to help tide them over in cold spells back home in Britain.
  • A new genus and species of goneplacid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Goneplacidae) from the Caribbean. All that matters
  • Louise Pratt's "transculturation" is a more inclusive term, but one that neglects the AfroCaribbean or Afroamerican experience in relation to the Hispanophone world. Notes on 'London-Kingston-Caracas: The Transatlantic'
  • The upper slopes of the mountain afforded views of Dogs Bay, with topaz seas as clear as any Caribbean shoreline.
  • The islands of the Caribbean are filled with significant historical sites, from old forts to pirate hideouts.
  • Most specialise in such Caribbean favourites as chicken jerky, spicy meat patties and sweetened fried banana.
  • Wide, slow-moving Hurricane Irene began to organize over the Lesser Antilles Islands in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The inhabitants of Nanagada and Aztlan are descendant from the Caribbean, now occupying lands each side of the Wicked Highs that are cut off from each other except for the Mafolie Pass. Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell
  • It seems like warmer temperatures should come as welcome relief to the caribou that roam the harsh lands of Alaska.
  • Mark is a scuba instructor I know who lives on Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean.
  • That's the time-off we manage to squeeze in during the business boondoggles to the Caribbean, or the hours not spent checking in via e-mail or cell phone.
  • The great photographer and documenter (gallery) of West London Charlie Phillips documented many black funerals at Kensal Green: somehow the black and white photos seem to emphasise the coldness of the ground in which people born under a warm Caribbean sun were buried. January « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
  • I served the fricassee with Caribbean rice and peas -- made on the fly. Archive 2009-03-01
  • While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.
  • She's fashioned an album of salsa, calypso, habanera, mambo, meringue and other Caribbean rhythms.
  • When there is a loss of habitat, the woodland caribou becomes a prime target for wolves that gorge on their plentiful prey.
  • For example, Irniq saw an older woman sewing reindeer skin mittens in the same way Inuit women make caribou mitts.
  • The arrested men are all Afro - Caribbean converts to Islam.
  • Treatment of jellyfish stings in the United States and the Caribbean is concerned mostly with limiting pain and neurologic symptoms.
  • From this pungently unpromising substance we have made a variety of savoury stews and fritters, and saltfish is one of the Caribbean's unexpectedly characteristic flavours.
  • A study of the effects of corporal punishment in one Caribbean locale found a modest, direct relationship between physical punishment and psychological adjustment.
  • Many meals, especially during special occasions, are served with mauby (a drink made from the bark of a tree), Guinness stout, and Carib and Stag beers.
  • John worked in South America and the Caribbean throughout the 1960s as regional adviser in human nutrition.
  • In my homeland of Canada, the typical cost of cable service alone adds up to enough for a week-long, all-inclusive Caribbean vacation every year.
  • Long ago there was no town and people used caribou, musk ox, polar bear, and wolf skin for clothes and blankets.
  • Professor Fergus, the only attendant from the Caribbean, will address the conference in his role as patron.
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • These flat and unexceptional little keys, just south of Cuba in the Northern Caribbean, enjoy the status of a tax haven.
  • La situación en el Caribe colombiano es peor que en el resto del país, ando por Villanueva, Bolivar. Global Voices in English » Colombia: Cyber-Politics for the 2010 Elections
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • Then came an invitation to Martinique , an island in the French Caribbean. It was chance of a lifetime.
  • Also contributing to misperceptions has been a worldwide deployment which prevented the small fleet from having a year-round Caribbean presence.
  • From the Chinese buns, to the Japanese adzuki bean paste, and in the Caribbean we make habichuelas con dulce, which is like a dessert bean soup. Sweet, not savory! | Homesick Texan
  • And so it goes: human presence leads then to a calamitous drop-off in the population of caribou.
  • The moderate success of the Caribbean appetizers gives me a bit of misguided hope for the matching entrées.
  • The river was swollen due to heavy rains from Hurricane Irene, which also claimed at least three lives on the Caribbean island country.
  • These forests are also considered broad-leaf hardwoods that grow on limestone soil and include some of dominant tree species such as maderia or Caribbean Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), and Gum-elemi or gum-limbo (Bursera simaruba). Bahamian dry forests
  • This writer is characterizing the results obtained when the intellectual methodologies of postindustrial society are applied slap-dash to the Caribbean.
  • And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.
  • And like the bright sun of the Caribbean the porch light flickered on.
  • Its octagonal shape, ribbed wooden ceiling, and richly decorated stucco make it one of the finest churches in the Caribbean.
  • The style is barefoot sophistication and ideal for honeymooners, escapists and divers, with an excellent dive school and some of the best underwater scenery in the Caribbean just offshore.
  • Practically the whole of the West Indies were occupied by tribes of two linguistic stocks, the earlier of the Arawakan origin, the more recent being Cariban invaders from the northern coast of South The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry.
  • How did the caribou first find their winter refuge?
  • For the past 34 years, Toronto has played host to Caribana, a dazzling carnival overflowing with pulsating steelband, calypso, and breathtaking costume displays.
  • You’d take a wild species, say a wolf that hunts caribou by long pursuit, and apply selection experimentally to see if you could breed, say, a dogged little wolf that chivies rabbits underground: let’s call it a Jack Russell terrier. The Wonder That Is Dog, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The largest island in the Caribbean also has the region's greatest array of wildlife.
  • Central Florida is in the middle of the boom in Hispanic Pentecostal growth because of the influx of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras and the Caribbean, where Pentecostalism has flourished for decades. SplicedFeed
  • Winter boots of caribou or seal can have a depilated sealskin foot with a furred upper.
  • The commission will be made up of representatives from donor countries, the Haitian government, the Organization of American States, the 15-country Caribbean bloc known as CARICOM, non-governmental organizations and international institutions. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He admitted some people had questioned the value of the Caribbean trip and suggested an exchange visit to Pakistan or India would be more relevant.
  • The path then extends across central Mexico and into the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea before terminating in the central Atlantic.
  • On the verge of a workaholic meltdown, Bella's doctor advises her to go to the Caribbean for a month.
  • Then relax on golden Caribbean beaches. The Sun
  • We have also focused on the potential health effects of dust on terrestrial ecosystems in the Caribbean and southeastern United States.
  • The road runs the length of a thin peninsula separating the Caribbean Sea from a large saltwater lagoon.
  • Ambassador Yang, in his remarks, said UWI is the prestigious academic institution in the Caribbean region, which has produced numerous leading and influencial figures in every field of the society.
  • Over the next five decades, successive waves of immigration brought thousands of Afro-Caribbean residents and later, Hasidic Jews, into the neighborhood. Prospect Heights Edges Into Crown Heights
  • The island of Bonnaire in the Dutch Caribbean has a sanctuary which houses donkeys found in the area.
  • Among the Caribs, the girls undergo a similar ritual, except that stinging ants rather than wasps are used.
  • Another folio, Rochefort's History of the Caribby Islands, was lettered "Davies 'Carriby Islands," because the title bore the statement "Rendered into English by John Davies. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • Otherwise, a team of marine biologists are diving off the Caribbean reef to study coral bleaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • The commission will include representatives from donor countries, the Haitian government, the Organization of American States, the 15-country Caribbean bloc known as CARICOM, plus non-governmental organizations and international institutions. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Venezuela also has one of the most diverse climates, with icecapped Andean mountains to the west, Amazon jungle to the south, wide rivers and tall waterfalls surrounded by tabletop mountains and unusual rock formations to the southeast, and a gorgeous, pristine Caribbean coast to the north that has some of the world's finest and exclusive beaches, such as Los New on
  • Western Caribbean itineraries, making ports of call at beautiful islands such as St. Kitts, The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • This is as touristy as it gets on Tobago, with a few tour buses and a handful of beach shacks selling souvenirs - more like a quiet off-season day in any other part of the Caribbean.
  • Instead of preying on the nocturnal rat, for instance, the diurnal mongoose turned its attention to native birds and reptiles, many of which appeared to decline in Caribbean and Hawaiian locales.
  • The Caribbean may be in for a greater catastrophe if shelters used in the event of natural disasters are not properly constructed and located.
  • Learn how to put a brown sugar glaze on pork for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • Avi_SODMG When i listen to the music of my country & fellow caribbean islands there are no words to describe the feeling that over comes me incredible dirgnieinsob Tres Jolie Caribb magazine is currently looking for Caribbean based designers to showcase in the magazine. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Most of the caribou fanned out in an easterly direction, but two individuals moved south.
  • The BBC report, albeit only on their Caribbean service page that the rioting, that I first reported on on 21 February, may have ended but that: Union leaders in Guadeloupe have agreed to end a 44-day-old general strike but will the scars of the unrest heal anytime soon? Guadeloupe update
  • Table 1 lists the locations, month and year of necropsies, and number of caribou examined and sampled at each location.
  • And what about the prominence of the word bless which carries the meaning of ` exorcism, healing, remedy 'in Caribbean folk consciousness? VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • Diving the pellucid waters of the Caribbean Sea off the coast of central Belize, down past jewel-like transparent plankton, I see the ridge of the Belize Barrier Reef materializing out of the turquoise depths.
  • I think I'm going to finally go on a big hunt, and I think a caribou is the way to go. Caribou: The Deer That Never Stops
  • ‘Traditionally, yachting has been perceived as a pursuit of the rich and famous, particularly sailing in places such as the Caribbean,’ said Alexander.
  • Other highlights include diving the Caribbean's largest barrier reef and hiking in the rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids. Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
  • The island is undeveloped and there are none of the classic Caribbean white sand beaches to which 21st century travellers flock.
  • Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg yesterday visited Tottenham, which has one of the biggest concentrations of Afro- Caribbeans in Britain. -- Top News
  • In the same way, every small home in the Caribbean has always kept some vegetables and a fruit tree (usually a lime, but also other citrus).
  • At the time, we were told that BBC bosses could no longer justify privileging just Asian and African-Caribbean community voices.
  • On one end is the breezy restaurant, where Italian chef Benedetto La Fiura cooks up Carib-Continental dishes like callaloo soup and mushroom risotto.
  • The principal possessions were New France and some islands in the Caribbean.
  • A pirate captain relaxes in a hammock, in this illustration from Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates (1921), which compiled a number of legends of piracy in the Caribbean. Happy Pirate Day | My[confined]Space
  • In the Caribbean, the leaves of the breadfruit are used in folk medicine to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • I saw a flyingfish gliding out of the beautiful waters of the Caribbean. Archive 2006-09-01
  • They had a nice little band playing songs of the Caribbean too, like Yellow Bird, and some Bob Marley and some of this year's soca music.
  • Telling her management team to cope, she took her son on a recuperative cruise in the Caribbean.
  • The Caribbean rhythms; the soca, the pan, the drum were causing bodies to gyrate and shake and move and sway and jump and sweat.
  • A hurricane ripped through the Caribbean.
  • So far their filing of charges has been limited to targets in the Americas and the Caribbean but perhaps their crusading zeal will infect other continents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caribbean countries said they took "umbrage" and wanted to "put on record" their strong disapproval. Joe Amon: The Beginning of the End for the War on Drugs?
  • Common NameSpeciesLocation Dominica AnoleAnolis oculatus Martinique AnoleAnolis roquet St. Lucia AnoleAnolis luciae St. Vincent Bush AnoleAnolis trinitatis St. Vincent Tree AnoleAnolis griseus St. Lucia Pygmy GeckoSphaerodactylus microlepis St. Vincent EleuthEleutherodactylus shrevei Grenada EleuthEleutherodactylus euphronides Martinique EleuthEleutherodactylus martinicensis Grenada BlindsnakeTyphlops tasymicris Fer De LanceBothrops caribbaeusSt. Windward Islands moist forests
  • In 1856 Congress authorised the annexation of any uninhabited or unclaimed island from which guano could be recovered, and more than seventy Pacific and Caribbean islands were commandeered in the next thirty years.
  • Posted May 19, 2010 at 9: 17 am | Permalink very beautiful house, but how much is the cost for a 3 bedroom echo 1bathroon kitchen and dinning and varandah house. how to go about purchasing it. can you get it to be deliver it were you want it any where in the caribbean. pleas let me have enough infor as possible. Echo Modern Night Stand by Michael Rall
  • Through humour, satire, and a range of experiments with language, the collection offers an oblique commentary on Caribbean society.
  • This ended his cruise among the Caribbean Islands, the inhabitants of which he described as cannibals, and the most warlike people hitherto met with. Notable Voyagers From Columbus to Nordenskiold
  • Although it has been illegal for a long time, obeah, the traditional witchcraft of the Caribbean, still exists.
  • If you want a bit of fun in the Caribbean, why not mix an existing business with pleasure? Times, Sunday Times
  • Marie, After all he did drive a pick up!!!!!! how folksy is that for a GOOPer who is a senatorfold pin-up for Caribou Barbie and Bat$hit carzy Michelle. Think Progress » Why Scott Brown Cannot Be Trusted To Work Proactively To Reform Health Care
  • Ms. Bernstein, who is herself of Jewish and Argentine heritage (and married to David Martinez), presides over the local food scene with a diverse and peppy menu that reflects the Miami outside its resort scene, with such dishes as a white gazpacho and a snapper garnished with mashed boniato, a white-fleshed Caribbean cousin of the sweet potato. New York Eateries Hit the Beach

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