

  1. the family of languages spoken by the Carib
  2. a member of an American Indian peoples of northeastern South America and the Lesser Antilles

How To Use Carib In A Sentence

  • ; Cohn, D.H.: Luciferase genes cloned from the unculturable luminous bacteroid symbiont of the Caribbean flashlight fish, Kryptopha - naron alfredi. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This ecoregion is home to nine times as many stony corals as live in the Caribbean Sea and more than twice the number found in the Indian Ocean.
  • The journey takes you to Denali, travelling deep into the natural habitat of bears, moose, caribou and wolves.
  • One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • They spent their annual holiday on a chartered yacht in the Caribbean.
  • Kartel favors the beat-driven fusion of reggae and rap known as dancehall that has stoked controversy across the Caribbean. Undefined
  • Pietrus, born on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, received some treatments on his wrists from what he described as a voodoo priestess this offseason instead of having surgery on his left one. SplicedFeed
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • On one of the Windward islands, he also comes under the power of the afro-Caribbean syncretic religion known in different places as santeria, voudon, or candomble. An Interview with Robert Stone
  • In the Caribbean, the leaves of the breadfruit are used in folk medicine to relieve pain and inflammation.
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