How To Use Carew In A Sentence

  • Finding the ideal relationship is still Zedek's primary lyrical focus, and her emotively careworn voice remains the strongest aspect of her music.
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • A careworn boy hag-ridden by his need for perfection knew release.
  • But Mr. Kubrick makes the coda work—with Mr. Krause's camera locking onto a host of careworn faces as beasts transform into men while listening to the girl's halting version of a sentimental ballad. A Great Film's Sadly Timeless Message
  • Today, of course, Carew is the most famous of former Twins and, if the sportswriters are to be believed, also one of Calvin Griffith's most vehement detractors. The Last of the Pure Baseball Men
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  • He had a careworn face, moon-shaped and mournful; his attire was severe but did not quite fit. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • This at least was Mara's voice, warm and careworn.
  • I have heard no reports of any vandalism in Carew Tower. VRWC: Calling in window rock strikes on 30-story buildings! | RedState
  • Swallow looks tired and careworn and slightly seedy.
  • However tired and careworn he looks - and he now mostly looks both - he performs well.
  • He does repent," she said to herself, recalling the careworn face. Red Pottage
  • Those with odd collections, such as ballet shoes or miniature perfume bottles, can commission Carew-Jones , the company known for its Perspex, to custom design anything from a display table to a large pedestal on which to place the giant Buddha bought in Thailand. Knickknacks Move Off the Shelf
  • In the spandril above the outer archway is carved, 'amid elegant scroll-work and foliage, an arm, vested in an ermine maunch, the hand grasping a golden fleur-de-lys' -- the old coat-armour of the Mohuns; and on the other spandril 'three lions passant in pale,' the bearing of the Carews. Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • Mulhearn attempted an ingratiating smile, which sat oddly on his careworn face. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Carew is practically crying out for Griffith to take advantage of him. The Last of the Pure Baseball Men
  • I am taken into another room and a careworn man in a reassuringly green smock and matching trousers comes in to inspect the thigh.
  • Tom, who stood by her, idly spinning the curtain tassel, followed the familiar figure with his eye, and seeing how gray the hair had grown, how careworn the florid face, and how like a weary old man his once strong, handsome father walked, he was smitten by a new pang of self-reproach, and with his usual impetuosity set about repairing the omission as soon as he discovered it. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • Rod Carew, another Twins great, batted from the left side as he racked up base hits seemingly at will. The Mall of America
  • The old woman has a careworn look on her face.
  • He stood there dazed and unheeding, his bonny brown hair rumpled down his forehead, his face haggard and careworn and boyish still. SUICIDE
  • Younger and wirier than his charge, talking a mile a minute and singing during his chores, he nonetheless shows a careworn, weary face, and he drinks on the sly.
  • In his otherwise rose-tinted Survey of Cornwall, Richard Carew reached the point where ‘we must also spare a room in this Survey to the poor’.
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • His poor mother had once been an exciting happy woman, but the years without her husband had deprived her of those lovely qualities, leaving her sad and careworn at age 39.
  • Though the Head Boy of our year still looks cherubic, if a little careworn. President Kaczyński
  • I looked to the captain, who appeared young, careworn yet handsome in his uniform, and tired.
  • Among the rarest copper coins was one of Carausius (our English Carew), with two heads on it symbolling the ambition of our native usurper to assert empire.
  • The best of them, Herrick and Carew, with Crashaw as a great thirdsman, called themselves "sons" of Ben Jonson, and so in a way they were; but they were even more sons of Donne. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • Yet, despite the careworn commonplaceness of her appearance, there was one respect in which she stood out from the ordinary: she had light grey eyes, a feature that was unusual in that part of the country. Excerpt: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh
  • A careworn boy hag-ridden by his need for perfection knew release.
  • The one she had addressed as "daughter" was a careworn woman of forty, proprietress and waitress of the house. COFFEE-HOUSES AND DOSS-HOUSES
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • The slump of his shoulders and a bleak expression accentuated the careworn look in his eyes. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Carew completed his medical yesterday and finalised the paperwork this morning, in time to be included in the squad for tomorrow's Premier League trip to Fulham.
  • It's sad to see the careworn face of the mother of a large poor family.
  • “He does repent,” she said to herself, recalling the careworn face. Red Pottage
  • One of them opened the door for Gideon, who entered a large conference room, where President Diggs was talking quietly to a plain but pleasant-faced man in his sixties with the jowly, careworn expression of a hound dog. Gideon’s war
  • This move follows the successful use of sheep to help the grassland habitat at Carew Castle.
  • Yes, I recognised a large percentage of the faces in the crowd as my former classmates, a little more careworn now than in junior high.
  • You look --" began Constance -- but "careworn" was a risky term and she stopped. Kincaid's Battery
  • His hair was white, but he seemed so full of life beneath his rough, careworn exterior.
  • When you hear of her situation you think immediately of words like harassed and careworn but Jacqui confounds every expectation.
  • Carew was so prepared by the time he stepped in the batter's box that many pitchers never stood a chance.
  • Later, arising out of the Carew murder case, the anonymous maidservant who witnessed the crime describes ‘a very small gentleman’.
  • Stoical, careworn Paul looks after her and his younger brother.
  • Carew is Anaheim's batting instructor and a Hall of Famer. Menu is slim on Boston fare
  • Carews in lace collars and bucket boots; in Ramillies wigs and steel breastplates.
  • Living with them is Nelson, Rabbit's son, at 42 a recovering coke addict and careworker recently estranged from his wife, Pru.
  • I cannot convey to you who know him now -- with his careworn face and abrupt, dry manner, reduced by perpetual gladiatorship to the skin and bone of his former self -- what that man was when he first stepped into the arena of life. The Caxtons — Complete
  • The other test will be how he handles renegades such as John Carew and copes with the vacancies caused by the departure of the old guard.
  • He was pale, but his careworn expression could not disguise the malice in his eyes.
  • Alongside skulls, bones and fruit he singles out careworn possessions, like a lone battered trainer or an acoustic guitar, and painstakingly chisels them in whole or in part in pale limewood. The Guardian World News
  • To justify and cloak the treachery a letter was written by Carew to the _sugane_ Earl reminding him of _his_ engagement to deliver up O'Conor; this _letter_, as pre-arranged, was intercepted by the latter, who, watching his opportunity, rushed with it open into the Earl's presence, and arrested him, in the name of O'Neil, as a traitor to the Catholic cause! A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics - Volume 2
  • They spoke in a careworn fashion that made me give up hope that music and art might make a difference to anything.
  • The careworn look that Anil wore during the eight months of bitter battle had faded, and he was almost his usual self - brash, natty, and cheerful.
  • The next morning we found him dead in his bed, a peaceful smile upon his careworn face — asphyxiation. The Minions of Midas
  • The king and his queen were enthusiastic participants in masques, or courtly entertainments, which were commissioned from Davenant, Carew and others to flatter the monarch and, only with some daring, to advise him. Pens at the Ready
  • Beside her stood a crowned man with grey hair, his face careworn.
  • His dark hair was greying and his face was careworn and weary.
  • As they approached, he noticed their anxious yet hopeful eyes in careworn faces.
  • Carewscourt, standing on its hill high above the surrounding countryside, took the full brunt of it.
  • There was a cross-link between the Glass Teddy Bear gift shop vandalisms and the Dodo case, in that Hank Murray, manager of the Busquash Mall, lived in Carew and, when he had the time, served as a Gentleman Walker. Naked Cruelty
  • The old woman has a careworn look on her face.
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • Sir Peter Carew claimed the barony of Idrone as his inheritance on the basis that his ancestors had held the land but had been disseized in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century.
  • The old woman has a careworn look on her face.
  • A rictus grin crumpled his careworn face; just another lost soul grimly drinking into the morning, pathetically clutching at the warmth of the false camaraderie of the night before. Survived another workshop!
  • Genta is careworn, beaten down by life, and no longer naïve enough to believe in Bushido, but he's not cynical.
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • In the shadowless white light, the priest looked pale and careworn, and his usually florid complexion seemed drained of colour. GRACE
  • Among the rarest copper coins was one of Carausius (our English Carew), with two heads on it symbolling the ambition of our native usurper to assert empire over East as well as West, and among more treasure-trove was a unique gold coin of Veric, ” the Bericus of Tacitus; as also the rare contents of a subterranean potter's oven, preserved to our day, and yielding several whole vases. My Life as an Author
  • As the male voice completed its speech, she slowly shifted herself around to face a gentleman of medium height who had a smiling, benign countenance on his careworn features.
  • Live music and a pig roast are other attractions that draw large crowds to The Carew.
  • In my eight months away she'd become careworn, picking nervously at her fingers as she spoke, palpably lacking the confidence she once had.
  • All the wealthy people were away for the weekend, and the rest of us hung around looking a little dishevelled and careworn.
  • However, it was the performance of Neil Carew that really changed the complexion of the game.
  • His dark hair was greying and his face was careworn and weary.
  • Carew's speaker chooses to drain the Christian supernatural of its numen.
  • Carew," he repeated, while a crease came between his eyebrows. The Dark Star
  • After a decent interval he and Madeleine left Carew to his liqueurs and cynicism and headed back across the square to the Hotel Adernis.
  • Police received reports that four or five people were seen running through an alley from the scene, but it was not clear if they were involved with the shooting, Carew said. 2 shot in SE Washington
  • Michael's grumpy, careworn mother, an uprooted representative of the old immigrant Baltimore, lives out her days with them and adds to the friction.
  • While ultimately victory eluded the local side it should in no way deter the players and their coach Michael Carew in seeking to go all the way next year.
  • He gave a slight sardonic grunt, remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt.
  • At this pace, we are certain that Carew could have easily gone on to break the major-league record.
  • He has worked as an editor, copywriter, lecturer, careworker, sheep wrangler, bookshop assistant and supply teacher.
  • I don't call Carew the most attractive fellow you can meet; rather rough manners, don't you know, but he's all right -- Carew's all right. The Independence of Claire
  • Carew's restless disposition took him to Newfoundland, and on his return he successfully played the parts of a nonjuring clergyman, dispossessed of his living for conscience 'sake; a Quaker -- here is a good example of his wonderful gift -- in an assembly of Quakers; a ruined miller; a rat-catcher; and, having borrowed three children from a tinker, a Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • English sixteenth centuries, and the alembicated exquisiteness of Catullus and Carew; he does not dislike Webster because he is not Dryden, or Young because he is not Spenser; he does not quarrel with Sophocles because he is not Æschylus, or with Hugo because he is not Heine. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • In my eight months away she'd become careworn, picking nervously at her fingers as she spoke, palpably lacking the confidence she once had.
  • If we enter the nearest institution of Charity Sisters, Sisters of Mercy, or of the Poor, we cannot fail to remark the contrast between the healthful, cheery, unsolicitous countenances of the inmates, and the nervous, suffering, careworn faces of the wives and mothers in our midst. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 1864
  • Under the pen name Carew, he gave interviews to the media following the September 11 attacks, posing as an expert on Taliban strategies. The Guardian World News
  • Rod Carew is a tremendously dedicated and hardworking individual. - Carew resigns as Brewers hitting coach
  • looking careworn as she bent over her mending
  • Her face was careworn with anxiety.
  • Slim, round-shouldered, with a feint moustache, he looked careworn and world-weary from the moment he graduated to international cricket.
  • Or stretch her limbs and laugh at the careworn ways of her elders?

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