
[ US /ˈkæɹu/ ]
  1. Englishman and Cavalier poet whose lyric poetry was favored by Charles I (1595-1639)
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How To Use Carew In A Sentence

  • Finding the ideal relationship is still Zedek's primary lyrical focus, and her emotively careworn voice remains the strongest aspect of her music.
  • Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
  • A careworn boy hag-ridden by his need for perfection knew release.
  • But Mr. Kubrick makes the coda work—with Mr. Krause's camera locking onto a host of careworn faces as beasts transform into men while listening to the girl's halting version of a sentimental ballad. A Great Film's Sadly Timeless Message
  • Today, of course, Carew is the most famous of former Twins and, if the sportswriters are to be believed, also one of Calvin Griffith's most vehement detractors. The Last of the Pure Baseball Men
  • He had a careworn face, moon-shaped and mournful; his attire was severe but did not quite fit. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • This at least was Mara's voice, warm and careworn.
  • I have heard no reports of any vandalism in Carew Tower. VRWC: Calling in window rock strikes on 30-story buildings! | RedState
  • Swallow looks tired and careworn and slightly seedy.
  • However tired and careworn he looks - and he now mostly looks both - he performs well.
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