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How To Use Cardia In A Sentence

  • Starting from the cardiac orifice at the incisura cardiaca, it forms an arch backward, upward, and to the left; the highest point of the convexity is on a level with the sixth left costal cartilage. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • Thanks to her doctor’s recommendations she finds herself feeling decafargic by noon. cardiacpopups – the messages that popup on your computer when you are in the middle of an important project and warn you that your computer is about to conk out. on 07 Sep 2007 at 5: 52 pm Kimberly defurrify – to remove pet hair/dander from a person or thing on 07 Sep 2007 at 6: 12 pm Heather Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Writer Unboxed’s CONTEST, CONTEST!
  • She suffered a cardiac arrest caused by a blocked heart artery. The Sun
  • The decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption was evidenced by a gradual decline in atrioventricular oxygen difference, indicating a decrease in myocardial oxygen uptake relative to supply.
  • He went into cardiac arrest again in the ambulance and once more at the hospital.
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  • The hospital dietician or specialist cardiac nurse can provide dietary advice.
  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • Additionally, spontaneous rhythms, sustained bigeminies, paroxysmal tachycardias and other tachyarrhythmias were also observed in the different experiment.
  • BRIAN CABELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The official cause of death, cardiac dysrhythmia. CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2003
  • For pleural fluid this is done by a pleural tap or chest drain, in ascites with an paracentesis or ascitic drain and in a pericardial effusion with pericardiocentesis. Balkinization
  • AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.
  • The middle third is most frequently involved; and the lower third, near the cardia, comes next in frequency. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Cardiac hypertrophy - the enlargement of the heart muscle cells - can be fatal.
  • This left him treading a narrow path along which private control and economic incentives might be preserved and yet society could obtain its full due by the complete expropriation of Ricardian rent.
  • If an automated external defibrillator is available, people assisting a cardiac-arrest patient should attach the device to the victim and follow its instructions. Study Backs Simpler CPR for Patients
  • Potential lethal cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions are recognised complications of both iatrogenic and self inflicted overdoses.
  • He survived a near fatal heart attack and subsequent cardiac surgery, only to succumb to motor neurone disease.
  • Two different points to consider For many elderly patients it will be decided that cardiac surgery is not clinically indicated.
  • The majority of these were minor, usually vasovagal effects including hypotension and fainting, hypertension, and tachycardia.
  • The audio, which hijacks your cardiac tempo as only ominous electronica amped up in the dark can do, mixes recordings of two timepieces of erstwhile global authority.
  • The changes will be benefit for the study on the character mitochondrial proton leak thermogenesis of diaphragm and cardiac muscle in tree shrews during the cold expose.
  • Cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, tachycardia, pleuritic pain, cyanosis and fever are common.
  • The operator has only to recognise that cardiac arrest may have occurred and attach two adhesive electrodes to the patient's chest.
  • After junior appointments in London he decided to specialise in radiology, and at Harefield he became an enthusiastic member of the cardiac team.
  • Stem cell technology may produce cures for Alzheimer's disease; vascular growth factors may enable the body to produce its own cardiac bypasses; and the elimination of metabolic derangements may cure phenylketonuria and diabetes.
  • PR. com) -- HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited (HCG), South Asia's largest cancer care network, today unveiled the PET Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) System that offers clinicians a non-invasive method to determine true myocardial blood flow and accurately assess the need for revascularization procedures such as stenting and bypass surgery. Press Releases
  • Our study further demonstrated that the results of pericardial cytology do not influence patient survival.
  • Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the Truth
  • If saved from a cardiac arrest, many should then receive an implantable defibrillator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Searching for the source of embolic material resulted in the discovery of a cardiac myxoma in the left atrium.
  • The first clinical sign of myocardial ischemia is usually angina pectoris, a term used to describe the strangling chest pain experienced by many patients with ischemic heart disease.
  • There occurs in great numbers a species of small Pecten, -- some of the specimens scarce larger than a herring scale; a minute Ostrea, a sulcated Terebratula, an Isocardia, a Pullastra, and groups of broken serpulæ in vast abundance. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Title: Circadian variations of infarct size in acute myocardial infarction Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
  • This study used the troponin T assay to investigate the frequency of unsuspected cardiac damage among patients presenting with an ischaemic stroke
  • I once examined a child with dextrocardia, or heart on the right. NYT > Global Home
  • Survivors still complain of ailments ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue and stomach pain to cardiac problems and tuberculosis.
  • Nevertheless, fewer than half the health districts in the United Kingdom have established cardiac rehabilitation programmes.
  • That was mainly down to fewer fatalities from heart and circulatory diseases such as cardiac arrests and strokes. The Sun
  • Cells appear to be committed to an endocardial cell fate early in heart development.
  • Disturbances in this ration can alter cardiac rhythms, transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction.
  • Clopidogrel should be used in patients with true intolerance to aspirin (allergy or intractable side effects on low dose enteric coated aspirin with or without antiulcer drugs); dipyridamole alone does not prevent cardiac events.
  • An ascending dissection occasionally can occlude the ostium of a coronary artery and lead to myocardial infarction.
  • Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
  • The analysis showed Celebrex was associated with an increased risk for a combined study endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, heart failure or thromboembolic event, or events related to blood clots, compared to patients not taking the drug. Higher Doses of Pfizer's Celebrex
  • The institution of positive-pressure ventilation in an already hyperinflated thorax can markedly worsen hemodynamics and cause abrupt falls in blood pressure including cardiac collapse.
  • Previous studies have shown that the provision of external defibrillators and basic life support training to ambulance crews can improve survival from out of hospital cardiac arrest.
  • Primary angioplasty versus intravenous thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: a quantitative review of 23 randomised trials. Clive Meanwell, M.D.: Heart Attack Care: Why Finding the Best Hospital Makes a Big Difference
  • Sinus tachycardia is usually a physiological response but may be precipitated by sympathomimetic drugs or endocrine disturbances.
  • The device was quickly embraced by the medical community and its use expanded beyond acutely ill cardiac patients, before its benefits were actually proven.
  • For pleural fluid this is done by a pleural tap or chest drain, in ascites with an paracentesis or ascitic drain and in a pericardial effusion with pericardiocentesis. Balkinization
  • GE Healthcare Thursday launched an electrocardiogram device and a cardiac ultrasound device that were made in India keeping in mind local requirements. GE Healthcare Expects 2011 India Revenue Up 25%
  • Autopsy of the patient showed mild lung scarring but no evidence of acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or cerebrovascular accident.
  • Lungs were clear to auscultation and cardiac examination was normal.
  • The manifestations of SIRS include fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
  • Clinical manifestations of overdose include agitation, hallucinations, psychosis, lethargy, seizures, tachycardia, dysrhythmia, hypertension, and hyperthermia.
  • It was shown that spleen cells and infiltrating leukocytes isolated from well-functioning cardiac allografts in immunologically enhanced adult rats suppressed spontaneous blastogenesis of normal syngeneic cells in vitro.
  • Figure 2 shows payments in 2007 by one large private insurer for appendectomies (then code DRG 107) and coronary bypass grafts with cardiac catheterization (code CABG, then DRG 107) in California at what are known as "tertiary hospitals" - those with the ability to support medical specialists in medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, their subspecialties and ancillary services. NYT > Home Page
  • Sudden cardiac death, an abrupt event in which the heart stops, affects one in 100,000 to 300,000 athletes.
  • It was an audacious bid from the man who admitted that he was lucky to be alive after a serious cardiac condition in January. Times, Sunday Times
  • She suffered a cardiac arrest caused by a blocked heart artery. The Sun
  • We have shown that cardiac and myocyte specialization of the Pacific bluefin tuna improved cardiac function in cooler waters relative to other tuna species.
  • He was diagnosed as actinomycetoma clinically and pathologically. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive culture and isolated Nocardia brasiliensis.
  • His last public appearance, before his death of apparent cardiac arrest, was to announce a series of 50 sold-out concerts in London.
  • Severe toxicity leads to coma, profound hypotension, bradycardia, and asystolic arrest.
  • Hydrops is secondary to vena caval obstruction and cardiac compression from large tumors causing an extreme mediastinal shift. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • They also reduced the occurrence of life-threatening cardiac events.
  • It was also used in some of the first cancer treatment research; and was the birthplace of multigrade motor oil and the isotopes used for cardiac stress tests. The Augusta Chronicle
  • Of animal cardiac poisons chemists were acquainted in particular with so-called bufotalin, which is present in the skin secretion of certain species of the toad genus Bufo. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 and 1928 - Presentation Speech
  • Mesogastric, urogastric, cardiac, and intestinal lobes disposed in a longitudinal, continous band, flanked by accessory lobes.
  • Could this be a novel therapy for sleep apnea, and a new indication for cardiac pacing?
  • Driving While Intoxicated killed more people up here than myocardial infarction. DOLL'S EYES
  • Well, now I've had a ‘Persantine’ stress test performed, using radioactive thallium, a very thorough, definitive, cardiac examination, including an echocardiograph.
  • Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes.
  • He anaesthetised all thoracic and cardiac patients almost singlehandedly for the next few years and introduced surface hypothermia in 1956.
  • Mrs. Brondon had absolutely no symptoms referable to cardiac disease or heart trouble,'' Judge Michael Telesca ruled Nov. 9, 2010. Death of a loved one can be beginning of hard fight with life insurer
  • About 20% of patients recruited for this study were cardiac arrest survivors.
  • We've picked up a lot of product wins over the last several years with our key customers that kind of underpin it, but we haven't seen a market or systemic change across Cardiac Rhythm Management that is different from before. Home Page
  • Defibrillation Early defibrillation remains the most important determinant of survival in cardiac arrest victims.
  • However, a patient activated electrocardiograph showed ventricular tachycardia during a symptomatic spell.
  • This arrhythmia is commonly associated with inferior myocardial infarction.
  • This is a major operation requiring single lung anaesthesia, and many patients with cardiac or underlying lung disease will not tolerate it.
  • Assess whether the infant is a candidate for skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) — the infant should be medically stable and not have a chest tube or intracardiac line (RA, LA). Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
  • The red-pink squiggly lines extending from the epicardial surface into the yellow fluid represent the strands of fibrin.
  • Medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants, and bone growth stimulators are valuable tools in the treatment of patients with multiple medical needs.
  • Cardiac catheterization KATH - e - ter - i - ZA - shun is a medical procedure used to diagnose and treat certain heart conditions.
  • When the acardiac/acephalic twin outweighs the pump twin by more than 50 percent, death occurs in 64 percent of cases. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Where the lungs are cavernous, it is very easy to discover pectoriloquy, from the contrast to the general dulness, and when pleuritic and pericardial effusion advance much, it is difficult to ascertain the cardiac action. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Six thrombolytic agents are either approved for clinical use or under clinical investigation in some patients with acute myocardial infarction.
  • There's no question that patients can live a healthy, normal, vigorous life after having a cardiac event.
  • Impaired ventricular function in itself is not an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery, although the operative risks are increased.
  • The decrease in cardiac output that accompanies heart failure also leads to significant reductions in renal blood flow.
  • a resting adult has a cardiac output of about three quarts a minute
  • Grossly, the right ventricular chamber was moderately to markedly dilated, and its free wall showed extensive myocardial adiposity.
  • Conclusion:Atrial overdrive can prevent AF, which may results from accelerating interatrial conduction, inhibiting atrial premature beat, eliminating sinus bradycardia and long short interval.
  • Obesity is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and impaired glucose tolerance.
  • For example, a patient's death in a Colorado hospital was attributed to an infection transmitted by a reprocessed cardiac catheter.
  • Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy improves exercise tolerance and survival in with advanced congestive HF and dyssynchrony.
  • Several people reported that it was only when a symptom in common with the previous acute myocardial infarction occurred that they summoned medical help.
  • The hospital dietician or specialist cardiac nurse can provide dietary advice.
  • Cardiac diagnoses such as acute myocardial infarction, angina, dysrhythmia, and heart failure, are very common causes for hospital admission.
  • Poison ivy belongs to the Anacardiaceae or cashew family, which includes many other rash-causing plants such as poison oak and poison
  • Pathogenesis of Hypertension Blood pressure is dependent upon two factors: cardiac output and peripheral resistance.
  • Strophanthus gratus contains the cardiac glycoside [gamma] strophanthin and the alkaloid inoeine.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias or syncope clearly associated with a fall should be treated with antiarrhythmics or a pacemaker in consultation with a cardiologist.
  • We determined cardiac reactivity by averaging heart rate in the 20 seconds immediately after presentation of the stimulus.
  • Any sportsman who experienced warning symptoms such as fainting during training or with a family history of sudden death should be screened an tested for signs of cardiac disorder.
  • Acutely, it depresses the central nervous system and can also precipitate cardiac arrhythmia.
  • High output failure occurs when the cardiac output of the heart remains significantly elevated for a long period.
  • If you've had a heart attack, other heart condition or heart surgery, cardiac rehabilitation may help get you back to leading as active and productive a life as possible.
  • Cardiogenic shock is the commonest cause of death after acute myocardial infarction.
  • People who suffer a heart attack without experiencing chest pain and seek medical attention at a hospital have triple the death rate of other cardiac patients.
  • Cardiac syncope often causes immediate loss of consciousness, tonic stiffening of body and limbs, and often myoclonic jerking.
  • Pancreatic, pulmonary, pleural, laryngeal, adrenal, pericardial, myocardial and lingual leishmaniasis have also been reported.
  • If patients use this emetic, the emetine that it contains can cause myocardial damage similar to viral myocarditis.
  • —Its tributaries are the left vertebral, left internal mammary, left inferior thyroid, and the left highest intercostal veins, and occasionally some thymic and pericardiac veins. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • You have got methadone, Lexapro and Zoloft -- some question of a cardiac dysrhythmia associated with those drugs. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2007
  • The patient is still without symptomatic bradycardia, however the heart rate decrease persists despite reducing the dose of concomitant medications.
  • Electrocardiography, stress electrocardiography, echocardiography and cardiac scan with dipyridamole test, as well as carotid Doppler ultrasonography, showed no abnormalities.
  • Cause of death was cardiac injury and chest trauma. The Sun
  • There is concern that p blockers might accentuate the bradycardia, which has been observed during attacks of cluster headache.
  • If depression induces heart disease and magnifies the lethality of existing cardiac conditions, does treatment of depression curb heart disease?
  • Residual depression scores and negative affectivity scores also were linked to cardiac-related mortality after adjusting for each other and for cardiac covariants.
  • This team is enhanced by a full spectrum of specialized staff in congenital heart and cardiac diseases from pharmacy, respiratory therapy, child life, social work and psychology. Our Locations
  • Pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery has been reported as a sequelae of Teflon pledget or graft erosion into adjacent lung parenchyma, resulting in cardiopulmonary fistula and hemoptysis.
  • The evidence suggests that common antidepressants can safely reduce the risk of recurrent heart attacks in depressed cardiac patients.
  • Following regionalization, Capital Health employed her as program director of cardiac sciences and neurosciences at UAH and Royal Alexandra Hospital.
  • Presence of cardiomegaly on the chest radiograph may be the only diagnostic clue and echocardiography may reveal pericardial effusion.
  • Ambulance arrives at 5: 38 to find child in cardiac arrest. “Who, If I Cried Out, Would Hear Me?” On Twitter, Tales And Tragedy | Her Bad Mother
  • The most common benign intracardiac tumors are myxomas.
  • The contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscle results from the depolarisation and repolarisation of myocardial cells.
  • The mechanical contribution of atrial contraction to normal cardiac function was first described in the 17th century by William Harvey.
  • This is a major operation requiring single lung anaesthesia, and many patients with cardiac or underlying lung disease will not tolerate it.
  • Somebody who has collapsed as a result of a cardiac arrest needs immediate attention.
  • Objective: To investigate the association between gene mutations of ion channel gene KCNQ1 and KCNH2 and familial paroxysmal atrioventricular junctional reentrant tachycardia (FPAVJRT).
  • The rate of stroke in high-risk cardiac surgery patients receiving aprotinin therapy is lower than would be anticipated.
  • Examples are hip joint replacement, cataract extraction, prostate resection, and cardiac pacemaker insertion.
  • She went into cardiac arrest 15 minutes before the plane landed and paramedics waiting on the ground battled for another 15 minutes to get a pulse. The Sun
  • A few seconds, but every one vital in the case of a cardiac arrest.
  • The extract also improved anaphylactic cardiac dysfunction in passively sensitized isolated guinea hearts: improvement was noted in the contractility, arrhythmic duration and lactate dehydrogenase elevation.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
  • The root yields a juice which is employed in skin diseases, in abscess, acid in cardialgia. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • I suspect that the reference to "intracranial infusion" in a November 2005 protocol actually might refer to an "intracardiac" injection/infusion instead. stories
  • This year we witnessed the unfortunate political vehemence and fury surrounding allowing a patient to die a natural death when she had been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years after an unwitnessed cardiac arrest.
  • An infusion of IV normal saline frequently corrects hypotension and increases cardiac output.
  • Meanwhile, awareness of sudden cardiac death and its possible symptoms in young people is growing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A diet rich in citrus fruits offers protection against cardiovascular disease due to compounds like folate, which is necessary for lowering levels of the cardiovascular risk factorhaemocysteine; potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, protecting against stroke and cardiac arrhythmias; and Vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids found in citrus fruits, all of which have been identified as having protective cardiovascular effects. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The mouth leads to the cardiac stomach, which is what the sea star everts to digest its prey.
  • It is the most common genetic cardiac disease, there are at least 11 genes that encode sarcomere proteins, more than 200 types of mutations relate to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • In the Dutch study, the excess of deaths from myocardial infarction and stroke was seen only in men.
  • Cardiac disease, including left ventricular structural and functional disorders, is an important and potentially treatable comorbidity of early kidney disease.
  • Diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterization Heart-Lung Transplant
  • The long-term epidemiological risk factors for sudden cardiac death greatly resemble those for coronary artery disease.
  • Foundation trusts will be free to break up clinical service elements such as elective surgery, urology, or cardiac services and subcontract clinical work out to commercial firms.
  • This study showed that a single intervention to prevent return to smoking in cardiac inpatients after discharge from hospital was not effective.
  • Adverse drug effects, which were more common in the rhythm control group, included bradycardia (abnormally low heart rate) and lung problems.
  • For example, after a heart attack or cardiac surgery, minor muscular chest aches and pains may be misinterpreted as evidence of angina, leading to unnecessary worry and disability.
  • Subclinical thyroid dysfunction, with abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone and normal free thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels, also is associated with cardiac changes.
  • The endocardial cushions form the lower atrial septum, the upper ventricular septum, the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve.
  • The FDA warns that concomitant administration of amiodarone or other CYP2C9 inhibitors (eg, fluconazole) with carvedilol may enhance the beta-blocking properties of carvedilol and lead to further slowing of the heart rate or cardiac conduction.
  • An air ambulance landed in the grounds to rush the man to a cardiac unit. The Sun
  • Conclusion RVOT pace-making can improve the dynamics of bloodstream to a better degree than pace-making through cardiac tip of right ventricle. It can also ameliorate the cardiac f...
  • They point out that the PROFESS investigators did not put their trust in indirect comparisons that had suggested superiority of the combination of aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole over clopidogrel but directly compared the 2, finding no evidence in the difference between these interventions in the prevention of major vascular events, including cardiac events in patients with subacute ischemic stroke.
  • Even minor amounts of myocardial necrosis would thus be classified as myocardial infarction.
  • We would be looking for hydrocephalus, an endocardial cushion defect or abdominal wall defect, nuchal fold thickening, a short or absent nasal bone, hydronephrosis, echogenic bowel, shortened humeri or femurs—all markers used in the ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome. Handle with Care
  • Microvascular vasoconstriction is the underlying process and is precipitated by splanchnic hypoperfusion due to depressed cardiac output or renal or hepatic disease.
  • IE results from a complex interaction between a bloodstream pathogen and the target site of endocardial-cell damage.
  • We found missed myocardial damage of prognostic importance in 6% of patients sent home from the emergency department.
  • In these accidents the air-bag punch-out forces caused a ruptured aorta, rib fractures, severe myocardial contusions, etc.
  • In cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating effectively, blood does not circulate and no pulse can be felt.
  • Alcohol use goes hand-in-hand with other nightmarish behaviors: rape, delinquency and the use of "real" drugs, including a new favorite in New Jersey -- synthetic pot known as K2, which is associated with seizures, blackouts, cardiac infarction and psychosis. Linda Flanagan: Why Adults Ignore Underage Drinking And Other Stories
  • While toxic concentrations of these drugs often lead to cardiac arrhythmias, low concentrations have been found to have antiarrhythmic activity.
  • The decrease in cardiac output that occurs with heart failure is associated with a decrease in blood pressure that activates baroreceptors located in the aortic arch and carotid arteries.
  • What did I promise you about the pericardiac symptoms? The Landlord at Lion's Head — Volume 2
  • Its use as a prophylactic, especially in cardiac surgery, may increase.
  • There was also an improvement on vagally mediated arterial baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity in a subset of ten testosterone patients who were compared with 12 placebo patients. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Ladislav von Meduna started seizure therapy by intravenous injection of cardiazol (in depressive states), a therapy that was abandoned when in 1938 the Italians Cerletti and Bini introduced electric convulsive therapy, E.C.T., for severe mental states. Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • Factors contributing to the additional improvement include increases in oxygenation, right ventricular function, cardiac output, number of sarcomeres, and muscle mass, and a decrease in glucocorticoid use.
  • The patient may present with tachycardia or masseter muscle spasm which quickly progresses to hyperthermia, skeletal muscle rigidity, tachycardia, metabolic and respiratory acidosis and electrolyte abnormalities. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Plants that contain cardiac glycoside can cause changes in the rate or rhythm of your child's heart. Poisonous Plants
  • On her second hospital day she developed fever, tachycardia and tachypnea, progressive respiratory distress, and hypotension.
  • Patients also had complications including hematoma, or internal bleeding, following breast-enlargement surgery, infection, the development of dead tissue known as necrosis, cardiac arrests, breathing problems, pulmonary embolism and other blood clots, and allergic reactions. Seeking a Safer Surgery
  • They studied 48 patients attending hospital clinics for respiratory, cardiac, general, or palliative medicine in Australia.
  • Broad complex tachycardias may also occur in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, either as an antidromic atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia or in association with atrial flutter or fibrillation.
  • A study performed by Dr Tomasz Mikulski and colleagues from the Medical Research Centre in Warsaw, Poland, found that aerobic training using a cycloergometer (a static bike whose pedal load can be set and user performance measured) improved the physical capacity of cardiac patients following CABG, with reduction in the levels of lipids and markers of inflammation. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • The most common adverse effects are dizziness, worsening of heart failure, symptomatic bradycardia, and hypotension.
  • During field stimulation of isolated cardiac myocytes, depolarization is achieved either by charge displacement or by net ionic current flow between the two electrodes.
  • It also recommends it in certain patients who have not yet had a serious arrhythmic event but who are at high risk of sudden cardiac death, as primary prevention.
  • A transesophageal echocardiogram disclosed a probable fenestrated atrial septum with an aneurysm and a bidirectional shunting that was confirmed by cardiac catheterization in supine position.
  • Results indicated that alpha lipoic acid may slightly improve cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients.
  • In the first method, data were analysed against set criteria for hypoxia and tachycardia.
  • His chest radiograph showed a large globular heart, and an echocardiogram confirmed a pericardial effusion from which two litres of fluid were drained.
  • Objective:To investigate whether cardiac rehabilitation exercise can improve the heart function of patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency and evaluate its safety.
  • Fourthly, neither death due to stroke nor cardiac death would be reduced.
  • [Improvement of blood pressure and left cardiac function in patients with hypertension by auricular acupuncture].
  • The study was inspired by ongoing research at Penn into the physical forces of cells and the well-known fibrotic rigidification and impairment of cardiac output that follows a heart attack or other trauma to the heart muscle. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A second cardiac arrest that began with asystole was followed by ventricular fibrillation.
  • Among cardiac and nervous sedatives, digitalis, veratrum album and viride, veratria and aconite, have each, at one time or other, been employed indiscriminately. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • Potential for additive effects resulting in hypotension and / or marked bradycardia with oral Ca++ channel blockers, guanethidine or beta blocking agents, antiarrhythmics, digitalis glycosides or parasympathomimetics. IMT Home
  • However, a patient activated electrocardiograph showed ventricular tachycardia during a symptomatic spell.

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