How To Use Capon In A Sentence

  • Or you may tye it up in a loose thin linnen cloth, or boulter, as they do Capons _à la mode_, or Brawn, or the like. The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
  • The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home.
  • Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
  • Contemporary drawings show that the cookhouse was badly cracked as was the barracks and one of the caponiers had completely detached itself.
  • For the capon broth: In a large saucepan over medium-low heat, combine all ingredients.
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  • Entacapone is also available as a single ingredient product (sold under the brand name Comtan) to be always administered in association with carbidopa/levodopa (entacapone has no antiparkinsonian effect of its own).
  • At right, the redoubt has opposed caponiers or ‘flanking angles’ designed to allow the defenders to fire into the ditches.
  • And although the English will no lesse disdaine, than any Nation under heaven can doe, to be beaten upon their owne ground or elsewhere by a forraigne enemie; yet to entertaine those that shall assaile us, with their owne beefe in their bellies, and before they eate of our Kentish Capons, I take to be the wisest way. Operation Sea Lion
  • One peer at least tied a capon in his handkerchief and tossed it up to his famished family.
  • It is protected by a broad wet ditch, and in the caponiers are the magazines and store chambers of the fortress.
  • The white wolf say:" Too good, yesterday, a pheasant flies into my caponizing to give up, we see.
  • I do not have a family so turkey is too much - you can't get a good capon for love nor money and chicken is something I eat regularly, so not special enough.
  • This wine was a perfect choice for the main course, a combination of capon and lamb loin, topped on pumpkin and potato galette, accompanied with a red port wine reduction.
  • Farmer Bragard is further rumoured to be contemplating using the green for fattening up capons, and it is this in particular that has the authorities in a froth.
  • The "guests", FBC, DIRTY STRAGGLER and whomsoever is available are doing whatever the late capon bourgeoisie do at a gathering for a holidaymaker mealtime: Greeting those they haversack't met in a few monthlies, looking at or taking photographers and unconsciously "consenting to exist" as a Romanian would say. Life is Life (or Ode to a great big idiot like Zizek)
  • He ruled the streets in his territory like a budding Al Capone.
  • In France, they're a vital component of ratatouille, along with peppers and tomatoes; they play a starring role in Sicilian caponata, that combination of aubergine, celery, tomatoes and capers; and they are at their velvety best in southern Italian melanzane parmigiana, the meltingly delicious dish of layered aubergine, tomato and cheese; and, of course, Greeks love moussaka (see today's recipe). Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • On 31 December 1995, four dishes were served to the President and his guests: Marennes oysters, foie gras, roast capon, and ortolan.
  • In the seafood category, my favorite was the seared tuna, which came with a tangy caponata made with eggplant, pine nuts, and white raisins.
  • C. Anne Wilson quotes an ordinance of Richard II in 1378 for prices charged by cooks and pie bakers, including those for capons and hens baked in pasties.
  • Little Caesar and Scarface were based on the life of Al Capone, and The Public Enemy told a fictionalized account of the life of Hymie Weiss, the leader of a major Jewish gang of the 1920s. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye.
  • Or the Siciliano, its glorious crust brushed with tomato paste seasoned with anchovy and olives and adorned with dollops of tangy sweet-and-sour caponata and cumin-scented ricotta?
  • _Caponniers_ are works constructed to cover the passage of the ditch from the tenaille to the gorge of the demi-lune, and also from the demi-lune to the covered way, by which communication may be maintained between the enceinte and outworks. Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
  • Tiger Lily finally got back to the site after dark but Capon used the safety beacon in his camera strobe to catch its attention.
  • Capone moved his headquarters to Cicero, a near by suburb.
  • For two hours - it came to feel like two days - Rivera informed his increasingly stupefied audience of the treasures Capone might have buried during his reign as a gangland king.
  • Art in his plumpy boy stuck with arrows like a skewered capon? Earthwork out of Tuscany Being Impressions and Translations of Maurice Hewlett
  • This wine was a perfect choice for the main course, a combination of capon and lamb loin, topped on pumpkin and potato galette, accompanied with a red port wine reduction.
  • Some poetic licence was used, as caponata is a Sicilian dish usually served cold, though this interpretation went down well.
  • I go to Tuscany, and cappelletti – pasta knots stuffed with cheese, capon and pork, served in a clear capon broth – come from Emilia-Romagna, where they're a Christmas treat. Spaghetti malfunction
  • To illustrate: the injection of estrogens will caponize a rooster just as castration (removal of androgens) will. The Human Brain
  • There were anchovies, carp, caviar, crab, crayfish…, bacon, beef, brains, calf's head, capon, all the way to venison.
  • Al Capone and bootleggers filled the vacuum: bathtub spirits, peepholes in the door, Joe-sent-me.
  • The precipitous banks of red sandstone are richly clothed with vegetation, some of the trees ancient and very fine, especially the magnificent one called the capon tree, and the lofty king of the wood, remnants of the fine forests which at one time had covered the country. Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville
  • Only the little people pay taxes.; and Al Capone, mafia hitman, bootlegger and perhaps the most famous tax evader of all time, served his longest sentence, seven years, for tax evasion. Elizabeth Lynch: Ai Weiwei: Artist, Dissident and ... Tax Evader?
  • See also the recipe for making a coleise of a cocke or capon, from the _Haven of Health_, in Nares. Early English Meals and Manners
  • As the theologian Robert Farrar Capon so astutely recognized, the entire argument of Ephesians in the first chapter is what is called a recapitulation.
  • Hereupon he is nasty to find out his fox of friend in a hurry, the former of that caponizing detailed know well Said to say a small and softly.
  • The images reproduce contemporary photographs, while the likenesses of historical figures like Nitti, Capone and Ness are copied exactly.
  • They also house their extra females at these capon ranches. Messages to Mars
  • _Blamanger_, is a Capon roast or boile, minced small, planched (sic) Almonds beaten to paste, Early English Meals and Manners
  • Both Alcatraz Island and The Last Gangster told the story of a racketeer sent to the Rock on tax evasion charges (as was Capone) who learns the hard way that this isn't any old hoosegow.
  • Besides, I wanted to eat lemon granita in a sweet bun sandwich for breakfast, discover the secrets behind caponata and pasta alla Norma, and sample the legendary glories of Sicilian pasticceria.
  • However, this Capone turned out to be nothing more sinister than a plumber, more used to fitting ballcocks than firing a Tommy gun.
  • The foreigner, who was supping on a Crail-capon (in other words a broiled haddock) and stoup of Bourdeaux wine, arose at their entrance, and bowed with, an air that was undisguisedly continental. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • You actually need to shift in places from a spiccato to a d'tach-," Bodine rapidly talking a Corporate Wife of some sort across the room toward the free-lunch table piled with lobster hors d'oeuvres and capon sandwiches - "less bow, higher up you understand, soften it-then there's also about a thousand ppp-to-fff blasts, but only the one, the notorious One, going the other way. ... Gravity's Rainbow
  • Their dinner had two courses rather than one, and included luxuries such as veal, capons, pigeon, plovers and tarts.
  • For this he paid an annual homage to the seigneur of “1 sol in ‘cens,’ 3 live capons and 9 silver livres in ‘rentes,’ and 9 days of work on the seigneurie.” Bird Cloud
  • Construction took place between 1804 and 1808 although it was modernised in the 1860's when the outer caponiers were added.
  • For lighter tastes, Avalon also delivers well on seafood, including a tasty bowl of well-cooked "cioppino" in saffron broth, and crisply seared organic salmon ringed by eggplant caponata kissed with the balsamic-like sweet tang of saba. Phillies Zone
  • The technique is not unlike nailing the murderous Al Capone for tax evasion.
  • Capon deadheads plants once a month, pruning out stray branches and keeping plants compact.
  • Access is not possible to the east wing vaults, the top of the main tower, basement, caponier and ditch.
  • The neutered rooster, called a capon, was also prized for its fat. Planet Malaysia
  • The overall design of each battery was that of an irregular pentagon surrounded by a deep ditch, which was enfiladed by three caponiers and a counter-scarp gallery.
  • When killed the capon was found to be very fat: there were masses of fat around the intestines and under the peritoneum, which made it impossible to make out details such as ureter and vas deferens properly. Hormones and Heredity
  • Al Capone was a famous racketeer in Chicago.
  • In the middle is a happy egg weebl, then there are two pieces of bellpepper filled with caponata (which is still good) and decorated with fresh herbs, then there are some grapes, two dates, two physalis, bell pepper sticks, and the last of the tiny cheese tarts. * sigh* They were cute, but expensive, since I ended up not liking one of three … Bento #103 – Happy Egg « Were rabbits
  • The multi-cuisine dinner spread will have assorted cold meat platters, roast capon in cranberry sauce, grilled fish, sliced pepper lamb and pastas cooked on the spot among other vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies.
  • As the story goes, gangster Al Capone smuggled mescal across the border and stayed in the village's first permanent rock structure, the Marine Club, a casino in Old Port.
  • Although some references explain its etymology as being from old French hutaudeau, meaning a pullet (a young hen), the derivation was in fact hétoudeau or hétourdeau which was a capon (a fattened cock fowl).
  • Capon Chicken in a cremini mushroom salad with warm mushrooom dressing, handcrafted Octopus Ragu with homemade pasta incredible! Jay Weston: Why I Am Having Two Dinners on Thanksgiving
  • On February 14, 1929, Al Capone dispatched his henchmen to dispose of his crime syndicate's rival, Moran and his North Side Gang.
  • Flanking chambers built into the inner wall of the ditch provided covering fire across the face of each caponier to prevent the enemy laying charges to destroy them.
  • Turkey is easier, but anyone having a fancy for goose, duck, capon or our more unusual feathered friends shouldn't take any chances.
  • Tip the boy who brings you a stuffed capon and a jug of mead and your coins say, ‘I am richer than you.’
  • The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home.
  • He uses the same joke in other works, such as The True Rule for Staying Thin and Spending Little, which is a verse catalogue of luxurious foods to be avoided, including capons, pies, and maccaroni with lots of cheese. Delizia!
  • Their dinner had two courses rather than one, and included luxuries such as veal, capons, pigeon, plovers and tarts.
  • ‘And…’ the rooster-in-charge continues, ‘each one of us will now be a capon without even being castrated.’
  • Access to caponiers was by iron hatchway.
  • Now for this water it behoveth us have three pairs of fine fat capons, and for other things that are required thereanent, do thou give one of these (thy comrades) five silver crowns, so he may buy them, and let carry everything to my shop; and to-morrow, in God's name, I will send thee the distilled water aforesaid, whereof thou shalt proceed to drink a good beakerful at a time. ' The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Through his avid cultivation of the press, and through the press’s equally avid exploitation of his avidity, wrote Alva Johnston, “Al Capone was a world figure at an age when Napoleon was still a wretched shavetail.” LAST CALL
  • Still, Capone called hydropower a "very reliable workhorse" for renewable energy if projects meet environmental standards for issues like fish passage, watershed impact, healthy water flows and water quality. The MetroWest Daily News Homepage RSS
  • They are also the basic ingredient in gazpacho, ratatouille , pizza, and caponata.
  • There's a sublime charcoal-smoky baba ghannouj; a lumpy patlican salatasi - a parsley-packed eggplant salad, fragrant with fresh dill and lemon - and a spicy, garlicky Turkish take on caponata.
  • To throw a handful into the likes of the classic aubergine caponata will prove inspirational.
  • The "guests", FBC, DIRTY STRAGGLER and whomsoever is available are doing whatever the late capon bourgeoisie do at a gathering for a holidaymaker mealtime: Greeting those they haversack't met in a few monthlies, looking at or taking photographers and unconsciously "consenting to exist" as a Romanian would say. Life is Life (or Ode to a great big idiot like Zizek)
  • a saddle of mutton; second course, a fowl they call galena at head, and a capon larger than some of our Irish turkeys, at foot; third course, four different sorts of ices, pine-apple, grape, raspberry, and a fourth; in each remove there were I think fourteen dishes. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
  • I can safely state that this was the standard armament of caponiers for guns on traversing platforms.
  • You'd think -- from the chorus of hysterical, hyperbolic sky-is-falling reactions of Chicago's gabbiest aldermen -- that Ferguson was recommending bank robbery and drug dealing to balance the budget, and endorsing Al Capone for mayor. Andy Shaw: City Council Says Boo, But We Think Chicago IG's Budget Is a Treat
  • David Prince for The Wall Street Journal, Food Styling by Brett Kurzweil, Prop Styling by Robyn Glaser Dish, clockwise from top left: Artichoke, dandelion and pecorino salad with mandarin dressing; baby artichokes, asparagus and potatoes with herb mayonnaise; grilled mahi-mahi with artichoke caponata; baby artichokes marinated in olive oil. The Art of the Artichoke
  • Senior officers have described the new initiative as an "Al Capone" approach to so-called yob behaviour". Archive 2006-10-01
  • The left and right caponiers covered the area extending from the flanks to the back of the fort.
  • I'm always sad that these catalogues of popular anticlericalism fail to mention James Clavell's bestselling Shogun, which luridly shows its Jesuit villain feasting on capon in one important scene.
  • Visitors are encouraged to examine the tower's architectural features including the four caponiers at its base which protect the dry ditch.
  • Translate this promiscuous flamboyance into pottery and you have majolica, into theater and you have Palermo's life-sized puppet shows, into cuisine and you have… caponata.
  • Being told to provide supper for the laird of Bucklaw, he pretended that there were fat capon and good store in plenty, but all he could produce was "the hinder end of a mutton ham that had been three times on the table already, and the heel of a ewe-milk kebbuck [_cheese_]" (ch. vii.). Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Although some references explain its etymology as being from old French hutaudeau, meaning a pullet (a young hen), the derivation was in fact hétoudeau or hétourdeau which was a capon (a fattened cock fowl).
  • It was impossible to enter or even get near the gorge and caponiers for vegetation.
  • The caponiers and bunker system have been well preserved thanks to the northern climate.
  • Or he'd trade one of them to a neighbor for a year's supply of milk and eggs and a fat, ready-to-cook capon at Christmas.
  • Dinner might start with swordfish carpaccio, moving on to seafood with noodles, tuna with peppers, or caponata, a Sicilian speciality based on aubergines.
  • We use the term broiler production to capture the Census of Agriculture category which includes ‘broilers, fryers, and other chickens raised for meat production, including capons and roasters’.
  • Geppetto sopressatta, caponata of eggplant, m. bel paese, arugola Undefined
  • Three small baguette toasts arrive topped with eggplant caponata - a savory relish with sweet onions atop a touch of mild sheep's milk feta.
  • Take four pair of calves feet, a knuckle of veal, a good fleshie capon, and prepare these things as is said in the crystal jelly: boil them in three gallons of fair water, till six quarts be wasted, then strain it in an earthen pan, let it cool, and being cold pare the bottom, and take off the fat on the top also; then dissolve it again into broth, and divide it into 4 equal parts, put it into four several pipkins, as will contain five pints a piece each pipkin, put a little saffron into one of them, into another cutchenele beaten with allum, into another turnsole, and the other his own natural white; also to every pipkin a quart of white-wine, and the juyce of two lemons. The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
  • You'd think--from the chorus of hysterical, hyperbolic sky-is-falling reactions of Chicago's gabbiest aldermen--that Ferguson was recommending bank robbery and drug dealing to balance the budget, and endorsing Al Capone for mayor. Andy Shaw: City Council Says Boo, But We Think Chicago IG's Budget Is a Treat
  • Chafing-dish of Coals; in the mean time, mingle some small cut juycy hashy of Rabet, Capon or Mutton with another parcel of like Gravy as above, till it be pretty thin. The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
  • Type C has a separated caponier with two cupolas.
  • Here be trouts culponed for ye and salmons chined and sturgeons tranched, sanced capons, lobsters barbed. Finnegans Wake
  • Meanwhile, “Chicago” is so named because its bullet-ridden fake walls apparently recall the punctured real walls of Al Capone's Chicago. “Chicago”
  • These lead to the barrack block and caponiers with stairs to the mortar batteries and chemain de ronde.
  • This is the view from the north caponier along the curtain wall, made of flint reinforced with brick.
  • Eliot Ness was the intrepid lawman who busted Al Capone and was the bane of the Mob in 1930s Chicago.
  • Al Capone's business card said he a used furniture dealer.
  • He considered McCormick "the town's tutelary deity" and one of the "molders" of the city, along with Al Capone and Samuel Insull. Chicago Reader
  • Now to make this potion we must have three pair of good fat capons, and, for divers other ingredients, thou wilt give one of thy friends here five pounds in small change to purchase them, and thou wilt have everything sent to my shop, and so, please God, I will send thee this distilled potion to-morrow morning, and thou wilt take a good beakerful each time. The Decameron, Volume II
  • Menu highlights included the Kennett mushroom soup with a ridiculous bone marrow fritter that was simultaneously liquidus and crispy; Magret duck breast with bing cherry salad and a duck confit tater tot; and Parmesan risotto with juicy beef cheeks and caponata. The Clog
  • Turkey is easier, but anyone having a fancy for goose, duck, capon or our more unusual feathered friends shouldn't take any chances.
  • Capon muses, ‘He must have been out of jail (by then) because he came to the gallery.’
  • _ “Gallinacius/the capon is a gelded cocke/& because Early English Meals and Manners
  • But the four paragraphs after that, where I went off like a capon, were taken word-for-word from Glenn Beck. Chris Kelly: Tea Party Leader: We Plan to Kill Millions Like Mao
  • The caponier changed its form and grew to great importance in the nineteenth century, as I will explain later.
  • Here's my version of eggplant caponata, which is somewhat different from the original recipes, but it tastes good all the same. Archive 2009-02-01
  • If you're planning for a large gathering, goose and capon can be quite big - up to 12 or so pounds.
  • Christmas dinner is built around horsd'oeuvres, various kinds of pasta, capon and turkey.
  • The east and west ditches are enfiladed by small, two storey demi caponiers whilst the main ditch is covered by a full caponier.
  • _The best time to caponize the cockerel_ is when he weighs between two or three pounds. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • For this he paid an annual homage to the seigneur of “1 sol in ‘cens,’ 3 live capons and 9 silver livres in ‘rentes,’ and 9 days of work on the seigneurie.” Bird Cloud
  • The ammunition for the guns was kept near artillery caponiers in separate ammunition magazines.
  • Christmas dinner is built around horsd'oeuvres, various kinds of pasta, capon and turkey.
  • The caponizing of the white wolf give up very and specially, he makes into many lattices with the timber, putting on the earth of spread the full rice straw.
  • Catching him up on a financial technicality is akin to nailing Capone on tax evasion.
  • Dolowich was a petty chiseler from the Lower East Side who in 1929 aspired to become the Al Capone of a "syrup trust. The Gastronomica Reader
  • I rose to follow him, quickly running my tongue over my teeth to check for any bits of food—I was regretting the peppered capon from this morning. Exit the Actress
  • Fort Nelson was to be armed with four of these guns in the main north caponier and two in each of the demi caponiers.
  • In France, they're a vital component of ratatouille, along with peppers and tomatoes; they play a starring role in Sicilian caponata, that combination of aubergine, celery, tomatoes and capers; and they are at their velvety best in southern Italian melanzane parmigiana, the meltingly delicious dish of layered aubergine, tomato and cheese; and, of course, Greeks love moussaka (see today's recipe). Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • The city's vivid past gave rise to numerous films about Al Capone and the mob in Chicago, as well as violent television series like "The Untouchables," with crimebuster Eliot Ness engaged in weekly submachine gun battles with the likes of Frank Nitti. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2004
  • pluck the capon
  • Transfer the fish to plates, top with the caponata and serve. The Art of the Artichoke
  • I had this pizza called the caponata: roasted eggplant, green olives, garlic, onions, tomatoes, capers and fresh basil. WWdN: In Exile
  • The white Plymouth Rocks we can caponize and easily sell, and the white Leghorns we will either have to kill and sell as broilers, or it may be we can sell them to the farmers around here to improve their flocks. Hidden Treasure
  • She might filet him on the spot and turn him into a stuffed capon!
  • But a taste of cubanelle, a poblano chili stuffed with cheese, caponata, and peppers, will help you take leave all over again.
  • Swindon police had better luck bringing their Al Capone to justice than their American counterparts.
  • The macaroni was to be cooked in capon stock flavored with saffron, illustrating the Arab influence.
  • Never had there been such slaughtering of capons, and fat geese, and barndoor fowls; never such boiling of “reested” hams; never such making of car-cakes and sweet scones, Selkirk bannocks, cookies, and petticoat-tails — delicacies little known to the present generation. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The promenade is lined with traditional column-mounted lanterns, and highlights include a 'caponier' - a fortified passageway for troops. The Sun
  • Never had there been such slaughtering of capons, and fat geese, and barndoor fowls; never such boiling of “reested” hams; never such making of car-cakes and sweet scones, Selkirk bannocks, cookies, and petticoat-tails — delicacies little known to the present generation. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Its ingredients would have included rabbits, pigeons, partridges, a hare, a pheasant, a capon and the livers of all these animals, along with eggs, pickled mushrooms, dried fruit and spices.
  • As one biographer reported: ‘Before the archbishop's men could get seisin of the manor, there was nothing left on them - not an ox nor a cow, capon or hen, horse, pig, sheep or full bin of corn.’
  • We have become anesthetized to totally criminal behavior occurring right before our eyes but I think this would be like Al Capone telling the mayor of Chicago to fire half the Chicago police force, and him doing it. John R. Talbott: Why No Banksters Have Been Arrested

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