
[ US /ˈkeɪˌpɑn/ ]
[ UK /kˈe‍ɪpɒn/ ]
  1. castrated male chicken
  2. flesh of a castrated male chicken
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How To Use capon In A Sentence

  • Or you may tye it up in a loose thin linnen cloth, or boulter, as they do Capons _à la mode_, or Brawn, or the like. The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
  • The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home.
  • Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
  • Contemporary drawings show that the cookhouse was badly cracked as was the barracks and one of the caponiers had completely detached itself.
  • For the capon broth: In a large saucepan over medium-low heat, combine all ingredients.
  • Entacapone is also available as a single ingredient product (sold under the brand name Comtan) to be always administered in association with carbidopa/levodopa (entacapone has no antiparkinsonian effect of its own).
  • At right, the redoubt has opposed caponiers or ‘flanking angles’ designed to allow the defenders to fire into the ditches.
  • And although the English will no lesse disdaine, than any Nation under heaven can doe, to be beaten upon their owne ground or elsewhere by a forraigne enemie; yet to entertaine those that shall assaile us, with their owne beefe in their bellies, and before they eate of our Kentish Capons, I take to be the wisest way. Operation Sea Lion
  • One peer at least tied a capon in his handkerchief and tossed it up to his famished family.
  • It is protected by a broad wet ditch, and in the caponiers are the magazines and store chambers of the fortress.
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