How To Use Call up In A Sentence

  • It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle. Food and Drink
  • In different times and conditions, we might call upon experts to help us, and not just with the bowling.
  • It's also new territory for me to call up my former colleagues/friends as a reporter to interview them as sources with information about the lay-offs.
  • If you were to call up veronica and type in "flambe" after calling up veronica, you would soon get a menu listing several flambe recipes, including one called "dessert flambe. The Big Dummies' Guide to the Internet Version 2.0 : Chapter 8: Gophers, WAIS, Web
  • Sometimes I'd even call up at 4 a.m.
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  • And if you want to call up Francesca and tell her I just cussed you out, you go right ahead. LADY BE GOOD
  • In a DOS attack, a hacker programs a computer, or group of computers, to repeatedly call up a web site, perhaps thousands of times a second.
  • On Monday, for its first weekday bulletins, the Five News team could call upon a dozen reporters in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
  • From what I could gather, he was being sent around to cold-call upon the local residents in a vain attempt to convert them to the service of his electricity utility provider.
  • His predilection for gray-greens, gray-pinks, pale ochers, browns, blacks and a luminous cobalt blue call up archaic Mediterranean origins, rusticated walls and early Italian frescoes.
  • The fusilier added that his family had been anxious about his possible deployment in Iraq since he received his call up notice in October, but they were supportive and proud of his role as a reservist.
  • They call upon arcane strikes, power words, and spells to unleash raging torrents of cold, fire, or lighting, confuse and enthrall the weak-minded , or even turn invisible or walk through walls.
  • I really hate telemarketers, but I know that they are human beings, who have this sucky job where they must call up people that they know are going to hate them.
  • The call upset the U.S. coaches — the aggressive wrestler is supposed to be rewarded in such situations — but Gardner wasn't worried. - Rulon Gardner wins first two Olympic matches
  • We call upon the world to acknowledge that you cannot talk about prevention without treatment.
  • Call up the FBI or Interpol Web site and scroll to my name. T2©: RISING STORM
  • He laughed in the sheik's face and told the mate to call up a few jackies to drive the "dagoes" off. Brewster`s Millions
  • High marks offer a reward for call up wooden floor board advertising verbals!
  • Who dare call upon an ogreish super, even if the soaked bathroom floor threatens to collapse?
  • He has also made sure that the club has a far wider range of players to call upon.
  • Only a few years ago, in 1999 to be precise, Al used to call upward price trends a threat.
  • The piece is nothing more than a mash-up of Establishment shibboleths, but I especially like his description of the current policy as "suave" ... let's call up Taiwan News again: Five Commentaries for Wednesday
  • OK, I'll call up again later.
  • No interest is charged or paid on debits or credits… Members call up the services they require or visit shops and business in the system…
  • Carl E. Kurtz, a professor at Kansas City Art Institute, uses his virtuoso calligraphic skills to create works that call up everything from illuminated manuscripts to German Fraktur wedding certificates.
  • Who dare call upon an ogreish super, even if the soaked bathroom floor threatens to collapse?
  • Then the shipmen call upon the sons of great Zeus with vows of white lambs, going to the forepart of the prow; but the strong wind and the waves of the sea lay the ship under water, until suddenly these two are seen darting through the air on tawny wings. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Authorities at border points would be able to call up the data on the digital chip by swiping the passport against an electronic reader.
  • No longer, then, do we call upon the great books or teachings of western culture to measure our words or gauge our actions.
  • He has the most beautiful mouth in cinema and camera-ready angles that call up Mastroianni's. Erica Abeel: Both Nutzoid and Thrilling: Almodovar's The Skin I Live In
  • Kerian agreed, and she did not call upon the unchancy magic until they saw clear sky above them again. The Lioness
  • Now, call up the chappies and let's do dinner tomorrow night at the Ivy.
  • I had to call upon Bob's expertise.
  • These days, the name Nemo may call up images of an adorable cartoon clownfish but (while Smith has played a cartoon fish before) McG is looking at something a bit more faithful to the original novel, explaining that the charm of the character is in making him both hero and villain. Will Smith To Go ‘20,000 Leagues Under The Sea’ With McG? » MTV Movies Blog
  • I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.
  • In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same. A Bumpy Ride
  • Never had a chance to meet my grandma, but this diagram is also true for the very old lady I call upon from time to time. Sure, more tea sounds great.
  • The Reunified Christian Church is deeply concerned about the implications of bitek and affinity, for with a person able to call upon the immediate support of thousands of other human minds to any crisis or problem, they grow up better-adjusted and in less need of psychological reassurance. Archive 2009-08-01
  • We therefore call upon all troublesome nurses to quit being callow in our hospitals, carry the cross and emulate Nightingale, the mother of nursing.
  • When I call up and ask for information, people get weird with me,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • We don't have the cost of property taxes, we don't have the cost of insurance or of what I call upkeep, or any repairs either. KWCH - RSS
  • That muscles have become status symbols signifies that most jobs now no longer call upon physical strength; like suntans, muscles have become an aesthetic of the obsolete.
  • Now he went forth this day to his garden, to refresh himself amongst its trees and pluck the ripe fruits, when this young man slew him wrongously and swerved from the road of righteousness; wherefore we demand of thee the retribution of his crime and call upon thee to pass judgement upon him, according to the commandment of Allah. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Sir! if my niece is ever to marry you, she will have what you call uphill work of it in taking her place at starting. No Thoroughfare
  • I'm going to call up and cancel my subscription.
  • The changeover time can be extremely difficult to manage with customers who want to call up and say, What do I owe you?
  • Knowing that it would call up the fighter bombers, the convoy scattered into whatever cover could be found.
  • All employees need to do, is to go to the Ministry of Labour or to the clerk of the court and report the case, whereafter the ministry will call in inspectors to investigate and call upon the employer.
  • We now march inexorably toward war with Iraq, and to fight that war, we will have to call upon many soldiers.
  • Pres Obama has already said that it is an old document that needs revision - that is not what I call upholding the constitution as he swore to do. Undefined
  • And the falcon or hawk or genette or tiercel having stooped, the Queen will call upon that eyass for the lure appropriated to each bird as it chances. The Fifth Queen Crowned
  • Asylum seekers cannot call upon their homelands for protection.
  • In the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the applicant argued that the respondent's entitlement to call upon the undertaking did not extend to the subject matter of its claim, which was for unliquidated damages.
  • In her eagerness to serve her husband, and in perfect innocence of the legal aspect of her act, she does not give the matter much thought, except for her anxiety to shield him from any emergency that may call upon him to perform the miracle in her behalf.
  • [1] I admire the _first_ sincerely, and in turn call upon you to _admire_ the following on Anacreon Moore's new operatic farce, [2] or farcical opera -- call it which you will: The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • Her powers seem curiously independent of age, and she can call upon extraordinary sources of energy when the need arises.
  • It was fine if he had a sword in his hand, but barehanded he was at a disadvantage, his instincts trying to call upon natural weapons he didn't have.
  • I say to you againe, doe not call upp Any that you can not put downe; by the Which I meane, Any that can in Turne call up somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use. Archive 2006-07-01
  • There is a sizeable list of former ministers queueing at the TV and radio studios to condemn, criticise and call upon to leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no accurate measurements of the weather to call upon during this time but the discovery and colonization of Greenland by Eric the Red supports this hypothesis.
  • The call upheld after replays, Denver got the ball back and on fourth down Cutler hit Eddie Royal in the end zone for a four-yard touchdown to make the game 38-37. The Scores Report - The National Sports Blog
  • apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases.
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • Numerous hospitals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey call upon the "Duct Busters," the Cardiac Center's unique traveling cardiothoracic surgical team, to perform critical surgery on the tiniest premature infants in their nurseries. Duct Busters, offsite PDA ligation
  • One of the problems Alfred had was that although he could call up considerable numbers of the fyrd (militia), they were part-timers with other important things to do (like growing food), whereas the Vikings were more of a self-selected group of young adventurers with military skills and no other calls on their time. Early medieval armies: numbers
  • The people on the other end of the phone when you have to call up to reactivate are going to be positive pussycats.
  • As the warm, moist air hit the Catskills and other mountains, it was forced upward, what meteorologists call upslope flow. NYT > Global Home
  • At last it struck me, and Mackaye too, who, however he hated flunkeydom, never overlooked an act of discourtesy, that it would be right for me to call upon the dean, and thank him formally for all the real kindness he had shown me. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • The ineffable nature of the crimes against nature and humanity are such that we call upon comic relief to alleviate the pain, as to directly cognize, as the famous, Armenian mystic, G.I. Mitchell J. Rabin: A Call to Consciousness Louder Than Ever Before 2012
  • My mind, though out of trouble, yet intent upon my journey home, being desirous to know how all my matters go there, I could hardly sleep, but waked very early; and, when it was time, did call up Will, and we rose, and musique (with a bandore Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
  • We call upon Jenny Tonge in Kew to solicit her support for our campaign but she is out – event though I could swear I hear the wireless playing. Lord Bonkers' Diary
  • A crystal ball in which one can call up the past?
  • This power of legal language is that to which we refer when we call upon the state to effect the regulation of offensive speech.
  • I wanted to call upon Dr. Johnson, and it is so disagreeable to me to go to him alone, now poor Mrs. Williams is dead, on account of the quantity of men always visiting him, that I most gladly accepted, almost asked, his 'squireship. Dr. Johnson and Fanny Burney
  • You can use the search facility to call up all the occurrences of a particular word in a document.
  • call up memories
  • There was an article in the magazine about two years ago about how you can call up and blag information off of people.
  • Say thou: call upon Allah or call upon Rahman, by whichsoever ye call, His are the excellent names.
  • The book delineates how we can call upon focusing techniques, imagery, body awareness and many other types of auto-suggestion in order to practice efficiently, overcome performance fears and find our expressive voice.
  • We can call up thunderclouds, earthquakes, all the aspects o" bleedin" nature. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Believing in demons is one thing; believing you have the ability to call up a supernatural being with infinite power and perfection who will cause demons to move on at your behest seems certifiable.
  • Each one had identified a list of successes to call up and share with the other when anxiety threatened.
  • A short distance away in the same area, generally, but a little bit of what we call uptown, over here is what you'll find is called Baptist Medical Center, is over here. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2005
  • To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony.
  • For whosoever shall call upon The Name of the Lord shall be saved.
  • Local people believe she can call up the spirits of the dead.
  • Call up and make a reservation for 8 o'clock.
  • Jesus did not call upon people to repent, or fast, or observe the sabbath.
  • I now call upon Mr. Spring to give the vote of thanks.
  • If I were to try and call up a comparison, I would probably lean towards what Pale Young Gentlemen might soound like if they had gone in a slightly tweer, sadder direction than the more rich, orchestral one they chose. Song, by Toad
  • You will "graze" hundreds of cable channels, call up a current stock quote while taking a sneak peek at a movie, ask the TV to display the pitcher's stats during a game or the lyrics during a music video, or punch a button to order two in the orchestra for next Sunday, or deliver a pizza right now. A Risky Revolution
  • Sidecar Faces a Bumpy Ride In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same. Obama Brings Health-Care Push to Ohio
  • PILGRIM: We are going back in history to call up the Great Wall of China into this debate. CNN Transcript Dec 23, 2005
  • To get this you will need to call up your Service Provider and ask for it.
  • -- "If I did love you as my master does," said Viola, "I would make me a willow cabin at your gates, and call upon your name, I would write complaining sonnets on Olivia, and sing them in the dead of the night; your name should sound among the hills, and I would make Echo, the babbling gossip of the air, cry out _Olivia_. Tales from Shakespeare
  • My only caveat - be careful of those that call upon destiny and fate to push their own agenda.
  • The noise is the first thing you notice, the thundering roar of Bangkok's heart-attack inducing traffic, which forces you to call up all your Playstation skills just to cross the road.
  • Lucile seemed ready to cry, and showed a repressed perturbation quite unexpected of her; while, try as she would, Frona could not call upon her usual sympathy to drive away the coldness which obtruded intangibly between them. CHAPTER 21
  • How can you call call upon troops to conduct themselves with honor and integrity when you make lame excuses for the conduct of a convicted perjurer and obstructer of justice like Scooter Libby? Larry C. Johnson: Bye Bye, Perfect Peter
  • To achieve that goal, I call upon all parties to agree to an immediate cease-fire.
  • When he hears about an act of ecotage - a firebombing or fur protest, for instance - he'll call up the victimized company or local police agency and let them know he has information that might prove useful.
  • To put a wild sapajou monkey, -- weak, timid and afraid, -- in a strange and formidable prison box filled with strange machinery, and call upon it to learn or to invent strange mechanical processes, is like bringing a boy of ten years up to a four-cylinder duplex Hoe printing-and-folding press, and saying to him: "Now, go ahead and find out how to run this machine, and print both sides of a signature upon it. The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • Through a kind of incantatory or sacrificial rite, they try to call up and reinstate the tropes, schemas or words which to them distinguish professorial language. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • Let them call upon me to repeat any part they think good ground of prosecution: I will repeat it; for I can support, by historical facts, the opinion that I give; and if the country is so lost in degeneracy that The Tribune, a Periodical Publication, consisting Chiefly of the Political Lectures of J. Thelwall.
  • I call up the GI doc at 2AM for an uninsured encephalopathic liver failure patient with melena, and I'm going to get an earful. 100% of the time. Insufferable Twits and "Shitty Consults"
  • Alternatively, your program may automatically create a backup copy that you can call up.
  • She could not "call up spirits from the vasty deep" of the cellar, but she had procured some whiskey from her next-door neighbour – some five or six miles off, and there it stood somewhat ostentatiously on the table in a "greybeard," with a "corn cob," or ear of Indian corn stripped of its grain, for a cork, smiling most benevolently on the family circle, and looking a hundred welcomes to the strangers. Roughing It in the Bush
  • We call upon all parties to respect the results of the election.
  • A concept orthogonal to fault domains is what we call upgrade domains. Site Home
  • But Gardenhire said his desire to call up reinforcements was "squelched" by the front office. Minneapolis/St. Paul Breaking News, Weather, Video, Traffic and Sports for Minnesota from WCCO-TV
  • The English ruling class had men of high calibre to call upon.
  • When, in pursuing the catechetical exercise, a question is asked from an announcement, there is first a call upon the attention, and an exercise of mind upon the _question_ asked, the words of which must be translated by the pupil into their proper ideas, which accordingly he must both perceive and understand. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • This gives TOSHIBA's VoIP system users greater reliability and higher call uptime SLA's over the Internet. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • At one point, these huge behemoths were filled to the brim with foodstuffs, but now considered a safe haven for those unfortunate not to have a home to call upon.
  • Commanders on the ground could call up the images they wanted, in the spectra they wanted - visible, infrared, UV, whatever. PREY
  • The ethics of practice call upon the practitioner to take her or his place in the phenomenal world in full cognisance of the truths of love, oneness and interdependency.
  • And if you want to call up Francesca and tell her I just cussed you out, you go right ahead. LADY BE GOOD
  • Managerial candidates will need to call upon people who know them in different capacities to assist in their self-diagnosis.
  • Nor do his deputies have bulletproof vests or computer terminals for their patrol cars, which are common in big-city police cruisers to call up information on suspects.
  • We call upon one to bless our gardens before planting and another to guide our world leaders when faced with war.
  • It was fortunate that, in its hour of need, the country was able to call upon so capable a man.
  • This was the period when Napoleon was desperately trying to call up conscripts for his armies as he attempted to replenish the troops lost in the fighting.
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • You can use the search facility to call up all the occurrences of a particular word in a document.
  • It was hard work ot slide down a yard, turn over and sit up; but it was even harder for Smoke to remain flattened and maintain a position that from instant to instant made a greater call upon his muscles. Smoke Bellew - The Little Man
  • You can instantly call up streams of photos while you are chatting (using text) with others.
  • Employers, by contrast, can call upon powerful ideological forces in our culture to legitimise their interests.
  • You can use the search facility to call up all the occurrences of a particular word in a document.
  • They have no recognized clergy, but when a Burman is dying, it is the custom that any neighbour of his that is particularly his friend, should call upon him and should remind him of all the little acts of kindness that he has ever performed. The Drama as a Factor in Social Progress
  • I call upon all secularist forces and freedom-lovers to stand up and protest against the setting up of these tribunals in Canada.
  • Mia Wasikowska did not ring my chimes as Alice -- she lacked, in the Hatter's words, "muchness," but she looked grand in her armor, and was in constant battle with a script that seemed to call upon her to be simultaneously passive and active, for no particular internal reason I could see. Alice In Wonderland
  • By a kind of unformulated etiquette one did not call upon candidates for baptism on the day of the ceremony, so I had my first glimpse of A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays
  • “Try to get in touch with Andrews, and call up the Bodleian’s files on parachronistic incongruities.” To Say Nothing of the Dog
  • Call up and say you think your child was struck by a micrometorite - she has a small bruise on her head, and I can't imagine why, unless it was a micrometeorite - and they'll say bring her in.
  • In times like these, your Rolodex is your secret weapon, because it contains the contacts you can call upon for help if you do end up getting the boot. Nicole Williams: Recession Rolodex: 7 Contacts to Have on Speed Dial
  • But the ethics of practice call upon the practitioner to learn how to take her or his place in the phenomenal world in full cognisance of the truths of love, oneness, non-harming and interdependency.
  • Often, inexpert boatsmen call upon his experience to help them through the lock.
  • But I call upon any antepost dog experts in the audience to correct me if I'm mistaken.
  • If anyone dared to call up the maker of the best scrumpy in the county, she didn't doubt there'd be an uprising .... Phoenix And Ashes
  • It was fortunate that, in its hour of need, the country was able to call upon so capable a man.
  • And in accordance with tradition, I call upon the sportsmen and sportswomen of the Commonwealth to assemble in four years time in Melbourne, Australia, to celebrate the 18th Games.
  • But then a year ago he could still call up the horror of the communal plunge at his earlier lodgings: the listening for other bathers, the dodging of shrouded ladies in "crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous implements of ablution. Full Circle
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • Apprehensive for both our safeties from the villany of such a daring and profligate contriver, I must call upon you, my dear, to resolve upon taking legal vengeance of the infernal wretch. Clarissa Harlowe
  • He spoke, too, of the quality of food at his university, the exquisiteness of the Institute, which has a small library, but choice - and can call upon the Firestone to fulfill all of the scholars’ more obscure academical desires.
  • The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.
  • They re-entered the house; Marty was even able to call up a giggle and winked broadly at Nelson as he hung up his hat and looked up the parchesi board and the rest of the outfit for that popular game. The Mission of Janice Day
  • Fragrance of a flower legend has magic power, can call up dead memory before one's death.
  • Fallows does not expect any other teams to withdraw from the competition as a result of Army or RAF call ups.
  • I call upo 'ilk ane o' ye 'at has a frien' or a neebor down yonner, to rise up an 'taste nor bite nor sup mair till we gang up a'thegither to the fut o' the throne, and pray the Lord to lat's gang and du as the Maister did afore 's, and beir their griefs, and cairry their sorrows doon in hell there; gin it maybe that they may repent and get remission o 'their sins, an' come up here wi 'us at the lang last, and sit doon wi' 's at this table, a 'throuw the merits o' oor Saviour Robert Falconer
  • A public meeting was held in 1911 in which ‘the citizens of Johannesburg strongly condemn the conditions of the lazaretto [isolation hospital] and call upon the Government to take immediate steps to remedy the present state of affairs’.
  • The sole aim of a metaphor is to call up a visual image. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Its purpose was to call upon Bulgaria's intellectual community to aid the country in the process of accession into the European Union.

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