call up

  1. an order to report for military duty
  1. call to arms; of military personnel
  2. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
    I tried to call you all night
    Take two aspirin and call me in the morning
  3. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
    Do you remember that he once loved you?
    can you remember her phone number?
    I can't think what her last name was
    call up memories
    I can't remember saying any such thing
  4. cause to become available for use, either literally or figuratively
    running into an old friend summoned up memories of her childhood
    the author's description of the banquet called up delicious aromas
    clicking on the icon calls up the program
  5. bring forward for consideration
    The case was called up in court
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How To Use call up In A Sentence

  • It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle. Food and Drink
  • In different times and conditions, we might call upon experts to help us, and not just with the bowling.
  • It's also new territory for me to call up my former colleagues/friends as a reporter to interview them as sources with information about the lay-offs.
  • If you were to call up veronica and type in "flambe" after calling up veronica, you would soon get a menu listing several flambe recipes, including one called "dessert flambe. The Big Dummies' Guide to the Internet Version 2.0 : Chapter 8: Gophers, WAIS, Web
  • Sometimes I'd even call up at 4 a.m.
  • And if you want to call up Francesca and tell her I just cussed you out, you go right ahead. LADY BE GOOD
  • In a DOS attack, a hacker programs a computer, or group of computers, to repeatedly call up a web site, perhaps thousands of times a second.
  • On Monday, for its first weekday bulletins, the Five News team could call upon a dozen reporters in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
  • From what I could gather, he was being sent around to cold-call upon the local residents in a vain attempt to convert them to the service of his electricity utility provider.
  • His predilection for gray-greens, gray-pinks, pale ochers, browns, blacks and a luminous cobalt blue call up archaic Mediterranean origins, rusticated walls and early Italian frescoes.
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