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How To Use Call for In A Sentence

  • A perfect mob of street urchins, loafers, shop-men and bar-keepers who could spare a bit of time, lined up in front of the Palace Hotel and watched the plaid-coated, gray-capped visitors in short knickerbockers and golf stockings puff their pipes around the bar and call for "Porter and h'ale, 'alf and The Transformation of Job A Tale of the High Sierras
  • Second, if a Palestinian state is recognized along the 1967 lines in point of fact, nothing more than the 1949 armistice lines, this undermines UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 338 and the Camp David Accords, which call for a negotiated outcome and do not predetermine final boundaries. David Harris: Support Peace: Oppose Palestinian UN Gambit
  • We call for the immediate return to democratic institutions, to convoke an extraordinary session of the General Assembly (GA), to defend institutions in Honduras. Laura Carlsen: Live Blog: OAS Session on Honduran Coup
  • An unexpected call for a no-confidence vote against Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung over his handling of a debt crisis at one of Vietnam's biggest state-owned firms shows that the political fallout from the country's worst-ever financial scandal might just be starting, analysts say. Vietnamese Premier Faces Fallout on Vinashin
  • They may at the least call for a right to prenotification before publication. Times, Sunday Times
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  • There's not much call for fur coats these days.
  • It will call for improved career structures to be put in place to attract doctors to rural practices and for them to be given support to keep them in their jobs.
  • Q As I understand it, the legislation will also call for an independent study of the taggant issue. Press Briefing By Mary Ellen Glynn
  • New guidelines to independent appeals panels call for them to take into account the impact on the whole school of bringing back excluded pupils, and not to reinstate pupils on a technicality.
  • After facing a barrage of criticism from the aircraft industry, the federal government issued a call for a single tender last December, just days after Chretien left office.
  • The ordinary manipulation of the shoulder can be accomplished with the patient lying down; but if special conditions, such as articular stiffening, call for unusual care or unusual force, it will be found best to treat the shoulder with the patient seated. Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria
  • A tracheotomic case may be aphonic, hence unable to call for help. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • There is no call for us to adjust the price.
  • Cooking with cheese works well when using techniques that call for low heat and slow cooking.
  • A situation might call for an Arclite barrage from a division of siege tanks or a deadly battleship salvo of a targeted area.
  • These situations often call for special schemas defining information for every specific error, thus effectively extending domain semantic model to describe failure scenarios.
  • They call for a relationship with the centre which is rational and transparent; they make the flummery of a monarch which claims to be the glue which sticks us together all the more ridiculous.
  • Sometimes, I really wonder if the powers that be at TPM are going to color the pages black, and call for three days of mourning when Hillary is finally refected. Obama Adviser Recommends Keeping 60,000-80,000 Troops In Iraq Through 2010
  • As the election approaches, we call for cross-party support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Responses written on the boards are wide-ranging, however, most call for sanity and peace.
  • The City of Jerusalem is not established as ‘a corpus separatum’ under a special international UN administered regime as she well knows because in that regard Resolution 242 with a call for a two state resolution moved the game on. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • SENATE GOP WHIP CONTEST COOLING OFF - Running tonight in Roll Call form David Drucker: "The contest for Senate Republican Whip has chilled following a backlash of rank-and-file GOP Senators, who are upset that a very public intraparty power struggle might sew discord and alienate voters in the midst of a national fiscal crisis. HUFFPOST HILL - Senate Punk-Off Continues to Escalate
  • The little man did not know, that time was wanted for imagination to make the roadway or riverway of a true story, unless we press to invent; his mind had been too busy on the way for him to clothe in speech his impressions of the passage of incidents at the call for them. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon.
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • It is customary, almost ritualistic, to conclude a paper like this with a call for more research, to broaden the sample, and so on.
  • A call for collaboration between the four Thames regions and higher education institutions is made.
  • Plans call for the demolition of the racetrack and grandstand to provide the necessary space for expansion.
  • Old puppy puppet pressie should immediately call for a caretaker govt who would work immediately towards elections. Global Voices in English » Fiji: Court rules military government illegal
  • An impoverished call forth a filial son.
  • The win comes as unions call for the focus of drinking to be on impairment, its occupational health and safety implications and its wider causes such as fatigue, overwork, and the use of casuals and outsourcing.
  • Not out of hatred but out of love for humanity, King condemned an American military campaign that sent its soldiers "to slaughter men, women and children" and construct "concentration camps we call fortified hamlets. Scott Kurashige: Obama's Crisis and MLK's Hard Truths
  • The call for more of these every time there is a serious accident seems to be the gut response from citizenry and officialdom alike.
  • Expelled, who use the term shamelessly to attack evolution, people on all sides of the political spectrum should rally around this call for change. The Full Feed from
  • It was such a small spring that it took more than an hour for the horses to water—Captain Call forbade the men to drink until the horses had had their fill, an order Captain McCrae agreed with. Comanche Moon
  • The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.
  • The call for a defence of basic internet freedoms comes amid moves by a number of countries to construct international frameworks for restrictions on the internet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Bernanke has avoided publicly criticizing the White House's call for an independent consumer regulatory agency.
  • The drink was the same fiery distillation that was known as claret, sherry, brandy, rum, whisky, or whatever else a role might call for. Hokas Pokas
  • The call for a defence of basic internet freedoms comes amid moves by a number of countries to construct international frameworks for restrictions on the internet. Times, Sunday Times
  • MPs call for a phonic system to tackle school illiteracy.
  • More work doesn't necessarily call for more men.
  • Most aircraft design schemes call for advances on wing and fuselage shapes pioneered in today's stealth aircraft.
  • Sunny days call for something you can throw together without having to sweat over the stove. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opposition parties repeated their call for the election of a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution.
  • We do call for communication and healing so that all aspects of the Lakota Freedom movement can work together under the guidance of the Elders and children.
  • The call for new ideas is absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • For most of the journey her driver plied her with cassettes of bouzouki music, so there was blessedly little call for conversation. SURE OF YOU
  • There was also more than one call for him to resign.
  • A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.
  • Two schoolgirls who used their mobile telephones to call for help were also given civic awards.
  • They in turn produced a call for stronger and more durable rails to bear the additional weight. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • OKE: It's possible to make a call for just 5 naira, which is about 4 cents, and significantly cheaper than normal cell phone rates. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2008
  • Modern recipes often call for lining the dish with pastry, so that the end result looks more like a cherry tart than a true clafoutis.
  • He got lost and used his radio to call for help just before midnight. The Sun
  • But the insistence has not appeased local residents, who are now planning a series of meetings to call for a public inquiry.
  • Also note the reference to chasing them "back to their caves," not to mention the outright call for getting "rid" of them -- them being, again, the Muslims. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Rudy Campaign Official: He's The Guy To Chase "The Muslims" Back "To Their Caves"
  • Critics argued that the concept assumed an adversarial process, whereas most legal matters call for peacemaking.
  • ‘No call for that kind of thing here,’ said the old gramps behind the counter.
  • The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.
  • And he will bring thee whatsoever thou askest, though thou shouldst call for a thousand different dishes a day. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His call for an early election was an attempt to play the hero again.
  • Weekends at the beach call for designer wedges.
  • Difficulties can call forth a person's best qualities.
  • Internationalism and its call for collective sovereignty - like socialism - may sound like the new messiah to dewy-eyed idealists.
  • How does spirit of ability call forth do a happy person?
  • The Finance Minister has renewed his call for lower interest rates.
  • Different people in different situations call for different conversational styles, and I have them all lined up in neat little boxes, ready to go.
  • Undue fear of smallpox, a virus that, if it appears at all, will spread slowly - has stoked unnecessary fear and led to a panicked call for a vaccine which can cause harmful side affects.
  • First came the appetizers in form of thin slices of salami and of a peculiar Mexican sausage, so extremely hot with chili pepino as to immediately call for a drink of claret to assuage the burning. Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.
  • She had recognized the stuck-pin signal from the plane captain and had released the parking brake (an H - 3 trick for unsticking a stuck pin) and had also complied with my call for unlocking the aircraft tailwheel.
  • Normally busy streets and cafes were epty Thursday while crowds flocked to voting stations in defiance of the last-minute call forn ecion boycott by the country's former rebel moveent. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Canada - Nova Scotia call for bids in 2009 The two parcels offered by Nova Scotia are located in the southwest region of the Sable subbasin. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The UPDF has, however, rejected the call fora ceasefire. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • These forms, which we may call form G, are exemplified in literature by the forms of the sonnet or of tragedy with the “three unities” (place, time, and action); in music, the forms of the fugue or sonata; in architecture, the peripteros (“array of columns”) or the Ionic order; the bosquet form in Italian and French gardening; the zwiebelmuster (“onion pattern”) design in Saxon por - celain. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • In the end, the opposition motion was composited from those submitted by 13 CLPs and did not even call for an immediate withdrawal of British troops, urging only an ‘early pull-out.’
  • The President made a call for national unity.
  • And they've just put out the second call for our flight, so I must fly…
  • The family of a woman killed when a stone pinnacle fell from the roof of a 14th century church criticised a coroner yesterday for his decision not to call for a nationwide review of the safety of historic buildings.
  • [F] rom the start" places like New Orleans and Houston were "conceived from the start" as major ports of call for this country, and hugely contributed to the economic expansion that depended on waterway shipping (before airlines, etc.). Honore dismisses talk of Senate run
  • That could mean an instant recall for Liam George, who was dropped to the bench at Yeovil.
  • Orioles team physician William Goldiner agreed with the coroner's call for a ban but noted that teams can do little to stop it because ephedrine is legal. - Authorities say drug contributed to pitcher's death
  • It's voice activated, so you just speak the phone number and it will place the call for you.
  • We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
  • The new sport-pilot experimental rules, on the other hand, only call for builders to participate and sign off that they have played a part in making the aircraft airworthy.
  • They call for ancient fingerposts and milestones to be maintained regularly by councils and, where possible, reintroduced as part of village design blueprints.
  • One can observe these reactions in vervet monkeys, which give a different alarm call for each class.
  • That popular vote which will be thrown about as a ringing endorsement in the weeks ahead has mainly been propped up by voters in what you can comfortably call forgone conclusion states. "He's the American Neil Kinnock."
  • The union has threatened to call for solidarity actions by its members at all sister newspapers and a boycott of all Media 24 newspapers if its demands are not met.
  • The government hasn't delivered on that, nor on the call for a return to the standards for taking hand luggage on board.
  • In the United States, it is often labor unions that call for tariffs and subsidies to protect unionized industries.
  • That car accident and that boy like white color, may call forth An's forever nightmare.
  • The decision to nullify the result and call for fresh elections has been met with dismay in some quarters as it is felt it will doom the province to another three months of campaigning and another period of uncertainty.
  • The other part of her book which has impressed me is her philippic on Europe and her call for Britain to begin the process of withdrawal from the European Union.
  • Again, all the prime minister had to do was call for calm and he was part of the lead news story.
  • The SDLP is living in a dreamworld over its call for an unarmed police force in Northern Ireland, rank and file officers claimed yesterday.
  • I get offended, and upset, by children running around, out of control, by their mothers shouting at them, smacking them or swearing at them, should I call for a ban on that too?
  • There is a call for peaceful direct action that could leave the hardliners with a certain but hollow victory when the election results come in.
  • Only, much like Bachmann's and Palin's lack of knowledge of our history, Cain and it's not like he is the only Republican who talks about Obama's assault on our liberties completely misunderstands and misapplies the content and context of the Declaration's call for revolution. Mitchell Bard: Independence Day, The Declaration Of Independence And Understanding American History
  • The Irish were no better able than others to comprehend Ulysses, and only those gullible enough to answer the author's snobbish call for a lifetime's dedication to scholia could begin to penetrate the double darknesses of Finnegans Wake.
  • Here are a few lovely photos of Ryan and Michelle at a photocall for Blue Valentine at Cannes earlier today: Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Ryan Gosling & Michelle Williams Bring ‘Blue Valentine’ To Cannes
  • She or he needs an instinctive sense of where lines should end, how end-stopped they might be, and which ones call for enjambment, their sense flowing lyrically over the tiny pause and into a line that follows.
  • General Forey, the French commander, promptly convoked a puppet "Supreme Council" of conservatives and they issued a "spontaneous" call for Maximilian to come and rule Mexico. Maximilian and Carlota: the "Archdupe" and his tragic lady (1832-1867)
  • Her comparison of older mothers to teenage mums and her call for government intervention is likely to prove highly controversial.
  • Richman's call for coordination between national and local governments and his insistence that civil liberties must be protected in this process are both persuasive.
  • The smaller island of Little San Salvador to the west is privately owned and used as a port of call for cruise ships.
  • More complex needs will call for multidisciplinary assessments, careful preparation, and time for patients to consider their future.
  • But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for underlay action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
  • Still, like the films and books that have emerged in recent years, Mr. Cowen's call for us to embrace a more liberal notion of achievement by recognizing in conditions like Asperger's a kind of "neurodiversity" rather than merely a disorder is compelling. Lifestyles of the Honest and Awkward
  • It took a lot of courage to write in a police state that ‘the ruling bureaucracy is anti working class, an enemy’, and call for its revolutionary overthrow.
  • Journalistic norms call for the same attempt at objectivity and detachment.
  • Unfortunately, many of the authors' other recipes are familiar standbys in which goat meat has been inserted as a substitute for beef, pork or chicken e.g., goat meatloaf and goat cacciatore or recipes that call for goat butter, goat milk or goat cream instead of their mainstream dairy counterparts. The Meat It Behooves the World to Eat
  • If the affiliates make a public call for an independent inquiry, I think they would have to act.
  • He praised Endriartono for making such a forceful call for all paramilitary organizations to disband.
  • Last week, the Obama administration fired back with its strongest response to date, saying the industry's call for "clarity" is code for wanting EPA to just back off. The Charleston Gazette -
  • So when some police officers do that, my voice will be lifted primarily to find out why they would do such a thing, not to call for their heads.
  • The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages.
  • Evelyn Gordon explains that shver tzu zein a yid is the only possible explanation for the betrayal that European Jews handed Israel when they signed on to J Call's call for blaming Israel for the conflict in this part of the world. Israel Matzav
  • Four recipes, two for cookies and two for gingerbread, call for the use of “pearlash,” a refined version of potash, which was made by soaking the ash produced when plant materials are burned, draining off the liquid, and drying it down to concentrate the substances dissolved in it. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The last time you came here, if you remember, was to call for an ambulance for Miss Bradshaw. GOODBYE CURATE
  • While academics may call for these spaces to be treated as public areas, more likely, businesses will continue to use contractual agreements like the TOS/EULA, and pre-establish rules set in code to define the can-do’s and cannot-do’s of what they will most likely continue to consider very private spaces. Fire in their bellies
  • There was also a call for ‘true’ family membership with joint names on the membership card.
  • TAREK FATAH, MUSLIM CANADIAN CONGRESS: This is a wake-up call for the Muslim community and it is a wake-up call for all who repeat five times a day that any woman whose head is not covered is a sexual object. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2007
  • Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.
  • The forecasts call for clearing weather behind a midweek norther, but the impact from ‘inches within hours’ promises to linger.
  • This kind of signature has wide applications in many areas, such as call for tenders, electronic voting and electronic auction.
  • Their complaint demanded that ‘she be punished according to the rigor of the law,’ which included a call for 50 livres in damages.
  • Via Ron Charles on Twitter, this direct, stat filled condemnation of the ‘publish or peril’ ethic in academe, by Mark Bauerleinin in The Chronicle of Higher Education, and a call for emphasis to be placed on one-on-one interaction and conversation: 2009 July 26 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • The silence here in the campo is a rhythmic one, the grasshoppers and other nighttime singers chant some droned out lazy call for the dancing fireflies. Archive 2007-10-01
  • We were the first to call for a recall of parliament.
  • Some recipes call for cheese and eggs, but purists would say it should only be made with potatoes and cream. The Sun
  • Try running fortify on a 2million loc app, you = will get frustrated, you will call fortify, their phone support will be in = effective, they will send someone out to help you, it will take 3 days requ = ire a million hacks to get around the jvm memory limits and will eventually =, hopefully, work. The Web Security Mailing List (WASC)
  • When allowed to, he can be much funnier than Johnson, but there's not much call for a wise-cracking foreign secretary.
  • Among the steps is a call for President Lobo to discuss "democratic freedom," specifically referencing a constituent process. Joel D. Hirst: Honduras'"Pepe" Lobo Should be Wary of Constitutional Reform
  • But he won't use the term reconciliation, likely instead to call for a simple "up or down vote. Pat Dollard | Young Americans
  • Senator Prior spoke out, adding her voice to the call for new laws to protect the environment.
  • A poison put gives the bond holder the right to call for early redemption of the bond for cash or shares.
  • We have a call for Mr. Kinsey in the Overseas Business Department. Is he there?
  • Indeed, the finiteness of language itself implies that the call for definition must at some point either end or issue in circularity. Aiguy's Computer
  • A spokeswoman for the coastguards said the three crew members on board made a call for immediate assistance on VHF Channel 16.
  • The UN continued to call for a return to civilian rule.
  • I'll call for you at half ten," she said decisively.
  • If they're useless but keep large numbers of outreach workers in gainful employment - they'll love them, call for more, and work assiduously at propagating a myth of 'success'. Archive 2005-05-15
  • My call for compulsory voting is coupled with a call for proportional representation.
  • In addition to the system applicable to all types of mobile phones, the general call forwarding services are also available via the same service.
  • A call for 100 bottles of blood was answered promptly.
  • So abundant was the subsequent catch of fish that Peter and the others had to call for help just to get it all into the boats.
  • The prison governors’ call for the removal of the right of magistrates to impose prison sentences may be too much of a broad-brush reaction to a pressing problem.
  • The call for women to start families earlier fell into the trap of ignoring the social and economic realities forcing many women to put off childbirth, they said.
  • I am affeard lest the reader at the sight of these things should call for a bason: for it is such an abominable lie, that it would make a man cast his gorge to heare it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • When the swelling is excessive, it may be necessary to make longitudinal incisions into the substance of the tongue, and dyspnœa may call for laryngotomy. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • ‘Our members are supporting our call for strike action in pursuance of a realistic pay offer and to secure an agreement on recognition,’ said regional officer John Street.
  • Worried staff managers had to call for police to maintain order.
  • Such accounts call for perusal in depth; so I'll end with a few short quotations that at least give the flavour of this delightful, and genuinely educative, book.
  • Other courses will use a telephone conference call for the audio portion of the course.
  • The Maltese weather and lifestyle also call for afternoon breaks, when shop owners close and the island people rest.
  • New guidelines to independent appeals panels call for them to take into account the impact on the whole school of bringing back excluded pupils, and not to reinstate pupils on a technicality.
  • You'll find that most muffin and biscuit recipes call for much more oil. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Last night's defeat should be a wake-up call for the team.
  • He did gave a heads up on a open casting call for traceurs (practitioners of parkour) at his official blog site.
  • He has threatened to call for the impeachment of the president.
  • The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.
  • As fiscal pressures increased, certain magistrates in the 1760s began to call for lost estates to be restored.
  • The pluriformity of biblical data seems to call for a modest but correct exegesis of biblical texts that recognizes whatever unity or disunity there may be (whether of a verse or pericope or book).
  • Some, like Senator Joe Biden, who opposed the use of force in the Gulf call for it now.
  • Octaves, large chords and arpeggios are all formations that seemingly call for large hand stretches.
  • But as a prescriptive call for eloquence and discursiveness, I wonder. “The Cure of Poetry in an Age of Prose” : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Maybe that in itself will be a wake-up call for her. The Sun
  • Darfur is now bleeding openly, profusely, even across the border, into Chad, and I think it's this potential to expand the conflict and suffering, which is now -- which is, a wakeup call for the U.N., especially the Security Council, and other major players to do something about this situation. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2006
  • He was disorientated and tried to call for help but no one heard him.
  • To tell such a thingmost 25 - year - olds will call forth howls of denial.
  • Let me be the first to call for us sportsmen to take a cue from the wolves and turkeys! Bison Escapes Michigan Farm, Not Authorities
  • Senator Prior spoke out, adding her voice to the call for new laws to protect the environment.
  • It repeated a call for offenders to surrender and for others to inform on them.
  • The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals.
  • It ended with good intentions all round and guarded optimism and the usual call for more investment in research; more planning for an increasingly aged population. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reaumur, the dazzling sunshine by day, and the starlight of the winter nights seemed to call for some special celebration of the season. War and Peace
  • After an initial surge of interest, there has been little call for our services.
  • We must all understand what takes up a disproportionate amount of the available police resources we all call for.
  • Likewise, an encounter with the unhoped for does not simply call for a response where an object of futural expectation can be enumerated in an isolated sense.
  • Many cake recipes call for all-purpose flour, but those that suggest cake flour do so for a reason.
  • Mass production methods call for detailed planning and sophisticated control procedures.
  • After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.
  • As Greenblatt observes, ‘Purgatory, along with theological language of communion, deathbed confession, and anointing (aneling), while compatible with a Christian (and, specifically, a Catholic) call for remembrance, is utterly incompatible with a Senecan call for vengeance’.
  • They call for modification of driving techniques, and awareness of the fact that there may be a problem.
  • We've had an overwhelming response to this call for ... gambia: Thanks for this really cool post about the Gambia. Vagablogging :: Rolf Potts Vagabonding Blog
  • The plan is to call for a vote on the deal in May and pay the dividends shortly afterward.
  • The Union not only refused to defy the court order but has not asked other unions to ban the metal products factory or call for wider industrial action by its own members.
  • The call for ‘innovation’ is in a sense a call for contextualization of faith, worship and witness even in North America.
  • She has been resisting attempts to use the summit to call for additional help for troubled eurozone countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another uncelebrated appointment, another master of the miraculous escape and another call for clean slates. Times, Sunday Times
  • The UN continued to call for a return to civilian rule.
  • Plans also call for a small underground exhibition space and archive containing photos, relics and historical information about the Holocaust.
  • Let us place this call for the restoration of national sovereignty in its historical context.
  • April showers call forth May flowers.
  • I'll call for you at seven.
  • Shakespeare's stage directions call for 'hautboys', the English form of the French hautbois, meaning literally 'high wood'.
  • You'll also find committee member rosters that you can use to find peers who are subject-area experts on whom you may call for advice.
  • If Obama says he'll stop doctors from enriching themselves through unnecessary tonsillectomies and amputations, that is an explicit call for government control of health-care delivery and the interference of government between patients and doctors. Israelated - English Israel blogs

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