cafe au lait

  1. equal parts of coffee and hot milk
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How To Use cafe au lait In A Sentence

  • Then stop at a sidewalk cafe for a chocolate-filled croissant and a cafe au lait .
  • The formal breakfast differed slightly from an early luncheon, except that the menu made up of was distinctly breakfast dishes: Toast, hot muffins, omelets and other preparations of eggs, delicate farinaceous foods, cafe au lait, etc. An Edwardian Breakfast | Edwardian Promenade
  • Yes, there will be the usual hep couples holding hands amid crowds of young people laughing and jostling one another, sipping cafe au lait and espresso.
  • Whitney fussed with her coffee, adding three packets of sugar and half-and-half until was more lait au café than café au lait. THE LAST PLACE
  • S. France, where we were unexpectedly given a beautiful rose with our cafe au lait. Acrostiche - French Word-A-Day
  • Even the churned foam from a paddle wheel is _café au lait_ with what a blue-jacket contemptuously referred to as "a little more of the _au lait! A Dweller in Mesopotamia Being the Adventures of an Official Artist in the Garden of Eden
  • Available beverages include hot coffee, espresso, milk coffee; macchiato, cafe au lait, mochachino, and mocha, as well as ice tea, ice tea with lemon, ice tea Thai style and healthy fruit juices.
  • As for "blacking" up to resemble Moors, most Moroccans are of a "cafe au lait" hue. Army Rumour Service
  • Milk as an additive to coffee became popular in the 1680's, when a French physician recommended that cafe au lait be used for medicinal purposes.
  • In a pleasant conservatory she served him with café au lait and rolls still warm from the baker's. MOONDROP TO MURDER
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