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How To Use Burial In A Sentence

  • A man of good humour and a great sense of fun, he enjoyed popularity among his teaching colleagues and pupils, many of whom were present at the removal of remains and burial.
  • No wonder the guy muttering the prayers over the burial plot has a wireless phone receiver permanently fixed to his right ear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
  • Thousands of people applied for the 200 seats available for the public at the reburial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
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  • It is argued, based on archaeological and ethnohistoric data, that the layout of the mound, burials, and charnel features is patterned after Native American notions of the cosmos.
  • The area around the building has long been used as a burial ground for unbaptised children, and the small headstones marking these sad graves can be seen.
  • The body was washed and prepared for burial by the women of the family (or by the monastic infirmarer, in the case of a monk or nun), and either shrouded or placed in a coffin.
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • There he showed her the burial plot that he and my grandmother had selected as their final resting place. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, Jenkins said demands for reburial were now coming from minority groups in Britain, including pagans and druids, while Manchester consulted the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, which campaigns for reburial of pre-Christian British remains, before removing the Worsley Man head. Museums avoid displaying human remains 'out of respect'
  • Medici_, published in 1642, and _Hydriotaphia; or, Urn Burial_, 1658, a discourse upon rites of burial and incremation, suggested by some Roman funeral urns, dug up in Norfolk. Brief History of English and American Literature
  • Medical writers of the era even discussed a fourth clinical condition, marked by immobility, which they termed ecstasy, but this was not a state that might lead to premature burial. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • Mass for the repose of her soul was celebrated by Father Gilroy after which burial took place in Annagh Cemetery.
  • The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
  • Dennis M. Sabangan/European Pressphoto Agency Filipino children offered candles for flood victims on Tuesday during a mass burial in a village that was devastated by rampaging flood waters in Iligan City, southern Mindanao, the Philippines. Asia in Pictures
  • Many copies of the book have been found in tombs and burial chambers, where they were presumably placed for the use of the dead. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • The portion of the Subeshi cemetery excavated in 1992 consisted of some 40 low stone cairns covering burials set on wooden beds.
  • Those who have taken their own lives while of sound mind, however, would normally be denied a Christian burial and requiems.
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  • So for example, where we found the buried hulk of the Gold Rush storeship General Harrison, or when we encounter a prehistoric site with human burials, like CA-SFR-114, there's no doubt that the client is going to curse the day he ever met me. Digging San Francisco
  • One contained an undisturbed ship burial, including many Anglo-Saxon artefacts of outstanding historical and archaeological significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I realized I could track the GPS in his cellphone, I swung by earlier. Gave him a proper burial. It's better than rotting in some skank's basement.
  • Three to seven years after burial, the bones of the deceased are exhumed and placed in a family vault or a communal ossuary.
  • Many of these Han burials were readily identifiable by inscribed stone stelae, tablets recording the name, titles, and dates of the deceased.
  • We agreed that the burial of the dead should be left until he was mobile. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • They closed the old man's eyes, washed his body and on it put the blue burial robe with the white "anito" figures woven in it as a stripe. The Bontoc Igorot
  • No 3 on the list is the Viking burial boat discovered sticking out of a sand dune on the island of Sanday in 1991.
  • The story of the purchase of Sarah's burial plot is comedy, and comedy frequently takes delight in debunking heroes.
  • This is hardly evidence for it to be the burial place of Khufu, let alone for anything else, although it is perfectly possible that Khufu was buried at this “special” place where later or earlier a pyramid was constructed. Name Stargate | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The custom of human sacrifice combined with the burial of the victims in bogs is connected to the Celtic culture of the time, This Is Not a Spade: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney
  • In some anterior time, the burial mound had been desecrated, its jeweled contents taken away.
  • The most likely source of destruction is now from badgers which have already caused much damage to barrows, burial sites and other monuments.
  • He noted the incidence of barrows reused as Saxon cemeteries and other Saxon burials on or near parish boundaries in Wessex.
  • Such guidelines should cover the definition of a graveyard, a land-efficient burial system, the burial techniques employed, computerization of administration and fostering of a partnership pattern.
  • The one burial of an adult in an extramural pit cannot be temporally related to the house despite its proximal location.
  • They dug up thousands of plates, brooches, hairpins and pendants, carefully placed for the afterlife with the bodies of wealthy rulers entombed in royal burial chambers.
  • Her remains were interred in the family burial ground in Calvary Cemetery.
  • That's why they burned down their straw shelters and left no trace of their dwellings, only their sarcophagi and burial mounds.
  • The site has always been well known as a sacred pagan centre and burial ground. On the Trail of Merlin - a guide to the Celtic mystery tradition
  • The Premier's burial was a solemn occasion.
  • It was within the community of the parish that ordinary people received Christian teaching and the sacraments of the church; baptism, confirmation, marriage, and burial.
  • In so moche that Ptolomeus Lagus reigning in Egipt, when there chaunced a cowe to die in Memphis for very age: he that had taken charge of the kepyng of her, bestowed vpon the buriall of her (beside a greate some of mony that was giuen him for the keping) fiftie talentes of siluer, that he borowed of Ptolome. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The great pyramids were burial tombs for the pharaohs who were revered as gods on earth.
  • Below, a couple of men were sewing the "bricklayer's" body in canvas preparatory to the sea burial. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • The schoolgirl's popularity was reflected in the scale of the attendance at both the removal of remains from her home on Friday night and her Funeral Mass and burial on Saturday afternoon.
  • All hair contains a mixture in varying concentration of both black-brown eumelanin and red-yellow phaeomelanin pigments, which are susceptible to differential chemical change under certain extreme burial conditions (for example wet reducing conditions, or dry oxidising conditions). Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Archaeological Hair
  • At the root of the hysterical fear of premature burial was the fact that physicians recognized, and patients suffered, a number of peculiar conditions characterized by immobility and insensibility, and known variously as trance, catalepsy, cataplexy, and suspended animation. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • Also, they expect lots of crowds to show up for the burial ceremony.
  • These probably relate to settlement activity on the site and appear to post-date the burials.
  • The burial shroud was lying where the body had been placed and the headpiece was folded neatly and put in a different part of the tomb.
  • After the burial, for which there were minute prescriptions, the son had to wear the mourning sackcloth for twenty-seven months, emaciating his body with scanty food, and living in a rude hut erected for the purpose near the grave. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The king was then taken to his burial chamber deep below the pyramid and then sealed there for all eternity.
  • A lone piper led the cortège and the school-children formed a guard of honour on the day of his burial.
  • Burial took place in Butlerstown cemetery on Thursday last, in the presence of a huge concourse of mourners, following Requiem Mass.
  • The new quarry will destroy the undesignated, unforested eskers and also the burial cairns.
  • Only their fall and burial in the compost pile of materialism remains for recitation.
  • In 1363, for example, Bindo Benini donated to the monastery a relatively modest sum of 120 florins in order to help defray construction and decoration costs of a burial chapel in the chapterhouse.
  • Gold was rare in China, but not so rare that the imperial family had to skimp on its burial goods. JADE ISLAND
  • The final section of the walk through the Bealach Creag an Eoin even follows a track once used by burial parties coming from the Bays to the machair of the Atlantic coast - a coffin route.
  • The portion of the Subeshi cemetery excavated in 1992 consisted of some 40 low stone cairns covering burials set on wooden beds.
  • DNA sampling before burial at sea may be made compulsory to simplify identification if the body is washed ashore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burial is commonly called interment It is frequently has a considerable price tag and unquestionably the most pricey part of a funeral We Blog A Lot
  • Rapid ascent of hydrothermal fluids derived from shallow-metamorphic and deep-burial diagenetic settings is well known from many sedimentary basins.
  • The people also held various kinds of burial rituals and burnt incense on special days.
  • Evaporites undergo changes on burial owing to reactions between interstitial brines and previously deposited salts to produce new suites of minerals.
  • A little after eight o'clock the sun touches the altar rock, the signal for the burial to begin.
  • According to legend this was the work of one monk after the bones were disinterred and moved from their original burial ground to the new church.
  • In October 1994 another joint team interviewed two other Vietnamese citizens who recalled the shootdown and the burial of the remains of a pilot nearby. Adams, Lee A.
  • These changes reflect the effects of burial diagenesis on the originally deposited clay mineral assemblage.
  • A dozen burials found in the surrounding hypocaust in the nineteenth century would be consistent with a graveyard around a church*. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Some of the material was found in what was later felt to be a storehouse or shrine, and a second site revealed the burial chamber of an important person.
  • He said his son was entitled to a proper burial, although the family now wanted to discover why he carried out the attack.
  • The pig parts vary somewhat between burials, although there is a definite preference for forelimbs or forequarters with or without elements of a head.
  • There was also a folly and a burial ground, so all in all more sinister than friendly, in my opinion.
  • We know of nothing so agonizing upon Earth -- we can dream of nothing half so hideous in the realms of the nethermost hell," he wrote in the short story "The Premature Burial. A Man Called Freud
  • It was attended by a large concourse of Friends and others, and a solid meeting was held on the occasion; after which, his remains were interr’d in Friends’ burial-ground at this place (Jericho, Queens County, New York.) I have thought (even presented so incompletely, with such fearful hiatuses, and in my own feebleness and waning life) one might well memorize this life of Elias Hicks. Notes (Such as They Are) Founded on Elias Hicks. November Boughs
  • The priest prepared the body for burial.
  • An individual may claim the use of and the right to burial in the ancestral lands of either parent.
  • The Celtic sources are a few burials, some numismatic evidence, infrequent inscriptions and figurines, and Celtic loan words in Latin.
  • Many of these Han burials were readily identifiable by inscribed stone stelae, tablets recording the name, titles, and dates of the deceased.
  • I know not whether it is from the temper of the people, grave and enthusiastic as it certainly is, or from the recollection of the ancient Catholic opinions, when the funeral rites were always considered as a period of festival to the living; but feasting, good cheer, and even inebriety, were, and are, the frequent accompaniments of a Scottish old-fashioned burial. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Having removed some specimens for analysis, the team took care to reseal the entrance with boulders, thus erasing all evidence of the discovery and restoring the burial place to its original seclusion.
  • Originally used to designate the burial-place of a confessor or martyr (known also as a memoria or martyrion), this term gradually came to have a variety of applications: the altar erected over the grave; the underground cubiculum which contained the tomb; the high altar of the basilica erected over the confession; later on in the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The Celts and their predecessors had put up edifices such as stone circles, calms and assorted burial constructions near sacred wells.
  • In his first sentence he stated that the funeral was a graveside burial and gave the time and place.
  • With its prehistoric burial mounds, barrows and encampments, its feudal laws and time-trapped settlements, the New Forest is anything but dull.
  • Beneath the richly covered buildings lie the sombre underground burial vaults.
  • When she died of a heart attack she faced a pauper's burial - until her incredible story emerged. The Sun
  • Grog-tempered pottery associated with the burials recovered from the site identify the occupation with the Miller Three complex, A.D.600-1000.
  • After the wake, a morning funeral was held, complete with a mass in church, and then the body was taken to the cemetery for burial.
  • Curses were routinely used as a deterrent against tomb raiders in ancient Egypt, as the Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter discovered when excavating Tutankhamun's burial chamber.
  • Thence we turned into the Rue St. Denis, which is one of the oldest streets in Paris, and is said to have been first marked out by the track of the saint's footsteps, where, after his martyrdom, he walked along it, with his head under his arm, in quest of a burial-place. Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 1.
  • Perhaps surprisingly, Jerry Stackhouse did not make being on a title contending team his priority as he makes the slow treck to NBA's elephant burial grounds for older players. CelticsBlog
  • The pit for another intramural infant burial, BU - 7, was located parallel to both west wall trenches, and its association with house stages is unclear.
  • The film ends with the body of Christ laid to rest in the burial cave.
  • His body was later thrown on a dungheap, while the remains of the Inquisitor were given a ceremonial burial at the local church.
  • During his time there, he raised a wolf cub from birth, as does his hero Chen, and learned of the disturbing ritual of the "wolf burial", when a dead body is given to the wolves to eat.
  • The first episode of the passion account is that of a nameless woman who anoints Jesus for burial, correctly recognizing his kingly identity and his approaching death.
  • I have been forced to fix a personal quota of funerals if I am not to be on the move to and from burials and funeral parlours all year long.
  • They also tend to survive burial in conditions that destroy the rest of the plant.
  • He also introduced a rickshaw service, which takes unclaimed bodies from the government mortuary for a proper burial.
  • An additional burial ground at Kettlewell Church was consecrated.
  • Egyptologists say unlike treasures discovered in burial chambers in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, no such trove has ever been found inside the three great Pyramids of Giza.
  • They were put in canvas sacks and taken to the church in Godstowe for burial.
  • In prehistoric Britain early agricultural communities deposited their dead in communal, highly visible locations such as chambered tombs, barrows and burial cairns.
  • Both pool and onyx are on a travertine block that the architect calls ‘an altar where burial occurs’.
  • A week later I was in the backyard when I noticed the dirt near Keith's burial place had been upheaved.
  • This was the popular genre of postmortem images made to commemorate the dead before burial.
  • The Ihram, the two unstitched pieces of white cloth that replace dress for men, reminds us of the burial shroud.
  • Figure 27 Detail of purse lid from the early seventh-century ship burial at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk.
  • The long cist grave found nearby is consistent with a burial of early medieval date, and is consistent with its occupant having been a Christian. Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
  • Some adults and children were subject to secondary processing after initial burial in flexed or extended positions in pits located inside the house.
  • Rivers were sacred in the Celtic world, and places where votive offerings were deposited and burials often conducted.
  • In chronological terms, Paviland is early in the European series of burials and is actually the earliest with a firm radiocarbon date measured directly on human bone.
  • Phoenicians; or secondly, that these islands were looked upon by them as a sacred spot for the burial of their dead, as the Hindoo looks upon the Ganges, and the Persian regards the shrines of Kerbela and Meshed. Southern Arabia
  • In the past, burials of this date were considered rich if they contained more than a handful of objects, especially if one of the objects was of copper or bronze, or even gold.
  • Temporary hospitals were set up in private homes to treat the wounded and prepare the dead for burial.
  • The land for the cemetery was originally leased from St Paul's Cathedral, which had used it as a dumping ground for bones being cleared from the charnel house and tiny burial ground around the church. Burial ground of Bunyan, Defoe and Blake earns protected status
  • A professor had also revealed that Tribal wars between Waziristan tribes of Pakistan are called ‘Ghazo’ in Pushto dialect prevalent in Waziristan among tribesmen, in inter tribal wars when tribesmen can not bring their dead back they just cut their heads and bring the heads back to their own tribal territory for burial. In Pakistan, Some Savage Traditions Continue
  • Painter Betina Fink's new series, Ancestral Park, focuses on a contemporary burial ground near her home.
  • Consequently, after Frederick's burial, some of his followers were so devastated that they committed suicide.
  • After all, it's not every day a housing development takes place on a burial ground, albeit unconsecrated.
  • They found the little girl's body soon after that, and they had a proper burial.
  • During the 5th century BC, the Athenians organized what they called a purification law for the island, forbidding the burials of the dead on it. American Chronicle
  • The humic organic matter of peat is also altered on burial, water and volatiles being lost during the process of coalification.
  • The church is still there, as is the row of grinning stone skulls above the entrance, indicating it was used for burials during the Great Plague of 1665.
  • For direct - burial long haul line . Bridge and culvert , Duct, Bullet - proof aerial deployment and LANs.
  • In Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, and Venezuela they established their own burial crypts and cemeteries.
  • With regard to the observances prescribed before the body is conveyed to the church it may be noted that according to the rubrics prefixed to the title "De exsequiis" in the "Rituale Romanum" a proper interval (debitum temporis intervallum) ought to elapse between the moment of death and the burial, especially where death has occurred unexpectedly, in order that no doubt may remain that life is really extinct. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • August 29th, 2009 11: 41 pm ET how fitting it was for him to be buried at night and it rain during his funeral this morning. it was very symbolic. the meaning behind the rain was that the state of massachusetts raining tears of sadness for losing a native son. the meaning of the burial not happening until sunset is it being the end of that generation of political service. Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery
  • Paleolithic: Achaulean civilization 1. 7Million years First burials Paleolithic-700. 000 years www. www. Mesolithic expansion of Capsian north Africans towards Horn - Articles related to India Is Getting All the Trappings of the New Century; But Is It Modern?
  • This leads the gallus Glaswegian to look up an old flame, an expert in ley lines and mysticism who sets him on a trail of ancient burial routes that leads him deep beneath the ancient foundations of a Glasgow church.
  • If considered irrespective of depth, limestones and dolomitic limestones are more porous than dolostones, whereas at burial depths of greater than 2000 m dolostones are significantly more porous and permeable than limestones.
  • During deep burial the peat undergoes coalification which squeezes out up to 98\% of the water and some of the volatile hydrocarbons. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • More than 5,000 fur coats were given a ceremonial burial at a secret grave in Britain by the anti-fur pressure group Lynx.
  • This book on the subject of Dublin's burial grounds and graveyards records in much detail many of the city's forgotten churchyards and cemeteries.
  • By then the burial ground will have rewritten the book on slavery in New York and given historians something to talk about well into the next century.
  • While some of the items in this burial are sumptuary, such as the beads and bone flute, the article described these items, including the small pot, as being placed with the infant rather than the adult female.
  • They have discovered hallucinogenic plants in Neanderthal burial sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes.
  • Sometimes the quilts are eventually used as a shroud for burial.
  • No doubt they would return and place him with the other Commando dead in neat rows in front of the Chateau to await burial.
  • Overground there are ring forts and burial monuments, round towers and high crosses and always the flat limestone slabs with cracks, or grikes.
  • It was thought the bath may have been used to store bodies awaiting burial or transfer from Silverton.
  • Small discs of jade, obsidian or haematite were then cemented into the holes: the plant adhesive was so powerful that many burials found by archaeologists today still have the inlays firmly in place. The Mayans Suffered for Their Beauty
  • From there they went to the south-east corner of the island to Owenga where there is another church with burial grounds.
  • Farjami, oppressed by the smell of camphor, which is used in the preparation of the body for burial, reminisces about the smell of jasmine, which brings to mind spring and fresh beginnings.
  • The reciprocal agreement was that the burial would take place in the country of the majority of victims. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As a result councils, as the burial authority, must keep cemeteries safe.
  • Three decades on, there are countless websites devoted to Dad's Army and other sitcoms of the 1970s (some of which really ought to be given a decent burial).
  • However, the completely disarticulated nature of the skeleton necessitates that some form of pre-burial dispersal occurred.
  • The price of a more elaborate service and burial looks to be £17,000.
  • Despite the length of the pit, the proximity of these articulated extremities and the ilium shows that the primary burial was in a flexed position prior to disturbance.
  • Some of the many points of interest include early features such as burial mounds, stone circles and cairns that mark areas of prehistoric cultivation.
  • And the pigeons dying on rooftops, in inaccessible corners, in the tops of palm trees, the bottoms of fountains or deep inside the mysteries of evergreens, who takes them up and gives them burial? The Unexamined Saturday « Unknowing
  • He insisted it be given a decent burial and immediately got another cat to replace it.
  • In the west country a few burials of this date in stone-lined cists are known, and around the river Humber a localized tradition of inhumation burials under square barrows developed.
  • Occasionally, waterlogged conditions can occur inside burial mounds-a temperate-climate version of the Siberian phenomenon.
  • A significant number of the monuments of Thracian toreutics have been found at burial sites.
  • If this is the case the church takes the matter very seriously and will see that the appropriate steps are taken regarding a Christian reburial.
  • From there they went to the south-east corner of the island to Owenga where there is another church with burial grounds.
  • The stone floor and the burial niches were empty of funerary objects and swept clean. INCA GOLD
  • Church, Oxon, the burial-place of the Harcourt family, is a circular slab of blue marble in the pavement, in which is inlaid a shield of brass bearing the arms of Harcourt, -- two bars, dimidiated with those of Beke; the latter, when entire, forming a cros ancrée. Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • These funeral homes and modern burials just don't compete.
  • Most recently, he teamed up with archaeologists near his Livingston, Montana, home to research a burial site that may upend theories of how humans arrived in America.
  • These southern burials are clearly very different from the coordinated northern cemetery, obviously occurring once the suburbs themselves were virtually derelict.
  • If the child died within a month of baptism, the chrisom-cloth was used as a burial shroud.
  • A burial with a Bronze Age urn was found at Garreallabus half way up the loch.
  • The family wanted to see the body and wanted a burial because of Islamic religion and this caused a lot of pain because we could not do this.
  • In the centre was a courtyard or open garth kept clear of structures, although sometimes arranged as a garden or burial ground.
  • The tumuli, or ancient burial mounds, are obvious enough and we have always been able to work around them.
  • Only this burnished clayware retained its painting when it was dug up from burial grounds centuries later. Mexico's extraordinary arts and crafts
  • Excavations in 1870 revealed a primary inhumation burial accompanied by a food vessel, a flint scraper, and a flint knife suggesting a date slightly later than the henges.
  • There'll be a vesper service commemorating the unnailing of Christ from the Cross, Burial of Our Lord at 3 p.m.
  • In the midst of the Anglo-Saxon burials were two crouched Bronze Age burials, both adults, associated with sherds of Beaker pottery and a small bronze awl probably dating from about 2000 BC.
  • Following the principle that what was not assumed cannot be redeemed, Lewis insists that God himself was involved in the kenosis, including the death and burial of Jesus.
  • He had to be born of water - that is, new life after the burial of baptism - and of the Spirit.
  • They uncovered a string of Bronze Age burial sites, Iron Age villages and an early Christian cemetery.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • This burial of organic carbon allowed the release of oxygen into the environment. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • The older man was earlier held on suspicion of aiding an offender and stopping lawful burial. The Sun
  • They are also charged with preventing or conspiring to prevent the lawful and decent burial of a dead body.
  • Later, at a lavish reception for three hundred at Frogmore House in Windsor Great Park—a spectacular seventeenth-century royal residence that is also the burial place of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert—Kate and Chelsy cut loose with Harry on the dance floor. William and Kate
  • Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tenuous suggestion that Stonehenge may thus be a sepulchral monument, is perhaps strengthened by the large number of burial mounds in the surrounding landscape.
  • The modern metallic burial casket is a step in the same direction, and many a dead man who ought now to be ornamenting his neighbors lawn as a tree, or enriching his table as a bunch of radishes, is doomed to a long inutility. August « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • This is now more true than ever and I am of the opinion that if the pyramids, or more specifically the Great pyramid, was built solely for burial purposes of the given King (Khufu/Cheops) then it was and will remain an unprecedented farce. Name Stargate | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The Exequial Mass was held in the Convent Chapel on Monday 7 February, followed by burial in the Pauline enclosure at the Sewri Cemetery.
  • Ancient burial sites across Salisbury Plain could soon be fenced off to prevent badgers from tunnelling through the archaeology.
  • Thus some explanations are unavoidably reciprocal or circular, as _hind, the female of the stag; stag, the male of the hind_: sometimes easier words are changed into harder, as _burial_ into _sepulture, or interment, drier_ into _desiccative, dryness_ into _siccity_ or Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • Both burials appear to have involved ceremonies which included setting fires and placing offerings.
  • Two horses with saddles and weapons and also vessels were also found in the burial mound, or kurgan. Mummies, Kurgans, Balbals
  • It will include visiting ancient and powerful local places: ring forts, burial mounds, and megalithic tombs in Roscommon and Sligo.
  • Funeral and burial costs have also risen sharply in the past few years and can cost more than 3,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, in both places, an increasing number of young families are choosing cremation and burial (without a public reviewal), followed by a worship service.
  • The only bones that now survive from the excavation are four femora that were recovered from the south-eastern burial chamber.
  • Maya tombs might bear directional glyphs on walls corresponding to each of the cardinal directions, as on the walls of Rio Azul Tomb 12, a royal or very elite burial from the fifth century CE.

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