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[ UK /bˈɛɹɪəl/ ]
[ US /ˈbɛɹiəɫ/ ]
  1. concealing something under the ground
  2. the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave

How To Use burial In A Sentence

  • A man of good humour and a great sense of fun, he enjoyed popularity among his teaching colleagues and pupils, many of whom were present at the removal of remains and burial.
  • No wonder the guy muttering the prayers over the burial plot has a wireless phone receiver permanently fixed to his right ear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
  • Thousands of people applied for the 200 seats available for the public at the reburial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
  • It is argued, based on archaeological and ethnohistoric data, that the layout of the mound, burials, and charnel features is patterned after Native American notions of the cosmos.
  • The area around the building has long been used as a burial ground for unbaptised children, and the small headstones marking these sad graves can be seen.
  • The body was washed and prepared for burial by the women of the family (or by the monastic infirmarer, in the case of a monk or nun), and either shrouded or placed in a coffin.
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • There he showed her the burial plot that he and my grandmother had selected as their final resting place. Times, Sunday Times
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